ONI ARIO ARGUS PUBLlSHID KVBKY THUKRDAY Entered in the pOtitoflM t Ontario Oreirnn for tfMMniMkMI through the mails hs second -o1rh tnmttfir. M. E. MAIN. Publisher. Htnteinont of the ownership and iiiaiiaiiiKiit of the Ontnrio Argus, pubiitbtd weekly nt On tario, Oregon, as required by the uet of August 24, 1912. Nume of editor, managing editor, business manager, pub lisher and owner, M. E. Bain, Ontario, Oregon. No honds or mortgages. Signature, M. 10. Bain. Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this 8th day of October, IMS. s. w. Taylor. Notary Public The agricultural production of Oregon this year will be about 1 10,000,000, about $18, 000, Hit) in excess of last ytir. The leadini; crop money maker is wheat, with an estimated pro duction of St,1443S7 bushels, valued at 10,610,166. Its near est competitor if hay, 1,611,681 tons valued at 18,604,6S0. The value of tin- fruit crop is $S, 000,000. The ligures lor clover me, I, while the lowest of the nine aeparately listed products, are in tunny ways the most gratifying of all. They repre sent u new industry, vindicate the contention of the college authorities that clover and alf alfa can be and are rown suc cessfully and indicate that valu able additions to the fertility of Oregon farms have been made. Of agricultural product other than crops the value of livesto. k sales is 184,807,600; dairy pro .lints, $18,486,000) poultry and 'KK". $70O,OO0; wool, $8,876, 001). mohair, 8866,860 and honey 6141,760. On August '.'Hi 7,488 national banks had individual deposits amounting to live billion, seven hundred and uxty-one million dollars. These same bank had fifty million of government funds and twenty million of postal Miunp funds. Over half of this enormous sum is in the countiv hanks Brief News of the Week Blrlugflald, Mo. defeated the pro OB(l foUlllllklOII forill Of ROVCI lllllClll charter. Argument tit ihn government! all Ullhl hull against (III) lutelllllllolllll Harvester company rrr i in .1 ul.-.l (o ruin Mondtv) In St I'aul. 'I'll California mill unit comnilaeiou ban ordered trwnaiiorlatlou llnaa to put la Individual aanltao dnukini. iil vvhiih will aell to tba public tor 1 cent each Hiitfriiaelte in Loudon Interrupted BerMi c In the Westminster AIiIti with chant for auffrageite now In prison, when III.1 i-lorg) felled to inon Hun the women In their pray are Tba concerted yella of 3000 fan at tba 'I't'iniili. nndltnrlum. l.oa Augi-lca. where they were watching tin- baae ball score. allt aeverul pipes In th S0,t pipe organ Hereafter a matron and a polU'eiaun must ittand kii.ihI with a watchful eye In war) public danca bill In Hoaton to M that the tango, turkey trot and oilier dances of a aliultar charartar air not iiii.-nii.li.il HtroiiK oppoatllon to abatement of tin ecvertly of examinations at the W I I'ollit mllliiir) itcudemv Is Vole el t ilu superintendent. Colonel Townslcv. in hta annual report Commissioner of Madlatlon Stew art. i.f (lir federal departuieul of labor, will recommend forthwith a emigres tonal Investigation of tba strike of Colo nolo io.il minora. I . Western Fuel caaee. In which are involv.d m. in officer .uul am ploii-H of I lio Western Fuel company, charged witti conspiracy to defraud I 1 1 miii'iii through iiiaiiipnl.ittuk eights i .10 up for ii M la) lit the lulled Stale district court at Kan Ki inclsco I lo HrltUh noMTiiii.ni tins decide. I lo i '.il'llbli .in opium monopoly In llmiKkoiiK hi the expiration of tbi pr - nt .nil. .mi . hi .ii nl it Ik thought wllll III. lollllol ot ttio tl.iftli In ill. Imiui of tba gow Bant its ,.. - on will be aaairr BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Heavy snow fall In the Humpter dla trlrt hna caused delays to railroad traffic and telegrnph and telephone lines have been hampered. Mm Surah A. Evans was re-elected president of the State Federation of Women's Clubs at the convention at Hood Klver. Since the establishment of the atate automobile registration department In 1911, Multnomah county has paid lo more than 12(1,000 In feea. Owing to effective foreat patrol Linn county panned through the summer without a single destructive forest fire. Three carloads of horses have b -o bought In upper Malheur section y the government for uie In the wa de partment. OlendaJe and Sutlierlln will not vote on local option Issue November 4 because I f technicalities In the peti tions. flovernor West had no right to Incur debt In carrying on vice cniHitde work, and the emergency boar I 'mil no au thority lo declare e( .1 such action, according to . attorney general. U I). Weslfnll of Tualatin won the handHiiiiie loving cup offered by the Croat Northern railroad for the best agricultural exhibit ul the state fair at Salem. More than 3(1,000 head of sheep will leave llend for Chicago