The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 14, 1913, Image 7

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    200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
1 12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box .128, Ontario, Oregon
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in thisjsection. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of A .-,., (X,m
Butter Wrappers to the AlgUS LfUlCe
Empire Lumber Co.
. Ontario, Oregon
Rock Springs and King Goal
June and July $7.50 Delivered At yard $7.00
After Aug. 15 $8.00 And $7.50
Townsite Now Open
Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle
sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional
opportunity for making a good city. Vastareas of ara
ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley
and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches
and flourishing livestock. Considerable land in the
valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the
advent of the
Oregon-Eastern Railway
Now building toward Harney Valley, this grand new
empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking
business opportunities and professional locations.
Good opening for a newspaper, blacksmith shop, hotel drug store, hardware
and implement nouses, as well as other lines of business.
A limited number of lots are now offered for sale at remarkably low prices,
either for cash or on easy terms, which prices will advance when the railroad
is built into the Harney Valley.
REMEMBER, Harriman
Valley to have a railroad.
Salt Lake City, I 'tan.
S. F. Taylor, Agent, Ontario,
will be the first important point in the great Harney
lor Trade
Two story brick building in
good town, to-trade for irrigated
laud. Also pood stock of nier
cliandise in building, will trade
witb building or separately.
Address Realty Exchange
but half expresses it. When you
get to looking through our up-to-date
exhibit of
Moving Pictures of Living
Talk about travel. -You would
! have to spend thousands of dol
lars to see abroad what it costs
, but a few cents at this show.
As public educations we
are benefactors.
Dreamland Theatre
Burns, Oregon
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Farrell Is Freed.
Boise. J. H. Farrell, of Payette, for
merly of Denver, Col., arrested and
bound over to the district court of
Cnnyou, county to stand trial on the
charge of bigamy, and Mrs. Oertrude
Farrell, No. 1, of Fort Lupton, Colo,
held uk a material witness against her
husband, have been ordered released
by the supreme court on a writ of
habeas corpus.
The court held that Mrs. Farrell
could exerclite the exemption right not
to testify against her husband.' She
left Idaho for her Colorado home
Farrell owes his release to the fact
that Otto F. Thum, of Colorado, au
thorized to Issue a marriage certifi
cate, failed to sign his own name to
the certified copy of the marriage cer
tificate Issued at Denver In 1807, when
Farrell whs married to Mrs. Farrell
No. 1. The certified copy was In regu
lation form, but wns issued by a depu
ty who Klgned Otto F. Thum's name
In typewriting. The court ordered
Farrell released from custody. Can
yon county officials expect to be able
to hold him on the bigamy charge.
Bit by Rattler; Makes Long Trip.
Lewlston. Harry Snder, employed
on a cattle ranch near the mouth t
the Salmon river, after being bitten
by a huge rattleanake while riding
after cattle, slashed his own wound,
applied what treatment he could to
It, rode two miles to the Salmon river
with a companion, secured a row bout
and took the river course to Lew 1st on.
arriving weak und in almost a helpless
Snyder wanted to get to assistance
as soon as possible and, tearing to
take a long horseback ride, thought
the quickest way would be to shoot
down the river. He tied his leg light
ly ao aa tiot to permit circulation of
the lil. Mid and drew us much poison
from the wound us he could before
attempting the long Journey. The
young men were compelled to pull to
shore several times to avoid shooting
bad rapids.
Receiver L. C. Wilson Mails Checks
Aggregating $28,000 to Deposltora.
Wallace. -Another step was taken
111 the closing of the uffalrs of (he de
fund Stute Hunk of Commerce of this
city when Receiver I- C. Wilson mull
ed checks to the depositors of the
bank representing an additional dlvl
dend of H per cent, or f2Mou, making
ill all 71 pel e, lit that hah been paid
to the depositors to dut . The funds
Just distributed were derived from the
payment made by Hurry L Day on
July II, when the petition of Receiver
Wilson for the confirmation of the
aale of the assets of (he bank to Mr.
Day wus confirmed by Judge Wood
of the district court. Mr Duy paying
Into the hands of the receiver ut that
time HfJMJfc
Practically all (he del t., of the il
fund bunk, Including administration
charges, attorney's fees and other In
I'liletilal expenses, have now been puld
and it Is expected that the deferred
paymeuts to U wade by Mr Day, is
eluding tha Interest therein, will JM
tit ally pay the remaining 2i per cent
still due the depositors With the
distribution of this dividend lie.
