ONI ARIO ARGUS PUBLiHIIKI) BVSKY THURSDAY Entered in tlie postofllfll Ht Ontario OfMgjOB fur triiii-iiiinsioB tlirntiKh the diiiIa ns ntoiiI-i'Ih'i mattr. M. K. MAIN. I'iiMi-Iii r The Argni li receiving tntoy Itlttn from poroooi who on anxious tO know something about laud. We have nn rial estate inc:u advertising with m and would mi'i-i to the owners of land who desire to sell to cither advertise in the paper or tell us ahout what you have and the iriee and conditions of Hale. This week we received a llttor from a prominent dairyman of Kansas, who asks for a mpy of the AfgUI showing hind for side. Duriog llie past four years tin Argtll has sent out thousands of free OOpitl of the paper to pcr 001 who wished to learn MOM Ihiog of conditions here. A new man in the I. yell black smith ibop. A new landlord at the Hotel Moore. A new man in the ji wdry store with new lixlures ami 10 enlarged store room ami stock neatly arranged. A comparatively new man in the City meat market, with a Hulesroom completely renovated, painted .'in. I cleaned up as you expect to liiul only in the cities ami a new Moiling plan. A large force of men working on the I'U' trunk sewer and drain Hundreds of men, women, boys ami girli gotbtriog i big crop of thO lines.1 apple- roitod anywhere in tlie world. Farmers in all directions gotboriog in Ions and tons of cm n and DOtOtOOl ( 'urloads of bogl being shipped to market. HoriM and rattle goim to inai ket in cur lots. With the alios e lodioOtiODI Ol prOgfOM and prosperity is it any wonder the people feel good? Brief News of the Week Will of late .1. V. Morpfnn, proband In London, shows estate there valued at $r,oo,ooo. . M i Tin; HanitMirK-Amerlcnn line dlrec tora afp planning to increase the cap ital stock of the company 17,600,000, In view of new trado expected from the orient with opening of Panama canal. Mason of California have dedicated their $1.(100,0110 temple at Van Noss avenue and market afreet, Han Kran clsco. The building la five atorlcs hitch and the design In Italian gothlc. Vigorous defenae of the pending currency bill, the new tariff law nnd the Income tax wan made by Secre tary of Htate llryan at the Iowa state dairy ahow. Legislation prohibiting Inter county liquor Hhlimenta In Tenneaiee and prolilblting InterHtate shipments In qiiniitiilea of more thnn n gallon for peraonal use became effeetlve with the signing of the two bills by Gover nor Hooper. Of world wide Intereat and Impor UUMM will be Hie eighth International Mr Fanning Congress and Imposition, which assembled Veilnenday In TiiIhii, Ukla. Thirty five miintrie-, Iiuludlng Canada iiml the United States, will be represented at llie WpMltlOS, Austria Nat an ultimatum to Hervln demanding the Immediate and com plete evaluation of the points In Al bania mi ii 1 1 1 l I'v Servian troops nfter the recent OOBfllOtl betwieti idem and llie Albanians. TO CURTAIL USE OF CAMPAIGN FUNDS Lebanon Safe Is Cracked. Lebanon 'llie department store of the Reeves Clark company was bur Klnrli'il, llie safe being blown open o ii 1 1 about "-in' In money ami checks taken. hcHidea one or two suits of clothes, nn overcoat and some other clothing. More Water Is Wanted. Ashland -This city Is considering tentative plans for the extension of Its water system and supply. Now that the municipal light plant Is on n firm footing, prompt attention will be given to the water depart menl. People in the News Mrs Mi till I McCiirinlck, of Chicago, will make a tour of II counties In cell Irul Illinois, Hpciiklng in Mippurl of the c.oiillilacy of James Arthur II. Hliuv for Justice nl the Mlpli-mc colli! on the I'rogrcmlve ilt-ket. The Hutch gov ii inneiil helcctid Chevalier W. K I. C Vim Kappanl. formerly Dutch minister to Morocco, to succeed Jonkheer .1 Liiiutoii as Hillcli nilulsler nl iihIiIiic.IoII Colonel Theodore Itntipcv rll at rived Ml Hio tie Janeiro Tucsda) ami the following il.tv ilellveied a lecturi' In the Hrazlllun cupllal on "American liilernallomillsui tiovernor Trsmuiell, of Florida, re fusen to call a special MfSttM "r ""' legli'l.iiure to pit an autl alien law Mtmil.tr to Callforula'H. on the ground that tin- law would be