xmzm 'YW Mica Axle Grease forms a thin film of ground Mica on the axle, thereby furnishing a perfect bearing surface. If renewed occasionally, you have an easy pulling load always. Dealers everywhere. Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO V EE53 A. McWILUAMS, Proprietor. 1 1 11 H Al'tO PtPM"INO P7 6000 FOK 101) VOTES For 21 "w' " iiibii ssm i iai i m- Bermelc Drug Co., Ontario Furni ture Co., Ontario Hardware Co., Newton Shoe Sttire, Ontario Argus ONTARIO LIVERY I'.cst Equipped Livery in t he city. Headquarters for Stockmen. Horses lioiifiht and Sold. DON'T Bl BTABTLED if you hi- mi null) OODling full peed from our forage, tt'i on. Iv our emergen! y car going I" the riMiir ii' Miini' i ainli d Mb to W hit always ri'iiily to ruipOtl'l to mil- ol 11 1 1 kind- in Mum repair u k. And we have every facility end plenty ol ability to 'In i be woi I. pi omptly, Ontario Auto Company W J udgTea II. It. COCK K I M U F. II"M N K0BKK1 "li:i I. P P! WV 4 )P w lS,rM jf IP-. 5 ifm BrT.v R P DP" W H FT ST 11115 AUIUIVIUmLt hKtt X ' .:fl 19SSSS 'ngggelaktm'--uiiiiitjM ' ee) M ? . iWKWmt hi 'i rggaaaflgaaaagfl)rvV ggaalegBB eVavHp r,Wj f' "B fiVr I M B tr V,dgWSL OBI Olll ii WISIM Ii. .MMMi . I tT .- i . vW BJiir cjiA f U " .., -r- WJ rw, VwH VxfeT, ill &gm 'J I BOMBA By MARGARET BARR 1' - Molllntjowortli had views ns to in dustrial qeaarjoaa, Beeadal Batten i Mini principles of Kovernment. Ho reaii tee eewapipan legeJarly and I was inii'li Interested in strikes mid , mttboda oaad as auxiliaries. Ba lived 1 cm a street at tka etid of wlil'li was n larga mill property Bad when one i day a slilUe was declared did a (treat deal of talUaf as to Hie merits of the case At llrst he took sides with tho strikers, lait when they MUM settle- what militant he cham:ed nlmiit and I favored the mill owners. Nothing j pleased him Ho Well II to (fo Ollt Into ! the si reel where knots nf people wero Qm liaaleg the atteettoe and make it j nil clear to those who were disposed to listen to him. One day while lie was thus BbOWlBg ! a party "f strikers Just where they I were wrotnr and how easy It would BO to set themselves rl(.'llt Ills wife, who was nt the window. DOttcad what ho was Ignorant of that he was nibbing Ids llsteniis the wroim way. Instead of lieii"tltin' by his diplomatic advice their acowla Indicated that they were conslileilntr him an enemy. Ills wlfo beckoned him to eome Into the house. Be obey is I and received a scolding for his rashness. Two or three days after this, when Mr. KolllBga worth came home from tin Incss In the eveiilnir. as soon us he opened I ha door he was greeted. iy a plaintive wall. "Oh. I'red:" "I'or heaven's snlte. what In It. dnr Hill!'.'" hy did you talk ho to those Itnl Inns?" "What have they done?" "Left a liotnli at the buck door." "You iloni mean It?" "Oli. I'm so itlad you've (rot home i'v iioen afraid it weeld go eft borora V Ml i-llllle " "Why didn't von telephone tile DO ll.c-" "l didn't know arhal rode, Tho boa I was hit about half an hour ago. Nil sau came upstairs ami told me thai she had found It at Ihe hack door Jus', Inside ttie i bod.' "What did she say llle foUllll?" "A haskel. Mow she knew It was n homii area that she board a grating sound like nety machinery She didn't wilt to hear liny more, hut OB DM rl bl npatolra to me ami told bm i ai t it " Price $1050 Second l'i "I'll hnve n look nt It." "Oh. don't gO nenr It! Please don't!" Notwithstanding- thin appeal. Mr. BolUegawurlfc went tbreugb the kitcti- en to the hack door. Ills wife ratiKht him bg the conttall nnd held him to prevent Ida examining It. Making a virtue of m sslty. he stopped and lis tened. There was a succession of small Mounds which Mr. Ilolllngsworth at tributed to the moving of some mech anism. "Iio come away!" cried Ills Wife, ttlg glng at his i iiattall. "There's something going Inside, hut I rim't make out Whet It Is." said the baabaod. The top of the hasket was covered with a thin woolen cloth, nnd nt that moment the latter was raised as If something were passing under It. 