, Malheur Mercantile Compamy: Special for 10 Days on Table Linens On our whole stock of Table Linens and Napkins we will allow for one week only 10 Per Cent. Off for Cash We Are Overstocked On These Goods All New Stock Gloves Special on Gloves for One Week Only Malheur Mercantile Go AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER The Fruit Grower & Farmer Regular Subscription Price Kimball's Dairy Farmer Regular Subscription Price Standard & Poultry World Regular Subscription Price Woman's World Regular Subscription Price Vegetable Grower Regular Subscription Price Ontario Argus $1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 $4.00 All Six Publications for only $JmQ A Saving of $2.50 SIMMER CRIB I OK THE BABY CHARMINGLY DRAPED WITH NET 1 . s I iHtfl tfitfe'JK ; iift . V 'Av" swa fcr v JaW MflHhrtM H' all Jrjbf "Tvfl A CONVRNIENT CUIB. TUB crib for baby Illustrated her. It one that will aerr. for several year after he or ahe haa learncn to toddle about It haa a frame that permit. It to be draped with netting In audi a way aa to add to Ita at-trac-tlveneaa, while keeping out annoying Inaecta. The aide fram. may be opened to take out baby or cloned an that the child cannot roll out or climb o?.r It when It la left alone In the M in. LINED FACES. They Are Often Out to Thoughtleea Childish Qnmaoee. The wrinkle on miiiiy middle agtl fill ea could lie traced (o establish grim acea. Bt -i ) one heura much of am 1 1 lut: e.i' rroluilily they owe much of their popularity to the fact Unit they do not produce wrinkle.. The amllo ' which i rcae the fnce Into doacha of line llnea doe produce wrlnklea. tlrlm acea ure In the aume claaa with thl fuce llnlutf aiiille. They ahould be din co united. Mmiy children, too. perform tittle trick with various pnrln of the l - 1 in-li i .-.ii it III awkward or ungrnce fill hnlilta which are Inter hard to over come. For luatiince. the double Jointed child who ciin liend hla tliiitntia nud finger In nil dl red I ohm often doea to the ndiiilrlng wonder of hla play mute, until hla kuucklva nro enlarged mid iiiIhmIiii i t'ii. The miiull 1 Unit can awing from hla arm I soincllmca cheered, even by IiIh elder. Into dlalocutliig a ahoul iler The little girl whose parent amlle nt her when ahe walk pigeon tneil siiiiictluic doea ho until ahe ha foniusl a lut tilt of wulklng with her I.. I--. tullll-d 111 l-'iir he It from nny BM It HMMI childish piny Gymnastics and nil aorta of bodily i'mti le, If properly directed. leml ( nullity mill nt nut: t ti Itut chll dieii ahould lie discouraged from In dulling In grliiiiiii'M mid "trl ka" lit. li will III time dlatort their fee urea mid I m at lea. Wrlnklea Juat beginning to form an comparatively enally coiiiiiereil. an thla giMid reaaon ahould aend every wo nun off to her rrenin Jar aa aoou aa they boglu to appear I or one renaoii or another they ar. Ignored; Miwder and Ihpilds leasing a depoalt on tl akin will conceal them for a time, hut they are there, lie vert ticlc. an. I aolnii du.v they cniiiiot he hidden, no mutter how you cream mid powder, mid then, tearfully, a woman tnkea her wrlnklea aerloualy and ndiulta her yeura of will ful neglect A very simple cream for plumpln the hI. in contain lanolin, tun ounce; i butter, two ounce; awoet almond oil, two mm To thl may be nil.hsl a few drop of any fa..rlte perfume All .ICll.nl einollleiit cream for (lead making i;.. on the arnia a well aa the neck la prepared til the following maimer r'.,.., lard, one gram; ah hoi iSO per centi. twenty grama, Heine of r..emar.v. eleven drop; ue ..f bergamol. eleM-li ilroa. Iti'b the h. in. I- and wrists with a lib eiai amount of oUv. oil to which haa tasen added a few drop of benzoin Till not only act an a food, hut aa n whlleiier It Well. A pair of loose BJaWVaS from which the finder tlpa hnvu been cut worn at night will aid HOME HINTS. I When .