The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 23, 1913, Image 5

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    d J Tfcl Special this Week
l in tan o rharmarv castiie saP
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
2-lb. Bar 35c
There were 27a registered
from Ontario nnH 85) from Cairo
ltrerincl with A. R. Mcintosh.
The officials at Salem state it
will bo possible under the new
ruling to swear in votes, when
vouched for by six freeholders.
The body of Ernest Hutton,
found in a hay stack some three
weeks ago, was laid to rest Wed
nesday, no word having been
received from any of his relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Otto IMnckabv,
Mth Thos. Kahout and daugh
ter, Catherine, returned to Jor
dan Valley Wednesday morn
ing, accompanied by Mrs. Rob
ert Duncan, of Vale.
Our line of wool and plush,
carriage and automobile robes is
of the best. Kroessin Harness
Notice is hereby given Unit
all debts due the Elk saloon are
to be puid to Peter Keasler only.
Lost, strayed or stolen Small
dog, color dark brow, slit in one
ear and an Ontario collar on.
Reward for any information that
will lead to his recovery. Call
at Multnomah rooms.
John F. Burrell is movingl For hot drinks and sodas go
his family to Nebraska this week I to the Everhart Drug Co., next
where he has a large farm. We j to postottice.
- i: i t :i.. ilJ
II' lUSlllg II fMMMI 1111111 IV HI Mil 11
Buirells, the kind that builds
up a country by successful work.
For hot drinks and sodas go
to the Everhart Drug Co., next
to pos toff ice.
Perry Hayden has moved part
of his cattle up from the Dead
Ox Flat section and will feed
them here this winter. The
grass is short on his range this
William Isaacs, the Succor
creek rancher, was here Mon
day. The U. S. Plumbing i Heat
ing company has the contract
for the heating plnnt and plumb
ing of the new home C. K.
Huntington is having built on
the bench.
Ole Olsen made a trip to
Juntura last week to look up
business in his line.
J. E. Hail and wife have re
turned from an extended trip to
northern Idaho and Washington.
E. R. Vernon and wifo were
Boise visitors Monday.
Mrs. E. Lanver came down
from lirngan Monday and went
over to Boise.
r red Barrett was a visitor in
Ontario the first of the week
from Kruitland.
J. It Fan ell and wife, of Vale,
went up to Caldwell Tuesday.
Mrs. Stella Long and Miss
Florence Horn beck went to
Boise Monday.
L. B. Teters was a buBiuess
visitor in Boise the first of the
Jean Star was a passenger to
Weiser and Couucil Monday.
A. D. Mezzuno came down
from Rye Valley last week for a
short visit with home folks.
C. W. Mallett was a visitor in
Ontario Monday.
Charles Anderson, a sheep
man from Mallett station, went
to Boise Monday.
Miss Oentry, who has been
visiting friends in Ontario, re
turned to her home in Hunting
ton Monday.
Mrs. Ben Hose returned to her
home in Cambridge the first 01 and are establishing u packiug
the week. ; plant to handle all the hogs
raised there, supplying the local
i demand for bacon, hams aud
About thirty members of the
Eastern Star lodge made a fra
ternal call on the Payette Stars
Tuesday evening and were
royally entertained. There were
a number there from Weiser
Mrs. Chas. Peterson and
daughter, Miss Nettie, have gone
to California for u visit with
A. Zimmerman returned Mon
day from a trip to Portland and
other valley points. He was a
delegate to the Pythian grand
II. L Poorman returned Sat
urday from the I'ylliiun grand
"urge Smith was here this
week from the interior aud se
cured several wagon loads of
supplies for his ranch.
Mrs 0. Q, Luelirs aud child
n ii were visiting in Payette on
Judge Biggs is home from
Burns where he held a session
of the circuit court. The judge
is enthusiustic ubout the way
the people of that section are
getting to the front. They have
a mill to work up their grain
TO Mr.ondMrs. Floyd
Hogar Octobsr 20, a son.
Mrs. Trow is slowly recovering
from her illness.
Miss Emma Clark, who was
formerly with the Long Clothing
company, has opened dressmak
ing parlors in the Wilson build
ing. Buy Lowneys famous choco
lates and bon bous at Everhart
Drug Co.
Mrs. A. B. McOrcgor and Mrs.
Wellington left this morning for
Apple Valley.
Mrs. N. A. Higelow went up
to Caldwell this morning for a
visit with her daughter.
Miss Mabel McDonald left
yesterday for a short visit in
Mrs. II. Burbridgc, who has
been visiting relatives .in Vale,
returned to her home in Nyssa
Mrs. Selby is down from
Vale for a visit with her sister,
Mrs. Walter (ileum
Percy Johnson and wife were
visitors in Onturio Wednesday
from Valo.
