The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 28, 1913, Image 1

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The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of
(fhttai ftt-otto
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prest ijre,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario ea?h year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 35
And Suggest Many Other
Changes in Currency Bill
Before Congress
Chlcngo. Banker from all parts of
the country at the end of a two days'
conference .ere agreed on a number
of Important amendment to the Owen
Qlass currency bill now pending In
congress and appointed a committee
of seven to go to Washington and en
deuvor to have the changes Incorpor
ated In the measure.
The committee, named by A. Hnrton
Hepburn of Now York, chairman of
the currency committee of the Ameri
can Hunkers' association and chairman
of the conference, will Journey to
Washington to aak amendments to the
present hill, the most Importnnt of
which are these:
Taking from the president the pow
er of appointing all seven of the mem
bers of the federal reserve board,
which will dominate the currency sit
uation and substituting a provision
that three of the seven members shall
be appointed by the president; three
be named by the directors of the pro
posed federal reserve banks and that
the seventh shall be the secretary of
the treasury, who shall be a member
Creating one great central bank, In
stead of the 12 regional reserve bnnks
provided for In the Owen Glass bill;
or If this be npt obtainable, creating
as few as possible and not more than
There will be twenty carloads of
clover seed shipped from Parma this
year. This 6 J, 000 pounds or seed at
13 centa a pound will bring a nice
Income to the farmers of that section
Tbe clover seed yield tbls year it
runniug from 5 to 11 bushels per
acre. A bushel of clover seed welntis
00 pounds so the yield ruqs from 300
to OfiO pounds per aore. The aver
age yield therefore, Is about eight
bushels, or 480 pouuds per acre, and
will return to tbe grower from 50 to
GO per aore according to the quality
and price paid for It.
Among tbe successful clover seed
growers may be mentioned C. II.
Allen. M acres; Ham Tuning, 8r
acres; Lee Haldrldge, Hi "acres; (Isorga
Oberdorf. 20 acres; r L. D inkers.. n.
15 aorcs; Fred Kdroundson, 20 acres;
Hen Host, 20 acres.
Every Suggestion of this Govrenment
Rejected by Huerta Regime.
President Wilson Reads Message to Congress and Makes
Public All Correspondence Between Mexico
And the United States.
New York. Kdwurd E. McCall.
chairman of the public service com
mission, was designated as mayoralty
candidate by the Democratic city com
mit tea.
Mr. McCall'a selection by the 630
delegates as leader of the Tammany
forcea waa unanimous, as has been
forecast since It appeared from an
nouncements that the Tammany lead
era had decided not to renominate
Mayor Qaynor and that he would be
nominated by the "Uaynor league"
with a complete independent city tick
et of ita own.
Mayor Oaynor'a determination to
run for re-election aa an Independent
guaranteea one of the liveliest munic
ipal campaigna New York has seen In
aevaral years. There will lie three
tickets In the field Democratic. Ku-
slon and Independent.
The Puslonlsts. who include Repub
lican. Progressives, Independence
league and some Independent Demo
Mill, have selected John Purroy Mitchell.
After ddayinR for several days, in hope that Mexico would
decide to take more favorable action in regard to peace sujrjrestions
made by this Rovernment. President Wilson went before Congress
Wednesday and revealed the policy of the adminstration in an at
tempt to brinK about the termination of hostilities in that country.
Although still persisting that the policy of this government would
be one of non-interfeiviKv. yet he realized that the situation
is becoming critical and made an appeal for all Amercan citiznis
to leave Mexico at once.
Allen Cortrlght, a former Ontario
high school football star, waa the
hero of the hour when with a brilliant
dying tinkle he captured Arthur llru
ver. who is now in the city jail In
Salt Lake charged with holding up
Harry Mannla, a Ureek confectioner.
early Saturday morning.
Cortrlght, now a hotel clerk, In
Salt Lake, heard a cry Of ' 'stop thief. "
He saw a man running and gave chase.
A leaping tackle brought the fugitive
to the ground. (Irtiver begged "for
Uod'asake, pal, let me go," but was
'.'I.I for the police and confessed at
the station. He said it was his
first job and said he threw the gun
away In (light. It was later found. I
(Iruver's companion In tbe holdup
escaped with tbe money. "Flying
Isrkleaare not burred" said Cortrlght.
sol went after him." Hoth kcic bruis
ed In : I..' fall.
