The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 04, 1913, Image 1

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rThe Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of:
(fMari 'beam
The Produce from
15,000.000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
Now Open As Far
As the Ferry
Both Freight and Passenger
Traffic Now in Vogue on
the Recent Extension of
Idaho Northern.
Train service U now open on the
Idaho Northern to Smith Ferry nod
the offlolali bops to have the line
oIom to the lakes before the winter
eta Id.
The eurvayors oo the line north
from Wiunemuocn are working be
tween Jordiin Valley and the Snake
river and It looks like they will oroea
the rlvsr above Homednls several
niilee, no through Nampa and on to
Boise, bat this can only be determined
when all the routea have bean investi
gated, It being quite a problem to
gat across the Snake river valley.
The n Img of lbs reports of the
Pittsburg and (Jllmors road by the
Hill Intsrasta aattlee i of own
ership and opens up speculation nbont
the mum tbey are going to take Id
reaoblug this aeotlon.
Freight is now being received for
the end of the line wast of bare and
they will reach .1 mil urn aome time
osit month, where arraogementa will
be made to handle freight and paa
aeugera. A depot building, telegraph
office and cattle yards, freight build
ings and all neoesaarlea for handling
tli.. business of that section. Up to
date there has not been any move
made to go farther than Kiverlsds.
A. A. Bonney. of Tlghc Valley, was
here lust week look tog over this sec
tion and waa to well pleused that be
will return In a short tlms to make
this bis home. At first hs will have
sums bees mid later will atart a dairy
mncb. He sets this valley is the
greatest natural place for the ilairy
buaiuesa be has evtr acen and will
aupport 50,000 oowa when properly
developed. Hob Odell worked tor
him some thirty yeere ago and they
are warm friends. This vttlley bus
room foreeveral men like Mr. Bonney.
The grand jury returned a dozen
indictments for their work last wsek
aud ssveral of the viotlma appeared
and entered pleas of guilty.
Usorge Blunton, Jr. was lined 1100
for gambling.
1'iof lirl.oug and woman plead
guilty to lewd M habitation. Tblejis
the suit that grew out of the fake
bold up a few weeks ago.
W. 11. Powell was acquitted of the
charge of forgery.
In the foreclosure suit of W H.
White vs. Neese. William at al. ver
dict for plaintiff.
Nese vs. Clement, nun ault in case
of Clare Clsment and judguieut in
ens of If. W. Clement
There is enoogli in sight to keep the
court griudiug for ten days more
Fritz Hunter, who has the appear
uce of being I working man. tried to
pass a check in one of the thirst par
lors a lew days ago. but did not suc
ceed. A few minutes later be walked
into a clothiog store, purchased some
I teu.leied a check for them
with the signature of e well kuowo
sto.k man signed to it. He got the
clothes and the change and left The
bank was interviewed end it was
found tnere was no account there.
The uiau waa placed udder errwet New
when taken before tbs authorities
tstei tfcat he was guilty and ready1
for sentence.
' - I
v ':' -h
Marsha Wsrrlngton, ons of the
chief wltnsssss In ths fsmous Dlggs
Camlnsttl whits Slavs trials at San
Mexico City A wave of patriotism
Is said to be sweeping over Mexico,
and from many states and from all
olasaee, it Is announced, assurances
of allegiance and offera of aervlce are
being received dally by President Hu
ert end his minister of war.
The war department has been called
on to furnish military Instructors to
a dossn cities, wnere tne tear oi do
Ing Impressed for service against ths
revolutionists has given away before
a later patriotic ardor f
In addition to the atudenta of the
preparatory scl. ols, where military
Instruction tin been enforced for
aome time the manual of arms In be
ing tauglii v,.,rkers who are attending
night sc'i i and the employee of the
tax depiui.'.i in. i
The exi itement among American
residents over President Wilson's
warning subsided to a large degree
over Sunday. A limited number of
perttons left on trains to Vera Crux
and the opinion In growing thst the
warning, so far as regards the large
centers, will not he generally obeyed
unless further information of definite
character Is forthcoming.
Nine Customs Guards at tan Fran
Cisco Are Involved.
San Francisco, Cal. Warrants for
the arrest of nine customs guards,
suspeuded from service, is the first
step of what promises to develop the
biggest smuggling scandal ever
brought to light ou the Pacific coast.
