The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 25, 1913, Image 6

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    I'll FMdMMB
Beware of the beauty that's only
paint deep. Performances, not
promises, measure the worth of
an automobile. "Beauty is as
beauty docs," and the Ford car
has a record unmatched in the
world's history. By that record
you should judge it.
1575 in Ihr now price of the lord itunnhout;
the Touring car it MM, Town ( ht, $825
f . o. Ii. Ohtiirin, with nil ciiiiiment. (Jet cat
alogue: and nil particular! from
Ford Auto Company
Ontario, Ore.
. - Y
A. McWILLIAMS. Proprietor.
w W All Id
ssssssssssssTsssssPT y!rasWkslsai asMfSUJ, 'U. T" j. TTBb! BL watfi Mr v Mt1-
gagj . . TBsKsssasisssssglgtgMEl. '-t ajjji.tjj . II X ft B kaggtV J VggW. m gJLvsm
ssss- flBniasiT -'tf- ' ' '5?l Ef V -v" v " "? arssW" ' " 4 a
aajssaw'" - "1 mW Jrr ' u km " wiHtEr' ILefl Bslksw
" k 1 ' ' EfHBPvti ' ' i ''' " '..'i-t' "" - -' - ""7jPamgfcv
. "JjStUS M f jSSsSslsssJgftSssssi Py
ssssfl 3BrtrEir " '1'!j5'Bggggfr W
Saturday will bf bar rain day ut all the stoivs in the
ooutett SOOvotai ill bi givan an the dollar for
all cash purchases.
Bermele Drug Co.,
tur Co., Ontario
Nc.ton: Store, Ontario Argus
ii i
Beit Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
orscH lion fill t and Sold
if you !' an auto eoininjr full
pood from oor garagt. Ii on
ly our eineiyi'iiey ear nin to
the rOROUt of "nun- Hlraini. J
in. to We are always reinly to
rotpond to oolla of all kind! ol
UIO repair work. Ami we liave
every facility ami plenty of
ability to do the work promptly.
Ontario Auto Company
ii. b i caai m
: RT "I'l'l I
Ontario Fumi-
Hardware Co.,
Notice of Meeting of the Board of
Equalization for Dead Ox flat Ir
rigation District.
Notice It hereby given flint the
HiKinl of Directors of tbn DtMl Ox
I' Int. rrlgHtion District, acting ni a
Hoard of KiiBliation. will meet at
OutJirio. Oregon on Tuoiday, the 7th
day of October. 1013, at 10 o'clock
a. in for the purpose of reviewing
and correcting the assessment and
apportionment of taxes of said Irriga
lion District, lor tbo year 1913. A
list and record of tald assessment It
now in tbo oflb'a of the secretary of
said Hoard, fof the iuspeotlon of nil
persons liiterentod.
Dnted at Ontario, Oregon, this 28th
dnv Of August, It 18,
II. V. Clement. Secretary.
Notice to Taxpayers.
On account f low occurring
to a portion of tlio petition til
ed witli tin- board o! Equaliaa
lion during tha iirt taro in vs of
ill lOMioil all taxpayers who fil-
od petition! for reduction! of
particular iMOMoionti on 1 1 1
stli and - 1 1 davi ol SoptomtM r
will bo allowad 10 raplaoa the
-a tnc iiny til n c up to anil 1 1 1 1 1 1 I -
ing the -J"'iii day ol Beptombori
liv mail, nreiin-rl v v r j I i '! .
loo. VV. Mc Knight, I Ibairtnan
I rain Service.
Weet lioiind.
No. 17 Oiegon ttii.h Ltd 'l:tf a in
No. 75 Huntington Pass HID a m
Mi. II Net Mail tiil'i p ni
No 77 lluntiniMi'ii Pans Ii::i3 pin
Nu. ." Oregon WhhIi Ki press 11:50 p ni
Kant bound
If, l Oregcai Wnsh Ltd 2:51 m
No. 7t llninc pHMOOaO I ltt a m
No. 8 I'HHt Vail 1 1 :57 a m
No. 7H Betas, n-nger 3:50 p m
No. 10 Oregon Wash lOtpress 1:10 p m
Vale train leaves at 0:40 a. m. re
Nirnlng at Itfl p. m.
Coulcrcncr Kdtes
Vil Oftgon Short Line. Tic
keta on Mile from Idaho, Oregon
ami Wyoming points Ootoboi I
to iiieluaive, limited to Octo-
ber l.". See agents for rates
and further particulars.
in i
Price $1650
Second Priia
The apple picking nnd paek-
Ing oommoncod In tarnttt Hon
lay. The owneis of orchards
aro expecting hin profit! from
the heavy crop this season.
