The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 21, 1913, Image 2

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A birthday surprise party giv
en Gertrude Beige! Monday ev-
cning wns enjoyed by nbout
twenty young people. A splen
did time iVBR reported and re-frc-lnin
1 1 1 of ice crcnin and
cake were served.
C. II. Hurgent spent Monday
in Hoise, going for the purpose
of appearing beforo the board of
equalization in the interest of
reducing the taxes.
Sam I)ower and Mrs. French,
father and sister of Mrs. Joel
Bayer left Monday for their re
ppirtivo homes in Staples and
Wadena Minnesota.
Special meetings started Sun
day in the Brethren Church.
Jtev. Deardorf, an evangelist
from Iowa has (barge of the
meetings and all are cordially
invited to attend.
The I'hilathea class of the M
E. church will ive a play on
titled, "Mimh Fearless and ."
Priday evening in Frank's Hall
A huge crowd attemlcd the
Concert and lawn fete at the
Saul. i I.'.. ;i ranch last Friday
evening. The grounds sur
rounding the bouse were strung
with electric lights which ailded
to the beauty of the place. I'll
der tlm direction of I'rof. T. .
N 1 1 -ii a musical program was
prepared consisting of selections
from Kohinsons orchestra, solos,
and a farmers and a ladies iiiar
ti Hi Tin procuods were about
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our Stats
v'T,llr;l,l,7,',1',,iNEWS of general
el! and wife left Monday for a'
The official board of the M. E.
church met Monday evening at
Fpworth Hall.
A party consisting of (Jeorge
Childs and Charles Stevens and
two boys, Ray and George left
Friday for an outing in the
Mrs. Lester Hand gave a fare
well party Thursday evening
for l.i i cousins, Minnie and
Opal Brown. About twenty
were present and all enjoyed a
c i, ml time.
I.dith and Elsie Bloomstrom
gave a slumber party for eight
of their girl friends last Tues
day evening.
Mr. Erickson, from Spokane,
is visiting with bis sister, Mrs.
John Anderson.
The Christian Endeavor busi
ness meeting met Tuesday ev
ening with El.a Thomas.
Mrs. II. D. Wood from Hood
ing Idaho is visiting with her
friend, Mrs. William Hollenbeck.
She is interested in the Grange
and Commercial Club publicity
Aviator Maroney Tumblca at Kellogg
Kellogg. In a fall or 30 fet T. T.
Maroney, onn of the aviators engaged
to fly at Hi-- annual miners' picnic at
this plan', wrer ked hi machine and
was himself badly bruised but not
dangerously Injured.
Frank Bryant, brother of John Bry
unt. who was killed at Victoria a few
days ago, made two beautiful flights
and arranged for another after Maron
ey was wrecked.
Maroney flew two mllea, never get
ting mom than 30 or 40 feet off the
ground. He had engine trouble from
the start but kept his head when he
saw he was going to fall. Ho was
using a atrange machine. VeJa'.
Mayor of Seattle Declarea City Re
sponsible for Loss In Riots.
Seattle. Mayor Cotterlll has sub
mitted to the city council claims for
damages amounting to $3047 because
of losses suffered by socialists and
others during the rioting by United
States soldiers and sailors on the
night of July 18.
The mayor in his communlcatian to
the city council, says that the city of
Seattle Is responsible for the destruc
tion of the property for the reason
that It ns the duty of the pollcj de
partment to protect such property
from destruction, no matter who the
destroying agents might be.
Nothing In his letter refers to loss
sustained by the Industrial Workers.
W. 1). Beagle, Hector Tbebo,
H. I. Justice and Frank Myers
were arrested last Friday night,
by deputy sheriffs, Street and
Carmichel for bootlegging in
I'i'uitlaud A preliminary trial
was held Monday befrt, the jus
tice of the peace. All were
bound over to the district court
MtOtptS. E. Justice who was re
leased liei iiim' ol lack o evi-
To Auction Timber Land
Coeur d'Alene L. U Lewis, referee
in liankrupi''). has entered an order
authorizing Trustee L,. L. Boyd to of
fer for public sale at auction the re
maining properly of the defunct Lane
I, umber company, which aggregate
70(10 acres of timber land In Kootenai
and Shoshone counties, and haa been
appraised at close to ,''.'. "On
Lewleton Fair to 8pend 110.000.
Lewlston. The Lewiston Eiposltlon
company will expend this year to con
duct the Lewlston-Clarkston fair ex
actly $10,000, according to the pre
mium lists which have been mailed
to the eight counties of eastern Wash
ington and northern Idaho, Including
Asotin, Whitman and Oarfleld in
Washington and Net Perce, Idaho,
Lewis and Clearwater counties In Idaho.
100 acres of fine safje brush land,
deep rich sandy soil, first class water
right. B miles from Ontario. Price
$50. per acre. Terms given with
low rate of interest or would trade
for stock or other property. Must
be disponed of soon, as I am engaged
in other business.
Postoffice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Orders.
Re-Hearing Plea Denied.
Boise Arthur B Cutta. an ex-em
ploye of the Idaho State Hank at Hall
ev. acting as cashier of that Instltu-
tmii un to the time of Its failure and
ITp to this time the trustee has been j oonv,rw, 0 , ohftrg( of fB,fy,ng
unable to get a satisfactory orrer on
th property at private sale and there
fore an effort will be made to dispose
of It at public sale In order to close
the estate. The sale has been set for
Pest Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS, Proprietor.
