The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 21, 1913, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Special this Week
Floating Castile Soap
2-lb. Bar 35c
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Mrs. Switzer nnd son return
ed to their home in Vale after a
visit with relations here.
Born Saturday, Aflgust 10
to Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Megorden,
a son.
Bicknell shipped 8 cars of
wethers to Omaha on Saturday
from Hrogan. He sold five
thousand at Hrogan and they
were driven to Huntington for
shipment to Portland.
Misses (Irace Miller ami
Kroessiii were visitors to Vale
last week.
Floyd linger was down from
Camhridgo on husiness last
week. He reports everything
in good shape there.
The threshing of clover seed
is on in the Big Bend section
and the growers are reporting
crops running around $S0 an
IMummer (Jrimes accompan
ied hy his cousin. Mr. Knoch
of Hillsboro, Oregon returned
home last week.
The Manneman Bros, are
huilding a new packing house
so they can handle their fruit
crop this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred IMett, of
Banna, were visitors in Ontario
lust Sunday.
Don Blatt was a Parma visitor
the first of the week.
Mr. Kevin, of Banna, was a
husiness visitor the first of the
week .
Mr- Sue lYfferleeund daugh
ter, Thelma, were arrivals from
Baker Monday for a short visit.
Will l'inney, Mell Dolling,
Jack Bicker und Byron Turner
returned the first of the week
from Mann's creek where they
have heen for an outing.
BtU Haines, of I'nion, was in
the city the first of the week on
School will soon begin. We
haw a good line of hoys und
giris shoes that can bo bought
cheap at the Cash Variety Store.
Mr and Mrs. K. H. Test are
home fiom their outing spent
at Keli hum, Idaho.
Dr, ('. ('. (ioldsberrv returned
home this week from a three
week's viMt at Wallow;..
(ie.uge Phillips wa- in the
dt)' Tuesday from N sa.
Mr.-. Joe Staples and son re
turned Monday irom tiui'tey.
where they spent a couple of
A. B. Macpherson was a Vale
business visitor Monday.
William Stevens and daugh
ter, of Caldwell, returned to
their home on Sunday.
Mioses Margaret and Alice
DaineUon, of Boise, Mil for a
visit to the Jluilty home Mon
day. For Sale A good gentle
horse and buggy, cheup. For
paiticulurs call at T. B. Fisers .
Karl Thompson went to Ny
m Monday where he will go to
T. W. dtfOftl made u visit to
his ranch m..r NvtM Monday.
For Sale rive passenger
Studebakcr Automobile, fully
equipped, 1012 model in tirst
ftpg .u. d
cbeap at 900. inquire of
H. R I r il ! i ind 1 latio.
Mrs. H. O. Payne left Monday
for Vale on a visit.
Damon MiHiken left Monday
for Huntington after I short
visit with his parents in this
Misses Clarice Canfield and
Hachael Chapman were Boise
; visitors the first of the week. I
Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Payne and
Frank Mnule left the first of the
week for an outing in the
mountains in Idaho.
W. F. Hoinan left on a vaca
tion to Starkev the first of this
Mrs. Adam, sons, Bichard ami
Sprnue and daughter, Bena re
turned the tirst of the week
from n vacation nt the Payette
Miss Ksther Bawls was mar
ried ut Vale Wednesday to
Whitou Bcdsnll hy Bev. Cook.
Both are well known residents
of Ontario.
Miss Irma Cook, daughtei of
J. II Cook, returned on No. 10
today from her vacation trip
with friends in Portland, her
old home. She also visited in
Salt in, McMinuville and Scott's
Misses Anna and Margaret
McOivern came hack from a
trip to Vale Tuesday.
On Tuesduy Miss Coru Me
Natty left for u two weeks visit
in Boise.
Mr. IfoEodfOO, of this eity,
on Wednesday made a trip to
A. A. Bonney from Tiglie Vul
ley, in Wusco County passed
through hereon his way to West
fall ou business Wednesduy.
C. T. (iodwln, district attor
ney of Baker County, was here
on business the fore part of
the week.
Mr. Boges, of Caldwell, came
Wednesday . to visit with kit
daughter, mrs. Kd. ussell.
For school tablets and pencils
go to Fverhart, the druggist.
Franklin H. Banc, the se re
tary of the Interior, poeood
through Ontario Wednesday
Is (ill an inspeelioii tolirol tiie
i oerumeiit Irrigation projooli
in the west. Bane is proving
the ino.-t popular secretary we
have ever had. heme, a VOttOFIl
man and familiar witli the con
ilitions in the west whore the
government land and projects
are lot ate. I.