There Was No Harm Done
She Simply Wanted to
Go to Vale
Martin H. Glynn, Lieutenant Gover
nor of New York, who claims the right
to act as nevernor, owing te Impeach
ment pi edingt agalnat Governor
wlft Break Predicted If Congreea De
bates President's Statement.
Mexico City The keenest anxiety
was manifested in the capital aa to
what will be the development of the
undertaking of the lulled Statea go
eriimeut in Mexico's internal affairs.
Mexico's attitude Is one of waiting,
while the people resident here, both
native and foreign, are displaying deep
Rumors are that Huerta la still con
sldering reslgulug in favor of General
Trevlno, but there is no sound basis
for tbls assertion. The public opinion
is expressed here that there will be a
awlft culmination of all peaceable re
lations If congress la given an oppor
tunity for free debate on President
Wilson's statement of that facta in the
Mrs. Ida Dosser, wife of J. K.
Dossey. died August 27. l!H'l. from a
nervous urekdown after an operatlou
for appendicitis and an abceaa.
Mrs. Doesey was horu in Jobnaou
oounty. Arkansas Jautiarr 5. 1HH3.
Deceased leaves a husband and two
small boya, bar father and mother.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Manager, twu
brothers nod two sisters who reatde
bare a slater in Iowa and one la Okie
The funeral waa held this afternoon
from the family residence in Kivet
sisde addition, Rev. iavdeuu having
charge of the eervicee. lutermeut
was made in tbe Ontario cemetery
The message makes It plain that
there will be no lifting of the em
bargo on arma; that no faction or
K"' rninenl In Mexico will be allowed
I" r reive munitions .r wnr from th
United States. If necessary the pres
ident proposes to Increase (he Ameri
can border pal ml to enforce this
It Is a message of friendship, not
hostility, and precedes a policy of
abaolute non-lnterferonce. It pro
claim to the world tbe aympathetlc
feeling that the United Statea govern
ment and the American people have
for their neighbors In the rebellion
torn republic aoutb of the Itlo
Crande. It recorda the views of th
United Stales on constitutional gov
ernment, its unalterable opposition to
government set up by the Irregular
and arbitrary acta of ambitious Indl
vlduals und formally announces that
the government of Vlctorlano Huerta
shall not be recognised.
The United Statea' had propoaed
that a constitutional election be held
and that Huerta should not be a can
didate. To these suggestions, through
which the United States believes
There are Dot many men who can
make 11.100 from an aore of land and
there is not many acres that can be
made to yield that amuunt under any
Home eighteen montha ago a dapa
oese bay waa working here f r 130 a
in. .nth he made a mlatake and got
fired. He was a good worker. in.,i
some money saved up and took a lease
on piece of ground, just a little over
n acre. He planted tbls to celery,
kept an accurate aooount aud his
books show that be actually made
1500 from that acre of oelery. He
cau tell you how many plants be raised
ami what be received for tbnm aud
also what be expended to raise the
Celery requires special soil and
conditiona and there are few plaeea
lu which It can he nmu n i i-..h.i i-
but It I. p.oduoed in ...auv tl.1.1. l"""- Wh W" """
4M0 J -ft v
m, l ,
Maury I. Dlggs, one of the defsng
ants In the famous California white
peace could be restored. Huerta re- I In a way and of a kind. There is'
piled In (he negative. Foreign gov
ernments generally since that rejec
tion have been active In support of
the Vinerican pulley to persuade
Huerta to yield.
not alooal market for mauy to eugage , Oil 7fR RPPPIVEC
in tbe raising of celery, but there si,. 0ULa.Lll II CO LI I LO
mauy otber things that will yield
well if cultivated with tbe same care
aud thought.
Hroom eorn was very sucoeaafully
grown tbia year without irrigation In
tbe Black Canyon district about aeven
miles yorth of Xotua. by Albert
Dray aud Mr. Dooliltle. wbu. to
geber, bad in about 15 acres. Tbe
straw in tbia corn ia pronounced
extra flue m quality. Tbe crop irocu
tbia 15 acrea will probably be aold
In Boise. It Is believed the severe
drouth in the middle west, cauelug
the deatruotlon of millions of dollars
worth of coao, including much broom
Good Crops Insure Great Agricultural Exhibits-Thousands
of Dollars to be Given in Prizes and Premiums
--A Splendid Racing Program Arranged and Numer
ous Other High Class Features Which will Make the
Fair the Greatest Ever Held in Eastern Oregon.
