The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 14, 1913, Image 2

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Tbe Canyon County Christian
Endeavor Convention will be
held Wc'lnc-'lny, Thursday and
Friday of this welt at (ireenleaf.
A deal of work lias been
jnit in by the committee in
charge to make thin the best of
it's kind. The delegate from
the Methodist Chriwtian Knden
vor were Lula Hnyer and Alice
Cris Myr traded his fifteen
acre home last week to J. V.
Oillmorc, of linker City, Oregon.
The trade wan land in Mid vale
and two residences in Baker.
Mr. Myer valued his bOBM at
(i V. Smith and family mov
ed Monday into the house own
ed by Mr. Tyson.
Mrs. K. A. Berry, of Meadows,
in visiting at her parental home,
II. Ii. KiunisoiiH. She came
Friday ami will stay about two
Uev Deal and family and Mr
Mcllenry and family were en
tertained last Thursday at the
31. K. Frost home.
Messrs. J. II Spainhower, W.
J I. Vestal and K. A. Wood of
I'avetto expect lo leave the lat
ter part of the week for an out
ing in the mountains.
0. K. Huntington sold his thir
teen aere ranch last Monday to
Mr. I in I. iic, of Mountpelier for
lt,000 cash. This tract of
land is about one at.d a half
miles southeast of Kruitland
ami is set in a lour year old or
chard. The Woman''' Home Mission
ary Society will meet Thur-dav
afternoon with Mrs. ('. K. Deal.
Mr. uml Mrs. Chaw.. Stevens
and sons, Kay and (Jeorge were
cut i tallied Sunday at the I'd
Kitgerald home at Whitney
Miss Klsie Schmid gave an
interesting report of the I .
Angeles Christian Kndeavor con
vention In-1 Sin. day evening.
The tuccn llsthcr circle met
Wednesday altcrnuon at llp
worth Hall. All who attended
njoyed a good meeting.
The members of the Junior
deilirtlllelit of the Methodist
Sunday School enjoyed a pic
nic on Kinnif on's lawn last Fri
day afternoon. They had I
fine time i laying games and
eating a picnic lunch. About
eighty were present
Mr. Lyons and son, Russell,
father and brother of Mrs. H.
EL Frost left last Thursday for
their home in Minnesota.
Irma Deal spent last Sunday
as the guest of Fsther Thomas.
Miss Martha Stevens entertain
ed a crowd of young people last
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. II. B. Robinson has re
signed her position as tew her
of the rinlathca class which is
much regretted. Mrs. Oardner
has consented to substitute un
til the election of teachers this
U. 0. Mitchell from Lawrence
Kansas visited Thursday with
M. (i. W. Cotton and family.
It. f, Nott and son, Hay, left
Monday evening with their oar
load of household goods for
(entralia where the family will
take up their residence. Mrs.
ISntt and daughters, Amy and
t)ra left Saturday evening. Ora
will visit with her aunt in Ah
salijah Ida. until school com
mences, then she will attend the
Lowiston State Normal.
grand sweepstake cup awarded for the
bent appearing window. The prtee was
won by Malcolmb Tennant, chief win
dow trimmer for Meier & Frank, of
The number of pensioners on the Portland,
roll of the pension office July 1 In Ore- I A large Cadillac automobile carry-
inn was 779S. Amount paid them waa L Ing nine persona crashed Into a
11,055.749 a year.
Thirty thousand watches have been
pawned In the city of Portland In the
pant 365 days, which, excluding holi
days, Is almost an even 100 for every
business day in the year.
Richard January, charged with man
slaughter, as the result of killing Hor
ace Bradley at Harlan, Oregon,
last I ''' tnli'T, was acquitted In the
circuit court at Toledo.
By a prompt campaign agalnat a
flourishing colony of bark beetles on
the Ochoco national forest In central
Oregon, the government Is eliminating
a danger which threatened to destroy
millions of feet of Umber.
That the government may have Its
pure milk exhibit complete, the Port
land milk show has been postponed
nearly one month. Instead of being
given the Inst wnek of Auguat It will
be held September 22 27.
Hundreds of acres of land that will
produce liet...'n 50 and 00 bushels of i
wheat and vnst areas that will run i
near Roseburg and three of Ha occu
pants were injured. A large silver
penetrated the lung of Miss Helen
Wilbanks, who may dla. The car
struck a dog. oausing Ita driver to loae
Dry lands in the Interior of Oregon
which have been determined to be un
irrigable are to be opened for settle
ment under the enlarged homestead
designation, according to an order le
aued from Washington. Settler will
"be permitted to file on 110-acre home
steads In a region embracing over 411,
000 acres.
The county court of Jackson county
has called a special election for Sep
tember 9, at which the question of Is
suing $500,000 In bonds will be sub
mitted to the people It Is proposed
to construct a paved highway from
the California state line to the Jose
phiae county line, a distance of 80
Senator Chamberlain has been In
formed that the forest service will
10'' acres of fine sage brush land,
deep rich sandy soil, first class water
right. " miles from Ontario. Price
$50. per acre. Terms given with
low rate of interest or would trade
for stock or other property. Must
be disponed of soon, as I am engaged
in other business.
Postoffice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Orders.
i,T..n till l.iniln In tin. ytftmhiw nntlnriftl
h. t..e 40 and 50 bushels to the acre fofM wm bptff -utd for ri.