In conflict with the iitalc constitution ILilpli Hose, the giant athlete who holds seven world's records lot shot pulling dletl at San Francisco of ly jditiiil fever after an IIIiihbs Ustlng iilintit two weeks loivernor 'est and tiovernor Lister of Washington are planning to make a Joint visit of (lie xt.ttc Institutions of Wushluglon and Oregon for the lui pose of comparing Ideas If It ran tie arranged the visits will be made in ti mouth, but If not il the) will tie made stain after the first of the year. ouuinern Kacltlc Wins Contention. Sail Francisco 'llie first arbltra tlon held between a wcittern railroad and Its employes under the N'ewlamlh arbitration act was accompllsheil when the arbllerii filed their flnillngii ami award III the dispute between the Southern I'aclflc compnuv and the or gnulxallon of engineers, comlu. imi anil trainmen Tin HMjoftt) opinion hi Mm rbitai iph II mtsai lo is of the Southern I'aclUc on the tllslluc tlon between el reel car service and siiluii ban electric . i I. S No Petitions Filed: Blank Ballots. S.ilein -The vol. is ot S.ilein will be presented with ii blank ballot at the city prliuarli-H Novemhei iccordlng to a tllscover) made b) I'll) Kicoi.l. r Flgiu He found a law pasM-tl bv the last legislation providing that In cliv primaries nominating petitions iiiiim be filed .'In iIiivh before the day of taction This time has pasned and not a Klngle petition hat In en filed. although number are In circulation Will Uefr.nl Minimum Wags Law. Slllelll MIollliV tieller.il I l.iwtord has been rt ill sled to ilcftMlii tin III I It tin ttlii wage committsioii In the Injiinc tlon suit broughi to rest ruin the com mission from enforcing iih tirder regit biting llie wages of women cmplovcd In fin tollch He expei'tH lo go lo I'ort laud to confer with Hie commission about the case, which will text the constitution. tin v of (he law creating tin- l -illllllllshltill. Bill Prohibiting Campaign Fund from Going to Other States Passes Senate The first direct results of the con gressional Investigation of campaign expenditures came when the senate passed Senator Clapp's bill prohibiting the sending of campaign funds from one state to another. If the house approves the measure It will put rigid limitations, not only on the activities of general political Interests, hut also on the work of such organizations as the National Associa tion of Manufacturers, the American Federation of Labor and the National Association of Woman's Suffrage. The bill prohibits the carrying or sending of funds from one state to another to be used In the eelctlon of president, vice-president, presidential electors or members of congress. The propopcii new law would not prohibit the present work of national political committees, so long as they make public reports of all contribu tions received nuil cxpoditures. Lane to Insist on $100,000,000 Loan. Secretary Lane, head of the Interior department. Intends to make n deter mined fight betort congress the com Ing session to secure the loan or bond Ii in he advocates, which will make available $100,000,000 for government irrigation and drainage work In the west To that end he Is endeavoring to tenter the attention of the entire country on the Irrigated sections of the west. Once the general public realizes what Irrigation has done and can do for the desert regions, he believes there will be little objection to a loan to the reclamation fund, even If It be for the sum named. It Is to the Irrl i .to .1 l.uulh that Ho- country must look for Its Increased production of food products, In the opinion of the secrc tnry. nnd If MM, I In addition to amounts now avalalble can be expend id lor Irrigation and drainage during llie next di i ol' Sei i clary Lane be ItcvcH the problem of high cost of llv lug will be at least partially solved. National Capital Brevities. Secretary McAdoo states that he has no Intention of resigning from the cabinet Secretary of the Navy Daniels de- i In.