Wilson la releaaed from his duties aa
Start tandpolnt Farm,
ttandpolnt Professor W II Olln.
In charge of extension work of the
University of Idaho. Is In town to
make preliminary arrangements with
regard to the starting of work on the
demonstration farm to be situated
here on laud donated for the purposi
t T J Humbird. It Is Mr Olln a
expectation thai work will atart at
once 'on the clearing from 30 to 6o
acres of land Hulldliiga to cost In
the neighborhood of f&.'iOO are to i.e
erected on the farm, which Is within
easy walking distance of tin- town.
can be reai lied by street car uud It
traversed by the main Hue of the Hpo
kaue International.
Riches in Hogs Demonstrated.
Parmu Sixty carloads of hogs,
bringing to the commuuiiv over tluu,
000. have been shipped from Paruia
during the past Yi nioulhs 'II.. nuin of hogs on the in this
i .n ut the pfes. nl tune Is twn.
what It was a ear a-o "l"1 "
hcrvatlvcl'. sMii.ttt d llial the ship
menu from thin point in Mo- next
,..! wi.i aggregate In value $'60,00i
Idaho Man la Author.
Most-., I l Si. -11.111,11! assistant
.f civil .,; ll Mm
I'lilv.-r- I) Ol Idaho, it i mil.
a nets . The nts. g "
non 1'antllevem Their
Beoncm c Profjortioi ind I. uniting
Administration Positively Re
fuses to Recognize the
Huerta Regime.
Washington. - A two hours' confer
ence between President Wilson, Secre
tary Rryan and the senate foreign
relations committee brought nbout no
change in the attitude of the ndmlnls
tratlon toward Mexico.
The president took the senators Into
his confidence far enough to outline
the following:
That John l.lnd, his special envoy to
Mexico Cltv. does not benr any solu
tion of the present situation, but goes
to continue this government's effort
to Induce Provisional President Huer
ta to redeem his promises for frea and
constitutional elections.
That under no circumstances does
the administration propose to racog
nlie the Huertn government.
That Mr. l.lnd has gone to Mexico
City to he the "eyes and ears" of the
Washington administration on the
ground and to explain the attitude of
this government when he had fully
familiarized himself with the situation.
That by withdrawing Ambassador
Wilson and sending Mr. l.lnd. the pres
ident planned to have a man on the
ground who was In svmpathy with the
administration here and wns In no
sense a factor In the Munition In Mex
ico City.
The meeting wns entirely friendly
The president did most of the talking
and Secretary Hryan.and members of
the committee added a word here and
While the president disclosed no
definite plan for the pacification of
Mexico, the Implication remained that
on l.lnd reports would depend to K
large extent the future policy of this
Mexican Situation la Much Relieved.
Distinct relief Is apparent In official
Circles here over the course of event..
In Mexico. The statement of Frederic
(liimbon, the new Mexican minister of
foreign relations. I hat he had "great
faith In the reasonableness of the
Judgment of the Culled States." hold
lug the conviction that the difficulties
between the two countries "soon
would he adjusted," produced a verv
favorable Impression In administration
President Wilson pointed out to call
ers wlui I seemed to him conspicuous
efforts on the part of persons un
known to him through published mis
representations to Involve the Culled
States In Intervention He reiterated
that the altitude of his government
toward Mexico In the present situation
was one of peace and friendliness sole
Willi the air clem, d of minora of
hostlllt) In the Mexican capital to
Mr. I.llld's presence there officials disposed to behove the pro
gramme or the merliaii government
Would be out ipiletly und In
such manner us seemed most
eut lo Mr l.lnd and the embassy ai
Mexico Cllv
Espionage Over Judge Charged.
Ktplvlng to a senate resolution ilr
in. inding the Information. Attorue.v
(jeiieral Mcltev nobis admitted und de
feuded the course of the depart in. M
ot JuMlci- in conducting Investigations
Into certain Judges. He refused, how
ever, to say which Judges were euii
Jiii to iii.julrv, declaring II "Imoai
pullble with the public interest" lo
make in. Information public
This report aroused a storm of pro
lest, which Senator Horali, of Idaho,
"1 know this Is a very serious
charge." said he. "but I am so reliably
Informed that I make the statement
.hut wlllilu the last tour or five ).ins
special agents huve carried on such
Investigations with a view to Influent
ing judges "
National Capital revitlea.
