The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 28, 1913, Image 8

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    Past Week Sees
New Energy
Miss Maude Walters Wins the Prize
This Week.
Tht popularity contest for .Frank Van Patten
the possession of the line auto- Mrs. (). .. Olson
mobile now drawing to a iIom S.0, Mh,1,Iox,
under the joint auspK N ol these
butinOM firms and the Argus is
creating no end of inli'ii-t.
The haetllng for new mbteritN
tn for tin' Arns in order to so-
eure 1000 votes at one orai k,
hihI the Belling ni general iner-
liniidise tine hills on these
Florence O'Conor
fJeorjia Dennis
Gertrude Founds
A 0 M:iiietrian
Velvn 'irilnes
Emma Jobnioo
lllr.i V.. I I
Iiiumis taking the OOntattatltl . i)( i
into the Mnall towns and vei v- MariOD RoblOtOB
M In re it might be poeeible In -- Stella Harris
eure votes for the automobile. x UK
Theballotiog Huh week die f ra. J. P. Hooaton
ee some rarprieiog jumpe lira 1. Dell
. ni n 'all the old adaife, "The. OWYNI
battle i i. ni to the swiit end Um Anna Robartaon
strung, but to bin who enduroo n
t",,,,,en,l;' T. i: Neileon
Who will he tin winner is a fM Simon
queetion no one el preeenl oar Bee Roberta
mi wer, for it often. '" i mis iii Aldnla liregory
! II
ii i l.ilsse
1, ':'.'
Local News
17 C it Diipute Rate for Power.
Portland. Dlaputed light and power
ratea In 17 clttea of Oregon, Including
Portland, Oregon City, Salem, Mount
Angel and Woodburn, will come before
the Oregon railroad commlaalon for
Sidney Day and Miss Lula
Stinglc were married at Baker "rtjuatment t a hearing In Portland on
... i n ' upHi7. nepif inner a.
)iruii'.?'iiij, iiu-i, - i .
LnKue Blackahy has gone to
Jordan Valley to work in his
fathers store.
Brief News of the Week
The MVxIran government contradict
ed the rumor to the effect that an ultl-
, matum had been aent to the United
Malcoruh Patterson returned State.
According to a report made by the
board of public welfare at Kantian
rity, Mo., 25,(Kin women workera In
Vhat city receive leaa than $6 a week.
Suffrage worker In Missouri are
clrmlntlriK p.-tltlona for the 23,000
niimi'H necessary to aecure the tib
mission of their proponed constitution
al amendment.
The Pence Congrena In aenalon ni
from an extended trip in Can
ada, California and Puget
.Sound the first of the week.
Mrs Iko Holland and Mrs.
Miller and daughter, 01 Burns,
were here on I visit this week.
William Plughofl was called
to Vale as hailiff of the circuit The Hague haa adopted resolution
court this session.
John Odell returned from a
two weeks visit at Jonathan.
Idaho Sunday.
Thomas Canham, of N'yssa,
foreman of the grand jury pas-
denouncing WW loans ami opposing
the construction of military airships.
The French Kovernnn'iit sent I dele
gation to Han Frnnclaco to take poa
esslon of a site on the grounds of the
Panama -Pacific Kxposltlon for the
French pavilion.
The WVsO'rn Federation of Miners
la though! to ! pii'parlng for n long
-i. I tlirougli Here Monday on strlk.- In Hi.- Michigan ropper mining
district, l.nt:iue of the fact that chll
ilreii of the strikers are helnu sent to
. MeWilliami and Wife wore other cities.
