The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 28, 1913, Image 2

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    100 acres of fine nnge brush land,
deep rich sandy soil, first class water
riht. I miles from Jntario. Price
$50. per acre. Terms ffiven with
low rate of interest or would trade
for Block or other property. Must
be lispoed of soon, as I am engaged
in other business.
Postoffice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
ii " ggEM
A. McWILLIAMS, Proprietor.
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do .von i'vit consider how long it tuk'H to trawl tin- distance
from your liouw to tin Doctor und iTrliarit nnl u hat time
you save hy telephoning? If your time is worth atiythitiK. you
cannot allot I to lie without a TclephoM,
Malheur Home TelephoneCo.
A Complete Line of
I Vetoing Statummj
At the Argus Office
A special prize will
be given on Thurs
day of each week to
the candidate mak
ing the largest gain
in votes that week.
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Orders.
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horsea Bought and Sold.
The recent election held at Molalla,
to decide whether the town should be
come a municipality, resulted la a four
to one vote In favor of Incorporation.
At Bonanza two big business build
Inns were destroyed by fire. They
were occupied by a general merchan
dise store, confectionery, drug store
and barber shop.
The Florence council Is obtaining
estimates of the cost of water main,
with a view to Installing a 10 or IS
Inch main through the business sec
tion of town for fire protection.
Reports from Baker say that on
September 1st the Oregon Mill A
Grain company and the Rock Creek
company, operating the two largest
flour mills lu Baker county, will be
gree being sustained.
Dr. M B. Marcellus, health officer
of I'ortland, has written to the state
railroad commission, asking that the
express companies be compelled to
adopt a more hygienic system of ship
ping meats.
I. H. Van Winkle haH been elected
dean of the law department of Willam
ette university, at Halem, succeeding
Charles McNary, appointed as a su
preme court Justice. The new dean
wan for eight yearn assistant attorney
general of Oregon.
Redondo B Sutton of Portland, has
been commissioned a second lieuten
ant of coast artillery at Fort Monroe,
Va. Sutton Is a West I'olnt graduate,
and a brother of the yoting marine of
fleer who met an untimely death at
Annapolis three years ago.
Corporation license fees remaining
unpaid In the state became delinquent
August Id, and Commissioner Watson
Is lurklng over the list with a view
to enforcing collection. Suits against
the delinquent companies will also
Include a $100 penalty In each case.
Twenty elKht sections of timber Innd
In the district lying southeast of .! w
ell. In Clatsop count), contain '.4H,37!,
nun feet of timber, according to the
cruise n-tiiriiH flleil with the MMKj
MMM at Astoria The banner sec
tion of the district contains MJ9MM
Criuiipi d while swIiiiiiiIiik. Miss l.n
virne Wlll'tl. IS years old. was re
cently drowned In the Willamette riv
er near Huston. .She was in -coiiipnii
led In the water by her brother. 12
years old, whom she selxed ami almost
drowned In her frantic efforts to es
cape li.irn filled with hay and grain was
fired and destroyed by u bolt of light
nltiK at Carson station, on the t'nlted
rtallway. 'J7 utiles out of Portland. ,n
one of llle wnisl (let trie storms ever
known In that neighborhood. It was
owned by Henry C. Carson, whose loss
is him
An automobile owned and driven by
V. W. Kent of Drain upset on the
stage road .'l! miles west of Itosehurtt.
ami Mrs Mary llolyfleld, mother of
Mrs Kent, was Instantly killed Mrs
Kent sustained two fractures of Un
arm, but'he- husband and three smull
children escaped unhurt.
t'nless Governor West commutes his
sentence to life Imprisonment. I. em
Woon. a Chinese, convicted III Port
laud In ISM, of killing l.e Tal Hoy.
mill be hanged A inundate of the su
preme court of the t'nlted States was
received bv (he clerk of the state su
MM... x .
