ONTARIO ARGUS PUBLISHED KVKKY THURSDAY EntiTKl in tbit poatofflc" at Ontario Orient!, for transmisaioa through the mmlH am ( -ntvl cIukh matter. M. I BAIN. Puhlisher. The enterprising citizens of Ontario, wlto entertain good wiahes for the advancement of the fair should not forget thnt the management are workiug overtime without any financial compensation. Not a single man to date is on the pay roll. Their work hoing altogether a good-will offering. Those who can spare the time should offer their services. All kinds of help will lie needed from now on and everyone should put their shoulder to the wheel and help make this the hmnper show of the ecason. Anyone that ha a little time to donate should report to Harry H. (Jrauel, the Heeretary. Oregon product spell puis perity this year for they were never wortii so mm It money as the present season. It is esti mated that the grand total for the state this year will he 'Jl. 179,000, more than tO,OOO,OO0 in excess of the returns of last year. The estimate of items is as follows: Livo stock 1 107, 114,000: grain, 88,460OO: vegetahles, SS, 186,000 J fruit, 18,148,000; nifttllMtOM, 888, 848,000 Brief News of the Week Tim proposition In hotid Him Fran Cisco In the mi in nf $:i,r,niiiiiHi io ,i tend Km iniinlrl,iil at root railway aya li'in was iiiimhi'iI dy i in' votura by a big majority. Nln persons lout their liven nnd all were Injun. I m lion I lis bollera o( the li.nlinlll ll. elploilfli hi I'ltta- tnir . .'iinllllM III r Mliiiilcn plllilll lied at l.iiiiilnii, ilif iialkuu war BjMl mar ly II liilllnn il. ill. in- Letters limn I hit north nml returned atampeilers hrliiK tinfio unilile m wa frnm the Hliiinliiimia. Alaska. Mild frli'lil (inlilnii k.l ajolsjg toward till' rani NH'i't dlseotiniKed Mien ri'luniliiK ami ninny liiiinil liiiik. aliutlili Blof ailiillii mi tin I rail 'I liri'f Hiilunaiii' ilUi'tH Hciil to the mini' of I In' wreck nf I In- BtSMhSklp Kiaic nf California la Alaakaa iratars Were II lila In descend olll) to llin pill llinl. nf ISM I'm k mi vtliiili llm I'sael struck No runlii'i i nml will lie made in raaerar lha M bodlsa supposed in in- in Hi. caiiin of i lie loal ship 'I lie ialaci' nf peace at The lis US n iliilli'iili'il l QtMM lllii'liullia III llii- presence nl : i'i" officials anil delegates In llm iiH'i'iit peaci confer cm iiicri' Ainircw Caraapjss raaati ad lllc lO.ili'l nf till' UliI' l "f OraiiKi' Natulan at llio hands of the aueen. ii . . hi. . i stamps, the in wrinkle adopted b) lha poraraustaal to iiaxe nine III III. ilellver) nf pack HKe . anil llirl.l. MlalU Mite llllll.l I I'dh Of thousands In I lit' Km ei'liment. Villi Soon In- In urn Tin vt M-liellie rail for the i am i II. ill. m nl stamps In'.'le tint are xiil. I ami Ihet villi he used by the blK ' '.r a ami mall nnlnr houses who ' ml .ml i; i en I iinntitlaa nl mall eai h d.n h'lie ttlu.li swept tint atrauiship lin ftanier ffteer The Beer of Quality We have it in pints, quarts and barrels. Wholesale and retail. Also serve it over the bar. pwator, the tara;. raaaaa , aha lay dockad In Hobokan. eauaad the death of Second Officer Herman Oobracht, the aerloue Injury of Sea man Btumpf, and created a panic among the 1 191 steerage pMsengere who were Aboard. Offlclala of tba line estimated that the damage to the resael Itaelf would not be great. People in the Newt FVIttl Rcheff, the actreaa. haa filed a petition In bankruptcy at New York. She placee her aaaeta at 174,923 and her llabllltlea at I14M66 Senator Chamberlain haa appealed to the president for the pardon of C. 8. Houaton and J. W. Bullock, Seat tle men who were convicted of sell ing coal to the government at an es orbltant figure. Announcement was made from Bu charest, Rou mania, that the powers bare selected the prince of wind, nephew of the queen of Roumanla, aa the new mler of Albania. Lieutenant Governor Glynn was for mally recognlied as acting governor by the New York assembly after a hitter debate. It Ihih been a n noil need at Chicago by Judge W. I Chambers, United States commissioner of mediation, that the danger of a atrlke affecting 4r,,(in0 eniplova of the Chicago, Hurl Ini'inii hi Qiilticy haa been averted. 