INTERESTING NEWS OF MANY COUNTRIES SNAPSHOTS AT CELEBRITIES r arm and (jarden We Don't Pretend A machine linn been pMtwMd which IMitirM any lry powder Into n pnpor bag, fold the line mnken n pnper box Hud plarcH ItiiK nnd folded elrculnr within It, paste on ii Inliol nnd seals the tmx at n rate of 1.500 boxes nn hour. To nld n policeman In controlling; a prlHOfii-r n I'lillmlelphlnii him pn ten ted (love with electrode In the piilim. which end n powerful current IhroiiKh nn unruly ninn from b trnire hntfcrv forming n pnrt of the pollei'iniiii'M iiii,iii(.nt An iiiitomiifle tiro nlann nnd H tltn-uhdier Invented In flermnhy Ml ploy n thermoHtnt to rllite n lell nnd Utwnta Innro QUantMna of carbonic iiclil km In b room In which It Is plncod when the lenipcriituro rlseB nfiove Ihi- dn tiger point A hrlde'i drowsing room Ih to lie pro video" lit n cliunh In Mild linn nveniie, New York. The organ loft over the church entrntK'e will lie removed, nnd III Iti plu e a lienutlfillly ccpilppcd mom will he built. Here the hrlde will In? nlde to put the finishing ton dm to her fittlre lifter the drive to the church The mice IndtiBtry In the I'nlled Ktntifi Inn now reached In good years the 100jOO(MM)0 iniirk. nnd. moreover, there In ii Hlendlly growing liu-ren I hi the H'oioi'tloii of OOkfl made In by proiliiciH retort ovens wherein the vnl inilile I in I ii ft h of u'ii-i. tnr. Bintiionlii, etc., nre wived to the value of teim of inlllloim of dollar iititimillv life Imo.v for nerlnl navigation linn lieen Invented liy it Nova Heiiilii mini The parachute In folded In fl hurlon till poNltlon on the lull of the II' Inn miiclilini nnd attached to tho iivlnlor liy Iiimm It In folded hy strap nlilii-i-ted to i'l(ictloiiiMi;lii'ti- relenien mill on the pressure of n lintton will open and lift the aviator out of hi neat. The new t'hlnene dictionary publish til r fitly at Hliamilnil repiosonlH live yeai-M' lalior of many of Cliliia'n groat et Mi-holarn nnd Mffcafaaitan an the ntiliiilni'il the fnnioiiM illi'tlniimv pull llMhed In I7HI by tin- iiiitlioill.v of the Knipcror K ho iiu'IihI Many "ionllllo words are Iih'IiiiIiiI In the new dl'tlon ary, mnl ninny oliMoli-te i-harin lets have I dropped Alfred Alintln. the late poet hiureiito. wan iMkj lu Ida mk M a JourunllHt l-'or ntillij yearn he did hit dally tlisli at home with the a hIhI line of a tele griipli wire run Into his study slxtv mill- from th Loudon Standard of flew. Illn Instructions pbiih over the wlm. nnd hla editorial nrtlti went to o n liy train Hometliuen he would lelegmpli Ihe whole iniliic Vchli c K cnif Ii-.l In n nerlon probl The c Py Is niiilly ualnlnu It. I hi n In t Ion. and Mi far no p'n -e has lieen found to m iiimodate the III crease Tln-'e ar a ::iiimhi Inli-i 10 Hints In Venice III MIHRM of -iiltnlili ipiarli-is Aiumu: Hie iniinv pl-iu ills .11 soil Is the lilllllllli- nf in iprirtei" on Ho- I I'l- Islaml nolhi-r l;ln con .,l il. l .1(1.11' Ii ii il liOVII lit III I moUtll ill Ho- Hreliln -hi-r Judge J. W. Gerard Named Ambassador to Germany. S wffl! am m m I .nMnW. 'H nV 4r rtiniii hy American 1'i.nn Annm-lntlnn. The iippoliitment of Justice Jninen V. Gerard of New York to the Impor iniii pot of iiinlianniidor to iJeiiiinnv In Keiierally regarded an a recognition of Npeilnl Illness for the ponltlou The new iiiuhussiidnr. those who know hliu hent nay, In a man of strength, charm ler, nlilllty ami culture a worthy rep rcselitatli of I'lii le Sam The new envoy to llerllu In a native of the Kuiplrc State ami In forty -l venrs nf niii' lie wan urnilmiteil from Ihe New Vork l.nw hiIiimiI In ISII'J and In-Uiin the ii'iicii of hln profession III n.h V.HI-U illy Mi- ns. ,-iii tn tho front In the Spanish vnir. soivltiu an an mil ile camp on the ntalT of (ieni-ral Mr Cimkry Hlltt After the war he resum nl llio prin tl flaw ami In IlkiT wan i-lis-li'il to the Hllpreme colllt heln Ii mi the I in. ratio ticket for a term of loiirteeli yearn .luntlce (Jernnl In pre Idelll of the Mexican Soilcly of New Vork and wan one of the throe civil Inn commlssloni'iM appointed In I'.'l" by I'renldenl Tnfl to repnwelit the I'lilted Stali-M at the centennial cele I. mil. Hi III Mi'Xlco llurlinf the WWMN) Kepto ..