- that mcrlcan tOJMM should palled io c... i ihe r ballot! on Local News Frank DropOf is here from Seattle for a visit with friends. R. J. Orall and Arthur Thiel were husi DOM visitors in Ontario the first of the week. Thanksgiving night the Wom an's cluh will give their or. nun! library hall in the Wilson hall. Dr. I'ogtie, (irand Patriarch I. 0. O. F. visited the grund lodge at Weiser Monday. Dr. Bartt, dentist, formerly of Lewiston, Idaho, has opened an office in the room formerly oc cupied by Dr. Prinzing, in the Lackey Bldg. See announce incut later. Mrs. Frank Zellar is visit ing friends in Nanipn this week. A. K. Nichols returned from Ironside Tuesday and will spend the winter in Ontario with his family. The Frank Pith company will play a return engagement here Sunday and Monday evening with an entire change of pro gram. S. D. Dorman has just 000l pleted a new house on his or chard tract west of the city. A modern Atlas it carries the world on its back! The strong, powerful Ford has been brought within the reach of a new world of possible purchasers by a new and marked reduction in price made possible by an unprece dented production. $675 is the new price of the Ford Runabout; the Touring- car is $62"', Town Car, $825 -f. o. b. Ontario, with all equipment. Get cat alogue and all particulars from Ford Garage Ontario, Ore. .Hi HEMS I'ert v 1. Frank, of Camas I'raric, Idaho, returned Tuesday t look after husiness matters nnd visit with relntiv -. Mowrta II- F. Bobinoon ami F. F. Hunter went to lloniedale Tuesday where Mr. Hunter will bttild a house on his ranch. C. M. Williams has sold a car load of nursery stork which will he shipped to the Klamath Falls count) v the lat ol the tiiuliili. i .ILtPU ..f ulttlii i I'oK.inas.crlJeneral llurleson Mf I M r. 000 DOff Hlld fall) llv, who (. il. will) a del. -gallon of Miieilraii hllVC hecil visiting With Mlirvill railway pr.-nien. king bettci p.,v fl.nnncr, i.iovc.l lo their new lor ii iii pi-i nog man. ifliht OF ONTARIO. ORt A Good Bank In a Good Country Confining our business strictly to LEGITIMATE banking, and with ample resources for the needs of our customers, we invite the banking business of ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen and individuals, Resources Over Half Million Dollars OFFICKKS AM) IHKKCTOKS A. LCOCKRUM, President; H. II. ('DIKUI'M, Cashier T. TIKNIH I.'., Vice I'rcaident C. W.l'I.ATT Ass't. Cashier C. E. KENYON MONTE HWINN L. H. COCKKHM aocialistic Program For Churchman New York Practical endorsement of Soclalum wrttM prov Uted for In a re olutiou ititio tin ti b) Katlilioiie (iuiit ner. a l.tv ilelttgttle from t'rtiv Idence ill (lie I. oniM or depullek al the Kpu copal cliuiili coiuenllon 'lie ii olullon ilecl.ntil for "a new oolal order lu wbuh saall ba a more eiullable l i t rll'iiHon of wealth. lth ellliinwititiii ot llie tfMMl HMI till man w i im- ol po er( v Il vv.tt. tei, i it,t lo a couiinitieo Willi out dlsctli Huntsman Qivs Big Psasl. Itlil.il. Stale oltiiialK. exiert rifle sIioIm. a uiajoril) of I lie leading sportH no n of Souilii in Oregon ami farmers UiioiikIioiiI (lie vallev lutrt iclpatcd lu llie I lrt annual barbecue given l (lie l(nl. lie Rlh Sui'poitlng Hod and (Iiin Club llucks mif riMtiilcd wlitda and salllioti were bin Incited The public cliiHilh itdjouriied al noon that (lie scholars might enjov (be fpllviti. Siskiyou Gold Is Pound. M. Itoid Willie working mi the new mii vcv tor Ihe permanent high wav over llie Sl-klvoiis Ihe gang .if men uiiilci VhMsl.ml Sl.itc Hlglivv.tv eer Klttrldge tttruck it three te.i gold iciinc. wbicb oausad SO much e citemciit tii.it work vv.i taapMsOai 10 i llir iaj H .tilers, a tlleni In i ' I'-. nil in . I to Mcdtoi .1 with a bakki I tU ere wli.cli local lulu lag an ii .1. i high grada, . Prison Farm is Indorstd. Illvmpla. V.ill llie Mala le.itil g etuuiol hat .iiiuouiii ed l Indern itie.ii of a pi in propontl b Warden Drum for proeurtag a u.oooacre pn en I. nu to be opt rated In uiuiiii lion witti lli. Wall. i Walla pciitlen Oar) I I ;e farm is lo b worked bv ,i a (ha suu duriug 0 lilob.illou.il ') pel led J. J. Hill Badly Sluken in Wrick. Winoiit inii Jamas J Hill, laa ol mi. I bad!) nh.ik.ii up but uol hurt nun h al Ki 01 goal !..i, when ii Buriiagtoa aorta bouad . v,u. UM'n wuli Hill s private ggfl attached, oollldad with a souibboun.! i in Klllull of the soiitlibv iiu.l train was UMtaatl) killed .tud MVOral vKher peivin wci. .