NEWS FROM OUR ' NATIONAL CAPITAL President Outlines Mexican Policy to House and Sen ate Committees. Washington. The policy of tho United States was outlined to the members of two congressional com mittees of foreign relations at a con ference at the white house by Presi dent Wilson and Secretary Bryan. The message prepared by the presi dent on the Mexican situation recelr sd practically universal support. The course of this government will be one of non-interference. In the hope that the effect of Its present efforts and the pressure of foreign governments will constitute a moral suasion that ultimately will bring about peace In Mexico. The message makes It plain that there will be no lifting of the em bargo on arms; that no faction or government In Mexico will be allowed to receive munitions of war from the United States. If necessary the pres ident proposes to Increase the Ameri can border patrol to enforce this policy. It Is a message of friendship, not hostility, and precedes a policy of absolute noninterference. It pro claim to the world tin sympathetic fooling thnt the United States govern ment Htid the American people have for their neighbors In the rebellion torn republic south of the Klo Ornnde. It records the views of the United States on constitutional gov ernment. Its unalterable opposition to government set up by the Irregular and arbitrary acts of ambitious Indi viduals and formally rmnoiinces that the ko eminent of Vlctorlano lluertB shall not be recognized. The United States hud proposed that a constitutional election be held nnd tluit Mtiertn should not be u can didate. To these suggestions, through which the United States believes peace could be restored, lluerta re plied In the m-autlve. Foreign gov ernments genernlly since that rejec tion have been active In support of the American policy to persuade lluerta to yield. Work on Tariff Bill Progressing Republican senators are giving evi dence of tiring over continued fruit less opposition to the tariff schedule and rapid progress Is being made In consideration of the bill. The woo, l.edule BBS been dispos ed of so fur as It will be considered by the senate in committee of the whole. Though no Mite was taken on free raw wool, the decisive showing on that halng been deferred until the bill comes from the committee of the whole, the finance committee rates on wool manufactures were agreed to without amendment and there was ev ery Indication that raw wool would remain free. With only a part of the free list, a portion of the paper schedule and the sunJrles schedule remaining to be con sidered In committee, democratic lead ers expressed confidence that the In come tux would be disposed of be fore the end of the coming week. Among the articles on the free list ratlflt d were agricultural Implements, beet .mil sugar cane, machinery, alco hol, horses and mules and animals for !m 'hut: lilhli-s. breads, biscuits and in.iii OtBBtl Amendment Mad to Currency Bill. The agricultural currency amend ment to the administration 0BT1 bill was adopted bj tin- tmn.-r Uemo cratic OBBBBB Alter prelim inary skirmishes. In which other Iments were beaten the caucus, Without I ilMMttaf PSBB) .ulopt'il .m ain.-tnliMeiit axreed to both b the "insurgent" contingent and the bank ing and currency committee, to put paper based on agricultural products on MM HUM ' - '- pu per tor QBB'B purposes. It also would eictiil the maturity of notes and Mllg admitted to llMMsi under the amendment, to M I i . Instead of the orimal! propoo 1 M days. This action disposed of the last of i.iruvemial UOBOO In tin ad Itratloa OBffBBSy bill Niton ! Capital Brevities Figures gathered by the federal quarantine r . -. i t of the department of agriculture thaw that during the past fiscal years I.TTBJ41 growing trees an, mis of tree seeds were Imported Into the United State. That the work of Installing demo crats in federal office in place of re publicans Is proceeding at a rapid rate Is shorn I by the nominations which have been sent to the senate nine l're. ent Wilson took office. These nominations number approxl- these about iuOO Not OM MlttBfy amendment to the mm "Cd at the Chicago bankers' conference will be accepted administration. Thi was moat ,l declared by I'tnlrraan i, the house banking commit- Umm of ii.e administration" BJOBBBBBh FIRST WARSHIP TO PASS CANAL Selection of the Oregon Is Most Appropriate. HER HURRY TRIP RECALLED Necessity of Transferring th Vessel From Pacific to Atlantic In Short Time During Spanish War Pointed Out Qreat Need of Psnsma Canal. Washington. The Oregon, on which Secretary of the Navy Itnulels plans to confer the honor of lielng the first battleship to go through the Fnnamn canal, Is now