The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 18, 1913, Image 8

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    Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Special this Week
Floating Castile Soap
2-lb. Bar 35c
Ontario Pharmacy
are especially
invited to attend
our first anni
versary showing
For Men and
Young Men
All new models
and patterns for
Fall, 1913, and
every suit eco
nomically priced
Broadway Suits
High Art Suits
16 to $30
A stock of men's
I'll rn isli i ng J,
sh '.-N etc., !i:4'
igh to sup-
ph your every
This fa as
brand of boys'
clothes still in
the ring and hot
tor than ever.
$2.50 to 6.00
1 isit our stow. Kvcru
arrangement has been
made tor your comfort
- Wait i no Room, Stm--aye
Hod in ami Ti -phone
St r vice.
Contiued from page 1.
August. Action takon
Following billi iil.
for July and
opt . lilt.
Oeneral l'und Warronts.
0, A. Wilkin I 10.00
Krneat Annentl Ml
Win. Plughoff 16.00
Warren W. Rocder 150.00
U .in-, I,. Phillips 112.00
Albert Herron 48 N
a f, Stiles 16.00
C. D. Davis 4 88.00
.1. Ho) dell 6.30
Ford Oarage 20 00
II. I). Holmes 4.95
H. II. Wi.ldo, trustee 25 N
lliiHhony & (Jo 15.89
Q A. I'ligue M.H
Hi i mill Druu Store LM
II ll. Willi ii -y M.M
. (I WilHon 16.15
c i: Mi id nold Ml
Win. M. Walker MJI
LuuIh I Hill I -I
1. 1..
.. (I. Wilson
I In 1 1-.. II (irauel
Lola Stout
Dalvd Allen
I). II. Kerloot
i ll l,i loot MJI
It II. KorfOM I
i wioi-n Ml
lien J. Ilrowu 13008
CIiimIcih Cash Store 19.65
Malheur Mere. ' Ml
Win I'.nl.
II. J. Schenk 25.00
It K. Illrdsall 3065
F. L. WIIIIiiiiim 10.00
Mrs. F K. Hurkley 52 00
Ontario Llver & I'ecd Stable. . I'."iu
Jordan Valley Kxp Ml
.1 J. Saraxln 11000
Vale Drug Store 54.00
Malheur Kntoi prise 46.00
.lumen A Lackey 48.00
City of Vale 8.70
H .Odell 6.20
Jno. R- Wheeler 40 00
.1 K Mowman 132.45
Cntarlo Democrat 593.70
C T- opMOO 70.65
Malheur M. Tel. Co LI5
Holy Rosary Hospital 286.00
(llass & Prudhnmme 216.88
Ontario inua 800
Vale Hardware Co 22.80
Malheur II Tel. Co 109.80
win Ptagaofl iB.oo
it m Mvao IMI
.1 It lil.ick.ih Com. Co 9.25
i ii Qaaaenbatij IMI
M 1 1 KellO) IMI
I . Ii ii I' MfNTM
Cn W McKlllglll
i i niiti
'. C 9llaOO HI
ll MacPhersoti . . , IT-TI
John P Hoootoa -"' "-
I II White '
I r N'Uen IM.M
,i Road i''iind
C, Rarbejor
C Mi: ...
M II... id
l Smith ' '"'
One Price Clothier
Ontario.! Oregon
1 1
I , : l'ie
M Ruth
' alia, -ii N
l. v ..ik. '. dial So
Paul Qrltfln, dial No i
s ii Render, dial
I ' l StO .'I ,:l I NO '
, ,1 Ii,. i i, iii. ,li t No 1 IMI
i;. v Mn.iiiiH. iti-t No i i.i M
C i: Becoy, dial No 1 4 J
ii Uaokar, Ual n. l IMI
stone Broa . dial Na 1 y M
i: v Ba i ' dial No l 4 1
Harbor! Hawaii ilal Ml I I : " Miller, ,hst No 1 M M
iiu cox. dial N.. 1 '' M
() f eece. ,IM No 1 6 50
tCmpIre Lumber Co . Ontario,
ilai No i
i m rlarowore Co., dit No I
l.eiwk Cook .list No J
KettM Duncan, dlst No. 2. ...
1 1 nice Dun i No 2 I ''' "
Umpire Lumbal Co . KyBaa,
.1 t No I
i kiaar) Ihararood, ut No
Ha i irt, -lit No 2 . . .
