The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 21, 1913, Image 7

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    200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
$12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in thisjsection. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of A rtr n e flffi nk
Butter Wrappers to the AlgUS UUlCe
Empire Lumber Co-
Ontario, Oregon
Rock Springs and King Goal
June and July $7.50 Delivered At yard $7.00
After Aug. 15 $8.00 And $7.50
Townsite Now Open
Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle
sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional
opportunity for making a good city. Vastareas of ara
ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley
and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches
and flourishing livestock. Considerable land in the
valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the
advent of the
Oregon-Eastern Railway
Now building toward Harney Valley, this grand new
empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking
business opportunities and professional locations.
Good opening for a newspaper, blacksmith shop, hotel drugstore, hardware
and implement nouses, as well as other liiu-s of business.
A limited number of lots are now offered for sab- at remarkably low priOML
either for cash or on easy terms, which prices trill advance when the railroad
is built into the Harney Valley.
REMEMBER, Harriman
Valley to have a railroad.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
S. F. Taylor, Agenl, Ontario,
will be the first important point in the great Harney
ror Trade
Two story brick building in
good town, to trade for irrigated
land. Also good stock of mer
rbnndise in building, will trade
with building or separately.
Address Really Exchange
but half expresses it. When you
fcet to looking through our up-to-date
exhibit of
Moving Pictures of Living
Talk about travel. -You would
have to spend thousands of dol
lars to see abroad what it costs
but a few cents at this show.
Ah public educations we
are benefactors.
Dreamland Theatre
Burnw, Oregon
last Seashore Excursion August 2 1 .
Low rates to Nnhcotta, Washing
tun, and irtum Tin Oregon Slier'. Line.
Ticket! on sale from all point In
Idaho and Oregon, limited tn .-eptem
bei 6th. Bee agent regarding rates
i I further particulars.
Department of the Interior, V. S.
Land OKce at Vale, Oregon, July
23, 1013.
Notice la hereby glreu that llaoon
H .Oaniela, of Ontario, Oregon, who
on May 10, 1911, made Homeateiid
Kntry No. 01801. for St NKJ. Kt
NWJ. Section 11, Township 17 s .
Range 40 K.. Willamette Meridian,
ha tiled notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to establish
claim to the Ind above described,
before the Register and Receiver, of
the United SUtea Land Ohice, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 4th day of
September. 1911.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Guy P. Morgan, Joseph Little,
Fred W. Morton nnddeorge K. Clark,
all of Ontario, Oregon.
Hruoe K. Keetcr, Register.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the City Recorder of the City of
Ontario, Oregon, up to tne hour of 8
o'clock p. in on the 'JHth day of
August. 1914V for the construction of
about ODOO feet of sewer in said City
according to the plans and specifics i
tions therefor on file with said City I
Recorder All proposals must be
sealed, marked "Proposals for Hewer,
Construction." and addressed to
Harry It Orauel. City Recorder, On '
tarlo. Oregon. The bids will be
opeued by the Council at the above
named hour and the contract awarded.
The Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
All bids must be accompanied by
ceit lili'il check for per cent of
auch bid.
By order of the City Council.
Harry H Oniuel,
City Recorder.
Last Seashore Excursion Auqust 21.
Low ratea to Nahcotta. Washing
ton, and return vIh Oregon Short
Due. Tickets on sale from all points
In Idaho and Oregon, limited to Hep
teniber 5 1 It. See agents regarding
rates aud further partlculara.
BiiiH will lie ici i i id for 14111 ml
stainl refreshment privileged for
the Mnllieur County fnir Stit'iu
ber I'l to 10, i to Siiiteinlier I,
by Fair BBBOOiBtlon, with privi
lege of rejecting any or all bil
Old papers at the Argus office 1't
cents per hundred. Just what you
need In line your cabins and ee
under the carpet
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any amount.
For straight term or with In
stallment privili i'.
Thomas W.
Ontario -
il I r .. r
OiiUiiu t-wrn.turr I'u
Ontario Ore.
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yetlow Stone Wnlskat the BEST
FOR SALE in ciuuntitu fn.iii
gallon up, and oti .. uihw
igssT uiJlaV asaaa
fl H gatfaaaaaaaaaaai ' I
Congress Will Stay in Session
Until Tariff and Currency
Bills Are Passed.
Washington. Congress will re
main In session "until snow flies" and
If necessary prolong the extra session
until the regular term begins in Do
(i inl'iT to dispose of tariff and cur
rency legislation.
This was the decision of the demo
cratic caucus of the senate which
adopted a resolution declaring "that
congress should proceed to consider
and determine legislation concerning
currency and banking Immediately
following the passage of the pending
tariff bill."
