SAVING TIME ky TELEPHONE Means Not Only Time But Money. Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything, you cannot afford to be without a Telephone. Malheur Home Telephone Co. THE Frantz Premier Electric Suction Cleaner THE - One you can and will use in your daily house work. Large Capacity in a Small Machine Costs But $37.50 Complete with all its Parts Idaho-Oregon Light & Power COMPANY Ontario, Oregon Rainier $eer The Beer of Quality We have it in pints, quarts and barrels, wholesale and retail. Also serve it over the bar. GODDARD'S The Quality Beer The Ontario National Bank United States Depository State of Oregon Depository IS Our Bank IWlfBauk? If noli we oofdially invite you i make our liank fjour hank. We have the usual Safeguard! of l'iiv Proof Vault, Burglar Proof Safe, Bonded employee!, and do buaiuoM in conservative manner. -:- -:- -:- -:- Gdpildl dnd Surplus, $cSO,000 5 IVr Cent Net on Time CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Senator Chnmhf rlaln Intends Intro ducing a bill appropriating $40,000 to move the Coos Hay life saving station and rebuild It In a better location. The farmers of Houglas county have formed an association to grow broc coli and winter cauliflower for ship ment to Minneapolis In carload lotn. The nooth-Kelly Lumber company has Just received a patent to over 70,000 acres of timber land In the Orgeon & California railroad grant. County clerks from at least 20 of the counties of Oregon are expected to meet In I'ortliuid September 15 In convention. Joseph Stelnhardt, of New York, has secured through the Hood River Apple Growers' association 200 car loadH of the finest fruit to be grown In the valley. At Salem Judge Oalloway has dls mlsHcd the suit brought In the circuit court by Krnest Hlngo to enjoin Sec retary of Mate Olcott from referring the workmen's compensation act to a n'c Of 'In I"ipl' Two hundred curs of pears, princi pally Brt let ts, have been shipped from Medtoiil already, and none of the late pears save gone forward. The bulk of the crop was sold at good prleee before thlpeMBl l he Medford W. C. T. U. has adopt ed resolutions condemning the X-ray skirt and urging all members of the organization to uphold public authori ties In preventing Its appearance on public thoroughfares Tin' linker commercial club Is mak ing every offort to have the architects of the new federal building In Port land consider the use of Maker county building stone in at least part of the structure. The banner section of timber land In Clatsop county, according to the new county cruise, Is section 4 of township 4 north, range C west, which contains KH, 850,000 feet of merchant able timber, the great bulk of which Is yellow fir. The sOite printing board of Oregon 1 i iiecideil b an unanimous votu to puri'hiise (lie printing plant of the late state printer, W. S liuulway, for $15. 470. It was also decided to adopt the Salem scale of wages for the printers In the state printing office. That there may be no chances of sin b disasters as befell the passengers on the New Haven road the other day on the new Portland, Kugene A.- ICast em, nil the cars to be used on this line are to be of steel, even the bag gage cars. from various sections of folk coun ts i mm rep,. i'i: el w. utttal iborlage in the potato crop. The acreage Is small this season and so Is the yield in many cases. Karl) potatoes made a tair showing, but late varieties do not present a good appearance In the Hell! llenjamlu It. Perkins, who was late Iv appointed as district superintend .Hi lor the Prohibitum party, has mi- """""l ;'"'-'v ,:"' ''" :" i'"'-'"" tcr a ihori Mi-.- of llneai . ..!.., i .. ,i i... I II I II I I s I 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 , -1 1 1 1 1 i I . 1 1 1 III. Ill the I'.n i call lie saiil thai similar oampalgai ere te i n te ell DM I' tile Stale. It has become known at !'