ONTARIO The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of: EASTERN OREGON (Ndtari $&&. fl,e Ontario Argun leads in Prestige, n.rit. and Circula tion. Watch us grow Stk The Produce from 15,000,000 acres ia marketed from On tario each year Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. VOLUME XVI ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1913. NO. 39 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL EAIR EVER HELD IN EAS KILLED BY TRAIN Caught On Bridge Mangled. Mother and Two Children Are Run Down On Payette River Bridge Just East of Ontario. A freight tmin run over and killed Mm. John Irwio and young son on Frldnj evening on the bridge over th" Snake river, north of town. Mm Irwin Still children Mint, down (rum MrnHn on the excursion train ami niter visiting tho fair. It it sup posed aha started for I'avette to visit Irlnidn there Tbey evidently were tin. I anil sat down to reit, the little ill I having ber shoes off nnd people living to that aeot Ion aaw them resting tht r some time. The orew ou tlie freight tralo aaw them, but thought Ibem on the aide of the track and aafn. The engine and a few oara bad paced wbeu the fireman looked not .ml mw the wiitimn full forward against tha train. The train whs atopped and a man sent to Ontario, wblls the freight train proceeded to I'avette to iret on n awltob before the Pony and No. 10 oame along Tha Pony pinked op the bodiea of tbo boy anil woman being t.iullv mangled, the little girl till alive. brought them to Ontario, ebere tbe little gin waa oared for at Hi- lioapilal. Kt wry vfTort waa mede to Hod out ebo the people were, bnt It waa Satur luy afternoon, when the little girl MM to that it was learned who they ware, when the father waa nol tiled ami a special train eent for him. il Inquest waa held Btatuiday Doming and the almve facta brought out. Th train ciew waa exonornted fruui mm v blame lor tbe accident. 1 in- funeral of the unfortunate! waa lifl.l Monday afterooon. Mr Irwin had ariiuslntsiicee bare. haviug lived here when her uame i (irabam. NO. 18 RUNS DOWN AND KILLSMAN NEAR HUNTINGTON There waa another killing oo the Short Line neat Iluutlogtoo tbia ninruing when No 18 bumped Into u speeder occupied by oue of the esc tlon men, supposed to be a (Ireek There waa littla delay to tbe train WflM It la aaid there waa no ex MM for the man being on the track. FALLS FROM FREICHT WAGON AND HAS BACK BROKEN Mr Totterdell. of Jordan Valley. (ell utf a freight wagon lint Friday while going to Caldwell uud the wagon i n-.-.i over her breaking ber back She waa taken to a hospital and i th. broken plecea of tbe spine removed She paittlyezd from the waiat down aod will be a cripple tbe rent of ber life. BOISE EAIR DRAWS GOOD CROWD FROM ONTARIO There waa u big delegation to Boise Thursday to take advantage of tbe one 'are rate, among them were noticed, Mr. 1'riuzing and daughter. Mra. Utiitortb. Mr Jack Laudia. Mayer Trow, j. H. Blackaby. Poatmaater Sproul, W. J. Piuoey aod sou. Bill. Ue Fiser. Mr. Tracy. Mr. and Mra. MajQttjaje. aud aeveral otbera from the Fruitland bench. Mr. aod Mra. PlMM went up lu their auto. 53 CARS OF PRUNES. Ibe last of the prunes In the Miles 1 lunnn .....I, ..i ,i .,-.. atiinned on the -III. the tntal nnui beinil 53 I oars. GOVERNOR SULZER MUST STAND TRIAL Motion of Counsel to Dismiss Proceedings Overruled by a Vote of 51 to 1. Alhany, N. Y. Governor William Bulier muat go to trial. This waa decided by the high court of Impeach ment when, by a vote of M to 1. Ita members overruled the motion of the governor's counsel to ilisnii the pro ceedings on the ground that he waa unconstitutionally Impeached by the assembly because that body was In extra session when the Impeachment was brought. The governor's defeat was the sec ond that has marked the battle waged by his attorneys to annihilate, as far ns possible, the Impeachment proceed ings. Last week the court thwarted their attempt to prevent four senators from sitting as members. Their re maining ammunition consists of argu ments to prove that certain of the of fenses charged against the governor lire not Impeachable. The opinion In substance was that the provision of the constitution which limited the acta of the legislature In extra session to such subjects as were recommended to It by tho governor should be given a reasonable construc tion. MRS. WILSON CONTESTANT