ONTARIO ARGUS PUDLiSHKI) EVEKY THUKSDAY Entered in the postofflpe at Ontario Oregon, for tratismissioa through the mails ax WnWtrt JMi matter. M. E. BAIN. Publisher. John Kigby, of the Vale Enter prise, hna been in Ontario this week soliciting subscriptions and advertising for his paper. He is going to issue a special edition next inontn exploiting the re sources of the county. If the Vule business men would take advantage of the advertising columns of the Enterprise to let the people know they are in business and have something to ell it would not only pay them big returns on the investment, but would tend to build up an even better paper than they now have. Brief NewsjiMhe Week A department of business efficiency has boon added to tbo public school system of Los Angles. Greece la preparinK for war with Turkey, roaerves having been called to the colors. The Immediate evacua tion of DednKHtrh has been ordered. The union station nt St. Paul, used by every toad entering the city, was destroyed by fire, causing damage of $100,000 to $260,000. The state executive commltoa of the Anil Sui. ..hi league of southern Cali fornia Is opposed to the proposed Ini tiative campaign for prohibition In California in 1914. Speakers at the session of the Na tional Wholesale Orocera' association In Chicago urged the enactment of uniform pure food laws as one solu tion for the present high cost of living problems. The University of Kansas has put it ban on the tango dance and other Into forms of dancing, following the or ganization of a tango club by the sor oritleH and fraternities. During the season which has Just ended, 140,000 American settlers are said to have come to western Canada. The announcement Is Issued by Bruce Walker, commissioner of Immigration. Increase over last year Is shown. YOU WONT HAVE TO RUN, BUT YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY, IF YOU WIN A PRIZE Miss Dottie Ward Won This Week's Prize Some of the Candidates Have Made Great Gains in the Last Few Weeks. You Can Win a Prize, If You Get Out and Hustle SNAPSHOTS AT CELEBRITIES Judge J. W. Gerard Named Ambassador to Germany. People in the News Secretary of the Interior Lane, greatly improved in health, has left California for Washington, D. C. He In accompanied by his wife. John 1). Rockefeller owns more per sonal property than any other person In New York. Ills assessment for 11)12 was $6,000,00. Representative Gardner, republican candidate for governor of Massachu setts, declares that be Is opposed to woman suffrage. During the llluess of his father, the Crown I'rluce of Sweden will assume the duties of King Gustaf, who is suf fering from effects of an operation for appendicitis. Kx-Prealdent Taft has accepted the Invitation of the hoard of trustees of Princeton university to attend the dedication of the Orover Cleveland memorial. October 22. John C. Heunlng. arrested in Chi oago, admits be entered into a plot to blacken the reputation of Clarence 8. Funk, formerly general manager or the International Harvester company. Representative Underwood, majority leader in the house, Issued a formal statement announcing hla candidacy for the United Slates senate from Ala bama to succeed the late Joseph K Johnston. Helpful Hints. To boll milk without fear of burn ing, place three or four tablespooufuls of water In' the pan. lef It boil rapidly minute or two, then aw the milk. A little bit of soap added to the starch will make the clothes Iron bet ter and have a lovely gloss. For a nervous headache, knot the hair high on the head, remove the waist and, while bending over the wash baslu, apply a sponge soaked In hot water to the back of the neck. Itepeat thla several times and the pain will dleappear. Cnocoiate Pie. One pint of milk, one heaping table spoouful of corn starch, yolks of two egga, sugar to taato and chocolate to taste. Bananas or cocoanut may be used with thla same custard, omitting the chocolate, adding extract to taste, placing baiutuas In the bottom of baked pantry shell ami p rtf custard over them. Finish with meringue made of whites of two Sflgfj beaten till stiff; then beat Into them four table gpooofuls of granulated sugar; spread ou pie; brown In oven More interest was