stock yardn, this prolmhly being the largeat slnglo shipment of million ever made from Oregon. Kugene wna chosen as the next place of meeting at the closing session of the annual convention of the State Federation of Women's Clubs lit Hood Klver. High school officials of Coqullle bine placed a ban (Mi pupils' attend Ing picture shows, parties, dances, ate, on any night In the week except on Friday and Saturday. tleorge Temple, aged 12. a Chemawn student, shot Watchman tleorge Si n Dlff. The latter hit the boy on the hem) wiih the former's weapon. Ilolh may die The Noll tunnel on the Kiiecuc loot lluv riillroinl Is nearly ready for the rails. Trains may be run from Ku g. no in Mapli inn within the next SO dm m School fund loans In Oregon nggre gatlag $1011,11(111 may be forfeited tin less the notes are renewed or fore closure suits are brought, says Hover nor Weat. Kepreseutatlve Humphrey of Wash Ington may visit some of tin mure Im portant river and harbor prolectn in .ii It Itepti ce, ill. in e Hnwli v finds he can't make the trip The C. A. Smith lumber company has been usked by ( inventor Weal of OVUM to defend Its title lo In.niin seres of land which. II Is intimated, has been obtained by use nt ilummv school land seleclluun lluv M Lindsay, former cashier of llie Cltlxeus National bank of linker City, was freed of the charge of mis appropriating funds. MMM of tin gov ei ninelil I l.ilhne In pio.lu.e ally dumugliiK evidence against blia tieiirge II tleorge. preoldent of the Astoria National bunk, vice president, .. . i. Inry mill lrenurer uf the Colutn bin Klver I'm ke iiHSolcHtlnii and one of the inieimihi cltlxeus ot Oregon, ill. .1 .it his home la Asioria That the ii.illon.il forest, which re cent I) was opened to homesteadlng of available agricultural lauds, la oil the bunk of iui era of development la the opinion of J Hoy Harvey . new I) appointed supervisor Secretary of the Navj Daniels haa lliliinued Semilor ( I., nab ell. on ib.tt in suttn lent room on die baltlehhip Ore gon will prevent Oregon guurdsuien Iioiii uccoiupanv ing the ship through the I'uii.iuiu canal, as an escort Suit han been tiled l llie .literacy geiierul ol Oregon again! the gover nor, aecretary ot stale and treasurer, lor recovi-iv of 114.000 nni to have been unlawfully spent out of the pent teutlary revolving luiul Senator thsiiibei l.iln has been told b the stale department that the pro poeed legislation h Chile hue been changed lo make llie lumber duty 70 per cent ad valorem, an Increaae of tie per cent. Itutead of L'lii per cent as intended (inventor West intends to put the payment ot expense of grand jury In v litigation ot I W W deportation In I'mii. MM) if to A H I'owera. of the Smith Cowers Logging company I'owers l-. Iii.iuu.l tor instigating the deport iitiou er largclv itiiough the efforta of Itepresentatlve Siuuott. the director of the geological survey has recoia mended lo the lanttlf of the later ioi itawlgualton .i.ler the enlarged ltomcklc.nl .nl o( sections 7 Id. X3. lowuship ti fcouth range lb .. i io i i ii io u n to i low Ml r.nige 1 eal I ,.k. i.u.tilv gggf Kort Kock Coitiuoi V . m has appointi 4 a ii. '. to dvle a plan for an lav pioi.,1 . -t. in ot forest taxation The gov. i will urge the .'ommiuea te a plan lo eucourngi re ABd the aetlleuient W toggi.ioii iwuua atut to uisa. i .voaw meu.Utiou ui Dm uei leguiaiur. Local News Pat Faulkner, of Willow Creek, was a visitor in Ontario Wed nesday. The Baptist, Congregational. Methodist and United Presby terian churches will unite in special religious services. Meet ings to begin next Sunday even ing, October 19, at 7:30 in the Baptist church and will con tinue there every evening of that week except Monday. Fur ther announcements will be made at the different churches next .Sunday morning and as the meetings progress. Philip Koe Dig, Secretary. The Cash grain company is buying and selling hay, grain and feed and doing a general forwarding business. 3 doors, east of Ontario Furniture Co. Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mansker, October 7th, a girl. Born To Mr. and Mrs. II. W. .Iinne, October 10, a boy. Hot point electric sad irons at M o Unit ne v-McNulty company. (has. & Johnson, now of On tario, came over to attend the fair. He still owns land in the Van neighborhood and was, there looking after crops. Hi usual fine fruit exhibit at the fair was missed this year. ' Burns News. J. (. Kilpock. of Portland, representing the boys and girls home, of that city, was here several days this week and made an address at the school on the work his people are engaged in. The returns as reported from the threshing in this locality show that an exceptionally good crop of grain was raised. On tin Schas ranch Morris Alwaldt threshed 70 bushels of barley from 