Error In Publication of Entry la Die covered. I.oe Angelea. Mra. Woodrow Wil son, wife of the prealdent of the Unit ed States, waa a deaert entryman for aapart of the date land In the Salton Sea basin of the Imperial valley, until she was notified by tbe local land office that the outry bad been can- cell. d. An error in publication of first entry whk discovered, and m correc tion atfl h iered by the land office, but again uiatructiona were not fol lowed, and, In the course of time. Mr. Wilaoii a notified that the home stead had been cancelled lai her petition filed here the first lady of tbe land seeka to gain posse s alou of her date acreage through prop er publication. WASHINGTON GARDNER Washington Gardner, or -w.Cn,.... imanosr-in-nii of ths G- A. R.. at ins w- campment JEWELRY STORE TO BE RE- i MODELED AND ENLARGED Wffr s '' We -.-"W ' . sH. at ' raw hmHHt ' '2i5iBJf 5 Wt 'M.Aeal bbbbbbK LJIsm SJwKHW ' SBM . fifl BSBBanST T SSS ' IHHBsW M f tBBBB0 BmNbbT SBBBB1 8r " flafffl aBHpL ' a vCi &. Maaaj vehju swhm Work will be started at once oo the I Bljtj nd lbs) silo being tilled were r. modeling of l'-t'!i' '" occupied tinM,l!(. j ,j luotrations tbat bun by Letsoo. the jeweler, thro sing tbe dn)U. ,, t,r, studied, entire large room Into tbe show room T(fc dUjlUy of gTlMtB mU( other sod several new sbow esses wiU e ,. there .. room for sevei- .dded to afford rem lor the Urg, .lock toey have ou ban. I TERN OREGON A Big List of Premiums, Prizes and Awards to Be Paid at Once. There was a great big sigh of relief going up from - scores on Saturday wlien the last curtain was ruug down on the fourth auntisl county fair. Kcorei of men and women have been working fur months on the detaila nod thej feel satisfied lo knowing that their efforts were aucceasful lo gather lug such a grand collection nf exbiblta. Tbae people ail aerved without pay and are entitled to tbe tbanke of tbe community for tbeir untiring clfortt. It waa regretted that more aectiona of the county were not rerreaeoted In the community exbiblta as thla was a line opportunity to show what la being done In tbe aeveral localities. nig Bend abould aend an exhibit another year, alao Jamleaon, Brngan, Iroualdea, Cow Valley. Barren Valley and many others. There la nu better way to gat tlieae aectiona and tbeir advautagea before the people of the world, aa parta ol tbeaa exhibits are placed ou exhibition In the Cummer ll cluli rooms bars aod othera go on the evlni.it lo u tmliia that ! sent through tht east and atill otbera ara abown at the land howa lu Chicago, Minnenp'illa, Near York aod other i ..int . reaching maoy thouaaiida who are seeking nov locat'ona. The Interest abown by tba aoboola aod school cbildreo will pny Immense dlvtdeuda for tha labor expeuded lo creatlug a aplrlt among the children to produce only the beet of every thing .ni'l attain tbe higheat possible ataudaru Toe lew dollar given In premium! are not what lit axblbltore are atrlviug for, but to Improve their standards. The Judgea lo many ins tenors showed where tbe exhibits were not of commercial value and also how tbe con ii..-i -in I or standard iiuallty could be uttxluid and another year there will lie a larger per oeutage of exhlbiU up to grid and fewer tiruka That unusual display of hogs, theep, cows aod horaea in.-au much, the dla playa by tbe schools and school child ren Is goiog to be a greul educator aud stlmules for the boya aod girla to do more aucceeatul work. Thla abow baa I in. n.nxte.l tbat tbia ia a good 4-. .in country aud tbe grrateat dairy aod bog aectlou to be fouud any where, becauae more alfalfa aud corn cm i be produced ou ao acre here tbau elsewhere. We mean the whole Sn ike river valley from the Bolee valley to Weiaer. The Friday program waa a very inteieatiug one aud kept the tuootaods of spectator ou their feet aud cheer log most of tbe time. The motor tiyole race between two Idaho uieu waa a clo.e. oue. resulting iu Williams defeatlug the pre.uot chsmpiou of Idaho. I'oe cousolatioit motorcycle race wtiit to L. U. Olsen. v,illi I f. Cox aecuud. Tbe three year old race was a coo test for the three beats, all tbe horses are from Payette and tbe winner. Joan d' Arc. owned by K. K. CMP inun, woo the lot I log Oil given liV tbe Payette ilriuug club. Q K. Ulblile's mare second suit Bobby Minor. ovMied by Or. Murd. third, beat time Jl.'iO. Tbe tree for all half mile run put oo lo piece of tbe saddle horse race, wrm ou by Fiddler with King U. a very close eoud, both coniiug io under a strong whip. lu the ielv race Bub Uun a tha rQi) ((dBy Ths Bun. hi race sua a very pretty exhibition end was won by Dick Pur cell, ot IVvetta. . John .