ONTARIO ARGUS PUBLiHHKI) KVKHY THUKSIMY Entfred in the fOtMUm t OntHrio Owifon, for IIMmiMloa tlironjfh the mailH rh Meond-olaM matter. M. B. BAIN. Publisher. The case with which you can make noinu one else believe I thing iH measured hy the sin cerity of your own helicf in it. The frank discussion now be ing carried on in the Mexican press as to who will succeed Ilucrta when lie has been assas sinated must he a trifle hard on that noisy person's nerves. Advertising is such an art, that many people actually buy periodicals as much for the ad vertisements as for the reading matter. If your advertisements do not attract more attention than the other news in the pa you are not getting the full value. The clover seed industry at I'm ma-l(os a II -Wilder is grow ing into large proportions, their being a I mi IJJ60 acres here in tdover seed. II. 0. Ilahlridgc of Carina estimates the ship ment this season of clnwr seed from llitt territory named will bo no less thitn 'JO carloads, for which the growers will reccivi about 7:,)00. point to have charge of inter state water cases. The upper waters are being used extensive ly in the Jordan Valley and they are now engaged in build ing reservoirs to uso more. The lower stream is mottly claimed by the Owyhee ditch company. A short time egO a petition was circulated in Clackamas county for the recall of the county court and the deciding vote recalling tlien was less than twenty per cent of the total vote oi the county. It is nec VSHaiy to hae "J." per cent of the voters sign the petition, hut ill the election following, while the I'llu i.il does not renigu, a majority Of those voting deter mines the result. Here is something we would like to have explained. Sever al times during this year men have come here soliciting orders for made to measure clothing and they always get many or ders. They seldom solicit a mong any but the business men and thoir employees. One was here this week and took many orders, probably more than any one merchant of the city gets during the year. This solicitor does not pay for any of the up keep of the city or its institu tions, never patronizes one of these men for a dollars worth of anything, still ho continues to come here year after year and take away business that should go to our local merchants. Most of these orders are secured from men who are always hol lering about the mail order houses. Can you explain it? Is it because the local people do not advertise their made to measure clothes, or is it that the agent is a smooth talker and makes the victims forget that he is a resident of another town, that he cannot make any changes in the clothes if they do not suit and will not he bore to hear nnv kick if for unv reason the suit is not satisfactory'' Some o you fellows who gave him an order please explain what the special inducement was. John II. Lewis, state engineer of Oregon, recently claimed that the Snake river could be made navigable from its mouth to Ontario. Yes it might be done, but anyone familiar with the nvei below HtMtington would say that it would cost as much money as it has cost to build the Panama canal. The water for miles is churned to foam as it rushes IhrOUgil rocky gorges, with the banks on either side toweling nearly straight up lot over 8000 feet from the waters edge With all due respect to Mr. I. -wis, he had better gttOM gain. Nampa Ib'coni. Mr Lewis is not gtMOting. He has ligurcd it out that the powci f he generated from the foOttliUf wnti i will be needed some d.i and Will he the inducement to build the ucfcsMii s lookl The slate water hoard has had engineers here this sum mcr surveying all the lauds in the Malheur hasiu and taking exhaustive notes of the MfOtgt under the MVOftl ditches and the amount of lands in actual cultivation and nutting bench cial use of the water. This in preparation f"i the adjudicat ing of the w.iti i.- of that stie.un h the -t.ii, vfttM board. The wateri of the Wilton 1 1 m vei i acicibon some tunc igQ and the n. xt Mlc.nil to conic hcloie them w ill be the ( vlu i i i and tributaries rin- itraaoi will he a difficult out to band 1 Hi purl i the 1. 