The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 23, 1913, Image 1

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The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
r w - r - v
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 42
Reviews Circumstances Lead
ing Up to Instructions to
British Ambassador.
Spokane. The Utter to Secretary
of 8tate Bryan. In which Henry Lane
Wllion tendered his resignation as
American Ambassador to Mexico was
made public here by Mr. Wilson. The
letter waa written In Indianapolis Au
gust 28. In part Mr. Wilson wrote:
"I hare the honor to acknowledge
the reoelpt of your note of August 14.
transmitting a copy of a telegraphic
Instruction of the department of state
to the American ambassador In Lon
don, directing him to disclaim all re
sponsibility on the part of this gov
ernment for an Interview attributed to
Mr. Wilson then reviews the cir
cumstances leading up to the Instruc
tions to the ambassador In London.
A London dispatch was published In
this country August 11, saying that
one of the factors determining British
recognition of the Mexican provision
al government was the "congratula
tory" speech of the American nmbas
sador on the occasion of Huerta' re
ception to the dlplomutlc corps. Mr.
Wilson says he did not believe this
came from an official British source,
and when he read article "evidently
Inspired from administration sources,
containing expressions of gratifica
tion over the supposed propitiatory
explanation" of the British govern
ment "It seemed apparent to me that this
waa the flrat evidence of your inten
tion publicly to question my official
acta," he continue, "and I accordingly
gave to the press the interview re
ferred to."
In his letter he criticised Bryan's
foreign policy aa a "spirit of haiard
ous adventure" and claimed he (Wil
son) waa actuated only by unselfish
motives In hla attitude toward Huerta
and Madero.
Extreme Penalty of Disqualification
Unanimously Withheld.
Albany, N. T. William Sulxer ceas
ed to be governor of the state of New
York. He was removed from offlca
by the high court of Impeachment.
By a virtually unanimous vote also
the Impeachment tribunal decided that
Sulxer should not be punished by dis
qualification to hold office of honor
and trust In this state In the future.
In going out of office Suiter Issued
a statement in which he denounced
the tribunal which removed him as
"Murphy's high court of Infamy." He
asserted he had not taken the stand
In his own defense because he reallx
ea that his story attacking the Tam
many leader would be ruled out.
Sulxer Nominated In Assembly Race.
New York William Sulxer, Im
peached as governor of the mate, waa
nominated for the Assembly by the
progressives of the sixth assembly
district. Mr. Sulxer has agreed to
accept the nomination.
W. U. Sanderson
New Owner
October 30 Is Date Selected
For Formal Opening of
the New Hall.
The Transfer of This Mag
nificent Hostelry Proves
to be Biggest Real Eatate
Deal Ever Consummated
in the Confines of Mal
heur County.
State to Meet Half
the Expense
Washington. President Wilson and
Secretary of State Bryan will make
no reply to criticisms voiced In Spo
kane by former Ambassador Henry
Lane Wilson of the administration's
attitude toward Mexico. Sem-tury
Bryan Intimated that Wilson was dis
credited, and that no official notice
would be taken of any of the former
ambassador's "rebukes."
,7T?. ;.YLeW
...' jte jya La
There was a meeting of the Cnoi
merolnl club Monday evening ami It
waa decided to have a house warming
or opening of n .. dub rooms on the
evening of tb :0th.
R. W. Swagler and Dr. Ooldsbrry
wars appointed aa a committee on en-
tertaiomeot uod tbeywlll see tlmt all
wbo attend will have a good time.
Tlii-v nave engaged muslo and ar
ranged to bave the floor In good con
lit inn for those wbo deslra to d nc
an. I card tables will be provided for
others. Light refreshments will ba
On tbe Friday evening following
the young people will aaaemble for au
eveuing's entertainment and Hal
lowe'en parly, lbs hall will be ap
propriate v ! mi.-.i ami tbe usual
weird gen es will be Introduced for
those wbo do net oare to daooe.
These sntertaiiimeuU are to be tbe
Drat f a series which tbe club will
give during tbe winter months for the
purpose of raising funds witb which
to suitably furnish the rooms an)
make tbem so attractive that they will
be need by tbe people.
