SAVING TIME TELEPHONE Means Not Only Time But Money. Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything, you cannot afford to be without a Telephone. Malheur Home Telephone Co. fiP :vwC- E2Sk c- 1 A MXWMmUmam , VJuP P9 T When you remember that gas is fuel, you realize how much is saved if tin- ".as does not escape, but is held in the stove ami burned. This hot blast draft is not ? found in other stoves. (iUAKANTEKD We Guarantee a saving of one-third in fuel. We Guarantee that ',"' itOVt will hold fire 12 hours without at- We Guarantee thai me rooms eau be heated from one to three hours in the morning with the fuel put in at night We Guarantee uniform heat day and night with Wood, 'eoal or briquets. Investigate It casta gou nothing Ontario Hardware Company Rainier ffteer The Beer of Quality We have it in pints, quarts and barrels. Wholesale and retail. Also serve it over the bar. GODDARD'S The Quality Beer The Ontario National Bank United States Depository State of Oregon Depository IB Our Hank our Hank ? It not, we oortHlUf invite you to make our bank gour bank We have the BtOft Safeguards of Fire Proof Vault, BurgUr Pro! Btlb. Bonded employees, and do busioeu in OOnMrvaUvc manner. -I- -:- -:- -:- Capital and Surplus. $80,000 5 IVr Ont Net on Timt- ( KKT1FK ATKS OF DEPOSIT CHEAP ECONOMY Is thr Poorost Kind of Economy. When buying a heater do not bf influenced merely by the price. Ask yourself a tVw questions: Is the stove heavi ly made? How long will the castings last? Is the stove economical in fuel? Is itlair tight? Or is it leaky?, buy:a HOWARD A heater with a reputation heater with a guarantee. I!m -II- any fuel. WOOD OK COAL IT BURNS THE GAS Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of ttu State of Oregon, for Malheur County. In tbe matter of the estate of Peter Bouton. I h - t . Notice In hereby given that the undersigned hat been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, ni ad niinistratnr of the estate of Peter Uoutou. deceased. All person baving claim against the estate ol mid . I .- -.-. ' are required to present the same tome at the office of C. Mil Inn. mill at Ontario. Oregon, wltbin aix moiittis from I u t hereof I Ji.-. I i ins 2nd day of Ootnber, 1010, Win. Mouton, Administrator of the estate of I'eter tiouton, deceased. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice la hereby Rlreu that the tnloon hiiiincs heretofore conducted in Ontario. Oregon, under the llrm name of Krpehllng and Kcsseler. haa MM tli In day dissolved, Mr. John P. Krpeldlntf retiring and Peter Kea eler continuing the business. Mr. Peter Keelcr collecting all outataud lug account and paying all bill. Dated at Ontario. Oregon, tliU lal day of October, 1011, i'eter Keiteler. Vale 01203 Burnt 0402:1. NOTICK KOK PIULICATION. Departmeul of the Interior, I'. H. Land OttMM Vale. Oregon, October i 7th, 1011, Not ice la hereby siren that Law rence K. Olaun, of Ontario, Oregon, who on May 10th, 101O. made Home- jitcart Application No. 01U0M, for the SJ NKJ and Ni HK1, Section 04, Township 1" H., liangr. HI K.WII lamttn Meridian, ha tiled notice of intent on to make Dual three-year proof to eitabllth claim to the laud above decrlbed. before the l!cglter and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 10th day of I November. 1011 Claimant namea aa witnciie. Alberts Worth, Stephen I) Moore, i m.i A. Palmar, Krnest ('. MoDowell, all of Ontario ( licgnn. MM K. Ketor. Kngliter Always on the Job If you nave a job of hauling you want done, large or ituall, you can alvravi depend on John I.andiiighatn balng rradj for you. Call biui at the Moore Hotel. Lotul Market Report. Corrected Oct. 10, for the benallt of Argus reader by the Malheur Me oauttla t'oaipanjr. Kgg. per dozt'u. :i'ic. Unit it, per pound, 30c. Oata, p.-r hundred. 