ONTARIO ARGUS COLOMBIA DEALS WITH GREAT BRITAIN PUBLiHHKD KVKKY THUKHIMY Entered in the BBttBnwBI iif Ontario Ormrnn, for transmission through the mails as second class matter. M. K. UAIN. Publisher. Brief News of the Week Hpaln may not participate In the. Panama Pacific exposition because of lack of funds caused by the drain from the African war. The turkey trot will not Iip permit tad In the future at the Philadelphia navy yard lllucJnrkctH who break the rule will he subject to dlHclplln. The sovereign grud MM I'i'l'' ppndrnt Order of odd Follows, voted down M proposition of the Itehnkiih JJruticl, to ( u blibli a general uasenv bly i The mlnp mnnngors rejected propos- ahl of tha fi-di nil department of liihor for arbitration of thp Michigan BBBBf minors' alrlkp The nssosscd valuation of real ea Mt In N-w York city thin year la tH.niii.fifio.niio This la an Increase ovpr Inst year of $&h.nfin,h(ih A BUM OMfM In gardening, open to all. to he conducted In cine of the City high hi IkioI buildings, wiih nuthur l.pd If thn KiMM city board of edu cat Inn liwrencp. Mann , haa been choapn a Hip next meeting pine of Herman h Bona, ut the session In Sun Francisco C. .1 Von ItoHcnherK of La (Jrniigc, Tai , was choaen preHldent. Tha death of tho lata Pranrlarn I. Madero and Vice President Jose Marin I'lno Hunrex wpre not brought iiliout by n punishable crime, tin -online to a decision pronounced by the Mexican Dilllinry court Washington. The report that Pear son 4V Hon, the great English firm of contractors and exploiters, with It tlgnlflcant relation. to the tirltlah government Itself, had obtained a gi gantic conceaalon for the exploitation of Colombia's natural resources, In volving the right lo construct docks, quays, railways and canals, arouses Intense Interest, not to aay keen con cern, baft The matter Involves the acquisition by Kngllah concessionaries of tracts of hind and harbor works In the Gulf of Marten, a stones throw from the Panama canal, and special Interests along the Atrato river, I waterway which forms n pnrt of the site of the Colombian route for an Isthmian ca nal. The question would not be so sig nlflcnnt were It not for the fact that li conceaalon also Includes the con struct Ion of railways, docks, quays and "canals," the lout named being of MM greatest significance. That fea ture of the concession might be con aldered England a answer to the Pan sma canal tolls question, the Amerl can attitude concerning which haa caused keen dli satisfaction In Ureut Britain. NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST IN IDAHO Important Occurrences Of The Past Week From Cities In Our Statt "Rollers" Ready to Dla. Caldwell. Membera of the Holy Rollers are holding camp meetings In aouthweateru Idaho in preparation for their pilgrimage to Southern Califor nia, where they will assemble shortly for Judgment day. Many of them, owners of farms, have abandoned their holdings In the belief that they no longer can be of use to them be cause It will be Impossible to tnke worldly goods with them when they go to their Judgment. The Emigrants A Story For Labor Day By EVELYN C. GOODRICH People in the News Frederick Wlnthroy Thayer, Invent Or of baseball catchers' musks, la dead Joseph W Polk, formerly governor of Mis mirl, has been appointed nolle llor fol the Mtati' department Maury I Migus ami K Drew (ami net 1 1 have I f 1 1 1 1 1 l denied to take their while slavery cases to the f d eral court of appeals. A statue to former Governor John A. Johnson of Minnesota, erected by public subscriptions of the ill liens of St Peter, was iiuvidled Hunday. I he closing business session at the G A It encampment at Chattanooga elected ( n Washington i.ildin-i of Albion, Mich, i oiiiiti.uidci III chief It la reported that Miss Marie Peary, daughter id Hear Admiral i'eary. la eu gaged to marry Honald MiicMlllun, wlio in comiMtii. d I'e.iry on hu i to the tiorili pole Miss Peary was born fiitlhci north than any white child, and Ksklmos call her Snow bird Instructions hate been sent by l lent 1 1 iit-t tit to lien Felix Urn., who nun Is In Kutope. to return Ik Mexico luiuicdllllclv Trnv cling lucognllii aa Wong Kwok Y lit lr Sun Vat Sen. former presl itciil