-mi 1 1 hi are hung up to X t dry they ahould be hung douhl. T 4. over 1 ne line. Pillow cnaoa ahould lie Ironed leugtliwlae and not croaawl.. o A veil can he made ctiap If ', ', f dlppul In alcohol and hung up to ury. Tnhhs-loth ahould he allghtly atnrchcd They keep clean long er nud look better. Cotton Hhccta are more econom ical than linen; they Inat longer nud n ie much more healthful. NOVEL HAND BAGS. Embroidered Fillet Net Over Daintily Tinted Satin. Hand bag to match the gown have been the rule thl aeaaon, but ua nil women cannot afford to follow thla atylo netitrul hand bag of material to match any gown have been substltut il by women who do not care to fol low thl lash loll lllusttnlcd here lire two hamlaom. hand bag of Bllet net worked In pret ty design and I110i111t.1l oer aallll. They have aliuplu white corda by Creecanta .n the Naila. The little w b te crescent at the base of the Auger nail can often I. dete! oped by dally aouklng the linger In warm, aoapv water and gently pre- Ing the aoft cutlele with an orange I I athk Trim oflr any rough pur , tlcle of cuticle, but do not cut any ..ft.-ner than la really neceary My dally cure n directed al. -v .- tl..- growth of the cuticle will be alow A little trreaae rubbed 011 the nail at night will alv. help to keep the cuticle from apllt ting. Uh For O'd Jabot. Half worn plaited J..Uu of I.. put to fXi client . and pfMBaVI If ne. ,ng for 1 lielnl eti ..1 1 he i- ' k Tin- ed t" mauufaclnr. niimerou .III . fu of Win li tlier.- 1.. u. thla year a a r ij I MKW iunu nam llieills of Wl.l.l. II, e ..in I.O 1 nud 1 oiiitnenil UteuiatriVM 10 lb( UdloUa won. .111 l) tie Ir almpll. Ity and linln .luaht White kid hand bat,' ein l.n I't.-i .-.I In 1 olorisl col ton lliii.i.ls. are dali.' I-. tll(. nil w hlte ffOrt '1'he embroider I done by machln. in felll 4 ' Imlll klltlli lull tl,e it d. i 'inpisi nre hi datlc I I. iii. 1.1 l :.. oiora u--lull time, brawn t.io gream and in "' The ti.i.-s ii,i. (trap r 11, , ne III lb. in ,il llioillite.) -ome III lil.'kel Thl ie I- II M I 1 that . . tht-iu . gift A C0LLARLESS SENATOR." Waahington Heat Make Thornton Forget Hi Neckwear. Waahlrurtoa On. of the hottest dnya if WaahlDjrton'a autntnei explain why Senator Thornton or txmlalana a ha tenped aboard u attatof at the rapltol rcinaiked. with conviction: ' It- hot. iMl't ItV" "Vc-. aanator," rvplM the elevator man. "but you aeem to be lived for liol weather." 'How- thntT" nkcd the aenntor, looking down tiervmisly at his nttlrt. "Hy leaving off your collar mid tie," wn the nnawer. Mr. Thornton' hand fumbled under hi heavy white board. "(!o,l hen vena!" he exclaimed. "TMrt 1 leine them otT'.' And I bin Juat iioen making a round of departmental rail! I talked for an hour with Ih. iiottnnter general " Then the aenntor hurried back tr hi ntUce and telephoned for the lllla Ing niM-kwear. DOG IN FIGHT WITH SNAKE. Seiiea Rattler aa Ha la About to Stnk. Muhr and Kill Him. ilearllcld. Til. -Tippy, a Utile mon grel dog, anved the life of hi mater. Prank 11. Ilarrl, one time county trenaiirer, while the latter wna on a IWhtm trip to Moose BffSk near here, by alia. -king n big rnttlcNtinkc that was about to aliike Ilarrl In the fuii". Mr. Ilnrrla, denlrlug to reach tint other aide of the at renin, ! m.