11.50 Wheat, per hundred, 91. oO. Hay, per ton, 95. Potatoes, er bundled, 1.00 Onions, per hundred, 12.00. Apple, per box, 91.0U. to 91.50 Chickens, diesaed, par pouud.IHe Pork, dreaaed, I to 10a. Pork, live, 7 to 7 'jC. Veal. ! to IOp I'.i f lie to 12o CATHOLIC (HI UCH Max at x I M on lt and .trd Sunday h month. On all other Sunday ftl 10 AM. II. A. (ampo, K. toi UNITKiJPUKNHVIKIIlAN CHURCH Rev. Rob't J. DavidHon O I) Pan tor. Servicis at 1 1 it'll a in and 7 ;.';! p ui Sal lath CbO0l at ln.uu a m AO I. MIST. Kver) at unlay Sabbath School 10(00 a in liible Study I 1:10 am N ..ilUtf pet pie in ft lug 1 ,'M) p Ui Methodists. Sunday BOOOl 10 A M Preaching Sen ice 11 A M Junior League i P M 1 . worth league 0 :.' P M Preaching Service- lift I' M 'ihouia John. PS1' H. Congrcyational ( hurt h Noike Sunday Services, Sunday School 10 a m Preaching Service 1 1 a ni C K Meeting 7pm Preaching Service 8 p m Midweek Lectin.- every Wednesday evening H o'clock Philip Koenlg. Paitor. Home Made Candies AT SADD'S CANDY KITCHEN Oppoitr llreumland Theatre Our ira ai.d I torn. Our rough candy will cure that cold ou have or a frov " your throat. Give us a Trial NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL President Will Accept Amend ments to Currency Bill to Obtain Speedy Action. Washington. With President Wil eon willing to' accept substantial (intendments to the administration currency bill In the hope of obtaining speedy action M the MHN In the senate committee, supporters of the administration grew optimistic over the chances for the passive of the measure before the end ot the extra session of congress. The priKlilint himself. In a letter to Majority Leader t'nderwood. annontic ed his wlllingneis to consider n pro tor ;i recess of the house, bo r.ius... he snld. conferences with mem bers of the senate committee led htm to hellevV Hi" bill would bo reported to the Hi-mite the first week In Novem ber and passed at the present session. H publican members of the commit tee and Senator Hitchcock, of Ne braska, were inclined to look upon this plan as too optimistic, but other members of the committee mM they hopeil in hi able to live up to the president's expeditions. A red net Ion In the number of re scre banks, iixcd bv the uiltnlnlstra tlon bill at :, ,i tul the removal of the seeretar ol ,u:rlcillt lire and the con (roller ol the ciliienrv from the foilcl al reserve board, which would control the in w current ) i ) tol -v atvj iin .lllieiuluulitH Which tile plhlllt let it be known he would not oppoae. Campaign Bill la Drastic in Effect. The first dlrert results of the con gressional ImmiI lotion or mi expeiiilltnies came when the senate passed 001 'tor Clapp's bill proliihltlm the aeiiilliiK of campilgu funds from one stale lo another. If the house ap;uoves the measure It will put rigid limitations, not oiilv on (he activities ol general political lutereata, hul also on (he work of such on .intention as the National A lion of Manufacturers, the merlcan l-'e. I. ration of Labor and the Nationul Association or Woman a Sulfrage. 'I'lie bill prohibits the carrying or sending of riinil from one state lo another to he used In tin Ll toll of president, Ice president, presidential . le. (ton or mi nkoft ot I -ii'o'.resa. The proposed new law would not prohibit the present work of national political c.ui.iiiIIIcch. so long as n make pulilh reporis or all contrlbu Hum lo'iloil and cpodlliire. Lane to Inalat on 9100,030,000 Loan. Si.iiiary Lane, head of the lOtOtiM ... iiariinetit Intends to make a ileler I afon coiiKress the i . i . lag aesslon to secure the loan or bond laaue he advix-aies, VMM will make available 1 nil,' for govemtOOOl irrigation and drainage work In the west To that end he la endenvorliiK to c.nicr tin- attention of the entire country on the Irrigated NOtlOM of the weat. on. e tl. general public rOOttOM v. hai Irrigation haa done and can 00 r..r tin- dei . ri ri lona at b rill oo I ' ' ,:i :,, ih reel .'iioi. i a it it tu tor the s.ini i. aiin'd ll is KKted lain'- that the co-mtrv niusl ImA ,,,r ii hi i arodoctloD ol rood i B lie oilii)on ol l!o .. in addition to I., eipend luring I Iteri ol Mi partially koIwi! National Capital Brevities. ge, ' '. lie. i ; ,, Horn UU 1 -' : 1 uiati. - on ot Am roll w a) 1 1 il leoti for ii ooll. Pr -ni- ui u llaoo will go 'o i'i. i . d-l.l k at the re real Mil 1 I night be !! leave for Mobile Ala w I,. , Ml ll-i er aii address be fore the Roii'h. m foinmen lal con gress "Tbe whole mil has tet ,iti-r to ,,rt ' MMfUMM ii his return lo vVasbinc'i I I I MM 0) ,nuc!i ti -.. -.