ol the I'hlucse ii'iuibllc and lend er of the tcwiliitltm.ii forces In the great rebellion that has disturbed china recently, li raBortod to be in hiding III Vancouver II c Imergency Board Will Maet. Hnlein Complvlhg with the request or (inventor West a meeting of the emergen.! ho. lid has been tailed In Bocrclarv of State Men W Olcolt. sec rotary ot the h, hi id The meeting la culled to act on a ropiest of the gov eriior ror funds to continue In- law enforcement activities The Ilium appropriated In (lie legislature has bat xhaiislod. anil the giiMTtlor elates hla law eiiforceincui work can nut continue unless his emergency hoard which was created b the last legislature aulliorlies his office to In cur a dclii lenc) Two Meet Death on Snake Bridge. Ontario --On her way to Payette to pass the night with friends after at tending the fair here, Mrs. John Kr win, living one and one half miles from llrognn, Or. and her son met deatli when a westbound freight train, crossing the Snake river bridge, ran down the woman and her two chil dren. The daughter, Malay, axed 7, waa aerlously Injured. North Bend Identlflea Man. North Mend Chief of Police An derson has Identified Charles . Htone, wlio was arrested In San Fran Cisco recently on a while slavery charge, aa I,. A Prey, a former north end councilman and clothing dealer SMOOTH BUNCO OPERATOR Man Contracta to Buy Hones, Cashes Many Chacka and Then Disappears. The I hi Ilea Hi f the smoothest bunco men who ever operated ht-re left this city with Siiu. which be Is alleged to have fraudulently secured from prominent local business men by means of worthless checks, lie also left BJ of the finest horses that could be found in Ittta ami Klickitat Bounty. Washington, at a feed yard, lie or- dcied the horses delivered to hlui lit the f 1 ynrd, and some of the ranch era went to the trouble ami expense of dining li, mill's, tli, it they might deliver tin- annuals and consummate tl peeled snlis il Mi-era say the stranger never had any intention of buvlug the horses, hut negotiated for them In order to gain the confidence of local business men whom In- Induced to cash his Worthless checks liver Tea Bet la Trophy. Salem Isaac I Staples of Port land bus offered a silver lea set to the exhibitor of the best equipped and neatest appearing herd of five Jersey cuttle exhibited at the Oregon State fall September L'il to October 4 The exhibit must Include the herdsman, blankets and geneiul appearance, both in tin- latrn and In the show ring IDAHO PASTOR ARRESTED Effort to Move Church Building le Reaented. Itolse. Conflict that threatened to disrupt the peace and dignity of both towna nnd cause a wide breach be tween their respective cltlxenH reached a high pitch In Soldier and Fairfield, central Idaho, when Uev. Max Heln hardt of Fairfield was nrreated for Healing the Haptlst church In Soldier. The Baptist denomination built a church In Soldier several years ago, which was deeded to the society, and as there Is no church house In Fair field, Itev. Mr. ftclnhardt was author Ixi-d to remove the building to Fair field, which is only a mile and u half from Soldier. There has been n lively fight waged to prevent the removal of the church to the railroad town at Fairfield and when tin- building waa being stripped for removal some of the Soldier cltl lens m. oh out a deed to the property to one of the local merchants In Sol dlor. who promptly had Mr Itelnhardt arrested, alleging that the house was hla and that the church authorities could not remove It. Month's Pay for Three Daye. Moscow AID gh Carl ('line had worked less than three days for the Mini Mciideiihall Paving company, lie ohtntned judgment Tor 7& as a com mon laborer because the company failed to pay ('line the Iti.LTi It owed him at tin- time he quit work, (.'line brought suit under n new statute for Mo days' wages which the court held tin- company was liable for as a pen alty for not paying ('line when he quit work for the company. . "Cyclone" Fails to Uneeat Hiwn, Grangevllle Jack Dawn's senaa t ltiii.it ride of Cyclone, one of the world's most famous outlaw burkers, was (lie feature act on an excellent program at the "Border Mays" arena before all audience that