'I In' liurliiHH of Marlborough, the dniiithtcr of W K Viunlerhllt, of New York, has consented to lead the newly formed women's iminlclpal party. Two militant aiiffragetteH caught I'l.'inler i.iiilih of KtiKlntid playing golf at l.oHMonmniith, Scot l.i mi. and e tun hIu'iI hln hat. iioiimled him In the face with their flute and whacked him otei the head with their umbrella. They were arrested. The conference of governors came to an end at Colorado Hprlnga, Colo., with an attack made by Governor Mc Got em of Wisconsin on the United Htatea constitution, In which he said. "It la the moat beautiful acheme ever let ni. mI to enable leglslatora to da nothing " Hutrta Short of Funda. The provlalonal Meilcan govern ment, It haa been pointed out, la en countering financial difficulties, and there have h i lot Ittint lune that there might he a change In the government liei'Honiiel which would open the way to negotiations on a definite hasla that would lead to an election for tbe Mellcnn presidency under conatltu tloliiil regulation I'ntll some auch de velopmeiit, the adinltilatriitlon haa ground for the belief that there la danger to Americana remaining In Maatoo '" "" ' '"' strain in which III.' in.nli.nii.il niiteinin-at Muds It aelf. A dUcouteiited arm). It haa been auggented, might become uncontroll able. National Capital Brevltlee A limine hill for the appropriation of $7.ii(iii,iiiHi tn fHiiililinh a gnver'iuinnt armor plate plant hae hen introduced ii RapcaassMath BrlttM of niinoia. I:it I'HtlKiilInu ill lln i liargeH iigalimt Judge Kmory Hpeer of the federal i-i.uil nf lieiirgla has heen authorlied hy the pimaiigii nf a house resolution Knpleneiilatlt e Worn 1 8 nf Iowa haa tail. . I. -ill. I . halriuiin of the republi can eongreaaloiiHl committee I'resldent Wllhon nomlualed Henry M. u ,. '111111111. sjl Nevi York, to be am hahMiiilnr to Turkey. President S lli-ou tudlcaleit to visit ors his policy toward the Philippines II la said that he plans ultimate hut not immediate liidi'i.eiid.iire tor the inlands. The Glasi cuiren.) hill was rein in. .luce.l in the liuiise h Keiiresentar lite (llass and was referred to the hanking and currency rommltee. It has been appimed hi the caucus of IkfSJM tli inocrat. with but nine dta seuters. Seci'iii' Daalsls haa .iddressoil a letter tn linternur Gnldaborough of M.iitl.uid denouncing the action of h. i tale ufflcers in allowing a young llisll cunt li led nl t lief I In est aie pull- ishmeiit hv aaPk'a.g lu Uie L'ullad Stalee naty Local News Edward Koi.lv, from Hunt ington came down last Thursday to fltay with his sister, Mrs. H L. Holcomb and attend school. Miss Betsy Taylor on Thurs day last returned from a vaca tion at Starkey and the Payette Lakes. Mrs. Winter, of Denver, is a guest of Mrs. F. 8. Bailey at the 8t. Paul Orchard Co. this week. Marcus Pinney returned last Thursday from a two weeks visit at the Calkin's home in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Kuth re turned to their home in Eu gene Saturday. Fred Allen, of Denio, Oregon was here on a visit to friends and old acquaintance.' Wednes day. Harry Anderson was a Vale business visitor the first of this week. Ed. Kussell, the soft drink mixer in the Ontnrio Pharmacy, went o Millie Falls Sunday where he will assist J. B. Bur rell in his photography. W. P. Caviness and wife, of Vale, returned to their home on the first of the week. Notice of Hearing of final Account of Administrator. In the County Court of the Ntate ol () regno, for Malheur onunty. In the matter of the estate of Clemen tine Chamhera. deceaeetl. Notice la hereby given that Geo. W. Chambers, administrator of the eaUtte of Clement Ine ChamberB, tie eeaaeil, haa lllc. I Ins Dual hc . unt nl the s liu in 1st i hi urn of the eatate of aald deceased, and that tbe 14tb day of October, 1!G3, at tbe hour of 11 o'clock a. in nt tbe Court house, in the County Court room thereof, at Vale, Uregoo. haa lieeu set aa tbe tunc aiul place for hearing the same, ami all persona harliig interest in aald estate are hereby not llled to be present and show cause. If any there be, why sat. I final acioiiut of enlil atln.iniatra tcr should not lie accepted and auch estate ilistrlbutetl moonliog to law ami the aclmuilstriilur discharged frntn hi- trust as li v law provided. Haled at Ontario, Uiegoti, this 2nd day nf Se n tnlier. 1918, (ieo. W. 