The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 28, 1913, Image 3

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    C.tUt Life at Wsst Point.
Briefly, at 3 45 p. m. the academic
work la orar for tbe day and drilla for
alt classes occupy the hour from 4 to 5.
followed by a dres parade at 3:2ft, ex
cepting Wednesdays and Saturday.
This ti the achedule from Sept. 1 tc
Not. 1 and from Mnrch II to June.
On Saturdays academic work ends at
12:30, and. with the exception of In
apoctlon at 1 :S0. the afternoon of the
cadet Is free until 0:25 supper call. His
amusementa are much like those of
college students generally. Football
Is perhaps the most popular organised
sport Oamea are played on the West
Point grounds with teams from many
colleges, and tbe season closes with
tbe annual army-nary game, when tbe
West Pointers meet tbe midshipmen
from Annapolis on Franklin field.
Philadelphia. Basket ball follows dur
ing the winter months, many contests
with teams from other schools occur
ring during tbe season, and then In the
pring comes baseball of course. Pop
ular Mechanlca.
Woman and Her Hat.
A woman cannot stick a bat on her
bond as you stick a stamp oti a letter.
There Is an Ingenious machine that
ticks stamps on letters nt the rate of
several thousands an hour. But no
body has Invented a machine for stick
Ing hats on the heads of women.
A ninn cnn buy a bat In five minutes,
but no woman would dream of buying
a hut In Uh than nn hour Often n
wotnnn will aciulre a splitting head
ache In the attempt to find one hat to
suit her out of a hundred, and not sel
dom she carries away the headache
without a hat on It.
Tbe bat hunt Is only a small part of
the dally agony of shopping, and yet a
man would rather cut hi . throat than
engage In a bat hunt as a dispassion
ate spectator. Men prefer to hunt the
fox or the stag, the tlgur or the lion,
the grizzly or the grouse. A tiger hunt
In not nearly so perilous as a hat bunt.
London Opinion.
Profits In Wast Papor.
The sale of waste paper used to af
ford perquisites for government offl
dais. When Joint M t'ulloi-h (of dic
tionary of Commerce fsiniei was ap
pointed comptroller of the stationery
office In 1RII, he discovered that the
proceeds from the sale of government
waste paper were divided among his
subordinates, whu thus more than
doubled their oftlclal Incomes. Tbo
new comptroller prohibited this prac
tice on the ground that all moneys do
rived from such sales belonged to the
exchequer. Some of the officials dis
regarded this prohibition anil contin
ued to sell waste paper and pocket the
proceed" When this came to the ears
of McCulloch they were prosecuted for
"systematic appropriation of public
property " For many years past the
stationery office has made over t
a year from the sale of waste paper.
I on, ion Mall.
J.nny Lind's California Debut.
At Monterey, fill., formerly a part of
Mexico and ceded to the United States
during tbo Mexican war. Is the first
public building built 111 California and
now a broken down, weather racked
ruin of adobe In this building Jenny
I.lntl made her Ilrst California debut.
and when the gold tbo enthusiastic
miners had thrown upon tlio stage aft
er her performance was gathered up
It was foiitnl to nil two five-gallon oil
an- about twenty pounds of gold and
equal In value to about f.'.iKK). Auoth
er curious building U a police station
which la built within ttie brace of an
oil derrick ami for uiiliii buildings
certainly establishes n record. Health
Wis. Old Doctor.
Patient (abed and very sick) But.
doc. If pbyslclaus never agree ou any
thing, what's tbe use of calling any
two of them for this cousultatiou you
Old Family Ho, tor I'll fix that all
right. I'll just go out and get a couple
of these young fellows running around
lu tbe name make of automobile. Wbeu
yuu gel 'eiu agiecd ou that they gen
erally think alike lu everything else.
'Take It from me. tbe three of us will
dud out what's tbe mutter with you
In about ten minutes. St. l.oula Ke
publtc Thoughtless Expression.
"You say lu this story," commented
the MfV reader, "that tbe heroine bur
led her face In her hands "
"Well," nked the story writer. "Isn't
that all right ?"
"No You cau't have au Ideal hero
ine with sucb large bauds as that,"
Washington Star.
8ha Didn't Baliovo It.
"OUease." said tbe doctor,
attacks the weakest spot."
"Ob." tbe patient's wife
"that can't be true. If it were, my
busbuud would bare brain fever or
something like that Instead of liver
trouble." Exchange.
Regained His Nerve.
Hubbard Sim pklus baa got over his
nervous prostration. Pease How can
you tell Hubbard Why. 1 met him
on the street last night, and be want
mi to borrow $2u-lJuck.
What Puulid Hor.
"1 understood the text all light." ox
marked Aunt Ann Peebles after tbe
sermon was over, "but tbe preacher's
explanation f It puzzled me a good
Chicago Tribune.