-.l to crnwl over on a allpperv log .lust aa he reached the far end of the log a big rattler ralacd Ita head dlns'tly In front of hla fnce and drew buck to Mllke . Tippy, who hnrl awiim the crock, darted nt the strike nud obtained a hold Jut I'-i. k of the head III keen teeth made abort work of the rattler. PARCEL POST ORDER STANDS. 1. Senate Committee Hold. Washington Without n formal vot. the aetinte committee on Mtatnfflcea nnd post roa.ls decided that I'oat uiiister lleiieral llurleson wna within hla power In ordering nn In.'ie.uM In the weight limit of parcel p t pmok nge and a dis-renan In the (sialal rate. Thla iiieatiM that Mr llnrlcnn'a order will go Into effect without leglalatlr Inlerferein e I he committee had before It n bill and a Joint reaolutlou, both apouaored by Kenator llrynu of Klnrldn, reMallug that nih linn of the law under which Mr. lturleaon's order wan lued. No action wna taken by the coiiiinlltoo on either measure, and the aublect la con aldered aetthsl for the present. EXPECT SPEEDY END OF OPIUM TRAFFIC IsVi LVC99H WM 1 MUkS sVwTUtpHHsmS'wJ sB "ftT'fc ' ' I Is 1 fsssTsfl 9P ft I k b1 f-' l aa 1 LitaUp .. 'A WU sjbani t SU ' -ivl BafeSek. .dJIJajV JSBBfll W. IH Nations Unite to Control Ship ment of Drug. Washington I r Hamilton Wright, Ameil. an delegate to the ml Inter national oplui m. n n. a si 1 he laglle, till relnnieil fiom the N.lber lands elit hllsbislh- oel what wns lie eouipllslied at the 1 oufereli" c and eoull denl Ih ii before tl ml of the prencut year all the world will bine r.itllle.l the convention of the opium .. .lifer. -ie e of IIHJ. the polslo of will- li call for iuleriialioii il . otilioi ..f train.' In opium and other habit forming drug While some nail. ilia h.itc n..t signed the agleemeiit of i:iJ an.) OtleSfl ha ie dei -litis d for the moiiieiil to detpwdl rat III. nllons of It. the n- enllv en. led 1 on 1. 1. it Tim Hngiii' mi. .pie.i 11 unique measure lo eerl enoiu.1, upon Hie gotertllllfllta C 1 1 J Imlillli. "It to hung ill. out ratification within a few Uloli t ha Th uferelK e adopted i n solution . illlng on lb. hutch govern ii.. nl to make repreai-iilatloi adoptloU of tile ..pllllll eollMl.tl'll oil mi nt i . 'i the lilt. I. , lilt III- V 111 loll Clll CITIZENS BUILD SCHOOL. County Treasury Depleted, Resident Oo the Woi Uuiikly . ' lulus .' .1 I ' il of II. e -Oil tl I i i I il. oia ark. Ill U I .' '..I . III. -Il I I out in a !mhI and at iu1 n Uh I mil i, aa i ' d h fall one hI Hi. I- i i -ul. taullal s.'i i building In nortl .in i oil, i ado In i : li.- I.il.oi , Hi, nlao . 1 1 v III Ity sin. I. nl. I . .' Mine. i,. i- M.lun teer.-. !.i - s. i . . , . . . II. .11 III I.. I I In . hool Will open at me e for a .-.illntner aeaaloii WAITER'S $1,000 LUNCH. Bite Into Black Peer), Which Is Ap praised by Jewelers. Akron. II Wl.lii eating l.mi, at a New m.iii. a . titer bit llilo soiih -thing h.nl me I w h. n lie painfully Mmoved n of f.'ielgn broken tooth a hsl i ral Jeweler. .!,. I . ' alue d Bl II UUU It a ,., , ,,f l. flnesl of the I. link I i II wu I by lit p-r-r,. i