manifested in the free automobile contest during the past week than any previous one. Many of the con testants and their friends want !.... -S-- iMr . . NMtvnm ior pa worm ot mer chandise from one of the mer chants who has an advertise ment in our issue of October 9, also the f000 votes which we are giving with each dollar paid on subscriptions, new or old. There is nearly one more week to work for this prize and the 5000 votes. The other merchants are also going to be liberal and they are offering some special induce ments on some very seasorfable goods, read their advertisements and then take advantage of the bargains offered. Have you noticed how the totals are shifting around? How some of the low ones are getting started towurd the top of the list? You can make just as good a showing if you will devote u little spare lime euch day with your friends and neighbors, toll ing bow motJaJTOn would lik" to have the free automobile and how much you will appreciate any little assistance they nn.y give you. Try it one afternoon and see how ready they are to help you. All the merchunts interested in the contest are muking a special effort to huve you call at their stores by giving extra votes on seasonable lines. He sure and read the big free auto advertisement and also the special notices of the firms in terested. Look over the list of candi dates ninl see how they are shifting around and you will realize it will be an easy matter for you to get as many .votes a.s any of them, if you do a little work among your friends. Miss Dottie Ward received the special prize this week. HOW TIIKY STAND Florence O'Conor Nettie Peterson Mrs. W. H. Raver Mrs A Stutzner Mrs. Joe Staples Betsy Taylor Ruth Test Mrs. Winnie Wisdom F. Winston Mrs. H. C. Whitworth Mrs. John Weaver Dottie Ward Maude Walters Mrs Harry Williams Mrs. A. Zimmerman Frank Van Petten NY88A. Georgia Dennis Gertrude Pounds PKUITI.AND. Erma Deal Volva l .i lines Stella Harris Emma Johnson A. C. Manemau Ora Nott Marion Robinson VAI.K Mrs I, Dell Mrs. J. P. Houston OWYHKK Miss Anna Robertson I'AYKTTK Aldulu Gregory May Myer T. K Neilson Bee Roberts Esther Russell Mae Simon M Alice Williams ITBW I'l.YMOUTH .lull n B Fisher Dui.y Masou HUNTINGTON Mrs. Frimer 091,707 110,86 884,008 45,W0 8160 104,250 33.UH0 118,188 11,880 880,667 ,785 25079(1 1 10,8(15 2(1,120 38,790 23067 69,190 12,005 10,170 142,056 2410 23.0S0 152,745 208,099 10,800 31,400 8,530 18,080 11,050 11,680 4,232 2,800 31,330 6,760 5.S-.0 2,000 4,ir,o 4700 Vale 01293 Burns 04623. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. A and the out In half Baby's Bib. Ommm u,...hl Hill V t0 " "- - .. ii..i ,.r half used as me moos " tit Make a reiiiu"' ea.'li baby's Mabel Blauton 30,510 Fred Buttler 4,660 Ella Brosnan 169,900 Wilmoth Curry 52,100 C. C Dodge 2,735 Frank Doruian 13,520 Thurzie Ericksou 27,510 C. A. Field 7420 Mrs. L. B. Fry 2,375 V. V. Hickox 2,740 H. W. Hoopes 2720 Gretchen Hailey 203,981 Mrs J A Hogau 7,525 Jennit Hodgkins 7490 John Hunt 2000 O. A. Koshnick V W P. K. Koenig 5540 H I Kester 2.200 Maude Kidd 554075 Ethel McNulty T6480 II. M. Met. M 40 U. (i. McAnnick 2,110 V. W. Marsden 668,108 Klilou Madden 80160 Mrs Winuie Minster 866,848 Maggie Moody 77,088 1) T Mansker 686,841 1 Department of the luterior, I . S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, October tli. 1013. Notice Is hereby given that Law rence E. Olson, of tint aii. Oregon, who on May ltitb, 1010, made Home stead Application No. 01293. for the 8ft NUi and Bft SEJ, Section 34. Township 17 S., Rauge 40 E. Wil lamtte Meridian, baa tiled notice of intention to make final three-year proof to establish olaim to the laud above described, before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Laud Offloe. at Vale, Oregon, on the 10th day of November. 