The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 23, 1913, Image 7

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    Our Stock of Winter Goods
Most Complete in Town
Bridge & Beach Stoves
stove pipe, coal hods, stove boards
and all that goes with stoves.
Blankets and Quilts
Best all wool goods on the market.
Let Us Show You Our Stock.
Paint Your Own
you can do it yourself and at little expense.
It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant,
varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate
is made especially to give to buggies, carriages
and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy
finish that will look well and wear well. An
ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni-
VTm1! rffll
McBratney-McNulty Hardware Company
Ontario, Oroeron
ture, garden tools and all surfaces
that must withstand exposure and
hard usage. Ready to brush on
and the label tells how.
important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Receiver's Bond I. Filed.
Nampa. The bond of R. Sniallwood,
Appointed deputy state bank commis
sioner and receiver of the Hank of
Nampa, Ltd., which failed September
27. was approved by Judge B Bryan,
of the district court. The bond Is for
amount of $76,000 In the United States
Fidelity & Ounranty Company, and the
natn.'s of V. P. McReynolds and J. T.
Felice of Holse appear on the Instru
ment as attorneys In fact. (In the
approval of this bond possession of
the hanking house and Its assets were
at once turned over to Mr. Small
wood. Water Users Make Charges.
Caldwell. Charges attacking the In
tegrity of Watermaater John K. Had
ley of the PayetteHolse Water Users'
association were preferred In the form
of a resolution presented by W. 11
Kollenborn during a meeting of UM
directors of the association, held in
Caldwell The resolution charges that
Hadley, In his official capacity, 'wll
full and maliciously charged for wa
ler when there was no water In the
canal, that he overcharged for the
use of water, and thnt he discriminated
In the distribution of w iter."
Not Guilty. Plea of Conttan.
Wallace. John W. Constant, foiincr
deputy sheriff, against whom eight
eparate Informations were filed In
the district court charging the mis
appropriation of county funds In ns
many Instances, entered a plea of not
guilty to the charges. No date was
set for the trial because Prosecuting
Attorney Fox Intimated that he would
probably make application for a
change of the place of trials. In case
a change of venue Is taken It will
probably be to Kootenai county.
Canyon County Will Harvest 60 Per
Cent of Last Year's Yield.
Nampa. The apple crop of Canyon
county, one of the largest producers
of the Northwest, this season will be
about tio pur cent of lust year's crop,
according to local representatives of
the Pacific Fruit Express, who will
handle all the shipments. The quality,
on an average, Is considered much
better than last year and growers ex
pect bcttel prices
The harvest Is now In lull swing
and the various district fruit growers'
associations of the county are busy
with the packing and shipping cam
paign. The local association has cum
iiu-nced packing In earnest and all
available help Is being employed. To
uate only Jonathan. Wine Sup and
Home lleaut) varieties ate being
packed They are assorted iulo fancy
and extra fancy grade
On account of the apparent short
age In the apple crop of the North
west this season the North Pacific
Fruit Distributors, of which the local
association la a unit, will sdopt u "spe
cial" grade, Including all the product
not eligible to the other two grades
Dynamite Tear Hand Off.
Coeur d'Alene. Word reached this
olty of a serious accident to James
Howdy, near Avery, which will tuaiiu
I'lin for life. While carrying a box
of dynamite a short dlsiauce he ac
cldentally dropped the box to the
ground. The Jar caused the caps to
explode, tearing the left hand of How
dy off and seriously injuring him
about the body. He was also Injured
about the eyes, which may result In
loss of eyesight.
Many Divorce Casts Stated.
IwlslOII .Jiull'i- Sle.-le
ill t. iii ot Ho- d..-'nct oiirt for
vrce couuiy .Monday, October '.:n
C K MoiiMeth, deputy clerk of the
di.'irict court, has oin;.n i.l the cat
endar, wbli h oinprlses Hi caaea
II I . iiiiullial rases and 14
divorce CM! I 00 the ilend i
Concrete Bridge at Rathdrum.
Hathdrum The council is having
a cum i r w I. nine I, mil at io H..
creek ill IUe we.-il pari of town. If the
experiment is xuccessful, woodei
bridges In other part of town will
be gradually replaced wiili concrete.
Kills Deer Without License.
Saudpolat Osborne, from the
countr) north of Honiien, Ferry, wa
brought to luwn b Deputy Maine War
den Jean Monlroy, dinged with kill
Ins a deer without a In use.
Rivalry Not Dtmred.
I. i .,ui i 'Ion 'i it
towns of Idaho ou lln .(Mil
cal power companies is not deirabie
publii . "ii '
Id il.. ii.'
lie shown there is already i-utrn . ii'
. u ply of electrical en'
They Are Often Due to Thoughtless
Childish Orimacss.
The wrinkles on ninny middle aged
faces could he traced lu establish grim
ares. Every one hears much of amil
Ing eyes Probably they owe much f
their popularity to the fact that they
do not produce wrinkles. The suille
which crease the face Into dozens of
fine line does produce wrinkles. Urlin
aces are In the snme class with this
face lining smile. They should be dls
.ou raged.
Mauy children, too, perform little
tricks with various parts of the body
which result lu awkward or ungrace
ful habits which are later hard to over
?otne. For Instance, the double Jointed
child who can bend his thumbs and
flugera In n'.l tllrc.tlons often does an
to the ndinirlng wonder of his play
mate, unth his knuckles are enlarged
snd misshapen.
The small boy thnt can swing from
Ills nrms Is soniet lines cheered, even
by his elders, Into dislocating a shoul
der. The little girl whose parents
mile nt her when she walks pigeon
toed sometimes does so until she has
formed a habit of walking with her
toes turned In.