September 3 at 10 o'clock In the fore
noon In front of tho city hall In this
Idaho Farmer Shoots Wife of Doctor
Twin Kails -James H. Nichols, n
farmer living near Rden, 16 miles
northeast of this place, shot Mrs. Flor
ence Stiiekslagi-r. wife of Dr. L. B.
Stockslager, throur.h the heart, turned
(be books of the bank, must continue
to serve the indeterminate sentence
of from six months to ten years In the
Idaho state penitentiary, for the su
preme court denied his application for
a rehearing. Cutts began serving sen
tence here on July 4.
Slaters Parted 54 Year.
Welser. After a separation extend
Ing over a period of half a century,
two sisters were reunited here and
their meeting was pathetic In the ex
treme. The principals were Mrs.
flrlmriinft rrHiilltir on a ranrh a short
the weapon, a 4T caliber revolver, on (,.. Tz ... , .
1 "distance west of town, and Mrs. John
l ... i ....I r.. 1 .1 I....M In m fstmr '
himself and fired three lints In a row
through bis bod) One passed through
flnvlngton. who has Just arrived with
her husband from Kansas It was the
Mrs. Daniel Sterner will sell ,l'""'
her household fafOiwhifigl at
public auction Augttftl 88. Mi-
BtvgUM and ".raiul daughter , ill
soon leave for Minnesota to live
Willi lelutlVOH.
The U C P. U will i t in
Kpumlli I all next. Tuesday ill
tciiioon. The annual election
of ollicors will take place.
The members of Company I
of the state militia left Sunday
for the ciiciiuipmcut at Hoise.
Several from this community
Belong to the militia
Harold retry, Willard Shaw,
lelix Sodcriuan and floury
Hloomstrom left the lirst of the
week for a trip to the mi
Mi. and Mr-. John Ainler
M ntcitaincd in honor of Mr
Krickson, at si o'clock dinner
Monday. Mr. ami Mrs. Tear
sou, Mr. ind Mrs. Johnson ami
daughter, Rath' and Mr. and
Ml BlOOIttalrOUl Wele gUf f.
the hear, as Nichols la flat on r.Kl niHlll( , r.,, '
back. Mi lliiiuesl was held I he er
dirt was that Nichols shot Mrs. S'mk
slager and then killed blni.'elf.
Nalt.c lor llblv
Healed bids will lit) received by the
mult rsltftisil until Wednesday noon,
August t, 1!U. 'I, for the building o
M school Iioiisw eight mile noithuest
of Ontario. Payment In lie mil.- mi,
school rni rants hsarilig six per cent
Interest. For further Information
seat l. A. Field, Ontario. The hoard
reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
By order of aohool board.
Mrs. T. J. Walker. Olerk.
Ontario. Oregon. August IB, 191 I,
Man Who Asserts He Is "Scotty" la
Ranch Hand at Welaer.
WVIhit Is Welser the temporary
home of the world famed ' Death Val
b BOOtt) I
i. ii in hand smplo) i m the Daft
Madison ranch west or town gives the
name of Walter Scot I and declares bi
ts the original In ro of Death Yallev
To substantiate till lie produces let
tent and valuable papers limn prom
incut men In various parts of the west.
He say he Is here to avoid coming
In contact miiIi former it lends during
his financial embarrassment.
Hi- hiivs bis pt.-.ciii predicament g
due to beliiK Intercepted bv it part) ol
Hastes n when on ilie way to his
in i in-, who killed hts brother and com
pelled linn to He. lor his life.
This man Is about 55 years old. 6
tret '.) im lies In height, has blue eyes.
In, hi complexion and weighs about 140
St. Manes Qsts Jail Cagas.
St. Marie New steel cages for the
city Jail have arrived Home time ago
when the Idaho health Inspector was
here he condemned ihe cltj lail an I
ordered Improvements on a large
ecale. A new Jail will be constructed
in the l.usi nienl of the city liall and
t;e ciiites will hi I I In the new
Wheat. Ni w Crop Club. 78c; blue
slem. ''' " 'I RttMl iii. Tile
Ha Tin .tV. jlil; alfalfa. 113.60.
flatter I n ainii . ::jc.
!'; i la I, lie; ranch. :Hc.
Wool Kic tern Oregon. 18c; Wll
l.iiiulle valley, 19c.
Wheal New Crop liluestem, 83c;
club, 77c. red K.iKMan. 77c.
hay -Timothy. 17 per ton; alfalfa,
13 i er ton.
asm -
Hum, i Creamery, 31c.
1 t iM 1 L a L Tv aasaal JtsL jJ jS -y" jH
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance
from your house to the Doctor and erchant and what time
you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything you
cannot afford to be without a Telephone.
Malheur Home TelephoneCo.
A Complete Line of
Urtrttnt tatimtmj
At the Argus Office
trgggi i asTT
A special prize will
be given on Thurs
day of each week to
the candidate mak
ing the largest gain
in votes that week.
First Prize
Six Dessert Spoons
1 Jelly Shell
Wm. Rogers Make
will be given Thurs
day, August 28
Bargain Day
ln P;iru.iiu l:i , wliich ll ;it ur.lav oi Moh w !, voles will be doubled 'H all
HirohaiMM in. i li tbi making b"1 votM t'r every $1 U l ipeul for certain iin ol
uiiod- vouiU li-aiiuur ItHl voten to tin- dollar will be tagKtnl in Ux
for I
I " II