The death of Senator Johnston, of
AI. ill. una. bus reduced the I leinocrut Ii
majority on the bill in mi" vote.
I I., '.i-i ol Hie International peuci
treaties embodying Secreiury Hryau1
plans has miiiall) been signed Ii
was between the I lilted States and
Salvador, uinl m.oii will be sent to II"
.-..ii.iii for ruin .. ii ion
l i . end i.l tin m little lobby commu
i. . 'ion is not In sight, ac
i ordjlhg I" Si naioi It. . .) ,i no nil.- i
Of the commll Ii
genulor Willi. mis. of Mississippi. In
debate stated hi- was convinced
.a.- an organised and syndlcal
d tlort ' to bring ulanii war between
he I lilted riiuu s and M ..
Id i. dit i..-d on i he question
whether (inventor O S'eul, of Alabama
mi; call i lo name a eucces
sor ba Sen.iior Jobnatoa without first
i I the legislature to
piovnl. elui'i.ii in .. niner) under the
in w te.i.-r.ii auiendux ol
Following a conl. i-i... of treasury
officials i. ra from Dm 1441a
I ., . 1 1 iiii-ni n. , iii inov lag
'.IV Of the
Last Seashore Excursion August 2 1 .
I ..ii. ......, ... VC.l. ....
ton. and tetu in via Oregon Short I ine
T(.ktl on mU, tm ,, ,,,, n
Idaho and Oregon, limited to rtcptem
I'.'i 0th. See agents regniiling r ties
and further particulars.
Department of the Interim', U S.
Land I IVoe at Vale, Oregon, ,1 i ly
j2:i, 1MB,
Notice Is hereby given that llm "ti
IB .Daniels, of Ontario, On go. who
on May- 15, 1011. matin Home. tend
iKntrjr No. 01801. for 8J . J.
,NWJ. Section 11. Township 17 K.
I Range 40 K.. Willamette .Mcridlao.
has tlletl notice of intention t.i make
final tbree year p;nof, to tMahliih
t'laitn lo the I n. I above .It scrlbeil,
before the Register ami H( I el?er, of
tbe United States Laml OtnVe. at
Vale, Oregon, on the 1 1 n day of
September, 1013.
Claimant names as witnesses:
(loy I'. Morgan, Joseph Little,
Fred W. Morton uinl tleorge K. Clark,
all of Ontario, Oregon.
Ilriioe K. Kestcr, Register.
Se ii... I proposals will be received by
the City Recorder or the I'ltv ..f
Ontario, Oregon, up to toe hour of 8
o'clock p. m. on the 'JHth day of
August, HUH, for (he construction of
built 0000 feet of sewer in saltl City
according to the plans anil spec iilou
tions therefor on tile with said City
Recorder All proposals must ii
... ili.i, marked "Proposals for Sewer
Construction." ami mldressed to
Harry II (Irauel, City Recorder, On
tario, Oregon. The bids will lie
opened by the Council at tbe above
named hour ami the contract awarded.
The Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
All bltls must be acconipanlrtl by
a cert Hied check tor .' psr cent of
sueli ill
My order of the City Council.
Marty H Ornuel.
City Recorder.
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current ratea. Any amount.
For straight term or with In
stallment privilege.
Thomas W. Clftffttl
Ontario - - Qrtgon
i.i iyL
' ,..,y,'"'.r
sse ea . ' - Uf f I
it-JitT .Sic
siwT "MMH" Sk
'X'lIF grrji inimber ol drtlfai g
"Staiitlnrd ' liitahiiig luluies will
enable you '" 1 . ...... . .n larlor)
iitcut lor your I itl.i.Mim.
We li.tll 1st ilt.i.rd to Low V"
t.oii.i, dr ..,!., J. .1 en II .1 .11 . Ii.nir I.
tirnl wurkllUUl lup whru in lulling tin in.
I O.Mira I .l of
ll.l.ll.. I Ull.llul
(Intdrio Ore
The Mtht niulilir.l Judy's
FroQoonce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yellow Stone Wnlske, till BEST
VOH SAI.K in ijuantil i
1 1 ii
I ft
. .. . gs II
L b. ll UK. MMmMt.
ti.s i AM). ti;i '.I N