For a complete line of school
supplies go to Kverhurt, the
An elk tooth watch fob wus
We ere headquarters for china
ware, table and decorated, when
in want of anything in the line
look our variety over nt the
Cash Variety Store.
J. 1). Billingsley was n county
seat visitor on business Wed
nesday. Jacob Vllman, one of Alex
anders men from Boise stopped
off here on his way to our
county seat Wednesday.
Mrs. Bnlph Weaver, of 'nle
came down on a visit to rela
tives Wednesilav.
Report of the Condition of the
nt Ontario, in the State of Oregon, ?.t
the close of hnsinesx, August 9th,
tftt, No. :.s:'v.
in socncKK.
Loans and cUaeonnt f- M 99 N
Overdrafts, secured nnd
unsecured Ml 2H
C S boBdS 10 secure eircu-
iation M .vm (Hi
V S iM.nds to secure Postal
BeTiatja 1 BOO 00
Holid. securities, etc 11 697 471
Hanking house, furniture
and fixtures l? 108 M
Other renl estate owned 't 74'J N
Pile from iiatioiinl luniks
(,not reserve agent 21 29'2 8a
One from approved reserve
aetata 4" 111 72
Exchanges for Clearing
House 7H9 N
Notts of Other National 4 Olla no
lunik- .
fractional MMf currency, M II
nickels. Miel cent"
I. w m i Mom IUi kvk
in IUnk. i.:
circulation I
Ti n u
I I Mill 11 IKs
Capital stock paid in i
Miiiilns Ininl
I'llcliMile.l profltt, less e
psnatS nnd taxe- i lid
Nlltlolllll llMIlk llo( s ollt
Dm i" state ami private
hanks and Imiiker
Individual deposits BOb
ject to skteb
i iiinioiii i-ei mi. at. - of de
Tint certificates of deposit
Ctrtlfltd Checks
CetM TS Checks out
POStel S.i ilitfs ileKisils
28 92f 10
I 1 .'
.MS 279 f9
M 000 00
.Ml imni no
s M 4.--
21 100 Ot
277 507 78
"i c.ji 7r.
H ii
IN oo
iBii l'79 m
lost here a few duys ago for
which the owner will gladly pay
mrs. (Jrace Thomas and child
ren and Mrs. Getting! returned JSmptlon ,,, witll 0 B
from a visit in the Willamette, Trtetnrtr (.1 ptrotntol
Volley Tucsiinv.
Donald Oxinan came down
on a visit from Jnmicson Wed
nesday. Miss .Athi'ii Christenson left
on n visit to Nyssu Wednesduy.
Delbert Taggait left for a
visit to Bortland Saturday.
The room formerly occupied by
the Commercial Club is being
lilted up as a candy kitchen by
u tirst class candy maker.
J. J. Thomason, of Nyssa,
died Tuesday and the funeral
was held today with the Ontar
io Masonic Lodge in charge.
Ho was a charier member of
the lodgl
Mrs. Tom Ilalladay made a
trio to Nvssn on Tuesday.
Mrs. James Diven came from
the county seat on a visit to
i clative Tuesday.
Mrs. Mabel Athey loft ou a
visit to Burma Tuesday.
Mrs. Bichard Bell and M i -Joe
Hutchinson, neices of Mrs.
S. F. Tuylor were visitors here
this week. Mrs. Bell left t
loin bur husband ut Warrens,
where In i- in (barge ot mining
property. Mrs. Hutchinson
left to join her husband in Cal
ifornia. A BiUshurg man appeared on
the -tieet with silt trousers, the
slit extending marly to the
knee ami he was mobbed by the
newsboys He certainly got off
BOOj .
A marriage license wa
ut Caldwell, Tuesday toGoO. K If you appreciate admit of rich,
Mart and Mobol I-. Malt, of nui.uitli ! ereaui ir lie intuitu
Vale. Hakerr.
lfmkft jfJ
! trflfUX
"' 'fffffffffSH '
siaie ofOrteno.
Comity of M.illicnr i
I II It OoekrusB, oathitrof tht abort
i. ,ii I Imnk do solemn! swear that
the alxive statement In true to the liest
Ol 1 1 s knowledu'e ami btlitl
II. II. OoCKIO M, Oasllli'l
Coi t Utetl
A. II. Oockrum,
L B Coekresa, j
C K. Keiiyon, Directors
T. Turnliull. I
Snlwi'rilied and sworn to liefore me
tins mh dav ot August IBtl
seal Kidph W. Kckhanlt.