-pain tbe one baud rldest i i- Uue sb iog iu the bucking coolest. Tbe large ilisplav of machinery io handle nil the fruits and vegetnbles produced and that can l produced to good advantage. The display of (lowrs demonstrated that there ia no excuse for anyone not having their yarda adorned witb tbem. There were a few displays of eggs aud It will not be long before the test of a chiokeo will tie the er pro duction, rather than the feathers end shape, because It Is utility thst counts most. Kggs come (Irst, theo the i tollers nod rossters. With tha high price of beef more loterest should be tsken In the heef breeds, where farmers ars locsted ncsr i lie open rsoge and whsrs tbs csttlc rustlers cnii be watohed, there Is good money at the present prloss sod the Indications are that they are not goiog to fall much. Saturday there waa a baonsr list of attractloos for the Hnlshlog dsy aod the thunders of applause that greeted the winners showed thst It was s moat popular list of amusements. lo tbe Ova mile motor cyolo race the handicap of a quarter mile glveo by Williams sod Thompson wsa about tha difference in the speed of tba cou testaots and It made a flue race with Thompson w loo log. Olseo secood and Cos third, time 6:30. Williams Thompson then gars a two mile ax iiit.it i ti it race. The free for all pace was bstwenu OoldlsandOsn. liusrtas with Huertas leading. Tha five eighths mile run it log race waa a splendid number, Malm- lining, Fiddlsr secood Slid Plume third. lioas tin.-.. hi gave so exhibition stitnllog ride on the I'uroell team and showed she was so expert rider There wss sums of the beat trick lopinog io froot of tbe grsod atso.1 ever seen here, keeping three ropes going at once and tbrowiog aud catch ing with tbem, roping four horsei at on.-e and many other difUcult feats. Tba novelty race was very excit ing, J. J. Draper wioniog, Jess Urn bam second sod Virgil Beybold third. Tbe gum. I roping rally waa a wild scramble after the ateera by soms twsnty ropers. Cuba Crltchlleld was tba drat to get LI steer lo th buck log tbe judges da I'lsred Bam Browuell winuer W. Padgett second aod Bob Covin third. lo tbs relay race tbe Cavlu strlog witb Turk rid log proved tba faster aud woo out chapman ' changes ware good, but tbe boraee were too slow. Two exhibitions of bull doggiug steer were given by Jaok Frit, and i i iiin of Wyomiog. The ateers were atroog aod gave tbe boya a hard tight before tbey weut down. Skeetar BUI Uobbloa woo tbe wild horse race. To the score who Iihvs devoted tbeir time and labor to make the fair a Hucoeaa all pralaa Is due. from the nttli-er to tbe messenger boys. With this great leoord before us let every man, woman aud child lo Malbeor couoty reaolve to make tbe ISM fair a atill greater uccee. It can be done and we believe it will be LIST Of PRIZE WINNERS Horsa Premium Winners. The horse show van far superior I" untiling of the klakl showu at any is fair held In Malheur SO I i.ige state. i the geeeral quaiu of tbe horse shown was : y goo, I 1 i.. premium winners WSrS Ktandard bred, agvl gig ill ' " Smart. Cil.lwr!!, nr. . J 11 .M.L-is.i. vtt-r, s -. Htalllon, one ye ir under tv. sou. Psyeits tn-t Agerl mure or gelding C. K Dibble, Psyette, Ires; H Cfcapausa, PeyetU, Mare or getdlng. t years uiiJ-r ret. Ma. seder two llrat, H. fci. ml. i sere, four year or ovr and Continued on page I HUERTA PROMISES IMPARTIAL ELECTION Mexico City. "Not only would It be an anomaly that the government should have a candidate, but It can he further said that the government baa no predilection for nor will It aid nny candidate." In these words Provisional Presi dent lluerta replied to the question whether he favored any candidate In the coming presidential elections. President lluerta explained the atti tude which the administration would maintain as one of absolute Impar tiality, and added that it would take precnutlona to prevent any disturb ance of public pence and order nnd would suppress any effort lu that di rection. The president said he would uae the army, if necessary, to keep order 15 INJURED IN TRAIN WRECK Baggageman Dies