-iifclit. I'riHlilent Wilson will go lo l'lula delphla 'it unlay to speak at the re dedication of Coiigrehs ball. The same night he will leave for Mobile, Ala, where lie In to deliver an aitdresM be fore the Southern Commercial ron- roaa "llie wliole wi'Ht has fell bitter lo ward the Interior department," said .i.iur) Utne, on his return to M a liingtou, "and 1 have devoted much (bought and Mud) to akcerttln (he reason I have concluded (bat (bis bideruess Is due partially to the bu n tiic r.illc ailinluiMlralloii of the de piirtment, Im. the main complaint Is lut-aiiM' there Is too much red tape." Active preparations by Argentina to lake Immediate advantage of the free beet t Inline of the new tariff law ami semi lo the United States large ship ineatf of beef were reported by I)r A Ii Melviu chief of the bureau of animal Industry . who has Just ri mmed from South America Former President Taft spoke at the dedication of Ihe tirovsr Cleveland memorial tower at l'rlacetoa uutver alty ou Wednesday. Washington With President Wil son willing to accept substantial amendments to the administration currency bill la the hope of obtaining speed) act ion ou the measure lu the senate coimuKtee, supporters of the s.liiiiuiBtration grew optimistic over Ihe chance for tba passage of the measure before (be end of Hie euru session of congress The president himself, lu a letter to Majorat Leader I uderwooU, aunouue etl bis wllllngnekS to consider a pro posal for a recess of the house, be cause, be said, conferences with mem bers of the .-enate committee led him to believV (he bill would bo reported (,. die senate (ba fust week In Novem ber and pained n( (be present session. Kcpuhltciui members ot the commit M and Senator Hitchcock, of Ne bmska. were inclined to look upon this plan as too opniulhtlc, but other niembers of (he committee said the) 1 .tipe.l to le ihle to live up to the ' lit .s . KUCtatlOM A reduction in (he number of re serve bank.- ticd by the ajuituii.ti.i tiou lull M II, and the removal of the :erei.ii) tt tricul(ure and (he cou (roller ot lli. . .irreiu v from the f i v c bo., iii, which wtmid coat rot the new euiieuc) s.vtem. were the ..i.uiidiiieiii.- which (he praaidul lei il be known be would uol opposa. Inline nu the lilaho-l it pui slope Molulav. (i lo it rhenner and family starteil Montlav for Iowa to Hieinl tlie winter. Hert Adams left Saturday for In- home in Vancouver, B. 0.( alter Mientliiii tetial tiays in this vallev visiting with relative and friends. Dr. Skiien, of Sweet, Idaho, was a business visitor in this MOtioO Tin Miay. 11. l. FrOBt dlli; Jus OOMtOM this week. The yield was BOO OOk from ahout two acres. He sold them in Ontario for 7fc per hundred ami finished de livering tin-in this week. J. IV 11 mistook and family left Wcdiienday for t'umhridge, where they will make their home. Their neighbors rOgfOfl losing them from this coin uiunity but wish them every success in their new home. lev Kvles, former pastor of the Baptist church here, was h visitor from Notus lust week. Win Stephens of Acnu , Wahiuiton arrived Friday for a visit with his brother ('hits. Stephens ami family The Misses ROWOM HobiosOO and loll WlOOOOs, tt.nlui.- ii the high BObool here, vlffilod Satunlav ami Sunday in v'a'.d wcll ..t Mi.-- WattOOtt'l ho-nc. The Methothst tin ;-H.in Kn- dotVOI -iH-itty will nivc a Hut- terlly social alurday . veiling! in the EpVOlih Hall. Buy your Meat at The ONTARIO MARKET and get the best the market affords For Good Rigs and Prompt Service The Eagle Livery G. L. SMITI , Proprietor Horses Boarded By the Day or Week BUTTER WRAPPERS Must Be Printed We are printing more wrappers than any other two offices in this section. There is a reason. We have the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do with wedding invitatipns. Take your next order of A - t(ll. Butter Wrappers to the irg; US UlTlCe For Root 1-0 at n Ian n near Ontario to rOBDOOfiblo POrtji '-'" It ii - in alfalfa. Write to Mr. v.'. (.". fvnnli, Caldwell, Idaho. A Complete Line of Ulritiiug latimtmi At the Argus Office