taxed the lU.llOU seating capacity of the park O'NEIL APPEAL DENIED Idaho Banker Must Serve a Jail Sen tence. Iliuse It. F. (Marney) O Nell, for uier president of the defunct State Hank of Commerce of Wallace, must MCTa an Indeterminate term of from two to ten years In the Idaho state penitential') , for the supreme court has affirmed the Judgment of the dls trict court for Kootenai county The opinion Is written by Justice Sullivan for tiictchen It BMBBl thut she must In what la called the Blnck forest In Germany Ihed a poor-couple, Jacob Out! and his wife, who had hut one child, a daughter, Orctchcn, who waa the main comfort of her parents She Mini Ifatis Mro-kcl, the son of a black smith, were brought up together, each Ix'lng the other's only companion, for the region in which they lived was Sparsely settled,, and no other family ll eil near them. Jacob Onatr waa a woodcutter. When Gretchcn was nineteen years old there came a grent commotion In the family. Ilniw Mreckel one day nut Gretchcn on the road carrying a bundle of fagots and -aid to her; "UretehPii, I have come to nn linpor t" hi decision. I ii in young and strong and mil not satisfied to remain hero In the forest, where there la nothing for a man to do but cut wood. One can enm only money enough by so doing to keep body and soul together, for If we ask n better price our em pkiyem any to us: 'There are plenty Of men wlio would like tho work nt the siime price. If you nro not satis fied we will employ others In your pliue.' I shall ifo where there nre la hot- unions, and, elnce I hear that there arc- better pil es paid In the In I ted States of America, I shall go there." Hans kept hla eyes on Gretchcn while he was speaking' and saw hers gradually fall till they rested on the ground and were wet with tears. Till this moment linns had never thought of Gretchcn other than aa n play mate mid. after they were grown, as .1 friend. Hut now. when he saw the tears gather In her eyes Ism-huso he was to leave her. a new sensation was born In his heart, a tenderness for the maiden with whom he bud licen reared, and. taking her In his arms, he kissed I" u.v her tears. When Grclt-hcD reached her home ami threw the fagots beside the lire place s(. sat down In a chair mid cov ereil her face with her bauds Her mother, who was washing the break fa-t dishes, paused and sulil: "What la the matter. G rote hen f It was a Ioiik while before the moth er could draw from her daughter thai Hans was going to that far country. I America. Hut Greb lieu did not tell her what was of far more Importance to nil ol t heui thut bo had uskod her l go with him as Ids wife. It was h nd for the poor girl to lose her com p.inion ami. since the announcement of bis Intended departure, her lover There would have la-ell no cause for sorrow, but reason for rejoicing, if she could have yielded to his wlsli This she could not do, for It would have been cruel for her tc loaxe her old fa ther and mother, who would now need her more and more every day She only said that llaus was going to Auicrha. knowing that I' her parents Uticw they were keeping her fMUi go ing with lit in It would trouble them greatly When Hans found that Grot, lien would not go with til in he asked her to IM-oiulao ill ail Hut It her patents dn d she would come to him Hut this was net much lomfort to linn, for on that I'lulltiiui his sweetheart was iijd likely t Join lit tit for many yours And. as 200 Acres for Sale OR TRADE Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa. Some buildings. All under fence. Railroad line through tract. On Snake river. Well drained bench land. Elec tric pumping plant can be installed for $12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer. Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon BUTTER WRAPPERS Must Be Printed We are printing more wrappers than any other two offices in this section. There is a reason. We have the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do with wedding invitations. Take your next order of Arcrnc OflfiWn Butter Wrappers to the & VJ1IILC flfllfe ilal afc - OT ONTARIO. ORE A Good Bank In a Good Country Confining our business strictly to L E G I T I M A T E banking, and with ample resources for the needs of our customers, we invite the banking business of ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen and individuals, Resources Over Half Million Dollars OrHlhhS AM) DlkM-TOKM ' J.",ov.),V.1.K.l'M.V pridnt; H. B. COCKRUM. Caahier T Tl KMUI.r.. Vi.el're.ident C. W.PI.ATT Asst. Cashier Montie B. owinn, L. B. Cock rum: C. E. KKNYON Coos Potato Crop a Bumper. M.iisbrii-hl loos count rain hers Bay that they will haw one ot (lie Israest crops of potatoes (be) b.ne i'o-i had The potato harvest here la How ai t(s height and I he ranchers ate hBTlafl dirth tilty In (MtlBf ciuuish in.-ii to nattier the bumper crop of spuds ot only is the crop Inrcc hut the iimlit b much better than the awr.ifcc WOMAN KILLS INTRUDER Victim in Unui Mtffe t ounu With Head Pillowed on Pan Hctid Toiuo Si..l..,i.i .i-. aBOl and kill, i B) Mi I' i. i R .1 under clr cuuistauces which are mmmwIuiI pua iuik- to i BUthorttlee iti. il i. tinned to dlnuet md found Seaip.ua d. .id on ihe fluui in breast i. shot and In. In ad pillowed on a Uu p.. I. lira Hlui said she had etaot Seal l I mpropcr remark lo I s.iid sh. took her bali and tl. d 1!;. . i!.. uu pan Mas iin.br Ihi slain num. hi ol hen In . t fclo . llulO BRYAN ANSWERS CRITICS So. ratary Declares He Will Lecture Whenever He PieVaee. .I.imestown a line of the largest crowds this i i mi in unit has ever aMh gathered here In heal Serelar lit i, it deliver his last i-hautauijua lecture ol the season A previous statement ot tha secret, irv in WusliiiiKton answer In crlllclsins of his appear. uu .- on the lecture platform and declaring bis purpose to lecture In the fuluie when ever be deemed It desirable or i s.u v. had aroused ureal Interest and when he was announced ihe audience heajM a tleiiiousiralluu thai those tu clinic., hud trouble uuletins On tho platform itli Mr Itrv.tn were Sena lOrl llurtoii and New lauds. and Is concurred in bv Chief Justit-e Allshle and Justice Sullivan O Nell was convicted uf the . hatRo of uiakliiR false reports lo the state hunk examiner on the financial condi t loll of the Wallace hank The fljjht tu eitradlle him from Vancouver. H 0H to Idaho, formed an Interesting chapter In a U-khI cout roversv that was w lined lor several months lie appealed from the conviction, but by the opinion he loses hla ease Gen. Milaa May Run For Congreea h'ttchhurK. Muss Speakllia of the itlinouucoiiieiit made h friends that he would be a candidate for (be lie publlc.ui nomination for congress from ihe third Mus-.icl.uscMs dlstru-l. lieu Nelson A Mile.- s.nd I have noi aflBB IBO published an lioiiucemeiit Inn I will s.,v (but while I am inl scckliiK tile office. If (he people of ihe district want uie I will .ci v. tin in if thev bBU me " V cuthful Oolfer Tics Britain's Beat. Iirookllm V . t ., Vmcrlc.in youth a striplniK sc.u.elv out of hja lived a niclic for hlmseir in iiiiern.uioniil aBBatlBJ hi(oi lure ' I Millie! lied v Kb Kiigl.tnd s I is. II. , i ..i.l,ui BU4 lilvvard Kav. In (he tin.. I ' of the ii.ituiiial ofeu champion sluu. . .4 . Enginaar Held to Blame. Nam pa Kuaiucor V C Kcr waa to Id.tiin- for the wreca of Oreaon Short I. Inc. on the Idaho Northern extension, neur Smiths Kerr). August .il. at-cordlng to the findings of the hoard of nupilrv which has Just been ui.ole public The accident resulted 111 the death of Ktreman William llelts, Hraketncii Scott slid M ''er, s. ran injuries to Conductor T H Mof fatt and alight injuries to HBfaBBN The bourd of liigulry was composed of live Oregon Sborl Line employes and one represeulutive of the public. Ned Jt'llliess Bill to Aid Worklngmen. I'ocutello ccotdltis- lo dvtors d by T V Kli'kartl. a uiember of the woiknien s vollipells.il loll colli laatoa appointed by the gvweruor in July, the first formal meetinc of the couitulsMo' -, i ihe purpose of draft lull fot presentation to the next iture tl h. '!' i in m ifc,., ti,- toher 1 To Teach Sewing, Cooking. Wall .m' I'ho . lauoa I for the higl installed and within a . v. hf r. ,.v for use The equipuieni i of tbi last type and clecuic siovcs rill - .i for the sludeuta. 