Detalla of the operation of the
opium smuggling ring which is alleged
to have goue on for years along the
Pacific coast with the connivance of
these customs guards is in the hands
of Collector of the Port J. O. Davis.
Collector Davis declares that the
opium ring, thoroughly organised,
with representatives In China and Pa
cific coast ports, has engaged in illicit
operations from which the profits
amounted to hundreds of thousands
of dollars.
Thaw's Weapon Is Ussd Against Him
Bherbrooke, Quebec. Harry K.
Thuw'a favorite, though Ineffective.
weapon in the New York courts the
writ of habeas corpus was lurueu
agalust blm by his old prosecutor,
William I raver Jerome, ae a means
Of forcing Thaw into court here Tues
day in order that the immigration au
thorities may deport bim to Vermont
in what Jerome hopes will be the first
leg of the return to Matteawan asy
lum. S. P. Appeals Big Land Cass.
Portland, Ore Appeal was Ukeu
by the Soul hen Pacific company in
the federal court h. r- from the decis
ion of Judge Woherton rendered July
1 hereb. "" of laud In
the Oregon and California grunt were
declared forfeit j to the government
The cae i... goes to the United
States . ircust court of appeals at Sea
Francl o and from tl.-re, however It
may i will be taken to
the United States unrtme court.
I , . - .- ...Miiniim-ini'mii"T ' .
. n.nrwWww. .,
Bob Gavin, the kinj? of thebuckaroo bunch, will be here
with seven others of equal class? carrying two car loads of
horses, ghrtag Malheur county fair people the cream of the
events put on at Pendleton. Their riders and ropers will be
busy with fancy raping and riding stunts all the time.
There'll 1 1 bucking bulls and wild horse races.
. i..
An Elaborate Program Has
I icon .i rjtiiKt" ' iiie
Little Folks.
The tlrsi dav of the fair will be
children's day The gates will lie
open to them duriug the entire day
and the graod stand will be free to
everyone In the forenoon. The baod
will furnish musio for tbem and toe
program given at that time will be
for their special benefit
There will be e 100 yard dasb for
boys tinder 10 years. First prlM
1; second prlae 60 oeots. The
same prize will be offered for e 100
yard dash for boys under 12 veers,
the same for hoys under 11, 10 end
18. making five foot races altogether
for the l.nvs and the seme purses will
be offered for five different races lor
girls of the seme ages, making ten foot
races In ell. There will also be a
2. 60 prlae for boys under 14 year
in a tug of war end the seme prlae
for bnya under 18, five on a aide.
This nrourani will begin at 10 a. in.
Tuesday morning. Ibere will be
some interesting bucaroo stunts dur
ing the forenoon program. The meue
gement has several other features
under consideration that tbey hope to
put on to make tbe program a rare
treat for the youug folks.
All school ohlldreu are edmitted
free rsgardlsss of what school tbey ut
tend or where tbey are from and all
childrtu uuder 17 whether they are
in school or not will be tbe guests of
the fair on Tuesday.
Contract to be Completed
in Ninety Days-. Will be
Great Benefit to City.
The contract for the main truuk
sewer and drainage system was let
last week to C. A. Cochran, of Hpok
aoe. He baa ninety days iu which to
complete tbe contract und It will be
some ten days before be van have bis
machinery and men assembled here
and reedy to stwTt tbe work. This
job meaus an expenditure ut f'J!i,0U0
to start with and probably as much
mure to complete tbe system of laterals
and oonnsctlons. .
The bootflt to be derived from the
ditch by tbe cilisns cannot be nieaaur
ed in dollars aa It will mean less sick
nets and a lower death rate. Kvery
open closet and cess pool will be done
away with and tbe unsightly ponds
will disappear with their millions of
uiosijuitos and bad odor.
Several uew features have been en
gaged for tbs fair tbe past week.
stuoog tbem .i chariot race wbiob
will be seen oo twu dllfereut days of
fair. Two four burse tsms four
abreast, miming at tbe rate of 30
miles an hour will be well worth
Buokiog at ere. gentlemen's urn
hrslls and cigtr racs. tug of war on
burst hack, tl drunkards ride and
many other new features will be
i.ulU'l off. i iuu fsucy rope performer
of Aineil... le coming here from P-u
dirt u iu.1 bis pcrfuiiuence will be
worth going a long distance to see.
