The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 09, 1913, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Special this Week
Floating Castile Soap
24b. Bar 35c
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Nullum Alexander has lieen
here this week helping out in
the Alexander store.
Administrator's Notice.
C. A. Mr-Musters, the horse
man iroin iwu runs, whs liere,
this week MtlHttf a market for
ionie nnjiorteu stutt.
A new arillunetic was picked
up in front of the Argus office
ind the name of Roy Johnson
ippears on the inside cover. The
book can be hud by paying for
this notice.
There was a general shifting
iround among the saloon men
tbis week. A. Stctzner, who
formerly had the Moore bar,
bought n saloon and lodging
boiiM' in Huntington from L. II
Tcters. Herman Eckstein and
Sam Million, of the Palm bur,
bought out Stetzner's interest in
the Moore and Oliver Nicely
bought the Palm bar, his old
Dr. Dutton was down from
Caldwell Wednesday looking
liter the cold storage plant. His
nn Paul returned to Caldwell
fith him. They will soor. be in
ihape to buy up produce.
Rev. Davidson was a visitor
lo Boise Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Muthcws,
(lower Dead Ox, were Ontario
liiitors Wednesduy. They huve
mil under the new pumping
yrtem that is being installed.
E. R. Ooudy is in Kupert tbis
wk looking after his ranch and
liier interests there.
Mrs S,1-. ,,.... . .
-,w, ,;,,, nHiniieu troth
Vale on the early train Mondav
.,., ,. In the County Court of the State of I
iiiesuiijH'ts forSundav.Octo- rKn. for Malheur County,
ber 12th, at the Congregational ln,tbe mBtt,,r estate of Peter
churi'li uill .. II .,. "onton. deceased.
Limrcn will be: Morning "1 w .i- ... l . .
I.,i.i: o i " nereny jnven mat toe:
uimic rvnooi
The plasterers are fhiisbing
pa neat five room house with
Uli, for Mr. and Mrs. S. M.
loulton, who recently moved
ore from Ironside.
la the awarding of premiums
irthe school exhibits credit for
e fourth grade work should go
i Miss Taylor of the east side
sbool and Miss Dressier, in
host- grude the work was done
t year.
J. I, Taylor, of Jacobson
ttlch, took sweepstakes at the
lir this year on dry farm pro
mts. He raised about six tons
'.'nn potatoes us well as some
plendid corn.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
in. list church will give a
liver tea at the home of Mrs.
lndull Sage Thursday, October
I All members of the Aid
Bd their husbands aud friends,
very earnestly requested to
send and all others, not mem
m, are very welcome. Don't
get the date. Mrs. Harry
ldemau, secretary.
The boise blanket and robe
ou is here. We ure showing
complete line of stable, storm
wool blankets. Kroessin
wness company.
Our line of wool an d plush
fringe aud automobile robes is
''be best. Kroessiu Harness
" Ella Miller, son and
ughttr, of Enid, Oklahoma,
ltd lust week for a visit with
r daughter, Miss Grace, of
Irs. Dodge was registered ut
I Hotel Bristol in Boise tin?
Her sister is in the hospi-I
"r- Whitney wus passenger
P Boise Monday to look after
patieijt there.
unci ie ii'ion "
This will be of interest to teueli
Mt, parents indwboUr. Kveti
ing subject "The Ministry of
Suffering." Philip Koenitr.
Charlie Carter went to Cald
well Tuesday to attend I lie sale.
Judge and Mrs W. Wood
were Boiee visitors Wednesday.
Miss Mabel Cook, the U.Vnir
old daughter of A.W.Cook, died
Mil morning after a month's
illness. The funeral will prob
"1'ly be held Monday.
The Pomona grange will meet
at Nyssu Friday, Oct)bor 17.
Dr. Withycombe will deliver an
address in the afternoon.
For Sale well bred Jersey
bull calf, cheap. Call at Multno
mah rooming hou;e.
In returning articles loaned
to tho high school for decoration
purposes for the lust Friduy
night reception, an emblem pil
low belonging to Mrs. Bermeie,
was lost from Kader's auto. The
finder will confer a great favor
to the high school as woll as tho
lady in question by its return
either to Mrs. Bermeie or to the
school. E. Q, Bailey.
Register now in order to vote
November 4th. Register at Mc
lutosq Realty Co's. office north
of Ontario Furniture store.
They Are Often Due to Thoughtless
Childish Qrimaeas.
Tin- wrinkle on tunny middle aired
fnifH could he trie il i -:i IiIImIi BTlui
acoa. Kvery out- neitra much f auiil
Inn eyee I'rotmlil.v they owe much "f
thi-lr iiiilnrlty to tin- fuct t lnt they
do not product wrlnklea Tin siulle
which cretiNw the face Into doxeua of
flue llin-t doea produce wrinkle. .rim
u. M urc lu tho anua claaa with thin
face lining audi They should U- dl
Mauy children, too. perform little
irlcks with varloua parta of the hotly
which result lu awkward or utik'raet
ful hahlta which are later hard to ocr
.-..lot- For lustaurv. the double Joint, d
child who can bond hie thuiuba and
agSffl In all dlrectlona often doea
to the admiring wonder of hla play
tnateo. untb hla kuuekleo are eularued
aud mlsihiixu.