After Accident on Great Northern. Everett. Wash. Fifteen persona were Injured, one fatally, when an axle of the locomotive tender of Great Northern enstbound overland train No. 4 broke while the train was near Miikllteo, a few miles south of Ever stt. A. W. Smith, a baggageman and ex press messenger of the eaatbound overland train, who waa Injured In ternally, died. Ills family lives lu Whltefiah. Mont. The collapse of the axle was follow ed by tbe ditching of the locomotive, tender end baggage car. Before a flagman could be aent back to post s warning signal, westbound overland No. S came along at full speed on the other track. Home of the wreckage of the locomotive aad baggage car lay on the other track and the Hostile bound train crashed Into It. Moat or tbe damage waa In the eaatbound train. Madsro's Slayer Killed. Washington. Lieutenant Colonel rrancleco (ardenaa, alleged by the constitutionalists of Mexico to have been the asln of Francisco I. Ma dero, ex-president of Mexico, has been aaaasalnated, according to advices re ceived at the headquarters of lbs on etitutioaallata here. O. Cady Hernck, who is chlsf coun ssl for Governor Sulxsr of Nsw York In ths Impeachment proceedings. BUYlitToni growers GOOD PRICE FOR APPLES A pi Is buyers were srouud thi teek offering II ') a box fur good grade winter apple and w undi itnl tbe grower are holding tor lilgl.ei pricea. 'I litre la good profit at e" l M s box ami It la eversl jeers since the grower have received tbat much f. O. b. fur their crop. I D. CADY HERRICK si i tfrv BssssBi, tB LsJ'.' ' fi?$t!XMM HsW ak BhL BBsi IS FOUND DEAD In Haystack Near Arcadia Unknown Man Discovered Dead Has Money and Other Valuables On Per son at Time. Coroner Payne was called to Arcsdlu Tueadav to view a body that was fouud In a ,fiayataok there. Th body wns that of a man nbont 4ft years of age, ft, feet 7 Inches tall, weighing 145 pounds, with reddish hair and moustache. There was thirty dollars in money, checks oo hanks at (Irnogevllle, Idaho, and Joseph. Oregon, msde out to Kruest lluttmi. also e Colta revolver, sdirkkulfs. some gold dust and some headache tablets. An overdose of tbe Isttrr it supposed to be ths cause of death. The body wss brought to Ontario ami will lie held while sn elfort Is made to determine tbe uamo of tha decease dand If be bss soy frieods J- R. GREGG IS WW IN SEARCH Of A HOUSEKEEPER Newton's was n vary busy plaoe last Sit in, lay svenlug wbeu the draw Inge for the Tbor electric warding machine ami (lie hnn.i-.uine hand made saddle, onide by tin- (lolillcrg, were In-1 I 'I he ssddle went to Mr. Betelietiner, of Fiiiitland who held No. MfX, The ending niHcdine wa anardsd to .1. li. (Iregg editor and proprietor of the Ontario Dsmocrsl on No SoBt. Mr. Oregt says be ImIIsvc he will lie able to secure a lioosek eper now that lie can assure t be aul housekeeper that It will l a pleasure to handle the family wasu. PROMINENT JORDAN VALLEY COUPLE HARRIED AT VALE K Otto K. Blackaby. eldest son of J. It. Blscksby, of this city, wss marrlsd at Vale Wsdnesdsy to Miss Ulai.dia Williams, daughter of Mrs. Alice Wll Hams, of Jordao Vitlley at the home of tbe bride's sitter, Mrs. Kohert Dun can. The rlug service wa used. liev. ('ook oltlclallng. Only I in media to relatltcs were preaeut. The n w iv Me. will Hiemi a few week in I'orllsud and other coast .olots and return to Jordan alley where Mi. Illncka'.y Is duoiiecUid with the J. B. Blackaby Menuntili - in psny. Shower of rice aud Meanings from tnauy friend were bestowed a the, In aided the traiu heie. CANYON COUNTY EAIR TO OPEN AT CALDWELL TUESDAY "I li- Canyon county tan will l held at Caldwi-li next week, i .inni' nrlon: Tuesday Mini tbey Sl'e 0tag to have th.. Iliost dinplay of farm pruducta they have ever bad, as there I kneu com petittM among llie several aectluM ol tie i iiiinty ami tiiey ie all going out lu wiu tin- prize I. i I he best com liiuiill display . Wheg SOU coiialder tbat tbey have I. n.iu.it. Iriiltlaod. i'ny. tte. I;. .swell Slid other seotloos to iIimw ft nm SOU will leg Illy sett I buy ere going to bw. h grand dlabluy. Ihey are offer ng UUOtl In epeciel .iik. There ia also going to be a l.uge list of stock exdibiia allowing lb. uluuii'i undo lu dairy i!. K. hrt niioiri in. ai-. tlcy will have all the Cleain hnlll the I'eudleton. Ontario Slid Botte fairs, togelhei witb i ol origlual feature. ,J