" -- ' :dMMMN-i--! S m j n "BHMMMMa- Mft
Bargain Day
tin liafgaiu hay. vuioli iii Saturday of taoh
purchase niailr, thin making uo votf- for
krooda. Ml gtkkda bearing l I to the
preme court, the verdict of the Ore
gon courts of murder In the first de-
M. A. Mayer, Owner of the Mayer
dale fruit farm, has shipped the first
carload of prunes this season from
Mosler He has sold his entire crop,
estimated at 6000 crates, to a New
York firm. The Mosler prune crop Is
not so large as that of last year, but
Is of better quality, and Is command
ing prices very satisfactory to the
Identified as "Tallow Rill" or J. B.
Allison, one of the beat known yegg
men and ho dup artlsta on the crime
calendar, the body of Joe Barron, the
man who was shot In the holdup of
the Soo-Spokane train at Portland, and
who die. I the following day without
making known his Identity, will be
held at the morgue until further de
tails are received of his complete rec
ord. Announcement has been made at
Marshfleld that the Southern Pacific
railroad company Is arranging to de
velop the coal fields of Coos countv.
Oregon towns now using coal from
Washington, Wyoming and Utah
mines can be supplied. It Is said, with
Coos county coal at a large saving In
freight expense. The Southern Pad -
flc owns tue Beaver Hill mine, the
largest producer In the Coos Baly fl I '
where It Is linking a shaft.
Frank O Hwaggart and Sam McGee,
two campers In Wallowa county, were
treed by a bear In the north woods
near Enterprise. They fired at the
animal, hut It paid no attention to
their bullets, and charged straight for
them. Kacl sought a friendly tree ant
remained In Its branches during a
drenching rain, while bruin stoo-'
guard bemath. Tiring of Its vigil,
the bear finally ambled off Into th
woods and the campers escaped, rnc
Ing back to camp with such speed thf
they 'listed a five rail feme. It li
said Next Jay they returned for theli
Qot Evsn With the Lawyer.
Many years ago there lived in ('urn
den. Me, two uclk'hlior. Dff Huse Ml
.Indire Thayer I he dm tor hud MM
sloii to sue a in. in mid of ionise em
I'IommI his neighbor, the Juilire. as hi
counsel After a session of court he
met the JiiiIlt and iiskcil about hi
i ne The JihIkc said It was continued
Meetlnu li In i iigiilu alter another se
-ion mid .-i-Kinu iikiiIii nlioiit his case
Hie km me iin-wer whs then '
A, it co-t or :i MMfe ti it was j box of Fayette apples last year
wattaMi, the doctor thought by the e,rwl, n the Santa Rosa orch
llnie It wns settled, after paying the ! . . , , , . , , .... ..
indue, he wnuid g nothing. ar,i ft)r which he paid 10. lie
Home time afterward the Judge was I gBVS that he always bought four
mill, ted with a felon mid. of course. , . li, i .i
employed i ighboY. the doctor Aft watermelons every fall for which
er suffering h wiuie he met the doctor . be paid f I each.
mid said "I'll. tor. tin- thing I-
thing Is get- I
liuu ii lout vei -low is I have wall.
ed the MM iilghls for a week. What
are you doing to It 7"
The doctor, who stammered, loud
ly replied, "Co-co continuing It, by
The thin on Soiled Milk.
What causes the formation of the
4k I ii on (he surface of Polled milk and
of hot cim oa that Is with boiled
uillk'.' Ir. Pen her of l....iin. France.
.11) that It Is the result of the dlslu
tegriilliiu of the lime MMMMI In "e
milk llent separates the lime and the
casern. tnl the Mine coiublues with
carbonic n Id from Hie air to form a
thin 11 : 1 11 of carbonate of lime This
lllili -ii'ioii- Hie undissol cd cast-in III
the milk as well as some coagulated
.illulllic 11 .Hid fut.
weak, votof will bo doubled "ii all
l 00 1 i'nt for i cortain lin
dollar will bt i I in atoek.
The Fruitland Drug company
traded their stock of goods to
O. C. Starr for land at Bliss,
C. K. Huntington and Miss
Marie returned Tuesday from a
visit with friends in Portland.