The small boy that can awlug from
his anua 1 aonietlnieo cheered, even
by hla elder, Into dlalocatlng a about
der. The little girl wnooo parents
mile at her when ahe walks pigeon
toed eoinetlmee doea ao until ahe has
formed a habit of walking with ber
toea turned In.
Far be It from any one to dlacourage
childish play. Oymnaetlca and all aorta
of bodily exerclae. If properly directed,
load to agility aud atreugth. But chil
dren ebould be dlacouraged from In
iulglng In grlmacee and "trtcka"
which will In time dlatort their foo
urea and bodlea.
Wrlnklea Juat beginning to form or
comparatively eatdly conquered, an
thla good reaaou abould aeud evory wo
man off to ber cream Jar aa aoon as
they betln to appear For one reoenn
or another they are Ignored: powder
and liquid leaving a depoalt on tl
kin will concoul them for a Ume. but
they are there, nevertheleaa. and aome
day they cannot le hidden, no matter
bow you cre.uu and owder. and thou,
tearfully, a woman takea her wrlnklea
seriously and admlu her yeara of will
ful neglect ,
A very al tuple cream for plumplur'
tb akin contains lanolin, two ounces,
cocoa butter, two ouueea; aweet almond
oil two ouncea. To thla may be added
a few drops of any favorite perfume.
An excellent emollient cream for floab
making used on tho arma aa well a
the neck la prepared lu the following
manner: Freah lard, one gram; a"1'
bol 180 per centi. twenty grama.
t.,K-e of roseiiiiiry, eleven dropa; eo
tones of bermmot, eleven drops.
Uuh tho h..n.ts a.i.l wrist with a lib
eral amouni of olive oil to which tea
U--n ,li,d a few droai of honwln
This not only acts aa a food, but aa a
.hltener,, w,,,. A,adr of
rloves frotu whkii inr n-
hn cut worn tit Dlgot
rill aid.
undersigned hai been dul anoolnted
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Malheur County, na ad
nn nint rater of the estate of Feter
Uouton. deceased.
All persons nation claims against
the estate of -ai, deceased are required
to present tbesatno to me at the office
of C. Mctlonagill. at Ontario, Oregon,
within aix mnntba from date hereof
Doted this 2nd day of October, 1!)13.
Win. Bouton,
Administrator of the estate of Peter
JJouton, deceased.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice la hereby giren that the
saloon business heretofore conducted
in Ontario. Oregon, under the tlrm
name of Krpelding nnd Koeselor. has
been this day dissolved, Mr. Jobn
F. Krpelding retiring nnd Peter Kes
seler continuing the business. Mr.
Pater Hosteler collecting all outstond
Ing accounts and paying all bills.
Doted ot Ontario, Oregon, this lat
day of October, 1013.
Peter Keoieler.
If you want printing of the bettor
claaa you get it at the Arus ofl Ifcfl
prue is right
PsM A.lvrrllM-mrnta
Furnished room
Cope, the tailor.
for rent.
For Sale A fine lot of young
pigs at the Will Reese place.
For Sale Lots 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, block 2715$ 1500; lots 1 and
2. block 2771500. Lots are
in the center of the city, 1 block
west of the two public schools.
Address W. J. I'adby, Haiidou,
Money to loan Improved irri
geted formo. W. II. Doollttlo Co.
Draynge orders taken ot Moore
HoU'l John Loudingham, residence
phone 424
Three lota for aale 2 blocks west
of postoffico ot a bargoin. Inquire ot
Argua offica.
Dry slab wood for grate and
kindling at Van 1'etten Lumber
Anyone waniinn- potatoes dug
with muchine call on Shaffer tV
lean, or phone 19 N-3 after 7
p. m. or i a. in.
Lost Steel crowbar. Return
to Argus and receive reward.
For Rent Two furnished
rooms, 2 blocks north of school
house and 1 block west. Mrs.
L. B. Fierce.
0 per cent loans on farms, or
chard lands, city property, to
buy, build, improve, extend or
refund mortgages or other secu
rities; terms reasonable; spe
cial privileges; cot respondents
invited. Dept. L. Olh Common
wealth Rldg., Denver, Colo., or
Dept. I, 749 Henry Bldg., Sent
tie, Wash
Fine dry slab wood at Van
lYtten Lumber company.
Old papers at tbe Argue office- 25
cents per hundred. Just whot you
need to line your cabins uud I'lace
under tbe corpat
Fr Sale Three good bifb
grude llolstein cow.-. I. I
Preston, New Plymouth. Ph
Horse Lost Rlack g4ld.Df. -
Old pu.-t, w! till i" j
forebead Ijihii':- ii mk"1
shouldet. Return to il
Trousdale and receive reward.
Phon 203-84.
. W if
M Hi 11 1 iIL JM W
'I ! v artf y 2
ill IP? fJ
-Mi II O
or- ,sr n BY
Something New
In hand tailored Men's and
Boy's Suits is being receiv-
j ed every week and the
New Fall line is now about
complete. We feature
Hand-tailored Suits for
Young Men and Boys
Because we cannot find anything better in the mar
kets. They have all the little new features to be
found and just a little better qualities in materials
than you can find any where else for the money.
See them before you purchase.
Department Store
Our fall shipment of
Bridge & Beach
Stoves and Ranges
are here and ready for your inspection.
Get your heater now and take
the chill off the house these
cold nights.
Malheur Mercantile