In I'uget sound getting the finishing touches on her $1,000,000 modr-mlr.ntlon treatment She Is being fitted with every convenience and Im provement. The Oregon is one of the three oldest battleships In the nmy. the two others lielng the Indiana mid the Miissnchu setts. All three are sister ships. Their keels were In Id lu MM. Tho Oregon II 1 1 I I Mill- OHUION was built at the I'ulnn Iron work. San I ami was ISBBCBBsl In IfJBJ The Mowing up of the Maine In HiiMilia barbs OB MBBBI IS rendered it liiiiernthe for the BBVarBBMBf to assemble the strongest nnvnl force is Nllde lu the Went Indies, In nutlcipii Hon Of war with Spain. It was that OBMfpsVMJ with tin- hat tlehlp Oregon so neir nnd yet i fnr- th ;t sad t in le ."'-'in to ileieriulue 0 liulld the I 'it hi ma canal. As It was. there wiiN nothing to do but t order the Oregon around Copo Morn. Ill TOlvlllg II Inlllliev of i.lel BjHfM InlliH t'aptiiiu I'hirl. got on Mm. Ii I." the order to make the vnyage. and on March I'.i lie -tinted from Kan Fran OBM o lie inade the run to I'alliio Pern. l lies, at thirteen knots avenge .icci Coaling there, lie BBS tciieil mi iow n the west const of South lit.-t I . :i and stc:nius at full speed the -trait of Magellan, slack suing ins) for rocks nor darkness noi wind mi be lu that stormy, trencher nils pas Ige Win u the tlregnii reai tnsl Klo he re en e.l a i able from Wa-hingtun say lug war between Spoil and the ('tilted States had been ilis Innsl 'I'he depart iiient aih iisl lil in In linger awhile at Klo. Imt lie BBBBBi 0B fcl Hahla. w In-ie Washington wirsi sii rgeatlng disabling his engines If ins essary In order to avoid being denied shelter at h neutral port It was feared at that time tliat the Sianlsli fleet, then mi Its way e.l Cfcaa the Atiuiill'. would B0BB00 SB I be I llegnli n.d lie-' I ' It '( 'nine on 0 0 ! JfBB 'an BB It," tlnalU culilisl the i. I 1- artllniit 0 fa) tain Clark. I!'1 MOfllblod Ml til ran twt rea ob S read tkan IB BMSOBfJI nd told tliein he believed the Oregnli coilhl Ih-k the w hole Spanish fleet Any w iy. he'd take a I bjM It, and away be went, right 0B up list east const of South America, with ei cry gun and 0TBT) oAOBf SBfl eer man ready f..r liisfant art'.oi. At Karli ail 00 CBpCBlB lurk (Of from Washmgti.ii lh it the Spanish fleet had armisl SOU1I where in II waters and was lying IB wait TBB captain sdoptad the rB00 of pretending to scurry bach to Kiai: lie steamed south, then west, and by nu.king a wide detour in the Atlantis, he annual the Spanish fleet and SB vl ty l p day s at ter loBVtBf, I Frinii iscn. the Orasps (- in y as i s.-agilll ippooPOJ at Jupiter Inlet I COUNTESS. A NUN. IS DEAD. Sister Mary Alexandrine, Aged Eighty -one, Attached to Bavarian Court. Wilmington. lel Sister Mary Alex andrliie. In the order of the Visits tlou fur f'irty the years and ko IBB I'omei.t of the Visitation here for twenty-one years. died at the Instltu tl ifi Si-ter Mar A cv alruie wa eighty one yean 'd and had been iiinth.-r sup. ..( the convent for tweh . years. 'II..- t .n of higb birth looifl BOOB I OkOtar In the Convent - de the lustittlti I. Sh.- eras lirn In ! I ril IB She waa a daughter of C i : Inline Rut 'I ' f Munich In In-r f the Ua NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST IN IDAHO Important Occurrences Of The Past Week From Cities In Our State Bridge Opening Interest Grows Lewtston. The celebration of the purchase of the Lewlston-Clarkston bridge, about September 1, may as sume greater proportions. Towns in the Palouse country feel as keen an Interest as l.ewlston, Clarkston and Asotin. Pullman. Moscow, Oenessee, and Unlontown are amlous to take part In the festivities. The outside Washington towns see In the purchase of the bridge a pos sible linking of these districts with the proposed Washington state high way which may serve the Important towns In the southeastern part of the state with the main trunk line which bus already been constructed. The favor with which the Idaho officials have looked upon the proposed high way makes the desire of great co operation with the I'alouse towns even more potent. feB BssssaT - t s . tj Baa, LANE HANGS OVER CANYON Braves Dangers of Perilous Trip In Skiff, Hanging by Cables. Ilolse Swinging over the great gap In the canyon of Kolse river 300 feet above the construction work on the Arrow Rock dam. Secretnry Franklin K. I.ane, of the Interior department, brnwil nil the dangers of this perilous trip In a skiff dangling by cables to Inspect the wonderful engineering feat the reclamation service is executing in the erection of the highest impound lug concrete irrigation dam In the world. The act of the secretary when lie volunteered to make the ride in the skiff