Thar were a number of applications
for membership presented aod uoted
"ii aud it is understood there are
several mora daslrooa of beoomiug
members at tb nxt moating.
The largest real estate deal In tne
history of Ontario was closed a few
days ago when the Moore hotel passed
to the owuersblp of W. I'. Haodertun.
wbo reoeutly sold tb Idnnha prune
orchsrd to Miles Csunon. of We leer.
for DQ.OOu.
Tb property Involved is all of tbe
north half of tb block ou whiub the
botel, tbe hotel nuex and th turn
room and botel office and dining
rooms no Oiegon strst from .1. P.
Kidd's place to tb corner, are
No oonidratlon was given out, but
it la well known that the property
was worth over $100,000 aud It is
prumed tb llgur will b ground
that amount.
By the dl Ontario I tb gainer
by bavlug tbe hotel in th band of a
progreaaiv mau with tb internet of
tb town at heart. Mr. Haadareou
promises to have an elevator insulted,
the upper floor oompeleted aud many
other improvement made for tbe
oonvenieuc of lb public. Tbe botel
will be run in the Intereeta of tb home
people a well as tbe travellug public.
Dr. Withycombe, of Agri
cultural College, in a Re
cent Address Delivered at
Nyssa Says that Farm
Would Be Beneficial to
Malheur County Farmers.
Vsnustiano Carrarua, governor of
Coahuila, MiCo. leader of th rebels
In northern Mealeo.
The Wlunauiueca Northern survey
baa been oompleted to tbe Snake
liver and President Bush of tb Ml.
soun l'aoitlo which coutrul tbe D. A
I; U. ,ii.l the Western 1-... in- la
making an inspection tbi week. It
oonie down tb wt aid of Huooor
crk ton point blow tbe canyon then
swinge tui to the Huuk river near
Tb promoUre are now talkiog of
branobea to Up tbe Demo aud Catiow
valley Motion.
Tb Idabo Northern traok layer
have reacbd Luk Fork and it I
thought that tbi will be a faraa tby
will gt this fall, about nine mile
from tb lak. It I likelv tbe line
will be operated to Arlington. Un
mile below Lake Fork and tbre
mil frpm Kobrry.
Isaac Hodgson, who recently moved
bere froui Indiaii. wltb bis family
ami soma relative, bas purchased tbe
blaokemltb shop of Gorg W. Lyell
and ou and can be found ther at
II tinjss. i ! to do your work in
a first clsse manner. He do uoree
shoeing and general bluokeuirthlug.
Call and get acquainted with him be
will appreciate it.
Airship Drops 800 Feet to Ground and
Navy Officer Lo Lives
Berllu. Twenty-eight persons were
killed near Johannlsthul In the explo
sion and fall of Count Zeppelin latest
dirigible balloon, the L II.
The 28 men represented the entire
personnel of the admiralty board
which was to conduct the final trial
of the dirigible looking to Its accept
ance by the government at. a new
unit of the German aerial navy, the
pilot and crew and Invited guesls.
Every person that went aloft In the
big airship Is dead
Twenty seven of them wer killed
almost instantly by the explosion of
tbe gas in tbe balloon or burned to
death as the flaming wreck fell to th
ground from a height of vOO feet.
Or. Wlthyoomb. of the Agricultu
ral college, mad un address at the
Pomona Orange at Nyssu on Isst Krl
dsy aud later visited witb bis son In
Wliil In Ontario h 'called at the
Argue office to urge the necessity of
this oounty having a demoustrator to
show tbe runners tbe best method to
follow to get results. They have a
farm In llarusy county and ten tracts
and the benefit derived by the people
It wonderful.
A demtfDatratloo traio wltb a pool
try axblbit rcntly made a trip to
tbe southwestern part of th state and
It was worth thousands of dollars to
these people. W have the twst lay
lug bn In tb world at tbe farm, b
is a cross bred from good lay iug strain.