0rdinance for Construction
of Sewer and Drainage
System Passed
TTie reguli
r meeting if the city
council wee
held Monday evening
and tbe liquor lloenees granted.
A olaas C license waa granted to K.
F. 1 1 ,.,1.1. i id.
On Tuesday evening the bill! were
An ordinance covering the construc
ting of tbe main trunk and draiu
sews I Wei passed
Osorgs II. Emery asked permission
to Instil their make of Irrigation valve
In tbe oily park at no expense to tbe
city. Request granted.
An ordinance was paaaed to levy
special asiiasmsot upon tbe property
benefitted for the construct inn of
mala trunk drain and sewer system,
providing an opportunity for property
owners to protect aud the appointment
of a commission.
All the concessions on the streets
and all automobile regulations en
i. iced last year Muring tbe fair be
adoptud and and enforced this year.
Coos Plsns Highway.
Balem Coos and Douglas counties
are planning the construction of a
modern hard surface hUhway on a
grade not to exceed & per cent, which
will connect Coos Hay with the South
ern Pacific Highway at Koaeburg The
road will be of great benefit to the
Before Audience of 5000, Ma
chines Pile Up Going 60
Miles an Hour.
Nashville, Tenn Death claimed ft
heavy toll In the Labor day automo
bile apeed racea at the state fair
grounds here, when four of the high
powered oars entered In the 25-mtle
tree for all race were wrecked on tbe
fai side of the mile track In view el
6000 people.
Four of tbe racing men were killed
mill three received minor Injuries
Two of the care with their drivers and
mechanicians flashed through tbe tan
gled wreckage of broken cars and
maimed bodies at a speed of 60 miles
sn hour, escaping injury
The tragedy came without warning
to the spectators.
The sli cars were speeding around
the circular track at a terrific rate
on the fifth lap with the Btudebaker
"Whisk broom" carrying the III fated
number It, about 20 yards In the lead
of Mercer No 2 I 'lyde Donov an, driv
ing "The WhUkbroom." feeling hie
right front wheel give way, after
swerving to avoid striking a negro
hoy, turned Into the outside fence to
avoid blocking the track In the path
of the following cars Mercer No. 3
flashed by In an instant The Htuti,
ruuulug third, drove luto the wreck
age and turned a somersault, killing
its crew The Uulck followed and
struck, with a terrible crash, turning
over several times The !"
pants were dead when picked up.
By Pruns Crop In Frsswstsr District
Freewater 'I he pruns crop this
year In this diet rut Is valued at 10
ooo Tag grog I Um fMf bse
been harvested ea I "er 101 'S'loads
sre now ou their way to eastern
W. 0 Harrison, ths New York Con
gressman who was nsmed Qovsrnor
Qsnsral of ths Philippines
Philadelphia. -Manager McOraw of
the New York (Hants and Umpire
Ilrennan narrowly escaped a mob here
and hours after their train pulled out.
baseball fans of the city were atill
votolng their eager at the action of
Ilrennan In forfeiting a game to the
(Haute after the PhllllM had reached
the ninth Inning with a score of to
I against the New York teem.
The New York and Philadelphia
factions have different stories to tell
of the cause of the trouble, but the
situation developed was a aerlous one
for a time. Toward tbe close of the
game seyeral hundred fans moved luto
the center field bleachers, directly In
line with tf e batter and pitcher.
When the Olanta came to bat. Mc
Oraw protested to Ilrennan, asserting
tint il.e white background created by
the i .me with their nouts ofr Interfered
ltl. the baltln! eyes of his men. The
fans refused to oinpl, with the order
of Ilrennan to .til on their coats and
Manager Dooln refused to order tbe
police to clear the bleachers. Hren
nan then nrilee.i ilu- hlemhers clear
ed anil when ... police refused to act,
be declared Sg game forfeited.
Many Homsstssdsrs Are Dsfraudsd,
Says Offlslal.
Kugeiie Fraudulent homestead lo
cators are at work In the Hlualaw
forest, according to Assistant Super
visor Fin. .in These professional lo
cators, one of whom according to Mr.
