The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 11, 1913, Image 5

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Special this Week
Floating Castile Soap
24b. Bar 35c
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
The prune pickers in the
Miles Cannon orchard were
laid off u few days on account
of the prunes being too green
to pick.
H. W. Withycombhas return
ed from an extended trip to
the const points. He visited
his home in Corvallis and was
in the mountains with the deer
lor n short time.
Ms Margaret Dunbar has a
position in the Vale schools for
ibis term und left for that place
The schools are closed for a
lew (Inys and the teachers are
at the instituto being held at
the county seat.
Charley Cronin returned the
first of the week from Crowley
where he has been working the
past summer, lie will attend
school after the fair.
A.. II , .
" ' P,,e ariver nn n- Frank Davis and daughters,
crete inuer were taken to the Loda and Mrs. H. II. Williams,
.... U.1H1B new railroad work were business viaitnr. in Vl
over Tuesday.
a few days ago
Addison Bennett, the Oregon
ian special writer was doing
this part of the state last week.
Be sure and see our shirt sale
for this week. This is a great
chance to get your shirts for the
next six months use. Prices
are lower than you have ever
seen. M. M. Co.
Miss Fannie Skaggs, sister of
Mrs. Louis Hurtle, came on a
visit from Union Wednesday.
Mrs. D. L. Thomas, mother of
I). P. Dearborn, of this
I'H Advrrtlwmrntt
Money to
Rated fartna.
loan Improved irrt
W. H. Doollttla Co.
Drayage ordera taken at Moore
Hotel John Land Ingham, residence
phone 424
Three lota for aale 2 blooka weet
of poetofflce at a bargain. Inquire at
Argna office.
Mjirriago licenses were issued
st Caldwell Saturday to Peter
Leon and Elizabeth Veaii, of
N'yssn, and William F. Tracy
and Millie G. Butt, of Home
Be wise and get your hair cut
ana wni.sKerH irnnineu oemre
fair week ut the Curler House
barber shop.
Riders who contemplate en
tering the motor cycle races dur
ing the fair should get in touch
with Secrotury QltOtl or Harry
For Snle A good gentle
i i
nore und huggy, elieup. I or
putticulurs cull at T. It. Fitters.
Jerrv Brosnun was in Vale on
a business visit the iirtt of the
Professor Kuring and family,
of Vale, returned to their liome
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. 1m- I i-
lurued Iron I few days visit in
Vali- Monday.
V will be i-losed from noon
till 6 p, m. from Tin-day till
Friday next week, to allow our
employees to enjoy the Fuir.
Please phone your orders early
in Uit morning and we will see
that everything is delivered be
fore noon. We will remain
IBM in the evening till 7 p. m.
ill. Co.
Frank Davis was a Vale busi
ness visitor on Friday.
Thomas Kabout und family
from Jorduu Valley ure visiting
'ith friends and relatives in
'bis citv.
Wt will be pleased to deliver
packages to any part of the Fair
(rounds durini? all next week if
left ut store before 10 a. m. M.
at Co.
Chester Short, of Fayette, was
tieitOf in this city Saturday.
Miss Mumie Gilberts, of Nyssa,
as here on a visit to friends
at week.
Amos Johnson, of this city,
U in l'avette last Saturday.
Elmer Dory was a business
Visitor in Vale last Saturday.
Mre. Stoet.el visited with relu-
Wj iii YVi'iser over Sunday.
1 H Cook was a Boise busi-
MM visitor Saturday.
W i- l.ava iuat received our
-i.w.i. f O..M.....O un.l Rub.
ljer Boots new fresh from tin-
. . no old stock carried over.
C P. Lackey wns token quite
ill last week and was removed to
the home of his Bother at On
tario to receive care and atten
tion during his illness. Mrs.
Lackey accompanied him -Fay-ette
Our fall storks are now arriv
ing and prices lower than ever
before, we want to show you
what we have. M. M. Co.
Millard Nelson, of Vale, pas
sed through here Saturday on
his way to the "Hound Up" and
a visit with friends und relatives.
Carl Tonningsen, of Weiser,
came down Sunday for a visit
with friends and relatives in
this city.
David Dunhur and wife hove
returned from their trip to Hot
Onirics Watson is taking his
vacation in Kastern Idaho,
where he has some interests to
look after.
Be wise and pet your boir cut
and whi-kcrs trimmed before
fair week at the Carter House
barber idiop.
D. C. Petrie is a county seat
visitor today.
Mrs. Walter (Jlenn and son,
'-li v departed for the county
COi today.
Monte (Jwinn made a boiil
trip to Caldwell Tuesday.
Mrs. T. W. I'liigrtt niatlc a
visit to Payette today.
Or. QoUUbt-rry has been sick
in bed for a few days this week.
Mrs. Crocker Johnson leaves
this evening for Anthony, Kans.
where she goes to visit her
mother who is 7 yeurs of age.
Ed Hamilton, of the county
seat was in this city on his way
to Boise on I business trip
E. H. Test, Sheriff Kerfoot,
llobert Odell and I. H. Tague
and daughter departed for Buker
last night, ull being interested
in the Lockett Brothers case
Adum Murruy is in from
Beulah on business this week.