H is only a little over two weeka
before tbe Malheur oounty fair will
open with the largest aud beat dia-
play ever gathered lu auy oounty.
Tbe crope have been unusually good
tbls year and mure farmers are taking
an iutereat and gathering exhibit than
ever before ao that every Inch of tbe
tig i .million la going to be orowdeel
and exhibitors should get their pro
lu. ts at tbe building early and avid
as much of tbe rush aa possible.
Tbe race program has been arranged,
providing for harness aud saddle
rac: each day, with motor cycles, wild
male raees, wild borae raoee. roping
offered by tbe teachers from the Cor
vallia Agricultural college. Tbeae
will be presented m tbe luoruinge
and eveuiugs and not interfere with
the amusements. Bring in tba boys
aud girls anil let them use how tbe
professor judge stock aud determine
tbe guod oow from tbe poor one. it
will be worth dollars to thsm Tbls
feature is arranged for tbe farmers,
fruit growers, gardeuers. dairymeo,
bore men aud .hickm men aud it is
up to then, to take advantage of It.
All thoae baring rooiue to rent
should list them with Seroretry
(irauel. at the city ball.
Special trail's will run from Boise
Albany, N. Y. (lovemor Rulier
showed Interest In the report from the
assembly districts throughout the
state, Indicating that many of (he up
slate assembly men who had opposed
his direct primary bill or had voted
for Impeachment were being refused
designation by their parly committees.
The governor declined to comment on
any of the changes being wrought lu
the personnel of the assembly, but
seemed to lake It for granted that pub
lie acntlmeut was strongly In his fav
The most significant rtiuuges lu the
designations for (he assembly Is con
Hldereil the turndown of Assembly
man T. K Smith for BllOthwf term by
Kranils A. Hendricks, the tinoiidaga
county Republican leader. Smith was
one of the seven Kepuhllean members
who voted to Impeach (inventor Sul
ser and Is now serving bis third term
from a strong Id-publlcan dlalrlct.
There was a pathetic scene at the
liciioi Saturday morning when (he west
bouud pony pulled out. The train
crew were hurryiug with the baggage
and express atfer helping on all the
passengers In sight, wben a lady, ac
ci'inpanleil by a herd of ynuiigMtcm,
sauntered up to the depot and leisurely
went to look for hand hnggago, while
the youngsters had to he beided any
(mm the trucks of the train.
'I he train started up and then the
unman comiuenced to ware her arms
anil scream, while the children joined
in tbe chorus, all trying to gat on the
morlng train. Tbe train was stopped
the children herded on, when tbe
woman dlcors,J n IMket was miss
ing mid messenger hurried away to
l"ok up the stray, meanwhile (he train
and all the pasxeiigtti' weie kept wall
lug. Finally the basket was brought
onl and (he woman stalled to get m,
the train wl the luakcman asked
her where she wished to go. No one
hut the liiakeman beard the reply
and be did not say anything, hedldu't
dare, but il... expression on his face
aa ha olampered up the steps aud got
the youngsters and haby buggy olf and
gave the algoal to start waa enough.
Tbe woman then leisurely walked
MM to the Vale train and got aboard.
The fruit packing houses of .
A. Janobeen. Nick Urolfersou. Denny
(.'. ami tbe Idaho Oregon Distribu
tors have nil started operation, ibis
week on the pang of prmIB- 'jn
'Piallty of tbe prune crop in the I'ay.
ette valley is exceptionally good ibis
jeer and good price. ic expeoed.
Tbe Mrat ear of cantaloupes ana
hipped out Thursday signifying the
opening f the cantaloupe season in
earnest. It is estimated that from
two to three wire will go out daily
until the seasuu 'loses.
ecu tests. Luckiug r.utests and ihe
corn, mav cause an ciinc In ii.ul....... i... . . .. .. j.
,.,.- ?-- v .u,. uu, .u.iuigs'iin uy me . Thursday aud from Urogau Wedue.
price of broom com. cuwbove. Tbls hut - - ---- - ..., K euue$
... . uuuwl . limi UU(J rriaay
tbe management of Uaker Ball and be Four bauds have been eagaged to
is out now arranging for the last lot furnish the music.
of horses end etc rs for tbeae eveofa.
me tiorc men rt this sectiou have
been workieg With tbe fair manage
ulser'e Enemies Now Under Firs.