Young America Getting Wise.
"Pro. rusUhuUuu Is tbe thief
"Is he tbe fellow, pa. vrtu takM
away the years from a woman's ago?"
Bo.iuti Herald.
Because of Riots Cotterill Or
dered Newspaper Suppressed.
Disorder of Sailors Was Directed at
Industrial Workers of the World,
Who Wore Conducting Strike at the
Time Greet Damage Wrought.
Seattle, Wash. Following rioting and
disorder by sailors from the Pacific re
serve fleet Mayor (Seoree F. Cotterill
Issued an order suppressing the Seat
tle Times, a newspaper, unless proofs
of all Its contents should lie first sub
mitted to him The newspaper secured
nn Injunction against the mayor ami
gained a decision In court, and no edi
tion of the paper was held up. The
mayor took the ground that the Times
In a "garbled account" of the address
of Secretary Daniels of the navy de
partment with reference to drMng out
the apostles of the red flag had Incited
the sailors to disorder.
The disorder followed n strike led by
the Industrial Workers of the World.
Mayor Cotterill also Issued nn order
closing the saloons, saying the police
hnd recelw-d Information that another
attack on the Industrial Workers had
been planned by soldiers on leave from
army ssts about the city. He said
MOMI r. covr
MA You or SEAT-
he was dcterniiiiisi to keep the saloons
closed mi t : 1 liter the P.. Hatch fuallval
crowd h." i .I'spci-Mol.
The Jr. . however, also set aside '
this order of the mayor, and the drink-
lug places were liberally patronized
Still another order by the mayor
directed that all street meetings be
stopped. This none the les did not
prevelit a big crowd gathering when
some ti f t y soldiers asucuihlcd oil First
avenue. The soldiers predicted further
trouble, but were themselves careful
not to start any demonstration.
The damage done by sailors will not
exceed $.S,inm) Hi their excitement the
sailors demolished a Salvatlou Army
meeting room, having been told It was
the iiuartcrs of a branch of the Indus
trial Workers By the light of matches
the sailors begun to break chairs and
benches. One stout sailor hurled an
organ off the platform and then, Mix
ing a heavy chair. proceeded to demol
ish tbe organ
Suddenly one of the men, tearing
down a motto. "HinI Is Ixve," from tbe
wall, started back a ud said, "Boys,
we're all wrong." Some of tbe sailors
shouted to their coinrudes to stop the
smashing, and word was passed that
the place was a Salvation Army meet-
Ing room. Most of the men thereat
left the place
Muyor Cotterlll's action lu assuming
full control of the city was much like
a deduction of martial law He pre
ceded bis stringent orders by a prod
Prank Burns, de Sots Now American
Altitude Mark at Bath, N. V.
Bath, Y - Frank Burnstde, an uvl
ator, set a new American altitude ree
ord by reaching uu altitude of UJaM
tcel Tbe pre, ions Auiericau record
wus 11.(180 feet aud wus made by
coin Hetuhey at Chicago two year
lluriislde was lu the air one hour
and forty minute Tbe flight was wit
:, -,... -d by crowds of spectator, who fol
owed lil ii with the naked eye as Isjajg
as piatslhle slid then trained glasses
upon him until be was lost In the
iouda. Hurnalde suffered greatly from
old as be as-ended, although he v . -dressed
iu winter dotbliiK The flier
Uiouieter regi-leled Vi degrees as b
loft the ground and deacended to .'
degrees at 1-J'I feet
aVVflf B
'saVtifTM W
' aaaaaafl sf
Pamdy of Pour Walka 1.500 M.lee
Hpokane Wash Carrytcsj ttaatr alia
quantity Ks camp outfit and
-Ions In s v hi - -if II.-'
t.iiiiHge. Mr and Mrs A I. Tubt.
and their two u. aged eleven and
. larted on a .'.n
mile Walk ' :.t Idaho. flft.i
miles eat M. to Mlilie.iJ.olts
Watch Jewels.
Each watch Jewel Is shaped to a cir
cle and bored through tbe center, each
boring being Just a little less than the
dlu meter of tbe pinion used lu the fac
tory where it Is filially to la? placed lu
the iiper or lower plate of a wutch.
Before the Jewel gets to the setter It
has been put into n lathe and by means
of a minute steel point covered with
diamond dust and oil tbe center has
been enlarged to tit the steel pinions
which shall be housed In It. In the
hands of tbe setter tbe cylinder la put
Into a lathe. With a moistened finger
the Jewel Is picked up and placed In
side the cylinder aa It rests on the tip
oi the revolving lathe shaft. With a
pointed tool the setter presses against
the revolving cylinder edge, forcing tbe
soft metal to overlap and close upon
the sapphire or ruby till It Is Imbedded
firmly In the metal cushion. Then a
pressure upon a follower at the other
end of tbe lathe brings a cutter to liear
upon the metnl circumference, turning
It to tbe exact size of tbe Jewel bole
in the plnte of the watch, with the hole
In the center of the Jewel exactly In
the center of tbe metal setting.