-alutlve l.ewin. onn of Die nil- I nl II p.irii-l punt law, ilerlnred that noonor or I iter the ijovernnient muwt lake over IniiiHpiu i iilon or par . I in to H"i ll- contemloil i .n under Um Im 11m poMMMtaf I'.cneinl h.ip i-omplii'- . iiiilioiil t lu i In- limit ou unreel punt bunt- IH'HM Ho'ward Lilliott Rose From $40 A Month to $100,000 a Year 1 " ilKflHbiDiBinnVnVBSnH "Ei? iW1 VAW! KM DO YOU LIKE "SHEETS?" Thny'r Fln With Oravy Hnm'i Hew You May Grow a Crop. Plant a few sweet potntoen lu your Ifnrden thin nprlng. They nrent hurd to mow. and what la richer to eat than brown aweet potntoen with (jrflvyy Keslden. thin vine la very ornamental, and lis thick, dark foliage helps to make your vegetable garden more at tractive. Sweet potntoen are grown by niennn of netn or nproiitn which grow from tin- root budn. It In lient to get Ibeiii from s.-i'il growem or gardenern. They reipilie warm, modern tely rich, anndy IiiiiiI. If the land la loo fertile there will be n Inrge growth of top nt the ei peiise of the root The plnntn may be, sot out from the middle of Mny until the Int of July or after the lute froata are over. The potniot-N tuny be grown on the level, but n ridge ununlly in preferred. In the gnrdeu ridging may Im done with a hoe. making the ridge about eighteen im lies broad and nix Im hen hlu'li. The rovvn nliould lie from three and a half to four f"et apirt. Set the plants along the renter of the ridge tlii'.v Nliould be n limit two feet a part--ami If the soil is moist it is only net en nary to dip the roots In water liefore set i Inn. Hut If It In uuimuallv dry nt thin time It will be advantageoun to apt Inkle the plants occasionally. When Ihe plnntn nre -mill they nliould he cultivated often enough to kill the vveisln and keep a mellow sur face. Later on the vinen tliemnelvefl will cover the ground; then cultiva tion In iuiprai llciible as well nn unde sirable. After the vinen nre too large lo cultivate they nliould lie lifted oe-i-asiiiiiiilly or they nre likely to lake root nt the Joints and keep on forming more vinen with no nsitn In Ihe hill large enough for line. The vines nliould he lifted once a week Kvery vine slimiid be loose I ruin hill to lip Thin lining nut x be ioM ery rnplilU with i iilli-hlor1.. Put hoiiic cure muat be lakeii.-'Kiiiisas 1 1 ii I n si i nil ci FOLKS CUT. STOCK IN. Hnro'a a Smpl Oat That Will Halp lo Solva the ProbUm It Is often Im-ouvculcnt to pause and .mhilrli ami then iati II il gate Pel eeii the liarnvard or some other place where stock is kept and the gnrdeu or a field from vvinVh It in desired to keep mil- 'lulls II j . To ululate such dlttti-ultiett the plan Illustrated will be found very .miven lent An will lie seen. I lie I r lire la made to end at two aiotit posts, be m fT I i-li i III' I rar-r '-Trrr."JT TTTrtA :.- -. Jljiife - - "li'ik Mini IIMi HUH. tvveeii Vvlilrh Is a miller larger opening Hum Is ihMMllj allow'eil for u footpath gale I' Ion i one ot these posts Ihe ll.irli.g Inns of tt'ine are Im Mi to poMts so an lo form a sliaped os-iiiug, each i-n.l lug nt a post Uu the other large Hue ponl is hung Ihe gate, which swings c.nh uii.v mid either coiue agaiunl the V nUaped klile.s when piiklicl or iu.iv tintliiue no tin lo strike the nmallel iusis lu either cane minimis cannot -ft past, mid vet the gale Is o.iii for human bvliign American Ag I'li'Ulllll'ist. OLD AND TRUE. 1 Tlie old Hngllsh fariiiem put 1 their ,nh ice about keeping liaril j al.l maliuie lulu two lilies Keep ii in.'i.-i and In ad " IISM ; i..l u ill , I. (Mil ' . I lii H Is prell.i lunch Hi.- Imle J Mill II Ul.ll NlW ill ki'l- -4 S--"-n --'---- -s-S-S Photo, oopyrlflhi lilt, to tmoHcea lif i in TII1HT1 ns im Howard KUkill lowed U .- . . . . a adv-K-e and ,ii .-i Hi ; it Ii clerk at llurliugtoii ! .Now lie i. . ihe o Usui , ,4.1 1 prettUivllt o I lln- New 1.0k i limn u.. II. nil. nil i.illiu.i.l How 41.1 he do 111 II ' Work, I'M' kisl Pv n well gl.minlisl islocal..u Ills , .uuls Wciell'l ihy, in. I he it.1.1 1 bard I Hn ird - u isirn m Now x'orfe iu. brougbi up In New 1 and i I - itei-eao in ihe i i lie he. in .. ol Ihe Noilliiin I'.lcin, . mi. . CharkM S Mellen k ... I. . . Im l..ll... ... I......I ., ,1... S..... II....... l.a....t II., utk..,.., M is u in" 1 ,-' s ,,!., im .1, .,.1 .., in,- .,ii. nn 1 ,-u ri.