Far be It from any one to discourage
childish piny tiymn.istlcs and all soi's
of bodily exercise, If properly directed
lead to agility and strength Hut chll
dren should tie discouraged from In
bilging In grimaces and "tricks'
which will In time distort their fen
urea and bodies.
Wrinkles Just beginning to form ar
comparatively enslly coiupiered, an
this good reason should send every wo
uinn off to her cream Jar ns soon ns
they liegln to appear. For one reason
or another they are Ignored: powder
and liquids leaving n deposit on tl
skin will conceal them for a time, but
they are there, nevertheless, and some
day they cannot be hidden, no mutter
how you erenin and powder, nnd then,
tearfully, a woman tnkes her wrinkles
seriously and admits her years of will
ful neglect
A very simple cream for plumping
tfie akin contains lanolin, two ounces,
cocoa butter, two ounces; sweet almond
oil. two ounces. To tins may tie added
a few drops of any favorite perfume
An excellent emollient cream for fleah
mnklim used on the nrms ns well ns
the nock Is propnred In the following
manner: Fresh lard, one gram: ah
hot iHO per centl, twenty grams,
aence of rosemary, eleven dropa. es
sence of bergamot. eleven drops
Huh the hands and wrists with a lib
eral amount of olive oil to which hns
been added a few drops of hcniolu.
This not only acta as a food, but ns a
wlittener as well. A pair of loose
gloves from which the finger tips have
been cut worn at night will aid.
Troop Train Wreck Kills 20 Soldiers.
Meridian, Mlsa. Twenty soldiers
were killed and about loo hurt when
a special troop train on the Mobile At
Ohio railroad was wrecked On the
train were I7SJ officers and men, all
members of Company 17, coast artil
lery, V. 8. A.
Wheat. New Crop -Club, 7lc; blue
stem. 'Mir red Russian, 78c.
Hay Timothy. $16; alfalfa, 111.
Ilutter Creamery, Sic.
Eggs -Candled. .He.
Wheat, New Crop -Ulueetem. Mc;
club. Hi"' rd Russian. 7Hc i
Hay Timothy, $17 per ton, alfalfa, '
$13 per ton.
Ilutter Creamery. Ma.
Department of the loterior. U H.
I -and office at Vale. Oregon, Ootober
nth, ifia,
Notice la hereby given that Clareuoe
(i Conipton, of ( intiii in. Oregon, who
on .lone 7th, HIP.', made Homestead
Application No 03)111, for lots :i ami
4 and K SW(, HcuMon I'd. Township
ITS , Range K . Willamette .Merl
lieu, has tiled notice of Intention to
make final commutation proof, to
establish claim to the laud abort- it
orlbeil, before the register and reuelicr
I H. Laud i utlce at Vale. Oi.g.,n.
nil the lUfh day of November. I'll
Claimant names as witnesses:
L. L Crocker, T. J. Walker,'ii Hull VII. .rl Hull l I I..I..U
.-. .,..,.... ,.. ,
Mi gull.
Ilrucc I: heater. Register.
notice 1 -JH PUKLICation
Dei iitinent of the Inttniui. I . S.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon, October
loth. PHI.
Notice is hereby given that Linen
L. Crocker, of Ouleilo. Oregon, who
on June 7th, IMS, made lloin. t. ,. I
M I mat loo No. OHM, loi the W
HKl Kec. 0, NC NUiainl NE .sEJ.
Section 3n. Township 17 H. . Range
I... Willsinette Meridian, has lllrtl
notice of intention to muke Iii.hI
c. piouf, to establish daim
to the laud above iiaaorlhtd, bafort
he HaglsSai "''I Keci ir, 0 -. Laud
'tin', at Vale, Oregon, on the 0tl
day of November, Pill.
Clsiinanl names as witnesses
1. .1. Uslki. L Hall I:
MiKiiu.ey, Allan. Hull, of Outeilu
i Hi gun.
liiuce li. KesUi. Register.
Dr. W. G. Howe
Telephone No. 732
First National Bank Hid.
Ontario, OrcRon
Office in New Wilson Block.
t..e. with Extraction!
in Wihion Bksl
Phone. No. M R
J W McCulloch R W Kckhardt
Mcculloch & eckharot
Rooms 1-2-3 First Natl Rink Rldg
Ontario, Oregon
I'll II until I Skaiis
Pit. I'M LINK Mkaiis
tiratluates American School of Os-
teopathv, Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson HhM'k
Telephone. 154 Hlk.
Office In I. O. 0. P. Rldg.,
Ontario. ... . Oreoon
Transfer. Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Will Practice in all Courts
Notatv Public. Office over PoMoiliee
HTiH'K INHI'Kl Toll OV MAI.IIh't'lt
t -iil'STY
poiit Udell, Oatarto
Hen Brown i Vale.
C C. Morton. INd'i Perry
John Mathews, Wciser llridge.
J. E Holly. Riven lew
Alsl I N imv, .loidaii ulli-v
I nd ilkilison, Mclleiiuitl
J llo ilell, Nvssa
W II Mi William- .Inntura
Will Kllle. II Kl IX I
(iniiliiiite of Missouri Auction
St litiol. 1'lnuiB or write for
I'hone20l-nt Ontario. Or.
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor 4 Williams
Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST
FOR HA LB In U I i"in
Ont gallon up, and man) other
Good hranda, In
L B. IIHK. Wholestiler
B"BnWW7 MSsssoJassUBesB
H Iruil.- luarks pj
UK 'jeAHCM . i
i "i . aj
lil. swift ft co J
PATf'T LAWVrirt,
3fj I S -vi-r'h I V
nasi ii issisaia i r