Andy Lackey and wife are in
Boise this week for a short visit.
W. C. Norton, proprietor of
the Arlington hotel at Vale, was
in Ontario yesterday cnroule to
Every School Girl
Wants Her New
Coat Now
And here at Boyer's Store every
branch of this service has been
Our coats are unexcelled in
Style, Quality and Durability
and by reason of large personal
purchases for this department
the garments are priced remark
ably low.
Buy Dress Goods and Cloak
in gs Here this Coming
The largest lot of exception
ally fine woolens, priced 50c to
65 the yard ever shown by this
We ask you to see thorn, a when you
see them you'll say they are the largest
variety and best bargains in town.
And don't forget that we have a whole room,
showing Comforts, Blankets, Quilts, Bed
Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases and Baths Holies.
Boyer's Department Store
Furnished room for rent.
Cope, the tailor.
For SaleLots 11. 19, 18. 1 1.
16, Idork 876 1 800; lots 1 and
I. block 8770800. Lots lire
iii the eenier of the city, 1 bloek
west of the two public Pthootl
Address W. J. I'adhy, Handou,
Mrs. J. F. Creasy and Mrs. J,
H. Beamguard, of New Fly
mouth, went to Weiser Monday
to attend the Kebekah lodge.
W. J. Danton, who has been
in Ontario several days, left for
In- home in Barren valley Tues
day. Mrs. W. A. Bell and Mr- . Mc
Maims were in I'ayette Monday.
M. Hatfield, who resides on
tiie Owyhee, was iu Ontario
For btto -J year old black
filly. If, W. Waring of a mile
south of Cairo.
Arthur Thiel, of Dead Ox
Flat and Miss Alta Wynian, of
Illinois, were married in Vale
on Wednesday of last week.
Miss Ciiinmings was home
from Boise on Sunday. She is
teaching mu-ie there.
Mrs. Win Jones and daughter
are iu the city from their home
at Juntura.
A. W. Davies, formerly asso
ated with John Woods in the
sheep business, was here Hail
week aud bought his winter sup
plies from the M. M. company
He is located at Princeton and
is in the sheep business.
Buy Lowuey's famous choco
lates and bon bous at Kverhart
l)rug Co.
II. M Kutherford, of Ironside,
has been in the eity several days
this week.
B. (i. Fuller, formerly of
Spokane, has rented the store
room formerly occupied by 0.
C. Payne and will open a jewelry
lore there in a lew days.
Urayage orders takeu at Moore
Hotel liilm Laudiugliam, realdeuue
pbooe 424
Tbree loU for aala 2 block wast
of poatoffiea at a bargain. Inquire at
Argua i.itli-M.
Dry slab wood for grate and
kindling at Van Petteu Lumber
Lost Steel crowbar. Return
to Argus and receive reward.
For Kent Two furnished
rooms, 2 blocks north of school
house and I block west. Mrs.
L. B. Pierce.
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
sou: agents and distributors of
Malthoid Roofing! and all P & B Produces
The Most Complete Line of Building Material. If yod ciiniiul Ii mi it niivwlierr elM
eonta to us Wv have it.
Moiiay to
If a lad farina.
I' in Improved irri
W. H. iJnollttle Co.
Horse Lost Black gelding,
years old past, white star in
forehead branded on right
shoulder. Return to C. II
Trousdale and receive reward.
Phone 808.84.
The hoise blanket and robe
season is here. Weare showing
a complete line of stable, storm
and wool blanket. Kroessin
Harness company.
For Sale Wheat on the Kiley
ranch at 1."0 per hundre.l
Call at Multnomah rooming
Found Overcoat: owner may
have suiue by paying for this
notice. Kcv Kmnig.
For Sule -well bred Jers
bull calf, cheap. allat Multuo
i mah rooming boilt4).
Fine dry slab wood at Van
Patten Lumber compauy.
For Sale 9 splendid Jersey
cows, guaranteed high produc
ers, six yearling heifers, one
yearling bigb bred Jersev bull,
four yearling steers, three young
calves Will sell on good bank
able paper. J.O. McVev, .'! miles
southwest of Nyssa, Oregon.
Old paper, at the Argua office l't
ii'iita par hiimlred. Jnat nliat you
need to llue your t-ablua Hod i' '
under toe carpet
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some building!. All under ftnet.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Llec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
Sl2 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current ratea. Any amount.
h'i,r ntraight term or with In
aiullnieiit privik
Thomas W. Clagett
Ontario - - Oregon
1 1 A . HOI '.II I OE i. i I.I.I, i ')'.
Blacksmith Shop
Will be ready to accomomodal- all of tin- CUltODK
both old and new. Satisfaction (jtiaranteed