1 her parents In order to join her lover The day Hans departed he said to liielcheu "Vou know that my father Is old and cannot live loin; ami my niollier Is n.. I my own mother, but my itepaiotber Father will never come lo in- ill America, and when he dies unit her will go to live with one of her own children Hut there will la- noth lug lo prevent your luiiigliii; your par ents with you to my new home They say money Is made very easily there A skilled laborer get -j marks a day out of that I can save il marks a day at least and can semi (his inonev to vou so that you may all Join mo la" "Oh, Mans. " exclatiiutl the girl, "jrtiu ni-f so gisal ao hopeful, hut you luiist .arn to do something that will enable yiKl to earn so much money, and in those count i lea where hUh wiikoh are paid they say It costs more to live HlK " she added. "I will cuno to you if 1 can ever Ui so without bringing sorrow to my ,oar father and mother" Huns kiss. si her again and again, then strode aw a;, without once looking hark, lest he should show the moisture in bts eyes, vv Id. h he considered un in. inly Klght years passed during which the overs reiii.iinisl true to ea. li other In ill tills Utile there was never an in t.nal of more than a month that llaus did not Write to his sweetheart an. I she always replied lo bis leflei with her whole heart Hans proupar sl and offered to sond her uionev bung over her parent, but she i.. . e. evei inontioiiis.1 the matter f.. tbciii N'nr did they know that v.. kis.- ing apart two young ikusous win bill for them might Isy liappy togetb er and rearing a family of children In all tin- i ;r,.f hen n.v I er lue-tl.ol a w..id to her p.itc II making for (her: d bm Jueab was cuttlns -term cauie up and blew BU tr. in a tree, burying hln u. tie live raw , A Complete Line of At the Argus Office MMMMf PRUNE AND SPRAY. Ths ailed book says lo watch and pray; Tis good aitlcs. aa all will ear; Hut pray ci won't stop tha buss and bllghl. Do in.iWu up your mind you'll have to ngtit. If you rsisa B'shI trult and maka It pay. Vou must fsrtllls. pruna and spray. -rarni l'ieu It probably auffera worae from the lack of fertlllxation than from any other causo It la Indeed a rare caaa where the fanner or perhapa even the orcliardlsi manures or fertillaea hla orehartl as thoroughly and aa coiiadeu tiuusly as he dives ids corn and wheat around, says the Fanner's Guide. I Por Pilling tha Appla Barral. How to pg k apples in barrels Two layers of fruit should be placed In the bottom of lairrel with stems dowu aud aa cb ther aa ivoaslbje. Tbeae n-lll ..... .1... u.. I ..... I'tlll uir ifli Kaffir a Good as Corn. Knfnr Is as g.sid a feel aa corn. Be cause farmers are learning this Kaffir has become one of the moat Important crops grow n In Kanaaa today Tha grain Is valued highly aa a feed for all ej)Baaaa of live stock In feeding five ; niisiiels ..r Knfflr se,si nre considered aa four bushela of tj f. f being eipilvalent to shelled corn. Indiana Put on Shaw. Falla City John Williama and hla Fill In with the same grade, hake the barrel often and when near the top put In two mure layers with stems up. lotting the laat layer aland a full Inch ulsiva the chine of barrel. Now put on lid and alowly pre-ss Into place, shaking the barrel m i Ihe stores sell very- ex. e. ei.i iiurrei tic nlera or p lng. for this end ot Sileti Indian gave a real ln- wlll be the top l';h show in Wagner hail to a large hen opened audience The performance consisted of a number of characteristic Indian dames, songs, and other stunts In por trayal of tha Indiun in his native itate. Bears Bothar Bay City. Bay City. Five beara in eight days la the record capture made by Sal Shiftman on his place, lees than one quarter mile from the cenier of this town. Traps d hi an orchard a ahort Hut one .an be rigg.si very iiulckly by distance from the house were the IgflBfl a plank or scautiing with one -sauae for brulus undoing. end under a atud reaching to the shed plate and nulled temporarily In place !et' ''"( liot to presj the anols ..., hi.r.1 i- ,r. i :. Kkiiroau offuiaia ar 8F e on the Track. - Railroad offuiaia looking for th- prson or persons who Fertdne Vour Orchard. placed a six -Inch ipike on the railroad As as ibc average farm trlk elnt miles from here tor the ..c.r, particular PPrent pur;se of wrecking a u aln )