The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 18, 1913, Image 6

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    Foh BALI Cheap, a house
and two lots in west Ontario,
best residence section of city.
See Claud Hinghnm, Ontario.
Wanted A saddle for a lady,
must be cheap. Phone 005 K 2.
For school books, Fverhart,
the druggist.
Notice of Meeting of the Board of
Equalization for Dead Ox flat Ir
rigation District.
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS, Proprietor.
. . ,. . -
ti the road in perfect safety
if you have us overhaul jrOUff ,
Notlne la hereby given (H tb
Hoard of Directors of thp Dead Ox
Flat i rU'iii inn District, acting aw
Hoard of Equalization, will meet at
Ontario. Oregon on Tuesday, the 71b
day of October, 1913, at 10 o'clock
a. in. for tbe purpose of reviewing
and noi r. i-tiiiK the assessment and"
apportionment of taxes of said Inigii
tloo District, inr tbe year 1913. a
list and reooni of uld assessment la-
ii. l ii. tlin iillii-ii if I ha . 1' i if
...... ... .11' ....,.., f. - -T 1 '... . l
said Board, for tba inspection of all ' ttni that her daughter, Mr..
persona interested. Harry Chantler who lives in Tn-
Dnted n On tar o. Oregon, th s 28tli ' ui
,, ' icoiiiii was verv sick with pent-
tiny Of August. 1913 '
Miss Fay .Shninberger and
Roy Bowers, both prominent
young people of this neighlxn
hood were married Wolnesihiy
at the homeaf the groom'.s par
ents. Only a few intimate
friends and relatives were pres
ent. Their many friends wish
to extend congratulations.
Mrs. W. H. Vestal received a
telegram Wednesday morning
II. W. Clement, Secretary.
Notice to Taxpayers.
On account of loss occurring
to a portion of the petitions fil-
I with the hoard of Kiiualia-
. . . .... I 1 1 1 1 . i 1 1 i t 1 1 ir i 1 1 j i i -l t a i i - i !
car netore starting out. I lie , C mi
best time to repair an auto jH Us session all taxpayers who fil
hefore an accident. So whv not ' "! " f,r reductions of
make sure of your car's (.n1(i. ! P' ar assrssments on the
lion by sending it to us nowT 8i" ' "7- pinibti
lKnoring the little defects is in- W,M '" ,ll,,w,"i to the
OnM when the ""'' """" "'' l" "."" ""'""
ing the day of September,
by mail, properly verified.
Ontario Anto Company I Qto W. MtKnigbt, chairman. I
urtng larger
test comes.
onitis. .Hue left in Ibe evening
fin 'I aroma to lie wrtb her.
.1. O. Soritehtiehl made a busi
ness trip to Boise last Thursday.
G. K. Huntington botiget the
south ten aires of .John Rand's
ranch Tnursday for $7600. He
expects lo Oil u il on Uie place,
L B Makinson anil a force
of men are huy this week tilling
the big silo on the B. Whcaldon
Carrie Colwell arrived Tues
day from Wood River, Nebraska,
for a visit with relatives MM
old time acquaintances. A re-
MpttM was given in her honor
Wcdiios'lay evening at the Cob
welti In mi".
Miss Marjory Luck, of McCall
Idaho, visited Sunday with Miss
Mary Kinnison. She was on
her way to Moscow where she
will attend the state university.
The Woman's Home Mission
ary society met Thursday at
the S. M. Thomas home.
The schools of this district
commenced Monday with a large
attendance. Fruitland should
be proud1 of her high school too.
Fifty-six iiM'irabors rtgiftertd
the tirst mornitg.
A surprise ws given alilo
Honian Friday evening when a
crowd of young people met at
his home for a farewell party.
A delightful evening was spent.
Ice act! in ami cake was served.
(J. H. QfsfditMf bst rick of
affalfa hay by tire Wednesday
Rllth Wlienl.lmi lr.fl L m
" " ",v turn
of the week for Salin,r when
she will attend Willamette TJni
Big and little, large and small
may find a corset that t'hey can
wear comfortably at the M. m
Notice of Hearing oflinai Account
ot Administrator.
Its th County Court of the s.
at Oregon, for Malheur oniinbj.
In- the matter of tbe estate of ('lento
Dkoa Chambers, deceased.
Notion Is hereby giren that fa
W. Chambers, administrator ofl tbt
astute of Clementine (Jlmmlisrs, fa.
. iH.'d. has filed his final M0OMg
the administration of the estate of ,,d
ileucaaad, and that the 14tb da of
October. 1013. at tbe hour 0f
o'bloofe m. in at tba Court hoote, i
the Cbunty Court room thereof. s
Vale, Oregon, has been set as tbe time
and plwoa for hearing the sit aw, antt
all porsons having interest in ssld
1 estate ate hernby not I Hen to he present
ana sn cause, ir any there U. why
said final account of said ad n, in intra
tor shonrd not m accepted aalitur
estato 'Ctelrlbtited according to law
and the ikdminlstrutor discharged rmn
hlb trtiefc as ly law profided.
Datodi at Ontario. Oregon, thi.2n4
day of Haptembar, 1!1U.
(eo. W. Chambers.
A dtnliilNtrutor.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBMaaaTaPL": . "ir mmSSiimmmmmSmm!m&r m
mM WtMv MRaaaaaaltBWaaaaaaaaaWHaNGM
g "H
EPPBIOV IIIH laaainlVfll LlaaaaaaaaaaW' mW B IMaaaaaKiW MBXIH IW 7 ' " ' " -TTliiB""!5SflB
Jfl aaaaa ftl B- k K 'n aBBaaaaaaaaaff aaaTTT Bl "mC aKaBaaB IP M IB &tmtam&ll&,Rtol&E4BffBmB
i vJ aU
iBliBV. . - Pi ii i.
$1650 at Fdctory
For the asking of a few favors from your friends.
See Newton, the Shoe Man, the Ontario Hardware Company, the Bermele Drug Com
pany, the Ontario Furniture Company or the Ontario Argus.
Just a few hours work a day required.
Fair Week Special
On all purchases at
Bermele Drug Co.
Ontario Furniture Co.
Ontario Hardware Co.
Newton Shoe Store
and Ontario Argus
for sums under one dollar 2000
votes on (he dollar, for sums over
one dollar 1000 votes on the dollar.
aw afTfl"al- V i --vm. Vi A jA, at Afraa!
X7j1'-MtB aaaVBC SaaBsA '"
Second Prize Third Prize
Special Prize
To candidate making largest gain
of week ending Thursday, Sept. 18,
one half dozen
Silver Knives and Forks
Wm. Rogers Make