We era also preparing to rsli n lot
of -nckral from our strain nl Ply
mouth Rocks, all of whlob have re
oord of battel than 'J00 egg year,
whll tb averagH 1 from Oft to 75
These oockrsls will be distributed
to tb poultry grower of tb elate
Mainour oounty Is about lb six of
Denmark, which supports some two
million psopla and when tbey took
hold of It there was little but bog aud
aand dune for tbem to work on. but
now all it i warden with cooperation
as tb slogan in all their dealing.
Wltb the great production of alfalfa
aod Malheur count) is a untuial
dairy county aud tbe people should
get Into i liit linn a it mesne perman
ent propnty nudr ull condition.
Tbe markets ar too far away aud
too expensive to reach to undertake to
ship produce, but witb the cot and
lien to condemn tlieni there ' a big
future, in time there will be more
than a million acra of this oounty
cultivaUd. some Irrigated, aome dry
tanned and tbe people will find it
very protltabl to bave a msu wbo
will tell tbe farmer what and bow to
farm to tbe bt advantage.
I lie etate will meet half the x
i rime aud your county court can up
l i i nite money Iriuii eny funds on
baud or levy a special assessment for
the purpose.
Eastern Oregon Resident! Prfr Old
Way of Settlement.
Washington. Vigorous protest has
been iiuiilo by residents of Kustern
Oregon ngulnst the opening by the lot
tery system of some 300,000 acres of
land that are soon to be eliminated
from the Paulina and Deschutes na
tional forests.
Hcpresrntatlve Slnnott. to whom
these protests were made, took th
matter up with Land Commlasloner
Tallman. The commissioner aald there
had been no definite determination as
to the method of opening, but in about
two week th question will be set
tied. The commissioner thought the
department might eventually decide
to open these lands In the usual way,
throwing them open to settlement on
some date to be fixed and opening
I hem to entry 30 days later, thus giv
ing settlers (he preference right of
Influence of President Wilson Secures
Noted SuMr.iiM Admission to
United States.
mum vale
Or Hold Them There Over
Night-Hog and Cattle
'turner, tbe Caldwell burs buyer,
'shipped a car load of bora east a
fu 'late ago from tb loUrior.
A car load ot borse blouging to
i tbe Utah Construction c impsuy. u
I shipped from tb work sett of here
I to .Joutana this week, wber tb com
ptny baa some grading.
Kenvnii and 1111 shipped lu tbre
carloads of cattle from .liintiir The
cuttle wer billed to Ontario, but
tb railroad popl Insisted on hold
lug f hem lu the oar all night at Val.
O Kiev Wr Miloa.le ! there and
ii lieu to Ontario. Th Construction
company oharged I'iO a oar from Jim
tura to Val and th Hhort 1 .me wanted
-1" more to haul tbm to Ontario
Th prices would indicate there
1 a good opportunity forth railroad
commission to get busy aud adjust
matter and bava a fair rate aatab
Th i.n.ter brother hav gotteu
.tait.d buying aud sbippilng hog
from tbi place and Hud there is
plenty of tham ready for market.
They hate been hlpplug cur lots
each wk for the past tbre week
and this week they shipped out two
carloads, one golug from Nyssa.
Th market Is about 7t cents here,
whlob meana good mouey to th
grower. The hog ar about lx
month old and weigh '.'00 pouud.
Many farmer are keeping a bun
dred or o hog and Hud they ara
good mouey maker, but tbe big Img
ranch I nar Jsmieson, whr they
luite (im 1500 and ar preparing
to bar over l .nun trood ow. You
will hav to think twine to realize
what 1,000 ow meana. with two
litUrs a yar aud au average of alx
pigs, meana 1000 pig a mouth for
th market, and tb mouay luvolved
will run Into the thousands of dollar.
Kenyon aud li.ll mad a shipment
of 30o fat cow to Fort laud Weduea-
iy. It seeme a sbsme to ship out this
stuff when tb bf supply issoslioit.