New fori The Indictment of
Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tain
many Hull, Anion J. Levy, leader of
the Democratic majority lu (he ns
nembly. and J.iiiieu Krawley, rliulr
man of the commltten which lnestl
galed (ioverrmr Hulier's campaign
contributions, has heeu requested of
Mary Hintoo, relict of the late
H. D. ilinton. who died in l:i'io,
died lu PrliievllU, August 'it. aged
70 jeara
Mrs. ilinton was born lu Arkausus,
'lossed the pUins lu Hfi.l, settling at
Kugeue and moved to esslein (Ij.gou
lu lift, Her husband was a halt
l...lhe. f W. W. Hlutou. of this
place. There are eight children liv
ing and (wo Mrs. Kohert Udell
Is (he only one living near hen.
mrs. ilinton was siek for a long
lluieaml her deal hw noi un.p,ti-..
The burial took pis. em 1'rim ville
Mrs. baa been lu I'rlueville
some time doing what she . mild i
make tin last bonis of h. i mother
The papers he. I a gucd deal lo say
the dUtrut iMonieys of New York I Mt "'Uli '""" several boys wbu
It is estimated that tbe crop of
broom corn on theee 15 acres will M
about four tooa. It ia aald now to
be worth from 1175 to It00 pei ton.
si. idnlng to .piallty. Broom corn
Albes Says
baa brought dto per ton According . mem bj eelet-'mg the worst bucksrs
to theee figures Mesrsa. (iray end aud w ilde.t haawaa saa Ike eu.... ..,
ays "Late Models Find Favor ' Dooittle should get sometbiug like! will bare th. ai bai to try the mettle
in th. Unde.vorld." M for their 15 acres of broom I of ti, rid . laaj of them Z
Portland Keplying to a letter from
a young worn ..a who requested that
he help her thooae her fall gowns, to
insure against purchase of any that
wouid violate bis "X ray " proscription.
Mayor Albe open reply de
bts order to the police to ai
frs of lumo !" r
corn m wnicb case their return
would be egual to aometniog over
50 per acre, which aouid be ex
celleut for dry land farming.
in are
willing lo li.i that the riders will
pull leather or go in tbe air.
Tbe pec i ! should not overlook tbe
educational feature thut will be
Ranks of Voters May bs Doubled
Salem Thai the enfranchisement
of women may be double the total reg
islralton In Oregon is the belief of the
men alio have made s , ludy of regit
and Alhan. coiii,tic hy l.ynn J. Ar
nold, of .WU.ui,. an ardent Sulxer sup
bid saved and wisely luvested their
MM, lieiecjau Owyhee boy. Willie
aVaMawler. twelve year old son of Mr.
Hid Mi. (mis K.iweiei. who may
also l, cited as a shining example of
thrift and industry. He he from
bis personal earnings .ml for a re
train. ii figures In Sh r-ir of Stat.- I
Ohotl's off.. .on. I.i.ious are ceedings If 1M MWMM 0i Ika
baaed on reports i I registrations from wer ""' ' " "'"l U,w "l1 n" oul'1
Merve a term In Jsii l.rroru tie would
Refuses to Whip Man
Klamath I alls Sheriff t'hartea
Low del. sr cl that be would refuse
to administer a whipping to William i Khrtered Jersey beifei. coifing
1'ew, who -h ronvlcted of wife beat '""" "" ""led .M, wart deny herd of
kjg hefore Justice If Cuwai and '""' '""y, Oitcgm, ,iU pur
aenteuced to II lashes 1'pon being cha.ed . regl.t. red Jrtt bull, fjetfl
ti.fortne.l "' 1'i.tne Oowen hag ,"t""g I .0. f root a line herd near
threa'eiied to liistluit- I -oiiiempt pro Honhnrl. Hr.gin ppsjg of .,k ,,i I
high priced arlslorcrauy of Jereeydou
the various counties from June I to
August 15.
use (he lash on few
i .. i . ...
ne it now .st mg in uii'iikii- more
legisteitil -to. k. Ileside ti.e.e en nn .1
lie has a mare aud c. It an I he take,
care of bis property s.s Jouraal.