-;'. ilau. On- reason i li ..- ooocluded that tbii- uiially to the bu ... (OO o Active ; ' oh to . or tli tariff I ai iiu lot large by l- A I Melvile I III- I ot the I ,i I Indus' 0 bu. Just r- I Tofl spoke a( H Jedi. 'lo Ol it j on KAISER WILHELM H t' -hl ho 1 M? .' D -1 K'. Wl vai1 W I It V Kalier Wllhelm, emperor of Ger I many, who celebrated the illvar annl ; venary of hla reign Monday. Brief News of the Week A department of business efficiency has been added to the public ichool vstem of Los Angeles. (In ceo is preparing for war with Teii.., reserves having been called to the colors. Tho Immediate evacua tion of DediiKittch has been ordered. The union station at St. Paul, used li) every road entering the city, was destroyed bv tire, causing damage of llno.uiMi to 1109.090 The Itate executive c. Milliliter of the Anil Saloon league of southern Cali fornia Is opposed to the proposed llll llallve campaign tor prohibition In 'allforula In 191 1 Speakers ,.t (he session of the Nn tloiial Wholesale Oroeers' association III Chicago urged the enactment ol uniform pure food laws as one sola tlon for the present high cost of living problems. ih. Iniveifcitv of Kansas has put a ban on Hi" tatiKo dance and other late forms or dancing, following the or ganization ol a tango club by Hie Mf orltles and trateni, Muring the season which haa Just ended. 140,000 American scltleri arc said lo have come to western Canada ; I . mceinenl Is i.sue.l by Itme Walker, coinnils. loner of Immigration, lie i. iii. over Inst year Is shown People in the News 0anrttorj ol the Interior l.ane, great I v Improved In In- lib. baa bu Callfoiui.. in W.o lilngioii. li '. Hi. Is in i oinpanleil hv his w lie. Jollll l. Ill' lo'lelll-r OWIIH luille i. I aonal pnipertv than any otlo i p. i in New York Ilia assessment lor 1911 was M99j99 Lepie.euiatl.. C.i..ltier. republican candidate (or governor of MMMOfca artta, dcclaii s that he la to woman suiii.. imrlng the lllMM of hla father. tb Crown I'liini a will assume the dun. s ol Kl ' Q II lof, who Is Mf . . ol an for appeudd II i I lie Invltailon Of tBO 1 Ol Irtl - m noat on iint lo 'tie'iii Ihe Of llic I . I n,. moil. I. OOtOl . I. n I Clie.o, a. Ill It bli'l 1. I link. (OHO! ' M . r ' f the In., rn itloi ll I ilepn In the i.ou- - i f btat. I. III a illilllll. 1 . I lor tl.. lulled Htnte ,. baina In r.u I Uu I ' Juseph I" ion. MRS. C. L KIRKliRIDGE JMtaiafffflMHBl HP - I Mr. C. L. Kirkbrldgt, tbe Philjdal phi . rtd "r'a'hira' i Day" celebrt' For Kent 120 ncro form near Ontario to responsible party, 10 acres in alfalfa. Write to Mrs. C. C. Smith, Caldwell. Idaho. The West and the East are both strong for Moltboid It's tin: universal routing- the internationol roofing, I veil on the furin Ainl ranch and in the vity. It your roof is worth roofing-, it ii i nli buytni M.tlih.ail. Drink a toM to the best MOeMf that's mi the in.ikn e srand Empire Lumber Co. Ontario, Oregon W. W. Letson Sueeessorto II. H. (iruuel StautTer Hand Painted China Libby Cut Glass Standard Watches Jewelry li acres of Hi Ifl brtl li Ian I. deep rich sandy loll, Hi tela water I ighl I'i ' givi ii with low I 'oil. or "tbi r proper! I.i .li- . . .1 ..f ..ooii, a I an. 10 oilier liii. aliens Postoflice BOI N Oiiturio, Oregon O.N'I'AKIO LAUNDRY I- :u . Hotel or c liiiiiilit Atlinhoii t.iviu All Owl i 1 1 dill .VTVb V. si bound, No. 1 ' oicgon , -i, i.i. I : . a m No 1 i Illilllll. gtoli ' i u in .so. : lu.t Moll ,: 1 1 p ni No " , Hoollofton Pom 9 II p ni I H. -. i - I p II. bound No. IH ' rcgi Wash Ltd M n in . -.. .,:.,'. r I M III No 8 I'u.l Mall II -7 a ui No. i Bel i p in Nu. H Inf " Woali I i H - 4 in p in '.eh Vale ds i s a in. an r. mg in Ontario i RalOMlOl Olll leavi . ni- I li. day, l I IV llu l' V lie ll 1 I 0 il I I V Ho lai lo at S'U and I .... Vale i , i i-i i tralu -v il' MOM i i'.i.- raiag and leluru a) . ii. -s i . (lie run o I lead oi