1 del - i igiuute Hi bl.iho and Ne ...l.i .ni.l the may be the fl -t I'oiue before tin i oiuiuImIou thai ratal I promised to MDCALL OCT FOR ASSKSSOK We understand a recall peti tion ha heen started III this county on the assessor and as the assessor is always the most unpopular olliciul in the county there is little ijuestioii but what the necessary number of sig natures can bo secured. One objection to the present ollicial is the taxing of mortgages The old law calls for the assess ing of mortgages, while it has not been the custom ill the state to do so, the people at the last election refused to repeal the law. If mortgages are assess ed it will mean the foreclosing of all mortgages and all money will he taken out ol the county lor investment The tax li.t has not heen tiled but it is talk c.l that the values placed on the lai in lauds are not equable, -onie boittg much nigho than the laud can be purchased tor and others much lower than actual Value, These matters can he taken before the OQUOl i atiou board and even taxpay er should pool himsell on the lavi regulating such matters and have his objections tiled in time for the board to act on them. Our neighbors in Idaho tried the high valuation scheme lust year and pronounced it a fail ure, the valuations in Canyon canity being leduccd eleven million dollars this year Their lot lands are now assessed at one hundred dollar! per acre, and Others in proportion. The taxing ol Mortgage! has also been tiled and found a failure so there is little MCUM for further pxperiiienting along those lines those who have made a study the wonder is why any money is left in the state. The crops for this year will bring returns of over one hun dred million dollars, which if properly expended for Oregon products would greatly relieve the financial condition. Several millions are sent east annually for butter, cheese, eggs, poultry, lard, bacon, hams, canned meats and vegetables, all of which can be produced in the state to better perfection at a fraction of what tbey cost us to import. The same is true of practically everything made in the Btate. We send our wool cast to be made into cloth and clothing, paying freight both ways and several profits and the woolen mills of the state are compelled to go east to market their output, much of it coming back at an advance in price. Millions of dollars are sent east every year for insurance, only a fraction of which is sent back for losses. The profits and the interest on the profits go to the east, a small part of the -money being loaned in the slate. The laws of the eastern states are not as beneficial to the in sured as those of Oregon, re quiring smaller deposits and witlCless safeguards to protect the insured. The same line of argument applies to almost all lines and there can be but one answer and that if you wish to upbuild your state insist on getting Oregon products from your merchants and business men, thus keeping youa money in the state and in your neighborhood. Have a Utile state pride and build ii local imlusties. For Sale A good gentle horse and buggy, cheap. For particulars call at T. It. Fisers. "''snr j The Most Qualified Judges Prononnce Taylor & Williams Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST FOR SALE in quantities from One gallon up. and many other Good brands, by I. B. TETER. Wyesaler. ONTARIO. OKEGON OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS it forty -fifth achool yaar CFTCMIBCSl 'O en DEGntCCOUnnCOinmanyphaaefo! AONICULTURK. iNOIWtlAINO. HOMt ECONOMIC. MlNINQ. rOSttJTNV. COM- mcncc. Pmammacv. TWO-YEAR COURSES In AOMICUL TUnt. SOMI ECONOMIC, micmanic art, rom tr commikci pharmacy TEACHER'S COURSES In manual tr lining, agriculture, domestic acience anil art. MUSIC, including piano, ttring, band In.trmnenU and voice culture, A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled Tmk Hnkichmrnt or Kohai. I.ii'k" and n Catai.ohuk will he mailed free on npliralion. AdilreM II. M. Ti'.nnant, Registrar, it w SeJ to t-t) Cor vallit, Oregon. Irailv miirhs,l'"iiuiuui4ainMl nr . tfv HrtMl m-lrl h.