'By .love." exclaimed Ilolllngsworth. "It looks us If the mechanical con trlvance underneath were ruhlilng njpilnst the cover- a concentric wheel, fllli v lie ' worth. "Its a Imby!" The dear little thing!" rrlod the wife as she ran toward a child n few weeks old lying on Its hack, its chubby Bata crammed In Its mouth and making all sorts of noises, from the turning Of u rusty eogwhaal I" the crowing of a young roosti r The explosion they had heard was nil Infantile snooze. "I.ii'l.v we didn't -end for tile po ll' e." said the husliatid. "till we found out what II was. They would have latlgbod at us. What in the world are We gBlBg to do with It?" I'm going t" keep It," said the wife. "Going to keep It!" "feilnlliiy." The i 'outdo, hulng baOB married four rotirn wlilioiit children, had hognn to thing Hi it lliev would never have any loin to (bom. and after a good deal of lis IIMUOU It vvas decided t" take the li.tlo atrangOT In ami give It I home. Being a nil. IBOy called her Itomlia. hi h Is the Spanish for a bomb. Mr Ilolllngsworth Is still Interested in the labor probleaa. bet is more eee Mil Ilolllngsworth shrieked mid draggad her buaband hack into the hall Tli leastOB of her action was u tiny putT as If a few gruius of gun flomler h.id exploihsl. " This is all iionseiise," said the head if i ho hooaa, "I'm going In make an examination " At this Mrs. Ilolllngsworth slainmod the kit. hen door and locked It For one lime no threats or pleadltl w I Inilii' e her o open It. hut finally i . w ay. anil Ihe door was open ed. 'I'lie nivi'V ol the lii l,et hid heen pushed olT. ami a pair of balky laBl w BVB luiliulid in . 1. 1 ii-. mi, the cover lieiug w nipped around the logo, which west kl king In a lively imiiiuor. "Ilv tliiniih t!" exclaimed llolllugs- dt Factory Third Prize V tlotts In tne expression of tils opinions to the laborer. True, his experience with i bOB b did not turn out as dread ful as he expected, hut It taught hlra .i lesson as to the might have heen. Mttle Itomlia has heen adopted hy the Rolling wott ba and. strange to say. Is beginning to take great Interest In la nor qaeatloPB, ROUND THE WORLD St. Louis hotels BOW employ only nogro waltai a Itcnts In BoBWhOflg have advanced ".3 per cent since tlie Chinese revolution. New Orleans refuses to employ mar rled women as public school .'eachors. I mini h has put Into service a combi nation automobile patrol and e r gancy ambebuwe Chicago health hoard offers free ty phoid fever serum Inoculation to 1,00)1 citizens to popularize the Idea "Treatv tree." tweti'y feet III fir- cumrer near Tarrytown. N. Y., fa- j Dions In history, has Just died. Draining tba Euldor Bee of Holland Will ba unilei lai.on in pails. The llrst dam will racial m 000,000 acres. According to the 1'anadlan Forestry association. BO per cent of iiinada Is Capabta ef growing nothing hut tlmher CMpS. The old enthodral of Ht. Louis, New Orleans, has bOOB closed as un nfo, owing to the sinking of the east wall It wns befit In ITSL Known as the kloptograph. a hurglnr ii In rui Invouttsl by an Italian Ignites a flashlight and photographs the In (ruder who Invades the room In which It Is set Hogwood, the principal source ol shuttles for use In cotton mills, U groiv in,' scarcer ear ly year, and vari ous substitutes are holng tried, hut with no gloat su ss. one of the tiornian nnvy's dlrlgll'h' imiioons is betag nttod with n I'l.iHii c lie Miwer searchlight, capable of Illuminating the surface of the aefl fi a height of 5,000 feet. M -lug Ills mistress when she enms out. a Itoston dog waited forty eight hours at a church door for tier ap pearance and could only he IlldUCOd to leave when she came after him. For testing the germinating qualities of seeds quickly all Iowa man has patOBtad a cabinet something like an tor. vv.itui moisture MatBg through the walls and dropping on the -. ed trays. An ultra modern tiermau Institution. the puipose of w li. h Is to count, -no t tl vll of haste In the modern t HI-1 aaaa world. Is the "slumber saloon." , where slty bunks for noonday nap' ire Oi'oV libsl Special Prize To candidate making largest gain of week nding Wednesday, Oct. 29 Ladle and Sugar Tongs Wm Rogers Make For Sale A tine lot of young pigs at tho Will Kee9e place. Fo Sm.i: Cheap, a house am) two lots it) west Ontario, best residence section of city. Bet ("laud BiDgbam, Ontario. For dele Two four spring hark-, reeeoneblt. ('nh or on linn to proper parties. Chani hers' Hlacksinith shop. You'll Have No Kick Coming If yoti pay for an admission there. Our picturei ere the lates and-most exettilll to bi had. If You Visit this Moving Picture Show with the v. hoi.- family, you'll be more than delighted, and will eerteinly oome again Moving Pictures Here Tells What's Going On Dreamland Theatre