Flttom. has an agent In Portland to
send prospective settlers this way.
take tbe unwary homeseeker to a
piece of agricultural land that la sub
ject to entry, and the victim, after
paying a fee of from $'. to f&O. returns
to the forestry office In Kugene only
to find that a dozen or more other
persons have already filed on this
particular tnu I of lurnl
The fraud Is possible because the
official surveyors are behind In the
work of running HfsM on lands that
are being t. . steaded The "local
ore" are car ful in show their cus
tuinars tracts of land that are Indeed
subject to eniiy, hut they neglect to
say to how many other person thsy
have already el.owu the same land
The fact that these "locators" show
real vacant laud makes it difficult for
the officials to make a charge that
would stand in court
Panama Imposition Work to fse Com
pistsd Early.
Eugene Orel in first," In the let
ting of asjstracl and erecting of a
building on i in tQsMlfss of the Puna
ma Pacific exposition, Ih the reason
for a meeting li. Portland of the lo
gon comml'Hlon, the state offli ere
who picked UM IsiaMlMsClaV and tv.o
score representatives of tbe various
rial, elu .uioual and other in
inreels of the stale HU architects
are to pre-, i.t Uielr plans for the
proposed 1 md it Is enow led,
out of the BUlUtUde of couneel, to he
able at that mstllSS IS s.l ' Um de
sign for ' .n budding
isPvSF & Fal
m rafts
faw V
NO. 36
For Remodeling
Carter House
Ontario National Hank Of
ficials Approve Drawings
For Rearranging Popular
Husinpss Corner.
The architects hare tlnslly got out
a aet of plans fur the approval of the
Ontario National bank officers for re
model lug IfcwOfsTSwl bouse.
The corner section of the building
will be used by the bank, ths Mist
story will bs rebuilt of stone with ft
hand-.. um en'i ance on tbe oornsr.
Tbe flooring will tie luld with tile and
n marble walnsnuetlng used. A dl
rsctora room will bs fitted up In tbs
rssr of the banking room and to ths
extreme cud ol tbs building will bs
a room for a barber shop or othsr
purposes. The main stairway will be
toru out, the lavatory moved buck
and the hall and room now occupied
bv tbe ber will km ussd as a lobby.
An addition will be mads to this
part of ths building for tbs dining
room and kltobsn. The bsr will bs
moved to tbe mom now occupied by
tbe barber shop. A number of bath
rooms will be added aud sll ths rooms
will bs fitted up for hot and cold
I'his will make a very dssirabl
location for hotel purposes whsn re
A lawn party waa given Tuesday
evening at the residence of II. T.
dueled, the lawn having been provided
with electric lights. Kefrcsh uls
of Ice cream and cake were served aud
all enjoved a pleasant evening.
'fbe guests wers Misses liutli
key, Nettie Peterson, Viola Hosted.
Keua Adam. Claudia llartou, Kuslua
Clemen!. Virginia Keyuoids. Us el
linord. Dorothy Js.uish, Vera Hrown,
Osrtrude Wilson and Vsvs Urown.
Messrs. Joy Htisted, Hiysn Nssb,
l:.. viand Anenlg. William Plnuev.
Harold Hproul. Krsd Test. Msrous
PIiiuct. Palmar Trow, William Hlaok
ahy. Thai Impklu. Homer Myers,
l dm on. I I'raesr. Robert. Mnddeu aud
Kverstt Htsplss.
Mr. nud Mrs. t'lilf lioyer return. I
a few daya ago from their buying trip
.. New fotfe soil other eastern citise.
Mr. il..yei foiiuilthat btiyeis were n..'
loading up heavily. The .ounlry
esst "f the Mission I river looks mud.
better then the west of It. Apples are
expected t" commend ft good prbt
hut it is too early t. furui Ml idee ot
what will lie otfered fur potatoes.
I'he dreeley crop le estimated at
lODi) cars this ii.i and the nop Iu
Twin falls . .nil Idaho Fulls eectloue
are heavy. lluv hud a veiy pleasani
trie, miesliig ths hot wether, ev.spt
while in Kansas. Tbelr fall millinery
has arrived .md the other goods an
arrlvlug daily. They will have aim)
novelties lot the local ti
II u rsj Hat. Is In V. I- th"
from I. u li Mend raucn U
..I the clov. i seed glowers M big see
tion and hie ftfOff Ifst fftfsl '" IsftW
nine so I a half bswavsle eft the acre,
whirl, is a good margin of profit.
aie many stfti U ftl l lover aud
alfalfa in that isfttlOft d v t. I t .
Slid the nop this ttftf Is gi
bse been no ludaatK". ol whsl the
Uisiket will be.