'j, i it in
11,1 i' riilitrsls I I - I'll lul nlnli'
ii i i i i i i May Myer
who lues lielilinl for week Slid- .. . ,. J ,,. .,
M Alice V Illinois
denlv forges to the front and
rallies off the pnc, when snnie
other is mppOOed to have a lead Daisy MaeOfl
that eannot bi OVOreomo. It ie John It Fisher
all a question of get- up and get n if ntim.thv
there The candidate who irels Mrs. Fraier
out am) sells ilue hills or goes
out after newspaper suhs. rip- r.iri saved From Drownlnj Father
tione, UUtting lO the spare inn- BaafjaCSl Hushing lain tin swift
riandeto rote by ""'" 1V''".""'V,,1,,lr,;"r ,"'
HiipllH, Mrs K foiiuht for
luboeriblne; for the paper, u tn ,, ,.,, ,., t ,...... i..t n. .-.,,
on.' who couiee mi riotoriooe el laeaatsi ffesfl iim oIuibbss r n r
.i 1 llOWIllei BS lainl SllllliK on the
lianl.. aha aa her husband Hinldenly
" eouteetli i.i.tlv on a ,.,,.,.,,.. ,!,, r mn wei.ii
inn basis, end it inuel be under whoa hi sras taaehlae u swim eol
his way to the county seat
. MoWilliami and wife
Brogan visitors the first of the
Felix JohneOO left for Pocn
tello Sunday wluue he will work
on the hlock signals.
I or Sale Five passenger
tftudebakei Automobile, fully
equipped, 1912 model in first
lass shape and mulv linished,
cheap at t00. inquire of hulldlng at Albany officially r. ok
al.i'il Martin II. (Jlynn as acting gov
Cnnaila la now a larger purrhaacr of
I'nlii'il Stales products than any other
country except ih- I'nitiil Kingdom,
eOOriUae to figures made public at
Washington by the bureau of foreign
and domestic commerce.
Tie- oprnlliK ihile of the Lot Angelea
schools has been postponed ikuii Sep
t'lnher h iii September 13, In ordor to
allow the pupil an opportunity to at
tend it circus billed for three daya In
that city.
The board of Hunter of public
lor I uilt
Two story In iek hilil
-' I ihiit neither these Brnia
deep current Three times
ItO the
tll I.'IU liitl' i.ttlL Mill) llllwlklllt lltll II
1 " ''" 'gw ''' 'vorile ,,, , ,,. Klrl wtls ,lhlM,. ,
lid. lie, inn Mill they aal n p u Then sh herself elaaaei
in ie to vote for a pertain '" "",l H,,M ueewtefui. Jut n she
I and go to the iur
roundiiif t.iMiis. 'mi may be
agreeubly surprised ovei the
ou -. iii, i ere waiting foi jrou,
. i. he. I die laai hicp she ciniiii have
taken una huh retained her fact.
ernor of New York, by designating
certain new rooms In the capltol aa
lint "V ,eli I I v ,. elm l.lln.r" lllu nan
ing in .. : .: .
8 1 tOWO, to trade for irrigated , '"",v"" "" '" "
. , ,, , Hie Hleik ,:( III'' .Ie. inier Stlltll of
laud. Also tDi id stuck of mer ... ,, , , .
.. ii. ii i ' allfornla would not hitve been sncrl
. in building, will trade ,,,,, . ,,, ,, bpM Iuodert)
with li.iildiiig or separately. cntt with a double bottom, the rel-
Address Uealty Fxchango ; atlvea and frlende of the victim are
- petitioning their rnpectlv repreaen-
. i
lli'M I III -I M'
Mi i ii ii ii- isd.ini I Is, I Is!
Mi w II Raver
I Wlnetoii
Thuriie Bi Ickeon
Mabel Blantou
luA BuUlei
II If, Met
i; i. M.Annitk
V w Mareden
Willi. tli Curry
Mr. II r bitworth
FUi Uroaui
V V llickoj
i: ii, P i
I I I Joe Ktanles
Mis A iiiiiuei inau
Mrs, I. Ii. I n
Mi- lob ii mi er
Fth.l M. Nultv
Dottie W ,nd
l'lil.'ii Madden
0. A Koabuii k
II u.l ooi
I' k Koeniy
0. A. Fnld
Mi - W iuub m iuetat
Maude lit. I
Le me Smitii
r. f i..