1013. Claimant names as witnesses . Albert 8. Worth. Stephen D. Moore. Ora A. Palmer. Ernest C. MoDowell, all of Outarlo Oregon. Bruoe R. Keeter, Register. I rain Service. West bound. No. 17 Oregon Wash Ltd No. 75 Huntington Pass No. 0 Fast Mail No 77 Huutingtou Pass No. 6 Oregon Waab Ex pre. East bound 3:4b a m 0.10 a m 6:11 p m 6:33 p m t 6:60 p m No. 18 Oregon Wash Ltd 2:51 a m No. 70 Boise passenger 8:50 a m No. 0 East Mail 1 1 :57 s m No. 78 Boise passenger 3:50 p m No. 10 Oregon Wash Express 1:40 pm The Vale train leavea Vale daily at 8 am. arriving in Ontario at 8:40. Ri I iii limn will leave, except Sun. la y, at 10 a ni., arriving at Vale at 10:40, leaving for Brogau at 10:50, arriv ing there 11 :50. reluruiug will leave Brogan'cit 12:30, airive at Vale 1 :30. Leave Vale at 2:35. arriviug at On tario at :i-:i0. and return to Vale at V p. m. uu Mummy is train win oome to Outario iu the uimui ami return at 7 p. m.. making IM run to liumedale ou tttat day instead of Wednesday. 8J P H ssi v H 87 H veution presidential campaign he was an active Wilson man Justice Ger ard's wife Is a dnnirhter "f the late Miircua Daly, one time cupper king of Montnna Minister to China. Dr. Paul 8. Helnsch. professor of political economy In the University of Wisconsin, who hns been appointed minister to Chinn. Is a writer of recog nlaed authority on oriental topics and far eastern politics. His works on those subjects have been translated Into both Japanese and Chinese Horn in Milwaukee In 18(11). he waa graduated from the state university In 1802 and from the law school In Photo by American Press Association. The iipKlntment of Justico James W. Oerard of New York to the Impor tant post of amhiiHHndor to Oermany hi generally regarded as a recognition of special fitness for tho position. The new ambassador, those who know him best say, is a man of atreugth, charac ter, ability and culture a worthy rep resentative of Uncle Sam. The new envoy to Merlin Is a native of the Empire State ami is forty -six years of age. He was graduated from the New York Law school In 1802 and began the practice of Ills profession In New York city. He went to the front In the Spanish war, serving as an a hi de-camp ou the staff of General M C'oskry Butt After the war he resum ed the practice of law and in 1007 was elected to the supreme court bench on the Democratic ti.ket for a term of fourteen years. Justico Gerard Is pres ident of the Mexican Society of New York and was one of the three civil ian commissioners appointed In 1010 by President Taft to represent the United States at the centennial cele bration In Mexico Durlnv the nrecon- L isV BaflsPJ W MWH dBtflj- i44sssassssm ana Home, returning to continue h. graduate work at Wisconsin. TJft U he was Uoosevelt exchange JSt sor at the University f H.rll J h " rtt. f S5J "Present Conditio,, . America" Dr itelnsch lias been active In . American conferences ,1( .J" for the study of International ,RW " historical research ( hn, n reputation as a ktrW on nu ' "'' PoHtlCS He has heen gf the department of political science .1 the University of Wisconsin ,inre Joog A Paint Clsansr. Snve the ten leaves for n few dnv then steep them In a pall for half an hour: strain and use the ten to clean vnrnlshed wood. It requires very lit tie polish, as tho ten nets ns n strong deterrent, denning the pnlnt from all Impurities and making It equnl to new. Chicken Croquettes. Two pounds of chicken itient chopped or ground tine, two eggs DSStss, on Slier of bread crumbed, one-tin I r c,,p ful of sweet crenni. one tnhlespoonfnl of butter, salt and pepper. Make Into balls, dip in eggs, then In cracker crumbs and fry. oh. I'Ai'i. s. RRisacn. 1804. Going abroad, he studied nt the University of Merlin and also at I'arls Home Made Candies AT SADP'S CANDY KITCHFN Opposite Dreamland Theatre Our candies are pure and whole some. Our cough candy will cure that cold you have or a frog in your throat. Give us a Trial A Complete Line of At the Argus Office EXTRA SPECIAL Oct. 10 to 18th. Inclusive 1000 votes for automobile for every dollar purchase made in Linoleums or rugs that are in our window. We have several rolls of linoleum of which there is only enough of a pattern for a room or two. In order to close out these remnants, we will make the follow ing prices: 75c goods per sq. yd. 57c 65c goods per sq. yd. 52c $1.35 Inlaid per sq. yd. . $1.15 ; A good grade of Inlaid for $1.00 We have some good values in rugs in the window $2.50 Rugs, 27 x 54, Axminster at $1.40 You can always use a small rug. Come early and get your choice. Ontario Furniture Co. cover of linen or lawn eugeu or embroidery-