Determination to take up currency
legislation did net carry witb It ap
pioval ol .tn policy or commit 'lie
(leniiMi.iilc party to any particular cur
rency bill.
Believed Lind Is Making Progrcaa
Substantial progress has been
achieved, in the Judgment of admin
Intra! Ion officials here, by John l.iiul
in the discharge of his delicate nils
alon to Mexico. They feel the Ameri
can embassy's adviser at least lias
made a breach In the wall which the
oretically has been erected by the
Mexican government to obstruct his
The presentment he has already
made is understood to be only of a
prellmlnarv eharacler and will be fid
lowed by others setting out more In
detail the object which the A merles a
aumlnlstratloii had In mind In ills
palehlng him to Mexico City.
t la understood that while there la
nothing In these views In the ntauic
oi a demand for the withdrawal of
General liuerta from the president v
or for the nrhltrar) fixing of the data
tor a general election, there la never
theleas a distinct Intimation of th
administration's belief that some con
cession should he made hv the Huerta
government to terminate the present
Insurrection and tn Insure the ascend
sney of a truly popular government.
Page Says He Shared With Member
In a lira mat le statement, I II Mi
Mlchaelh. iIIhiiiIshciI ehlef page of the
house of representatives presented to
llie house luliliv InveHtlgiHInn 1011111111
tee a sweeping charge of corruption
against Itepresenlntlv r M.liermolt. ol
Illinois, for years his sponsor. Mi
Michaels In plcturesijue language cor
1 "l.i. ml. il the allegations ot M M Mill
ball against Mellermoil, and made ad
illtlonal charges.
In addition tn the charge ulrcinlv
made, McMlehaels swore Dial die (In
eago representative told him that be
n reived $7Mio out of a fund of flu.uoo
iii'il hv the pawnbrokers of Wash
Ington lo oppose a bill passed In the
last congress regulating pawnbrokei
in I lie District of Columbia
National Capital Brevities
The miIi lo sustain the proposed
banana lax was close. SI to 2N, Hen.i
tore Thornton ami Itaiisilell. of Louis!
ana, voting with the republicans
I'. 111:1111. 1 Im Hie fourth 11.1II0I1 lo in
repi In detail Secretary Hrysn's Inter
1,. 1, lonal pent e pi in
I Ml Pacific Northwest was fSBf
h. Tileil i the II. inker eolifi relice tj
I I N M ol I'm Hand. Daniel l I
I her. of Seattle, and Charles A M
!..',m of PpnausM
KCoiii. hy Senator Pugi- of 'i-n '
'ii p. v 11 'tie iI.mim MB I Uttll '
I'll v on hull. 1 Ii, : '
i re una' "llu
Hepreeental It To M 1 b
1 I'll 111 Hn house u 1
piopoilllg JOlnl mediation III VI
ly the Culled Slates. ItruEll ami H..
Argentine Id public
..II ti.if MM ii UHMIMl lo 1. I
B .. Kiel repriMeiilsllves lo
ens Augilhl :i. 10 led a new nation.. I
n publican lyiniri M-ional MMMBltt
1 iloiih from Hie ajtlieiis of Heal
Ut lian been ..r. n'ed lo Hie he I
Mini I'uliiili Mi I of War IiUikhi
r k for .1 . MM ""sloiiHl lli'pili
into Hie "origin Inception ami m
ri'Hh o' III ! 1 'ill 1 lull 11 k III that
when the heHiliiai Nth of the I
ami the hin lalista v. ret I
ehgng Mm- m. nil- 111 Up 1
loll? nil clirin- llillll- at lbs n i .
the fiititiii e 1 oaaaail
i.nA pinnl.h .1 hirslub' dul nf Ii
.if nil. iei.1 a DOUBd on lemon linn
i.;i.ipi 11 mi I 'In- like. Ml
ref.i.ini. to the slxe ol fmli
was riruek oul of the bill
'I In- .mil won, a r r'l.igtsts are pf
paring for wbul UM UnrBI Hn erui '
confln 1 with the tuffnuflstl In VI la
relliber l( pi ml. 1 a 1 1 . lltnry, of
'IpIiii, ( halrmail of Hie bouse om
hal gl en 1.
BEfJ 'I. r Bill han
I in Ike reKular hi
oi Mujn
President Vllaon publicly r ,
idor Wilson for bin re
Il of
.. '
y of
llert Ingle. Hie 17 .war old son of A.