ii Roaa, dial No MUI
Ira Luml r Co.. Yale
.11 NO 3 v 5.00
V lileiin. dlst No 405.50
. in m Roberta 4UI No i U.U
i Willi. mi Ulllar Hal No i i' II
; W. II Kunc ,11st No 4 MJI
i i, . dial No i Ml
w. a Crlua, iii No 4 .... IN II
i;..,, Jooao, MM N 4 MjM
i ii
A. L. Ttate, dlst No 5 48 75
E. F. Stanaell, dlst No I 43.00
W. J. Robinson, dlst No 5 24.50
AdamH Lumber Co. dlst No 5 .. 13 7.27
P. H Anderson, dlst No 5 8.75
Charlos Hradley, dlst No 6 52.50
M. MnrrlnKton, dlst No 7 175.00
.1. H. BtMakabj Oon. Co. dlst 7 6684
.1. H. Dunran. dlst No 7 243.75
D. C Heers, dlst No 7 215.15
S. II. Kretlerlcks, dint No 7 97.60
!K. N. Dable, (list No 9 174.15
Marvin Newton, dlst No 9 5.00
J. A. Newton, dlst No 9 60.00
K. F. Hartley, dlst No 9 10.60
K. N. Dahle, dlst !) 56.75
Mike Gallagher, dlst No 9 12.25
.lolm Ownes, dlst No 9 10.50
W. K. Newton, dlst No 9 12.50
Oeo. P. Hiirkley, dlst No 10 .... 195.00
John l'. Hoffman, dlst No 10.. 17.90
Oeo. p. Harkley, dlst No 10.... 71.50
Qao, 1' Hnrkley. dlst No 11 26.00
lohn llaliiian. dlxt 10 62.00
Wrstfall Pros Ironside, dlst 10 45. no
Robarta Laaabar Co., dlst No n 37.17
W It. I, of on to Co.. dlst No 11 fi M
u !: w laoek, 'list No 12 33.73
Kloyil Howard) dlst NO I-' 4S..MI
Floyd How anl. dlst No 12 .... 325.80
W. A 1'iilkeison Lumber Co.,
dlst Roll 3.60
.1 It. Hnwortli. ills! No H .... 9.00
l. w Boblnaoo, dial No ll 9.00
T. Chas. Prltcb.ud, dlst No 14 257 00
Kliililre Lunger Co., illKt No 11 3:t:!2.'!
L W. Ivors, dlst No 15 225.00
Continut'd from page 1
unifying the schools and working up
uniformity In Lhe course of stud), lie
gave some kmmI talks and made a
good ImprcHHlon.
K. II. Coukllii left his alfalfa aud
Jersey cows und wave himself up to a
full three das enjoyment, lie sure
helped out.
Bhrery teacher was there fiom the
Ontario schools. The instltuto as a
uholc rbmpared very favurubly with
other Inatltutes and no doubt but that
every teacher was benefltuid at leant
us much as she hud anticipated.
It. pert of Malheur Count) IVacheiV
lllhlllul), Vale, Sept. 10.11, IU18.
Although not called to order by
County Siiiei intendent MucPhursoli
until 1:30 p 111 aOffOlll it iKguu at
eleven 01 lock and by 3:30 p. m 80
teachers had registered. The total
number for the institute was 83.
On Wcilucsdat the pioniain was
OpaOOd l' slioit Inn Milual'le talk
on how to BfOMBl ,l"' BBbJOOl B
Kiaph B) M " Q, W Duni.iii o! Wel
fall, (oHOWOd by u MM and lui.-ieM-iug
dlscu.sion on Ethics led b Mi
K It. C kiln. During the recess be
tween these talks patlllon raqooal
lug the abolishment of the .1:1'. ual In
stitute and llic ubetltUtlOO Ol .1 tiain
liool WHS cn ciliated, WM
I , 11 ,1 ininili. 1 and the h, 111 was
set for the next niounim al a! I
. I. k aa the time toe tho dlatrlbo
1 lots.
in the avaalaf laaaloa Mi l : u dall
oi iala mule an addraaa ol selconie
wblch a 1 1. piled to by J11 .1
1 ' Weeae ;
. .t de ,d raloabla Information on
1. ad a llvelj dlaouaaioa oa U a
l each it l tba 1!
method Miss Amies Joms, special
instructor in penmanship Ba the
le ,, hi U Ileal demons' .1
Hi,. , , .10 toaab Um Polaaar
.1 receatly aooMMli
111,' at, : noon a dOVOted ' ttraU
to aritlimcuc, discussions bong led
by Mr. W. J. Roberts, Mrs. Winona
Doty utui Mrs. Roberts.
The Tbaradai evening session was
perhaps the lest one of all Mr.
Prank K Welles, assistant BtOtd l
en temlent. talked on -Our Fduca- Outlook" and Mr. Plttnian of
tba atate normal school at Mourn, mth
,in anted a Taaobor " Ttoaa boo
geutlemea were given a rousing vote
al thanks bf tba taoabori for their 1
timely and enthusiastic addreaa -On
Friday morning Mis Olive Sweit
. ,1 the teaching of history,
C, l'. Rush lhe subject M literarj oci
Frai k K. Welles, denominate
numbers, Mr Pattman read Riley and;
Mi. li.i.l, brought the Institute u a '
.v Itha talk on tba new t, t boi k.
4lnds on the Job
It oil liavi a Jm ni hauling you
want dene, large or small, you can
alwavs depeod on John Laml uigbam
lieiug itM,ly u 1 ),'ii, Call bim at the
Moore Hotel.
1 1
a swsMsajsi
( J
We Welcome You to Our Fall Fashion
Show of
Millinery and All
Fashionable Apparel
The prettiest, the most fashionable, the most artistic
wearables from the world's leading fashion centers,
brought to you in our showing.
The most authenic display of what fashion has or
dained for the fall and winter 1913-14
is here to g reet you
While You are in Town be
Sure to Call on Us.
We have Groceries, Dry Goods,
Shoes and Men's Furnishings.
Open Every Night
During Fair Week, our store
will close at 12 Noon and re
open from 5 to 7 P. M.