with Chief Kngliieer A V MavP. Is taken by reclamation engineers to be conclusive of his desire to get first hand at the BBSBfS facts of work ex ecuted under his department. Attempts Life of Wife and Kills Self KmiiicM laiwanl Dewalt Is dead! with a bullet In his brain and his wife is suffering tioin a wound on the head Inflicted Willi a large steel file as the result of a t.itiilh ipiarrel About o o'clock the neighbors III the vicinity of the lewalt home were aroused BJ the sound of a shot. They ran lu the direction of the sound and lniiinl In wall weltering III his own blood In front ol his own home Kmnors flew through the town to the effect thai he had first shot his wile and (hen killed himself. This report proved er roncous so fur as the woman Is con cerned It was found thai I lew alt had struck his wife on the lira.! with a large file ami the supposition Is tluit In- passed out and shot himself dead under the Impression that he had first killed bis wife There's Something Doing in the way of novelties all the time at our moving picture show. Constant changes of films and subjects makp it The Most Attractive and Original place of its kind, and always the most e.Lcaining. Here is where you get your mon ey's worth of fun and in struction. Dreamland Theatre 200 Acres for Sale OR TRADE Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa. Some buildings. All under fence. Railroad line through tract. On Snake river. Well drained bench land. Elec tric pumping plant can be installed for $12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer. Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon TROOPS PLAY AT WAR GAME Idaho National Guard Holds Compare- . live Record Shoot. liolsr A sample of what a regi ment of Infantry might expect If In a real war was given to the Second In fuiit ry Malm National guard, when that body of uldler lu encampment Inn' as aniiiM-ii from Us slumber and 1 low ,il 'I I'll In I lull III I he fool bills lo desiioi a large bridge and bar supposed enemy from crossing the llo; . i . . i An a.iiain- BJBaN with signal BSffBI ran 10 roes ll OBStB Ol IBB OBOOBf "i"' found a hll. de on this side of tin ri r The hkiisI ii climh. I one of IBS klfjB hills and signaled tin- . n' stopping us advance a safe distance gw) The regiment rare fully cow-red its retreat CouipetllHe r. i,nl nhootniK is now in progress on the rsi Reclaim St. Joe Land Coeur d Aleiie The plan lo form a new drainage district lu tin- rlclnlt) of Medimoni Kootenai count) on the 81. Joe ner, all In township 48, north range -' west, was recommended ti district No. 1 loners and Kn J. V. riiinney, together with the preliminary i-port which was lih-d with tin- . . The r. pert MM nts to l)M blBd niiiaiiied would he lare and the proposed dike won.. I in no w.i injure the adj i.ort iim tbe approii hi and the annual main Dill 1400 The improw roll l BUI in-iiy hundreds of acres of Islnls 111 elc.llelil conditio. 'I for cull! vat ion The residents along the river In a rudius of in mile.- are anxious for the district to be oosapli Wallace School Bonds Approved. Wallace- 'I he ttii'e.-B of local In j I listrlct I- i u.inl thai the usulng of $'i'iii of h SCBVOI i - I Oil md h; 11 ' ' lot r tbe b of ; . BUTTER WRAPPERS Must Be Printed We are printing more wrappers than any other two offices in thisjsection. There is a reason. We have the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do with wedding invitations. Take your next order of liutter Wrappers to the Argus Office Empire Lumber Co. Ontario, Oregon Rock Springs and King Goal June and July $7.50 Delivered At yard $7.00 After Aug. 15 $8.00 And $7.50 HQRRIMAN Townsite Now Open Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional opportunity for making a good city. Vastareas of ara ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches and flourishing livestock. Considerable land in the valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the advent of the Oregon-Eastern Railway Now building toward Harney Valley, this grand new empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking business opportunities and professional locations. GET A EARLY Good opening for a nowKstpor, blacksmith shop, hotel drugstore, hardware ana implement nousee, ai well ai other lines of busim A limited number ol Iota art mow offered for sale at remarkably low prices, either for cash or on aiayterma, which prices will advance when the railroad is built into the Harney Valley. REMEMBER, Harriman will Ix the fast important point in tin- great Harney Valley to have a railroad. UTAH-OREGON LAND COMPANY ('. H. MOREHOUSE, I'reH. Salt Lake (it, I tali. II M. HORTON, Bee. Burns, Oregon S. I Taylor, Agent, Ontario, Oregon.