l T Manekei
Frank boriuau
then inn Hailey
Mi - i A ll
Nettie Pen i
M i tttutener
in 01
"I i
J. iU ll
ude K
Mi.- 11.. i illieu
Qovernrrent Agent Finda 20,000 Have
Uern I o, ilnl by Crooked Locator
I'oill.iul liiM'SllKiillnli of ll.relu
Km locaiora who Iooata4 vlotlna on
tr.icls In Hi.- r.nlroail laml niiil ul.ich
. I elll l il.' I, ll lelle.l l.i the
ro. il lllllelll Will colitllllie for l.l.ll
''-SV I weeks The ll.lll. I lull. I II sii . It) II
II IH0 sue .ma there en to many vtottaai
'-''' sld and locator! thkl the tovamaeeal bh
I' ii III ihorill.'H have a eiii.ihh mine or cl
I, .aid
N Purliin lh.' time the eevefMBMl III
., . ,(l prepartM l,u' hHee '"" '"' torfttura
f the mill) million-' of acre in lie
I I I, , I ..-...! II... . . II I I , I I . U I M fll.ilil.'ll
lh kdvei I leiui nta of men who
' oi. red la io ate people on ehok
--.' '" tiiia the) coul. I bin lor VM
10 an i. ie. .it ln-t from the r.iilro.i.l or
,'l'',s 10 the eovernwaat, il.'pcu.iing which won
I , the Mill rbOtl itllils Of people he. ime
ldl , ini.icHie.i .iii.i accepted the offer
II,. to lh. 'ii .pr.uiK up it crop of Iik'.i
. . 1 1
. ton h.i would lo.iii.. a rtcuoi ee '
iik.u looktne tracl of Uwhat '
''-" Oharee u fee for the Iron
10 hi llicie .ii.' luhl.uicc where a .lo
,1 en or eten LM people e been located
t, on the HUN tr.tcl of umber.
U ,m.l the lot I'." eJuafgad tiiitiliitig
A ,i- the officials hate been
1 able to learn, there hate beeu 2"
' lo.Mf.ollS 111. l,lC
10 ,000.00t) Pound of lilmon Canned
A.-loii.t lite prllig Kiiluioii IisI.iuk
II u on the t'olunibta rltcr. which
, sii Juki elo.-cl. will be the pooi.-t in
I --,( m my tens Tbl 1 especially true
ii. ... . t .ImIiu i f Unit on
tittlve In emigres to paaa law which
will make It les possible for iIIsuh
Bids will he received for grand ,er r "' kl,,u l0 Kln
stand refreshmtut privileges for
reopie m uic news
Kranels Hut ion Harrison, a leading
N York lawyer and a member of
congress, has been appointed by i'real
dent Wilson to be governor general
of the Philippines
Mr II Clarke Hyde must face a Jury
Tor lh.- inn ii Ii time on the charge of
murdering Colon. I Thorna II. Hwope.
millionaire philanthropist of Kansaa
.1 u.Ik Alton Ii I'arker, former dem
oerntie nominee for preslil.-ni, ha
I n eii,'..igc.l to pi., i cute the Im
p. i. Inn. nt charges ,igiiint (iovemor
William Bulier, of New York.
t Sullitaa, a prominent Chi
Mfjo I. iv. .-r. Is dead at the ge of 6tl
years Sullivan waa at the bead of
the I'lan na tinel a I the time of the
murder of Mr ironln, a cae which at
iritcte.l world wide attention.
4fter an exhaustive examination of
Harry K Thaw in hi cell at Sher
brooke. Quebec. Mr Joseph Noel, the
Jail physician, pronounced hint it per
fr.ll) MM IMs tenilct I expected
to hate an Important bearing upon
Thaw's fight for freedom
I'pou recommendation of the state
, i of par. Ions, lioyernor Dunne, of
Illinois, ha refused to commute the
sentence of Kt.ltu Arthur Se, the
high puest of (he "Ahkolute Life" cult.
Maury I Mlggs. one of the lUggk-r.tnilnr-ttt
defendants, conticted at
San Francisco oh four of t count,
lu an Indictment charging white
er. gate bull in the sum of ll'u.OiiO.
taratshed ins fa'1 .. i uncle, and
Will be IMIl I September t.
iii. r did mil. h batter.
.on .native esllutaU of Um
i lint in ttl ,-Hlllle.l tlu.'W
. tt ct run." or ap-
' ..-.. I lo.-
.e pom.
HI r.iw r. raa pack totals
liis iiui ahoul I I pound of
..i.'.l fu'.i. or a total of i.kVo.OOO
i . i .
the Malheur County fair Septeiu-
her 111 tn 2H, up tn Septeinlier I,
i'v Pair aaeoeiation, with privi
lege ni rejeottng nv or all bide.
Jew Lend Worshiping Place to Pro Congregation.