Pomona firnnge convened at
Kruitland Thursday in one of
the most enthusiastic meetings
of the year. A short husincsit
session in the forenoon found
all the granges of this Pomona
well represented with the ex
etptlotl f three granges, west of
Ontario. Report! of grange",
found all doing good, effective
work, with I'ayelte 271 mem
bers strong, Kruitland a close
second and others correspond
ingly alive and doing things.
A line' picnic dinner wim spread
on the II I; Klack lawn with a
happy company r about 1 1 "
giniigeiH uml thoir iaiiulie.-. in
I or first class painting, paper
hanging and tinting see It Iten-
-ii All work guaranteed.
I'hone 7;VJ
IdSl Scdshorc I iiii mi hi August 21.
lm ratea to Nshcotta. U anhl
ton. anil rutin ii via Oregon Nliort
Line Tickets on wile from all points
in Idaho and Oregon, limited to Si-
t timber lltli N agents regarding
rates auil further particulars.
Is the encouraging status In the grain
situation in the Oram! Konde valley.
Harvesting Is actively In progress In
Omnde Konde valley and Ita crop la
estimated at 1,600,000 bushels. The
yield of wheat Is exceptionally large,
and Is said to he running between 40
and fio bushelH per acre.
Madras, Mend, and a number of oth
er towns In Crook county will be con
nected by 100 miles of good roads, If
the plan of the Crook county good
roads association Is favored by the
county court It calls for a bond Issue
Of liOO.OOO.
The Southern Pacific company built
Ita Kugene al Coos Bay railroad a mile
to the south of Klmlra. and that town
Is said to be preparing to move to the
railroad, where a uew town site la
being laid off and a depot will be con
structed. That the Itogue river valley Is mlse
Ing Its opportunity aa a grape pro
during tenter Is shown by the fact
Hint California cominerclul bodies ar
circulating postal cards depleting
scenes In local vineyards but bearing
tin' mark of California products.
According to the government crop
reporting board, the yield of winter
win. at In Oregon Is 21.4 bushels as
compared with 14 In California, 27 In
Washington ami 27 4 In Idaho Con
dition Is !i7 r cent. The state will
culture than forestry, and list them for
agriculture entry. He was told also
that 350.000 acres In the Paulina na
tional forest and 60,000 acres In the
Iii'srhutes national foreat would like
wise be opened
Senator Chamberlain has presented
a bill to cut In half the fees In all
United States district courts and re
pesllng the law which allows of double
fees In Oregon. California and Nevada.
Believing that tke fees and compensa- '
tlons of the clerks are excessive, he
also introduced a resolution providing
for the appointment of a oommlttee '
of five senators to Investigate this
Oregon Authorities on Trail of Fraud
ulent Promoters.
Portlnnd, Ore. Prosecution gf per
sons engaged In the Illegal practice of
"locating" settlers on Oregon and Cali
fornia land grant claims will be start
ed nt once by Clarence t,. Keames.
t'nlted States district attorney In Port
"There Is no legitimate authority for
any one selling location on any of
these lands," said Mr Keames. "In
the first place the property still Is In
litigation, as the railroad has appealed
the case. No locations can be made
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS, Proprietor.
XJkiffe jnrjg
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance
from your house to the Doctor and erchant and what time
you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything, you
run not afford to be without a Telephone.
Malheur Home TelephoneCo.
have 1 1 ....! bushels as compared until the government finally gets title
with lii.HK4.luio ImoIicIm In 1913. I" the lands Y'. I then locations erwi
QoVSfMf Went In., written letters not he accepted, as It will require an
to Dr. Bailey K (.each. Socialist editor i act of congreaa to open tho property
for entry Any locution that
made now are not worth a cent "
deported from liandon and I. W. W.
agltutors who were deported from
Marshrii Id. informing them that If
they are law abiding cltUens they muy
live in un count) In the state and be
protected b Its laws. li i . 1 h will be received for grand
After a trip of Inspection through I Btund reft eminent privileges for
the woolen mills at Oregon City, Vire the Malheur ( 'oil.. tv fair Septem
Chief M. II Long declared that they u- i,. , ..,, ,. ... , i . ,
her Hi to Jll. tin to September 1.
nn. ii rlr. trim fur Int. mativ .... . . .'
ami children employed therein. lie
said that the mutter will be taken up
h the i in council unless conditions
are at once remedied.
N'eurly ull of the ."" window trim
line, who attended the convention )f
that craft at Chicago. coinuetMd nr a
l I ,iir MMOmtton, with privi
lege of rejecting any or nil bids.
Old papers at the Argue office 25
oents per hundred. Just what you
uci d to Hue your cabins nod co
under the carpet
A Complete Line of
Hftotng tattonmj
At the Argus Office
A special prize will
be given on Thurs
day of each week to
the candidate mak
ing the largest gain
in votes that week.
'Jmtmim0 First Prize 3k.
1 Set (6) Tea Spoons
1 Cold Meat Fork
Wm. Rogers Make
will be given Thurs
day, August 21
Bargain Day
n h iruaiti l;i . whivli i Satiinluv nt I'ltch wtik. ,.t.s will 1... lioublrtl on all
purohaVMM ni.i'lc, thin lu.ikiii- urn vn'.o (or tvery $ DO spent for cerUin lint of
Ii Ml goodi ! .ii ing i' 0 v.i. to tin .lollar will in- tagged in ttook.
000D FOR 100 VOTES