. that a I'liU.r It of dr. ton man won (lie prle lol highest stiiul.ii., iilKl.ii b Olford. Kiu'land, university, ami 1 LOCAL NEWS aw H W ' ym staff! r r I' . f f t cvi MM x BOYER'S First showing of Fall Millinery Friday the 12th. and First Showing of Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Coats, and Dress Goods and Trimmings, Monday the 15th. This fall, especially, it will be to your advantage to get your Millinery, Suits and other things at Boyer's. Our showingsjare new in every feature, new in trim ming effects, new in colorings and of beautiful new fabrics. D You are cordially invited to attend these showings. .J. S. Kdwards llif Yule bunk er was a visitor here the first of the week. Charles Tliebaud nnd wife, of Yule, were visitors here on Fri day last. A bone i" trade f r a buggy at tin- Ontario Hardware Oo. Hon. ('. V. I'arrieb, it MM tune one of the most succsssful lawyers ol thil State, died Thurs day afternoon at Canyon City. Colouel Taylor is eround af- Aueinui Tonoioget n erai In tin- week from the ihei p oamp. Thonias Turner, of Ontario, ami Jennie L. Jolineon, of link er, wen- loarried at noon M'"- Ani hi' is Hie i irr-t American to v. n day, llie 11 lelmuiv hring pel- He is Cell Lyons, of hil ,.,.m...l l,v In, lee Imn Tl...v will make their borne in Baker Ike this honor. M'lie. vvlui was graduated lie I'niMisitx of Oregon In 1910. An ep( riineiit Karileti and farm fur instruct iiik i 'iios county rancher in inteiisue l. inning is proposed h the Marslil icl.l chamber of commerce ! The plan Is to establish an experiment station of 10 acres on which various vegetables and flowers will be grown This will demonstrate the best vurle tie.- aiul tuiiiish considerable of the lor the ranches around there. Atiorne) (ieueral Crawford has filed suit In the circuit court at Salem agaliir.1 the governor. of tat and treasurer of Oregon to re com r to the state the sum of $lt. I1MI, The action is said to he bated upon a purel) technical Interpretation of the law gOVeralBf the penltenttar) riinlv a fund " TlM local land office at Vale has been doing a nwhlae hut homestead and ib'sert filings. 1 acres of giivernmeut roerve land In Malheur count) Saving been tliu.iv open lo entry in August. It is ex pe.ied that lndn lainilles will be add ed te the population Of Malheur conn t With 10 blocks of hard surface pave meni constructed and the in ng a street i leaalui dapan taeal tl oaee ami it mm eeaaatng the entire - i. . . ,m o! i. and with the oitV'l fllUBCiea at a l,iw ebb OB .mount of the iiiiiiu r oils iniproM incuts of the year, the i oltj COUBCll faces a critical rail loa Superintendent of Public Instruc liuu Churchill is confident that the display! of the school children at tht state fair tli. car will Mirpass those pf previous ,-ars Ther. ty and distiui exhibits ami A idual dispi i - i oaUd 1 1 a eltl m the oaaatj or ill olauM is eluiibU lor ludusirul fuii ui ihe iustltuU'. t iaer Bignal. W. B. Boon wa in Ontario Mondaj on buaineee, Thomas Turttbull, ol Moore ville, was looking alter his inter ests in Ontario this week. Thomas Jonee was rJOWU from ale tins week visiting Willi relutives. W. Ti l.estii, a BurO! real estate man,was here last u.ek getting in touch with local eon- ditione. The work on the new pnbUol hiiraiv is prograaalng nod the walls will soon be up. N. V . Minster, the OOtttraotor, ll also working on the White lohool boOje anil the tliehaiil Tract school building, N'otuis oi the Malheur Count) Kaer are inaertad in the Boiee M.itesman only as paid adver ;;-iinents. Similar notices ol the Caldwell Fair are treated as live news. We wonder if the wholesale business houses ;U1, uOtell have the sain.' COtfmpt for Malheur t'oun.y ami hi i imtitutione. County Superintendent afao pheraon has reooveretl from ins ; llli te and is in obarge While in Ontario During the Fair Call and Inspect KROESSIN HARNESS COMPANY'S New stock of Harness, Saddles, Wool and Storm Blankets, Carriage and Automobile Robes, Trunks and Suit Cases, Traveling Batfs and Leather Novelties. Also a full line of cowboy accouterments such as Chaps, Silver Inlaid Bits and Spurs, Lari ats, Braided Reins, Leather Cuffs, Fancy II end Stalls, and Martingales and other articles too numerous to mention. . Our i repair department is the best in Eastern Oregon. KROESSIN HARNESS CO. 1 Al;l- "JJJ YOU'LL GO FLYING over the road in perfeot safety if you have us overhaul your cur hefore starting out. The heel time to repair an auto U hefore an accident. So why uot make sure of your cur'e condi tion hy sending it to us uo? Ignoring the little defects is h suring larger ones when the test comes. Ontario Auto Company Everhart Drug Co. Carries School Supplies Stock and Poultry Breeders Supplies Four Doors South of the Postoffiee. Vl'Uvb