San ri.iiiii-ni condlllon uld to
be unique in socles! istlcal annals of
I .illloi ,1.1 h.ix glow u out of the bos
pltullt.N ol Itabhl Mu rt In M.t.r and
hi ooneregatlon who have throws op
n their pi. o . ol worship lh.- Tempi.
I'm. inn M to the ctiiigregnf Ion of the
I'lrst f'lllHlseSlllWISl church, of which
K.t Charles K ke.l pi .lor. and
for the next 13 months Hebrew ami
Christians will worship, according Ii
their separate creed. In the same edi
fi, e
In welcoming the coiiki 'Halloa to
tin. Jewish temple, Kabbl Meyer mild
"This building, consecrated to the
worship of the .lews, will be doubly
...lo-eorntod to us now Inuii the know I
sens where we sat and worship
ped on Saturday there also-yon sat anil
worshipped the same tio.l on Hit. Sub
Fleiahhacker Buy Out Pat Calhoun
S.ui I .o 1 h. I'niled Rail
roads oi tan Kranclaco, hsld by the
i uiieii Railways InveatSMBl Commbi
of New I. i- h. ell Sold tO ll
!,.,,,! haahlns ... headed by
Ifortlnri Klelahhacker, of ths Anglo
Callfoi in.. .'' .1 I. oiiden I'.tnk.
'I h. I I It.clr.i ids has been un
der the personal n uagsajaal of P
rick Calhoun, whe broke tho great
atrike of IW7, Sad ihcicby Incurred
.'u.l of til the labor unions of Is i lu hatred hit been
used to boom ths project for the
tabllshmeiii oi seteiai 1 1 1 ii ii ic rail
roads, which was sulnnitted to the
people for VOtS M In. .lit
iii LjanUL
W rilEW fa cows to wlectiag
pZ ww pluml'ing fixtures tli
Mi. Ill 111 ull.l hi. A tl.ll.ll.
ippropruie and gnueful dM(S
in all turnul ing't will naves new and
aboiling intrioi, tor lh i ,
.lair ptuadMSSJ tiuirr now eaVted
iaan est uive number oideuirntlor
Iter Settrovnl air a. I gntcclul, lcti
titul and yfi lOHSCie IbSIbI
lei iliclr i' p.
I'll. ftgntre of "Jttidtsi"
iiiani.t.t. im and i.iuiuit whea
111. tailed by SI make the
ufi'o-ory aaeifaaSM
Blow From Wlllard' Flat Kill Young
l.o Angel. s After lingering all
night, following an op.-ratiou ueceiM
taled ly Mow from the gloved fist
of Jcb Wlllard in the eruou arena
John (Hull i Young, the Wyoming;
heavyweight, .lic.1 lu the t'laxa Uartun
hoapital h. re
"11" ""iDoaaaaar
Jl , JoaoanaoL
( 1
UtularsT K.u.tu .
U. S. Plumbing & Hating Co.
i ..i
' i. i t' lu
Ontario, Ore.
Jfj aaas-aM aawl mw 7B B M raW
mm1'- LeJsT wM KM
EM i jKf W
IE m i tl ib!nai
This Store is
Black Cat
Less Darning
Send your children to school wearinsr Black Cat
Stockings. Note how much longer they wear. See
how little darning they need.
The heels are extended, the toes and knees are
reinforced so they give double the wear of ordinary
stockings. They are made expecially for children who
are "hard on stockings."
We specialize on Black Cat because we know
they Rive the wear and satisfaction you demand. The makers
of Klack Cat Stockings have been making them for 30 years.
They certainly have learned in that time how to make stuck
mi'- that wear.
Black Cat Hose
We Carry Black Cat Children's Stockings in all sizes
and three grades. Cotton 15c and 25c a pair; Silk
I .isle 35c a pair. And we, as well as the makers,
guarantee them.
Buy All Your Children's School
Things Here.
Come to our store and Ret vour name card which will entitle
! to one of our FREE POCKET KNIVES with your next
pair of shoes. Double votes on the Handmade Saddle or Elec
tiie Washing Machine given away Fair esjak.
INttttoffice Block
Fall Millinery
Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 10.
Soft Satin Hats
Fisk Models
) iii are cordially invited
- 3Donr