N. Ingle, a wealth) bIMOBBMM living
near Maker, met hU (loath from II ao
cldental revolver shot while evidently
crawling In pursuit of some animal
Work on the second urit of tbo
Klamath reclamation projrtt l. prac
tically cotnpleteil. Water v. II 1, fur
nished for next year to about TJ0
Advices frmn Florence say the Port
of Sluslnw commissioners voti I t 1 in
sue IIHO.Ono of port bonds tot IbS pur
pose of extending the north Jetty at
the mouth of the Sluelaw.
Kepresentntlve Slnnott ntro
diiceil a bill appropriating J-voni for
the I'l'iiilleton iiostoffiie. tl treasury
department having re .led Hits
amount as iierexnnt.v to 1 1; 'ste the
building according to I orlg tial
With the remarkable 1 ,re of 101
out ot a possible 106 points. Bergennt
S. W. I'eariion. Coinpain Four, Coast
Artillery, who lives at Koweburg, won
Hie ('atrow cup malrb In the National
Hide asHoi'liitlou shoot at Camp I'erry,
D. 1. Hood, of Marshfleld. has been
appointed official sealer of Ccoe ooun
ty to carry out the provisions of the
new Oregon law providing for the In
spection of weights and measurss used
In selling commodities.
Docked In a cage and playing with
a swarm of bees will be the form of
entertainment Tor state fair pntronn
furnished by James Davis, a ben ei
pert. Mr Davis has signed an agree
ment with Crank Meredith, secretary
of the fnlr hoard, to give "demonstra
tions" dally.
The fishermen of Tillamook hay
near Hay Cltv have organlxed to sell
their own fish, being dissatisfied with
the prices offered bv local canneries.
Tin rj will he.k markets In the east,
ami have lc libit to build a salting
and cold storage plant to handle tbo
season's cstrli
The authorities of Pendleton havo
arranged to purify that city's water
aupply with hypochlorite of lime
There have b 1 but few cases of ty
phoid feer In Pendleton this summer.
but il was d tied best to take gMBa
ures of prevent Ion until the gravity
waterworks s.istcm Is completed
Charles V (ialloway, tax commis
sioner. In an opinion, holds that fish
ing rights and water rights are "rights
and prlvlleres " anil ISBBl advantages"
helougtiiK to tin' I. Hid. lie says they
should in' taken into consideration In
diterinlnlng the value of the laud for
assessment and taxation
Recall petltlona huve been circular
ed at Salem against three councllnn 11.
Ho' chief ol police and cltv recorder,
ami II Is repoitiil thai a recall petition
will soon be put out ugaiusl Mayor
Stevens. It g aliened Hint the offl
clals have not been faithful to tbe
City's best Interests
The hi. He lallroad 1 ominlssloli aue
peiided the fleliht seliedllle nri'litly
mlopied by the Sumptir Valle Hull
ro.el ininpiltlV on Hie Klound linn
eral Increases In rates had been made
In violation of orders of the commls
sinn The hiihpeiihlon will iiiutinue un
til Nov 1 mini s
Steps are being taken to eradii ele
i.' hllKl.l Wlil'h Is Ihle.leulng
the ilehlrurtlon of the on bards of tint
I, I. Hi. I K.nnle V.ill.'V llie illhCUSe liaM
progreawed to an esloBl Hi. it 11 will be
necessary to cut down man) valuable
trees to save H e eutlre ori haiO Irmu
In a tit nper and
. ... I 1 . 1 1
ami billed bl brothel w
. 1
liepln David low II 1.0 inn v not
UrvlVI ' Bl wrlglH Hien kllliil I11I11
self AIHioukIi lilmself u mini nil man.
Cartwrlghi I" said lo bv SOM
, I bo KM. II WU
in. n 1 in it bi 1
Slllo 1 'i ' III ol tlii- 1 Win. took
tbe hi 1 111i1r1ti1.11
I., ad How this 1 oin .in Will '
.tih ik not known BJ it
I I in to ki'M
1. .ipplH aritg
w bo tool I !' ' " 'be I 1
..1..1 mil at
Hie lim
All ' I
PU 1 o .... . 1 ..
' 1 I In 11
1 ipany seal imp
1. 1 1 i I bat the Hint of
1 111 I v bub in w
Mill be Uiyi ly
I I..,, in H. . I I r y exi" M fioiu
ioiv.iii. baa opened an office at Hei
1 ' l'S of 11.
1 nrgon Agrn ullurgj
1 nopilaHVi iluir) I'elialOII
work 1 bis
on 111 11 region nnl.i... lug 180
. .If 1 11 1
noli 1.
.11, 1
I. B. TriER. Wh.ili'siiler.
j.' 1