-ui , .,- ,,,,,,.. ,-w m i,,w ' ,, ' .. ' linen whlel will bo In omit ran nt UL the iiiu vl lu .eul .vinlt-u, who hue ., -i tile FARMING WITH BRAINS. eer reuiura otjon old i vv ill lea III m ma. hiiieiv witliout m lag 1I..11 11 is (Inn mill safe for lu-.iv wi uiiis It Hie leiiilm hi tin- siul In to If man. I. lined il liiilnl be aiippllcd Willi v ible matter Turn uinlcr tOVOf cioi.s .1 11,1 in. lease tin hiiinun Ml..l onllua 10 1 in- 1 wi HYaaa bolletla . I .' s,., .nn . 1. -senile Is Hie only . licliil. al that will enliivly ilelro the 1 'an. la 11 a c It In npplnsl al the rale of one a 4 a tmlf ptiiimU to rlfly I wo ;:illous .! water. Ho 1 the hlretl man to feel 1 tiled it v.mi leave hilll alone with ill the . h.ues' von are away vlsitliij nuliwa ou are willing to do the aj .1 mm lus-aslonaiiv Hlretl lieu 1 .m, 1 will, na a rule. e I He fan treatment v I .11 i ilcklv , is looee iinl - 1 ;i I ami 'e.iehes Is U" tn .ml f Inn from In, 1 little W e irrl .- tli s In .-iitv inable. pleiilv ..f luanui.. iiiivu manure, llni- 1 -,. -.- Is s. unless and thoroilgb aud perniaU'iit cult-vauwu. to carry everything the people may want, but are safe in saying we have the greatest variety to be found in Ontario. We have lately added a large assortment of Laces, Ladies' Neckwear, Back and Side Combs, Barettes and the celebrated Auerbuch & Sons' Line of Candies. Our stock of China and Glassware is the most- complete in town. We have given our order for Christmas goods Toys, etc., and the store will be well supplied in that line. -Hundreds of different articles needful to the Housewife cover our 5, 10 and 15 cent tables. -We want YOU, reader, to look over our stock. You will surely find something you have been in need of The VARIETY STORE HELPFUL HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES Utensil For Cooking Pre serves In Jars. OB- OD. oacjoo, na Dll nn na BE soi i- your plumhinu has real worth. Just think, if your home were remodeled with "$tntHnrd" plumbing fixtures, how much nicer it would be, more comfortable, more convenient and in value increased above the cost of the rcmodclmt. May we show you illustrations in color of baihiooms? Immmmmmiit , -' .? "Pise "' ' J J i 5tsiiilrf Si. . , U.J, QQ an a U. S. Plumbing & Heating Co. Ontario, Ore. .' Hour. Ka.t of 1'. l.i... I ui i.lluir 1 ,. HoUM hou-i-ii n !. in nHikiiiK Uiiir pii-.-ivos poitorin ii in ii, l:i vvonh Um (llu- pi.,iii.i nu- to io kopi i utortu mui-i.v 'vhcii iii aratar botli rtsotw iv it aoinatlniaa u sota Iba JnrH aai spill, llu-lr ...lUi-iii.s lu tlio liilit'i-. A N'abraaka arosuau tu - daa gwni u cimiIc Int uii-n-.i viiiii-h .ii-,-u! thai .I'-ci .1.-11 1 'i'w . IIII-- Ot lIltllTl'lll .. tor, for dirtcii-m aiaa Jara and ctuaa, mnl tint, pel phi to uiiiko Up tin oipil,iiiii-iii i iiu- in tin- im.s acta as a supi.ort for ttaa pinto and m lap of the ilate the other rlnj; it Mini forma .id for the .nr. lo prevent II up setting, 'lii.' aratar can boil fraalj llini'lk'b Ihe pettointions lu the plate. ,ii.. I i it im im..- platform fcaaaa the lop of lh Jnr ul.ove ihe loi of the vvuler. so iioin i Into It Fru.t.t' Oacerationa. The I .n i u t il.-, oi.i'.i-d crtipeii, eta mini s mill epougaa balp till the de luiliid for o.hl and atftklai color coui blnailom. nn. I afford it. of from tba Dual aM 1 locoratkMM uf the .-ome arhat vajrarorkad lonventiouai il. sliou ii oil , .am-.-,lerv and pot luiproMUoniiii fabrlca Tba d oratloi -of r .. sta. a tho dvsiKuerv of th.-aV pai; . .1, nre not ap a . other .ii. but they ui paa frirt. iievertlu-li'M. and are Inter esll: .4 both .11 form an.i mior. Have you tried Corn for the Poultry Cash Grain Company Phone 166 Poultry Wanted All kinds of live poultry at the highest cash market price. Phone 18 for this week's prices or write Ontario Ice & Cold Storage Company on BO DO M CD DU DO DO ,