0. A. Megrdeu 8 down from
Homedale for a f-wdays.
In our day advertisements
are most generally reliable, but
have you stopped to think th at
possibly you may buy much
more for your money by tuking
time to look urouud. We want
you to bring your list of wants
to us und eel prices whether you
buy or not, then go elsewhere if
you can do better ( Mil variety
C. K. 1 t.-i-on came ll the
fun- part of the wick, having
brought Mrs. I. W. bUfgl and
her children over from Ontario
in his auto. Mr. l'et. r-.i. went
back to the ranch ul once as be
hud to get his crops harv.
and threshed.- Burna lime-Herald.
for l'oca-
for the
city, returned to her home in
Malod City, Idaho Tuesday af
ter a few weeks visit here.
Mrs. C. 0. Muller and child
ren, of Vale, passed through
here Wednesday on their way
to Boise.
Clarence Ilager left f(
tello where he will work
railroad company.
The Candy Kitchen, opposite
the Dreamland, is now supplied
with fresh home made candies.
Mr. Sudd, the proprietor, has
been disappointed in receiving
his show cases and jars but has
the candy for you. Try it.
I. II. Holland, of Burns, pus
sed through here Tuesday on
his way to Boise on business.
Ed Tremain went to Cald
well Tuesday whore he is now
On Sunday morning at 8:30,
James A. Clark and Cleuolu
Livesay, were married at the
Methodist poisonage.
And at high noon .Jessie Webb
and EUla Burnham pledged
themselves either to other and
both couples went from the pnr-
Vmoge delighted because of the
happy event. Their inanv
friends wish tho young people a
very prosperous journey
through life. Thomas Johns.
Dr. P. A. Simmons, the Boise
Eye Specialist, will be at the
Moore hotel for two days, Fri
day and Saturday, September
I A SO. All old i.atienl- in
requested to oeJI it this time
for Mich treatment us may be
needed Any other having dif
faulty with their ey. should
not miss this opportunity to
consult a specialist.
There will be u meeting of the
W. 0. T. U. in the Congregu
tionul Church, Friday ut 2 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0, Houston
ure here from I'kiuh und will
remain for the winter with
Judge (i. L. King, Mrs. Hous
ton's father.
Bernurd Kuder left this morn
ing for Notus on a visit to
Lost Telescope, with black
suit, shirt, suit of underweur
and books, between bospitul und
Yale. Cull at the Argus.
C. E. Kenyon and Baker Ball
were here from Ontario thu
week looking for cattle. Burns
Times Herald.
A case was tried in the jus
tice court Monday to determine
who should stand the loss of a
horse thut belonged to E. N.
Wurd and was being worked by
(ieorge Kouth. The jury wus
out severul hours und itood
three to three.
We carry regular schodl -up-pliet
iisO have good line oi
ami girls school iboOS which we
arc offering at coat prioe. Cash
Variety stock.
J. D. Billingslty and wile
left last evening for I'endlelOfl
where they will Attend the
Bound L'p."
The ioe rrenm aerved at the Onta
rio Bakery la always juat right.
If yon appreciate a dish of rlob,
mooth ioe cream try the Ontario
A bunch of keys was left at
the Argus oilice which the owner
may have by paying for this
Foil BALI Cheap, a house
and two lots in west Ontario,
best residence section of city.
See Claud Bingham, Ontario.
Wanted An experienced life
insurance agent us local agent
for Malheur county. Company
has cash capital of $100,00(1 and
$12,000 surplus. Is an Oregon
company and loons its money
in the district from which it is
received. Top notch contract
given to an experienced agent.
Address home office, 142 Broad
wav, Portland, Oregon.
Strayed Brown horse brand-
elsTtal on shoulder. cielit
about 1100 pounds. Informa
tion will be liberally rewarded.
J. J. Wooster, Jordan Valley, Or.
Wong Ton bus purchased the
Portland restaurant from the
former owner, all bills will be
duo to Wong Ton after this date
ull outsturding bills will be
paid by former owner.
A Good Bank
In a Good Country
Confining our business strictly to L EG IT I MAT E2
banking, and with ample resources for the needs of
our customers, we invite the banking business of
ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen ana individuals,
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
A. L CQCKRUM. President; H B COCKRUM, (Wiier
T. TURNHULL. Vice Prenident C W. PI. ATT Ass't t'Hshicr
C. E. KENYON Montie It. nwinn.
I.. B. Cock rum
Now weigh the car not its
price. The light and powerful
Ford competes for your favor
with every other car no matter
what the price. That its cost is
small is due to the manner and
magnitude of its making.
$67fi iM the new price of tin- Kurd Kunabout;
the Touring ear in 1625, Town Cur. $H2S
f . o. I. Ontario, with all equipment. (Jet cat
alogue ami all partieulio'H from
Ford Autn Company
Ontario, Ore.
Fair week, visitors will find
our store filled with fall
and winter supplies,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes,
and Men's Furnishings.
Call on Us.
-til. Co.
U If)