The price ranging from one dol
tar to u dollar and a half per
The Good Ronds com mission,
era ure having the old wooden
bridges replaced by concrete
Mrs. Allen, who recently bad
her hip broken by being thrown
Iron a wagon It improving
c. K. Powell left Tboriday
for Oorvaliit, Oregon, where he
will attend the OrtgOO Agricul
tural Collage this year.
I.'nbcrt and Charles Bailey
Irou Wilaon, Idaho arrived Snt
urdny an ! will pick apploi for
the Santa BOM Orchard 0 .
I. )tar Brantboover left Sat
urday for CorvaMis, Oregon to
attend the Oregon Agricultural
lira, John Randa left Monday
for Soutii Dakota to bf with a
brother who is very sick.
Mrs. Barnard Yoong from
Burn ' "in is visiting this
week wilh her parents Mr. and
Mrs. s. A. I). Pardoea.
Mi-s Mildred Sii,l;nan the
high school principal is still
confined to her home in Cald
well with typlmid fever.
S A. I). I'ardiinn recently
bought a lino auto from 0. K
N. 1. Yockev will erect a new !
roaidanoa this fall. He bus the
excavation already completed.
J. If, Uoystou and family are
enjoying a line new auto.
at Factory
Third Priat
The W. 0 T. U. met Tuesday
afternoon in the Baptist church.
A report of the county conven
tion was given.
A reception was given Mr.
and Mrs- !' B, Orogar Tuooday
evening in Kpworlh hall, it
being their
thirtieth wedding
About sixtv of
tin ii friends were present and
presented them with a beatiti-
fill cut glass dish.
Phillip Haines, who left here
Ix roan ago to attend the utii -
eiliv 111 VIIICIIIHILI, ISIietl
with his sister, Mrs. Tom I ot
son, and ofil acquaintance! ibe
first part of this week. He has',,,,,, tUP,,.lmUistrntur discharged from
been in Portland during bis
Um mar vacation visiting his
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Win .
Lanfeiir, Wednesday, Sept. 17, a
little daughter.
i "o. Earing) who has been in
Portland for several weeks vis
ited over Sunday with friends
in this neigbboi hood.
Momlav for his Ii nae in l.etha.
Always on the Job
If you have a Job of hauling you
want dime, large or small, you ran
hI mii, ib-peud on Jobu Laiidingham
being ready for you. Cull hitn at the
Moore Hotel.
local Market Report.
Corrected Joly, HI, for the benefit
of Argus readers by the Matbuiir Mer
cantlle Compaov.
Kgg. per doaau. 15c.
Hotter, per pound, .'lOo.
OatN, per hundred, tl.&O
Wheat, per hundred, 1.60.
Hay, per ton, tO.
Potatoes, per hundred, 50.
Uuloua, per hundrod, tl. SO.
Applet, per box, L.oo. to !.'.
Cblckeut, diesaad, per pound, 1 Be.
Pork, dressed, I to : s.
Pork, life, 7 to THe.
Veal, 0 to lOo.
iwr is.- to :.:.
Special Prize
To candidate making largest gain
of week ending Thursday, Oct. 2,
Set Silver Bouillion Spoons
Wm. Rogers Make
OpiHl to candidates who have not won any of the
tpecial prizes offered. Laigeat train in votes this
week a ' vton'n Dependable Shoe.
Notice of Hearing of Final Account
of Administrator.
Id tbe County Court of the State
ot Oregon, for Malheur count v.
In the mutter of tbe estate of Clemen
tine Chambers, deceased.
Notice Is li.rebv giveo that Geo.
W. Chambers, a Itniulstrator of the
estate of Clementine Olmnibers, de-
, ceased. Imm Hied his Dual account of
"'a admlalstratinu of the t State of said
deceaaeJ. and that tbe : Itb day of
October. I tit. at tbe hour of 11
o'clock a. m. at tbj Court house, in
tne County Court room tnereof. at
'Vale, Oregon. Iihs been set as tbe time
and place for hearing tbe same, nnd
1"11 per80D' h"r,"K '"tpres! , iD ,9,,I
estate are bvrehy not I Hen to be present
.....j .l,, .. if n II. nr. I... .h.
said final account of cabl h In initjtra
ti.r should not be accepted and such
iiatnt.t it iufr I Sittfwl !i ''Puril i it ir In liw
hi?: triift as 1 v Ian provided.
Dated at Ontario, Oregon, this 2nd
day of Septomber. Itlt,
(Jo. W. (Chambers,
If Jl
Don't Arue!
There's no roofing
that equals
. JL
You can prove that to
your satiifactien.
We don't allow ourselves to
become en'husiaatic except over thi
You c:in't cay 100 much good
about Malihoid,
It will wear i;i!ciinitely.
We like to sell it because it
stays sold.
See us at once.
Empire Lumber Co.
Ontario, Oregon
1 A J "A J -1'ftV w
m aat V j.
-acjrf -aA
Sva. . mi n -