Notirv I'ulilic.
After August l.'t eoal will he
iiu delivered and 7..'.o nt
yards. hitario Coal ( .
Paul All i.t II-. imi i.l
Moitay to
gatad farm.
I"iin tiitpriivad irrt
W. II. Uc.ollltle Co.
)niyite nrdara at Moore
IfOlel I "Ii ii Lamtliiilhaiii. iei.i.1. in
I linn.- 424
Three loin for aala 2 went
f pimlofllce at a laiaili. lmiiire at
Argua iittlea.
The ice cream rved at the Onla
rio Kakery ia nlwats ju-t riiiht
A string of eight running
Wanted Ralku Mi Call
h.-rse- are for the race at the OntorlO ComnieOtOa Oo,
..t he Fair. Baker Ball boi l'" Pfirtieulon
charge of the luckaroo iportl . , , . , it..
1 A bunch of key- was . It at
and is Letting wild horses and . . . ", . ,,
, h the Argus oilire which tin-ttw iter
rnleis interested. . . . ,. ,
inuy have hv paying lor this
A Hotting well was struck ut
a depth of 100 feet at Drewsey. j notice.
I (in -mi Team of huge
ion on a purchasing trip young mare.-, wagon ami bar-
, I come in und read your list of ness, $"00. Also single driver,
;EhWi. :m
A Good Bank
In a Good Country
Confining our business strictly to L EG IT I MA T E
banking, and with ample resources for the needs of
our customers, we invite the banking business of
ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen ami individuals,
Resources Over Hdlt Million Dollars
omenta m directors
A. L. COCKRUM. PretMtati II B COCK RUM, Cashier
T. TtlRNHULL, Vice l' C W.PLATT Ate't. Cashier
C. K. KKNYON Montie It. owam.
L. It. CockruM
BOfaViBfffaHfalHftkfall ltTT
It's the ear with tho down keep.
Tiie Ford's surprisingly low lirst
eost is matched by its low cost
of mnintt'iieiu'c. And six thou
sand service stations where all
Ford repairs arc to DC had at
reasonable price insure its con
stant and ellicient son ice.
II. i s Mm tost: !W0,O00 Fords now in servic
Kunattuut, fM'tiMi; '1'ouriag Ctf, ffi i'own
Car. 0111 f. ii. Ii. Ontaiio with all iuiiiiieiii.
lit'l cHtnloKiie and all .articiilios from
Ford Auto Company
Ontario, .Ore.
The Ontario Ice &
Cold Storage Co.
is now ready for husiness.
Pure Artesian Water Ice at the
Price of Natural lee
This is a Home Industry
IMionc IH
a liberal rewurd ou its return to
tbis otfice.
articles wanted to us. You will
be surpriseikat tbe number of
vour wants we can suiiidv suv-
Wben putting uj. your winter j voU tlme worry a1(, 1MUlt.v
supply of fruits you will DOOd L, t,e ("asb Varietv Store
berry kettles, stew puns, strain-;
ers and .several otber articles
burness and lilit VO00( HMi
useful in tbe proceas. We buve
tbem ut tbe Coofa Variety Store.
Mis Ann Toniiingson, of
Boise, la beie tbis week tor u
visit with bOf aunt, Mrs. If 0.
H.uclay W'li-.o. returned H in
day morning from a two weeks
vi-n .a tiie Payette I
For school booke, l.verbart,
Fik Svii. Obotpi a booee
and two lots in west Ontario,
best reeideoee seetiou ol city.
The S. and 0. club will meet s.e Claud Hinubam, Ontario.
ut tbe home of Mrs A. M Luck-
Lost A live leaf clover pin,
with a ruby in oeotTO. lotnrii
to tbis office
ey, Thursday, August ,.
Paul Dutton, iiiai.agur of the
I ami I oM Moroge piunt v, j.,,, ,,,. one good grade
vi-iling relatives at Caldwell on sow ,r,.,i all, ,,,,, ,. . .
J. .J Cortrigbt eroi eroood
town Momlav i-iting with hl-
i-. IL- bfU K"'1 """'
of hi ..nd inai
t around with the an! of ;
li.-i a rule u
land China SOW and pigs.
I. N Thom, i. tan. . Oregou.
i or nisi .
beogini end tin) i- B '
son. An ...i . gUOrot
1'hoiit ',' I
The Arus will issue
1000 Votes Free
with every dollar paid on subscription-new
or old
(i E I B U S V N 0