-. Imw (ir .h..l. ami d. wajataa la fmkk harch , mm MiilalMlM Ifctnk rl..n.f PATIMTB BUILD fOUTUNH W fM Ojw ft. lnMkU4a Ml wh.t Id III. i ii, MlHff riiunMiiMr WiIUmUt D. SWIFT & CO. PATINT UWYIII, 303 Seventh St . Washington, D C Farm Loans On Improved Property At current rate. Any amount. For etraiifht term nr with In stallment privilege. Thomas W. Clagett Ontario - - Oregon Dr. W. . Howe DENTIST Telephone No. 732 Fintt Nationul Hunk ItldR. DRS. PRINZING & WEESE Ontario, Oregon (Wire in New Wilhon I0,..k. C. C. 60LDSBERRY DKNT18T Gaa with Extractions I'hone. No. V,l Office in Wilaon Hlock J W MrCulloch K W Eckhardt Mcculloch & eckhardt LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3. First Nat'l Rank Hldg Ontario, Oregon MONB1 BCABCI IN OMBGON. i bal there is -i greet u t it) i inouej in Oregon will i, ad. muted I'.v nil vbo have metis .iiiv Itudj ol the .-uualion. I 0 01HH1 NOTICE FOR PUBLiOATIOH. I , hi i ii.ii ( of the lut, -ri, ir, I'. S. I. hi. I in ,-. nt Vale. Oregon, July H, ifit, HetJeS la hereliy given (hat liar, n R .Dauiela, of Ontario, Oregou, who ou May It, 1911, wade, llninesleit.l Entry No. 01 Mi I. for S NEJ. EJ NW, isssJoe ii. IssssUt 11 s. Range 10 E , Willamette Meridian, lias tileti Belles of intention to make dual three ear proof, to eetalilish ,'laiiu to the I .iul atiove described, lief, re the Register and Receiver, of the Tinted States Land nitl ,-. at Vale, Oregon, ou the ith day of Se I. Ililiri, li'l't. I'IhiukiiH miiues us witnesses i.iit 1. Morgau. Joeeiih Little, Freil V. Murtoii and Oeorge K. I'lark, all of Ontario, Oregou. tlruoe K. KMter, Register. Notice It Taxpayers. Notice is liitiiiy given, thnl tin' board of EquelisetioD) of Malheur t'ountv OftgSJB, will int'ct at the Oottrt House m ale. on Beeond Mondny, being the stli lii of September, 191 ; for the pnrpoee of Bxsnining ami Eiuelisiun the ftseeeemenl Koile, ol tfelheur Oonntj for t! s year of 1013. Uuii K Hill. t'olllilv A?e.-s.H. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Pi IIaiikii i Si.ihs Iu. I'm link tSAIS (iradtiates Ameruan Sehool o( Os teoiutliv, Kirksville. Mo. Wilson Rloek Telephone. IM lilk H. H. WHITNEY I'HYHH'IAN and SUROEON ortti. in I. O. 0. F. BWg.. Ontario. . Ohkqo.n Transfer. Baggage and Ex press Meet All Trains JOHN LANIHNGHAM C. Mc60NA6ILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in all Courts Notary Public, oiliee over Poaiottice VY. W. HINTON sroi'K wepnotoa ot malwvi , 001 IY 11 I'LTll- ob'l I'.lell Ontario II II Hi!., Yale. C C tl Of SOS :r . .lolm SlslSSIWI W. -r Kridge. J. E I i v.: . . RtV4 - i " W H -k in., r J. r.lan N'a' Kre.1 Wilkinson, MilVrnutt T, A ii..' ton, Ns THE Frantz Premier Electric Suction Cleaner THE One you can and will use in your daily house work. Large Capacity in a Small Machine Costs But $37.50 Complete with all its Parts Idaho-Oregon Light & Power COMPANY Ontario, Oregon Buy your Meat at The ONTARIO MARKET and get the best the market affords Excursions East VIA Union Pacific System Very low round trip fares to DENVER, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, OMAHA, CHICAGO, MINNEAPOLIS and many other points'. DATES OF SALE: Aug. 22, 28, Sept. 10, 11 Limit: October 31, 1913 See any OREGON SHORT LINE Agent for further details THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Reaches Omaha and Points East THE DIRECT WA Y LINK'S MODERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Idaho's Largest, Best Equipped, Most Success- ful Business Training School MNP Huilding Large Airy Rooms Splendid Light Thorough. Practical Courses. Complete, Modern Kquipment. Special Experiencnd Tenchere. Class and Individual In struction. Hundreds of Successful Students. V save you time and Money. We Train You Thoroughly. A Thorough Business Education Pnye Dividend! for Life. It Pays to Get the Bent You Need It. We Give It. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2 Man Student Have A I read Handled Knroll Karh Ak fur College Journal and Complete Information A. T. LINK. General Manager IVIi pnone ltk55 J. luli Idaho St. Boise Idaho