'haiul'i'ts. Administrator. Notice ot Mi'ciiini ot the Hoard ot iiiii.iii.iiniii tor Ik-ad 0 I kit Ir rigation iHtiii.i. Notice la lietchy kItcu that the llonrd of Directors of the Dead IK Mat rrigalloii District, acting as a Hoard nt Ktialiat ton. will meet at tin tar lo. OraSJM on Tuesday, the Tth day of October, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. til. fur the purpose of reriettutg and correcting the assessment and apportionment nf taxes of aald Irriga tun, District, tor tbe year 1911, A Hat ami record of said assessment is n. .tt iu the office of the secretary f saul Hoard, for the Inspection ot till persons interested. Dated at Outarlo, Oregon, this '.'Mir day nf August. 1919, II. NV. Clement, Secretary. atractlng Gold from Sand Martdiflelit A machine for the ei traction of gold ami platinum from black sanda, which haa been operated on the he.u-h near Coos Hay. haa beau largelt perfected by the Inventors. They iteclare that It la the only ma chine which will successfully save the precious metals from tbe samls The machine uses centrifugal force In stead of gratltt as a means of aep aruiltig the gold and other metal from the sand. k p JJ J. H BROWN Auctioneer tiiii.luatc sl Missouri AttOiioa School. Plume or write for .lot. - For Sale A good gentle horse and buggy, cheap. For par ticulars call at T. B. Fisers. aavr" ft 'BBBBr BBbVIm rBsl The Most Qualified Judges Pronounce Taylor & Williams Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST FOR SALE in quantities from One gallon up. and many other Good brands, by L. B. TETER. Wholesaler. ONTAKIU.OREGON OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS ts forty -filth acbool year (STCMM ie. lets. DtOnCCCOURStSlnmanyphaeeaol AO.RICULTUMC. CNaiNfCfliNQ, HOMt KCONOMtcs. MiNiNa. rosnaray. com Mie. i PMARMAOV. TWO-YEAR COURSES In AnaicuL TUSK. HOMI ECONOMICS. MKCHANIC asjts. roRtargv. commcrcs. pharmacv teachers courses manual training, agriculture, domestic science and art. MUSIC, including piano, string, bead instruments and voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled ' I in- 1 xmniMM'.r or RURAL l.tt'tt" and a Catalogue will be mailed free on application. Address H. M Tksnini, Registrar, rtw i-i lot-t) i-.iry.iHui, Oregon. Dr. W. G. Howe DENTIST Telephone No. 732 Firat National Ilank ltldic. DRS. PRINZIN6 &. WEESE Ontario, Oregon oilii'c in New Wilson lilock. C. C. GOLDSBcRRY DKNTIHT tins with Kxti'Hctions Office I'h.ine. No. n- I: in Wilson Hlock J W Met ulloch K VV I '. ki..u.;t M. CULLUCH Hl ECKHAROT I.AWYKKS Kooms 1-li :t First Nut' I Hank llldg Ontario, Oregon OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS I III II tllK.I I l till lll. PA! LINK tiKAKH i ii.elti.iie- American School . ta C) - -teopiuhv. Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Btoch Telephone. I..I lilk H. H. WHITNEY rilYHU'lAN and Sl'RiiEON Office in I. O. O. f, Bldg.. Ontario. . Okkgon Transfer. Baggage and Express Meet All Trains JOHN I AMilM.il M C. MC60NA6ILL ATTORNEY AT IW Will PvBjb4bM in all Oourt Notarv Public. Office over I'uetoffice W. W. HINTON STOCK lN.-PKi -foil Of M VI IO I tdlXTY hum riKs K.d.'l O.ioll, Ontario II II llii:li, Yale. C C. Morton, " l' Parry. John Hatha wa Weiaei Bridge, J K 11-.; R w n .1 .'1. 1.411 W I- re! W Mi lVrnutt T. A Bui Ion, N i rm THE Frantz Premier Electric Suction Cleaner One you can and will use in your daily house work. Large Capacity in a Small Machine Costs But $37.50 Complete with all its Parts Idaho-Oregon Light & Power COMPANY Ontario, Buy your Meat at The ONTARIO MARKET and get the best the market affords LINK'S MODERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Idaho's LarjreHt, Best Equipped, Most Success- ful Business Training School New Building Large Airy Rooms Splendid Light Thorough, Practical Courses. Complete, Modern Equipment. Special Kxpericncetr Teachers. Cluas and Individual In struction. Hundreds of Successful Students. YV save you time and Money. We Train You Thoroughly, A Thorough Business Education Pays Dividends for Life. It Pays to (iet the Best. You Need It. We Givt It. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Many Students Have Alreudy Enrolled Enroll Early Ask for ti'llrin Journal and Complete Information A. T. LINK, General Manager I . I. plum.' in. J. 1015 Idaho St. RJJJL, . , , 1 1 . Mjsrl' rti THE Oregon llm-..- Idaho II GODDARDS The Quality Beer Everhart Drug Company Ith IKir S. V O. ONTARIO, ORK. Phont 1 ii rMuiinL'Ol-nl Ontario. Orv.