New York. Mrs. Kmmalln Pank
burat, the militant suffragette leader,
waa allowed to land on Manhattan In
land from Kills Islsnd, where she had
been detained by the Immigration au
thorities. She had been ordered de
ported aa an undesirable alien, but
President Wilson and Secretary of
Labor llsou intervened on her ap
peal from this decision and Instructed
Anthony Camttietti. commissioner
general of immigration, to releuse her
on her own recognisance and without
Shortly after she landed Mr Pank
hurst was taken In an automobile to
the residence of Mr. O. H. P. Bel
mont. "The American people did It It la
their will," she said. "What will tb
English ay?" Then h paid her re
spects tartly to Reginald McKenna.
the British home secretary, character
ixlng him as "the chief torturer of
Kngland." She said It was not hr
purpose to presrh militancy In this
country, but that she would couflna
herself to ail exposition or th treat-no-Hi
accorded the suffragette lu England.
Mexico City. In a brief atatamant
President Huerta denounced a ba
leaa that he wa contmplallng resign
Ing or fleeing from the capital
Peraon oloae to the president de
clare that he haa received sufficient
assurance of support from th army
heads aa wall a from th provincial
governor and I satisfied that th
revolt In the north will oon be ended
with the r.-, -apti ii. of Torreon by the
a iron federal force now being con
cent rated upon the city.
Ten of the Imprisoned deputies were
set free, there being no evidence that
they had taken part in a conspiracy
Seventy four of the remaining 100
were formally held for trial In th
federal district court on charges of
sedition, rebellion and coutumacy.
All the potato grower of tbe Idaho
Oregon district ar requeatad to meet
in tb district packing bun at 8 p.
m. on Monday. October 27, to bear
wbat J. N. Mi Pberson, head of toe
potato department of tb Northwest
Fruit association haa to say about
conditions and market expectations
He bas just u turned from a trip to
Colorado and eastern Idaho and nss
many things of intrt to tell you.
Th watocist ion be contracted over '
Tbe elegant new home of tbe Com
mercial club I now r dy for occu
pancy and a campaign ba been started
to secure th ueceeeurya luruiture to
mak it i. meiike It i tbe desire
of th officers and director of tbe
Club to make the rooms popular with
all Lb people where tbey will feel
free to gather for consultation, recrea
to ma and amusement.
The room are wall lighted aod
neated. a biliaid table bas been in-
P1, 'taiTBBIJlBWijK
b'B'fB l Efl
-Li ' ' Cfl
BawCMraaalBBrJSa,g Ml! lU
I n ffrlf IBB i '""
n.oou carioaaa 01 poiaioea and ir you stalled aod other attraction will be
are Interested be sure aod attend tb added uotii it baa all tbe attractions
meeting. f lliet else club.
Tbe musical recital by Frederick
1'ieetou Search, assisted bv Mr Chap
man. at tb (mainland on Hulurduy
evauing pleaaed a large number of
the local people. Ther I un ui .
tlon of th high tiuality of the euter
talumsiil. 10 fact It wa evidently too
high for soma of thus present to ap
. ... at. it tru worth aud they
seemed to tbluk because they had
paid for one seat they were the whole
show aud kept up a constant talk and
humming during tbe concert uiucli
to the discomfort of all tlmea lllifoe.
lunate enough to be uear tlcm.
However, we presnui it is Mgejtawff
to hav a few of these a I n.h c, eaturae
noun. I in order to appreciate the
I wi bred people
Ilolse - -That Idaho should follow !
th lead of Oregon and Washington
I In Joining hands with the reclamation
service to omplete Its half finikin i
! Irrigation project and again turn il .
tldr ,r immigration to the northweat,
IS I lie opinion expreaned by F H N'W .
ell, director of Hi lei.laiualiun ggfVal
while her. 1
i r An. nee i.w Aaauulatlua.
Mra. Cmmallna Pankhur!, th not
sd Engllah auffrayatt, who wa or
dered deported by immigration author
(ties at New York.
I ws contract.,1 laid T.000 f. I
of pit e laat week and he .eld. d a uuui of ii.. i, il,i, week and will try to
gt 1.000 feet down thia week, which
it what a regular crew can do
lu ell. nalng the lovter alougli they
eucounteied nutiie bard gravel at a
email I. it. ami this was the atiata
thai held the water and prevented it
froui dunning off. The big ditch
machine w.i. taken awav aa it BJSJJ
fomil too email for the lug sewer and
the coutruotor will ship If a larger
machine It the gnuud le lound ult