They have given possession of
their home, which they sold re
cently and are now staying at
the Moore hotel in Ontario.
The Queen Esther Circle met
Wednesday afternoon in the
! Kpworth hall.
The state examinations will
be held in the school house
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
of this week. This in another
opportunity for those who Wish
j to take the 8th grade examina
tions again.
O. C. Stout was able to com
mence work in Johnson's store
again Monday. He has had
quite a siege with blood poison
caused by poison ivy.
Mr. and Mrs. John Heeler and
family and Miss Maggie Heakley
were guests at the Frank
Eldridge home Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Griep and children
Bald and Klmer, left Thursday
for a visit with Mrs. CJriep'sson,
Victor, who lives at Forest
i rove, Oregon.
T. T. n and wife, of Fair
banks, Alaska, are visiting with
('lias. Stevens and family. Mr.
Stevens and Mr. Davis had been
sihnol chums, but had been
separated lor nearlv Iweuty-live
vi-iira. Mr. I'.ivi- i 1 1 1 li.i-' 'I a
D. liealiliiii ami family were
guests at the Smith Bros, home
A farewell surprise was given
Miss Kthelyu Weir Wednesday
afternoon in Stegner's hall.
About thirty-four of her friends
helped her enjoy the afternoon.
Daintv refreshments were served
EUv, 0. F. Deal left Monday
for the Methodist conference,
which will be held at I.adrande
from Wednesday until over Sun
day of tliih week.
Six Orange Spoons
1 Pie Knife
Wm. Rogers Make
will be given Thurs
day, September 4
Mr. Manser returned Friday
from a business trip to Midvale.
Mrs. Sadie Shank and daugh
ter, Mary, who spent several
weeks in Boise, returned to
Fruitland last week.
Messrs. E. E. Hunter and M.
R. Powell left Thursdsy for a
a trip to Nahcotta Beach.
George Ewing, of Lelha, Ida.,
visited friends in this vicinity
Miss Nellie Cook, of Nebraska,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F.
Mr. Edgecombe has accepted
the position as manager of the
Payette flour mill and will take
charge next Monday.
Prune packing will commence
in full blast this week. Messrs.
Ady and Moreland commenced
work Monday, Fruitland Pack
ing association Tuesday, Denny
fc Co. Thursday, besides several
individual packing houses.
J. D. Hunstock traded his
property here for land in Cam
bridge, Idaho. He will give
possession "bout September lf.
Rev. E. A. Berry and two sons
from Meadows, arrived Satur
day for a visit at the 11. B. Kiu
nison home.
I rain bervlce.
West bound.
No. 1? Oregon Wash Ltd I til a m
No. 75 Huntington Pass 9.40 a m
Mo. 0 Fast Mall 0:15 p m
No 77 Huutington Pasa 0:33 p m
No. 5 Oregoo Wash Kx press 0 :50 p m
East hound
No. 18 Oregon Wash Ltd 2:51 am
No. 70 Boise passenger 8:50 a in
No. 0 Fast Mall 1 1 ill a m
No. 78 Boise passenger .'1:50 1 m
No. 10 Oregon Wash Kx press 4 :40 p m
Vale train leaves at 0:40 a. m ra
mming at 3 -.HO p. in
Healed proposals will be received by
the City Recorder of the City of
Ontario, Oregon, uu to toe hour of 8
o'clock 1 ie . n tbe 'JHtb dy of
August. I'.'Ki, for tbe of
about 0000 feet M sewur lu sail City
aeei nlnik' to the plana and specifica
tions tbsrefor on file altb said City
Kaonrder All proposals must be
filled, marked "Proposals for Sewer
Construction.' aud addressed to
Harry B Urauel. City Recorder. On
tario, Oregon. Tbe bids will I
opened by tbe Council at tbe above
named hour aud the contract awarded.
The Council reserves tbe right to
reject auy and all bids.
All bids must be accompanied by
a certified check for 5 per cent of
such bid.
By order of tbe City Council.
t Harry it (irauel.
City Recorder.