Weakly Outing of Algerian Ladies.
On Friday In Algiers I visited the
cemetery of El Kettar, a great man
who la worshiped as a saint. The cem
etery where 'us body reoses la the
one place In a. I Algiers where the wo
men of the birVttsi can feel the fresh
air of heme ,u their faces. And
that Is allowed only once a week, on
Friday, when they are permitted to
unveil and sit nnd chat together with
in the leineieiy predncts. It wns a
curious sight as 1 entered, and It sug
gested resurrection morn Fully fifty
shrouded white llgures were scattered
about the grounds, sitting on graves,
tbelr bodies mid heads covered by
white robes, but their faces partly re
vealed. There was a small percentage
of pretty fines and those belonged to
the very young women Tbe middle
aged were plum, with that plainness
which proceeds from a dull mind and
uti uneventful life. Kiln Wheeler Wil
cox In National Magazine.
Carlyls and the Book of Job.
Carljle wus once asked to take the
reading at family prayers during a
short visit paid to his friend, the pro
vust of Kirkcaldy. The Illble chanced
to open at the Ilrst chapter of the book
of Job. and t'arlyle Immediately lie
came absorbed In his subject and read
on and on to tl ml of tin last chap
b r. w hen. closing the volume, he re
"That Is a marvelous lifelike drama,
only to be appreciated when read light
It Is fair to Infer that It was appro
elated for once. Any one who has tak
en a loug, solitary afternoon and at
tempted to give the book of Joti au op
portunlty to be appreciated by reading
It honestly through at one sitting can
realize the consternation of the pro
vost. Siicu a one will not be likely to
wonder with Caiiyle vli he was not
asked again to assist at family pi. .vers
In that household.
Peg Woffington's Farewell.
Peg Wottlngtou wns pla.Wng lloan
Hnd at Corent Harden on the night of
May 17. 17fl", for tbe benefit of two
minor actors nnd a French dancer,
when she was overcome with sudden
falutm-ss She struggled bravely on
until the end, when she staggered off
the stage Ittsov erlng after a few
incuts, she came forward to speak the
epilogue, but bad proceeded no further
than "If I were among you 1 would
kiss as many of you as bud beards
that pleased me, complexions that liked
me and breaths that I" when, ox
claiming In agony. "O Uod! O Uod!"
she collapsed lu a heap upon the door.
She never returned to the stag. Lou
don Ulobe.
Olyeorin and Shoes
Tho labor of boot cleaning may be
greatly decreased by tbe iild of a little
glycerin. Ilrush tbe boots free from
dust; then rub tbe glycertu well Into
the leather with a stiouge or cloth,
then let them nearly dry aud brush
them with a soft brush If tbe boots
have been blackened It will give them
,, excellent tHillsh If not It will give
j them the aptearauco of being new
They will be found to keep their sl
Ished state for at least three or four
days by simply brushing them oece-
'aloniilly. It not only keeps them u
' good color, but makes them soft aud
comfortable. New York Journal.
hHt's the matter?"
"What's the matterT Wombat says
I'm the worst liar In town "
"Dou't be discouraged You may bo
tbe worst now. but anybody who keeps
at It as persistently as you do Is apt to
become a pretty gisxl liar iu time."
Louisville Courier Journal
Trade Tactics.
"Tbo young fellow who's eotnlng to
see you. Klale, must be a lawyer"
"What makoa you think that, fa
ther r
IUijnr I notice whenever bo
comes to court be always pi tails for a
stay." Baltimore Anierlcau
Did His Bast.
Judge Hal you look to see whether
yuu bad killed any one?
Chauffeur Too. your houor. I look
ed In all tbe n, uuliig papers. Now
lork i'l. nes.
Wat n Your Words.
One of lb ix-st rule In conversa
tion i- novor to say a word wblcb any
,y can reasonably wtab
bad been t.ft unpaid -Swift.
con, lousness of duty nerfonu
' ir.'e i jj
Malheur Mercantile
Our Special Sale On
Table Linens
WIU continue another week
On our whole stock of Table Lin
ens and Napkins we will allow
for one more week at
10 per Cent Off
for Cash
Malheur Mercantile Co.
The Fruit Grower & Farmer
Regular Subscription Price
Kimball's Dairy Farmer
Regular Subscription Price
Standard & Poultry World
Regular Subscription Price
Woman's World
Regular Subscription Price
Vegetable Grower
Regular Subscription Price
Ontario Argus
All Six Publications for onl
A Saving of