7 acre-, making about HO bushels lo the acre. Haidisly 1 wheat went over 40 bushel to the acre. Jordan Valley Kx- press. AN OREGON HEN BREAKS WORLD'S EAYING RECORD Hatched in April 1911, and commencing to lav at the age of five and one half mouths, a lieu al the OrtgOO Agricultural col lege has broken the world's record for the production of eggs in one year She laid SM eggs in twelve mouths, which is the highest record in the Cnited Slates and two more than the world's record. Her most notable feat and which probably has never been equaled, was the la ing of '.! eggs in 100 consecu tive days during the spring months. Tlie hen is a cross belwecn the Plymouth Hock and White Leghorn breeds. B W. O'Nell la In Prlaon. Boise Idaho- n T. O'Nell. convict ed of making false reports to tba elate bank examiner of the condition o' the Rank of Commerce while Its presi deal, arrived here In company with four other convicts from north Idaho, and immediately began his term ot two to ii'ii year In the penitentiary Ad Wolgaat Wins Over Bat Nelson Mllwuiiaae Ad Wolgaat. of Cadi I lac. Mich, defeated Hattllag Nelson of It.'Kcwisi h 111 , In a 10-round no det-ision hoxlnt conleet at the Klile arena lure Wolgaat had the better of eiKht of the 10 rounds, while twe ere even Arkanaaa la to Qo Bry. l.lttle Hock Ark -The state IU preine .ourt Miktatned the validity of I he Qotlxl 1'iolululion bill aud Vrkau a will MMM lt) after Januarv Ili'M Athietica Are Championa. ork Hie I'liiUilciiihta Ath lei I..- won the eaaeball Of the orld for li13 at the f giniuds b defeating tbe New York SIMM a to 1. in the utth aud deciding game oi the eerie. Dr. W. G. Howe DENTIST Telephone No. 732 I irst National Bank lildg. DRS. PRINZIN6 & WEESE Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Block. C. C. 60LDSBERRY DENTIST Gas with Extractions Office in Wilson Block Phone. No. 138 R J W McCuIloch R W Eckhardt Mcculloch & eckhardt LAWYERS Remus 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank llMir Ontario, Oregon OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS On. II mikikt Ska iis ll(. I'ai link Hkahs (irailuntes American School of Os- tenpatliv. Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Block Telephone. 1.14 Hlk. H. H. WHITNEY PHYSICIAN and SCKflEON Office In I. O. 0. F. Bldg., Ontario. - . Oreoo Transfer. Baggage and Express Meet All Trains JOHN LANDINGIIAM C. MC60NA6ILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in all Courts Noturv Public. Office over Postoffice W. W. HINTON STOCK INHI'Kt'TOH tK MA I. UK I'll roi'NTV DKPl'TIBS l.'ol.t o.lell. Ontario lieu drown. Yale. C C Morton, old's Perry. John Mathews, Weiaer Hriilne. J. E Holly, Riverview Abe Hennv. .Ionian Vallev l-nsl Wllkiaaon. McIVrmilt J Hnv. Icll. Nvssa W H McWiHiaiii- Jiintnra Win Ktne, 1 1. ii pi i J. H. BROWN Auctioneer (iradiiate of Missouri Auction School. I'hone or write for dateg. I'hoiii ..'HI ti I Ontario, Ore. The Most Qualified Judges Pronounce Taylor & Williams Straight Yellow Stoat Whiskey the BEST FOR SALE in quantities from One gallon up, and nan other liood brands, bv l. B. TCTCR. Wholesiilcr ONTAElOi BXOOM IrM.tf. mnrk'vliiyrlgahi nhaiM a r .- frv. IW..J Mukri. eHrk or lli4.i an.1 4. - FKIC ggAROH Marwii PATKNTS BUILD PORTUNIS IKl MM vHl MKMr V itt lukHk). D. SWIFT & CO. PATt'T LAWYERS, 303 kV-ves h m WasMggtM,B p L aV M KK? &LMJM "Judge me by what I have done," wrote the conquering Napoleon. If you judge the Ford by what it has accomplished rather than by its low price or even by the excellence of its parts the chances are you'll own a Ford in preference to any other car. $575 is the new price of the Ford Runabout; the Touring car is $62.1, Town Car, $826 f. o. b. Ontario, with all equipment. Get cat alogue and all particulars from Ford Garage Ontario, Ore. tB A In a Confining our business strictly to LEGITIMATE banking, and with ample resources for the needs of our customers, we invite the banking business of ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen and individuals, Resources Over Half Million Dollars OFFICERS A. L. COCKRUM, President; T. TURNBL'LL, Vice President C. E. KENYON L. B. Buy your Meat at The ONTARIO MARKET and get the best the market affords For Good Rigs and Prompt Service The Eagle Livery G. L SMITH, Proprietor Horses Boarded BUTTER WRAPPERS Must Be Printed We are printing more wrappers than any other two offices in this section. There is a reason. We have the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do with wedding invitations. Take your next order of A .-Vic, "iflC-. Butter Wrappers to the ilXgUS UlUCe A Complete Line of At the Argus Office :t&amm OF ONTARIO. ORE Good Bank Good Country AND DIRECTORS H. B. C0CKRUM. Cashier C. W.PLATT Ass't. Caihier Montie B. Owinn, fockrum By the Day or Week