The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 14, 1913, Image 1

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ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
ni&ti t$M
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prest ige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us irrow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. "
For Agricultural
Sixteen College Professors
Aided By Other Noted
Specialist to Take Part
In Malheur County Fair.
Equipped with portable laborntorlea
aod educational exhibit gotten op for
to epeolal purpoM of conducting
demonstrations and olaae work in the
varroua agricultural and general wel
fare auhjeota. alxteen college profee
aora, aeeUted by members of tho State
Dairy aod Food commission, rapre
entntlve of tbe State (1 range nod of
the Oregon Haolal Hygiene aooiety,
will be at tbe Malheur Cmiotr fair.
Thi" daily program outlined for the
gaoeral welfare eobool will consist of
lecture, demonstration snd Informal
claaarnom dlaouaalooa, covering audi
domestic aubjecta aa oookery. house
decoration, nutritive Talue of food,
food adulterants Had preservative
aod child welfalt.
Illu.ii.i'1,1 evening lecturea no
landecap gardening by Prof. A. L.
Peak, will oooupy a prouiloeut place
on the program arranged for tbe
geoeral welfare school. Aootber fea
ture of thi work will lie the lecture
of AaalaUnt Secretin v Uuminlna, of
the Oregon Hoclal llvgiaoe aoclaty.
Mr. Cummin will bare with him
tbe exhibit which hi aooiety ba ued
iu lta very etfeotlve work in Portland
unil Seattle. A model traveling library
prepared by Miaa Cornelia Marvin,
of the Oregon Library oomnilaaloo,
will occupy a promloent place among
tbe exhibits on diaplay.
Other coureee Included In the geu
tral welfare program will be a aerlea
of leoti.rea on bacteriological aubjecta,
audi aa household auultation. fumlgn
tiou after dlaeaaa aod aourcea of
Impurities In milk aod water. Thia
'work will be lo oharge of Plot. T.
D. Beokwitb. wbo will illoatrute hi
lecturea by mean of experiment and
mlcrneooplo alldea.
These feature will prove of eepeoial
value to tbe farmera and orchardlata
wbo abould be oo hand with aoy
questions tbey wlb auawen I.
The Ontario eobool will open tke
tt rat 'Mouday in .-ttptabtner and tbe
todieatlou are that tbe ettendnuuee
i going to he the largest Iu the
history of the aobuoi. Ou ami after
Monday of uext week Sut.1. iialley
will be at tbe school house io the
aftertmou and all parent wbo have
mo. I into the district aod have
-hil'lieii of achool age are requested
to bring tbem to the aohool o they
rtn Ku nrni.Milff rent istered waul assigned
TTr.TT.H . : . ; .. i
and atart In Hie s.nooi m me nrii nay.
There are many ohaugea in tbe
teacher for tbi term and tbe uaw
blood Mill be a stimulus for better
work on tbe part of tbe puplla.
A motor cycle raca to Weisar ao 1
return i oue of tbe attractions for
tbe fair.
The iii ..ngi inwit i aaaured there
will be at leant fifteen entries. Tbey
will l-e required to ride to Weierr.
where they will register aod return to
the fair ground aod ride once around
tbe ttaok. The couleetauta will all
be numbered aud started at interval
of five miuutea. It ia estimated ttie
race will require .1 out two boura and
there will be plenty of excitement
while they are coming in.
Other eventa will be pulled off dui
iug the race ao there will be some
thiog fortbe audience to keep track f
all the time.
Some Interested in this Sec
tion Financially- Others
Aoother distinguished party of
railroad offlclala haa been here tbla
week, juatoutfor a holiday.
Tbi time It la a few of tbe otBciala
of the Sunt Fe ayateni and one of
them, J. R. Cottinghnm. of Oklahoma
City . Okla . ta Interested In the
Klrat National bank of tbla oity. Ha
ia also the solicitor for Oklahoma of
the Santa. Fe ayatem.
a II. Harris, or Oklahoma City.
i the gaoeral oouoael of tbe South
ern Hall Telephone ayateni.
E. Kaymood, of Newton, Kanaaa,
la the general auperlntaodeot of tbe
Santa Fe.
J. F. MoNally, otCbannte, Kanaaa,
la the aaaiatant aaperloteodent of the
Santa Fa ayatem.
I in h. man ware takeo aronnd the
valley Saturday aod then left for the
bill to gel some mountain air. aceuory
trout aod blrda. the guesta of Mr.
aod Mra C'ocbrum.
There seems to be a lodestooe some
wherearouud Ontario that baa a aped
al attraction for railroad officiate
and tbey arc frcuenly here, pick iug
up something fot an Inveatmcnt.
The railroad officials are thoroughly
familiar with the progreea of the waat
and can see ahead where there la
gulug to be a good b'g city bullded
in I tbev are on the ground In time
to get the raiae in valuea.
John Llnd, former Governor of Mln
neaota, who waa ant to Mexico by
President Wilson to Investigate con
Webb Liquor Bill Held Void.
Otlumwa, low. i Judge K. M. Hunt
er of the state district court ruled the hb Ketijoii law prohibitum
(tie shipment of liquor truin wet lo
dry states Is unconstitutional "in that
it I a delegation by congress to the
states of power of regulating inter
state comim-rct- ot intoxicating liquor,
which power is vested In cougreaa ex
Girl in Brief Attire Fined.
Savannah, Ga Recorder John K.
Scbarx fined lieaaie Carter $60 for
appearing on Savannah main aho
ping thoroughfare iu a short skirt and
low cut waist. Henry Smoak, her ee
cort. paid $26.
Alfred II. lieNike, wife aud ton
Hob. of Salt Lake, president of tbe
Malheur Home Telephone company,
were here thia week, traveling from
Salt Luke In their auto. Fred II
Jooea. of Bolee. vice preaideot ot tbe
oompaoy, came over with tbem. Mr.
De.N'ike made a trip to Arizooa prioi
to coming here. He found many of
tbe roads iu bad condition.
aWn J
caV. aB a
I anHNaV aaaer
JeU'J?.! So. iaxi .aaafe. ''tfjf
to t, a iiwnsiTwAaxeiapB
New York Legislature Oust Governor
By Vote
The state assembly of New York by a vote of 79 to 45
taken at 5:15 Wednesday morning voted to impeach Governor
Sulzer for high crimes and misdemeanors in office. The lrvcis
lature met late Tuesday nip;ht to vote on the impeachment pro
ceeding. At first roll call 85 democrats, nine more than the
necessary majority, answered to their names. Less than half
a dozen were expected to vote against the measure. Friends
of Governor Sulzer claim that the assembly had no legal right
to consider impeachment proceedings during an extraordinary
session, called specifically for other purposes and that the gov
ernor will fight to retain the office. It is rumored that Mrs.
Sulzer has confessed as being rea'xmsible for the actions which
brought about the investigation, unknown to the governor.
Accounts Carried With Stock
Brokers Not Gambling,
Says Sulzer.
Albany. After a long conference
with some of his cloae political advle
era, Governor Stiller laaued a abort
statement, denying absolutely that ha
ever uaed campaign funda for specu
lative purposes. He eaye he never
heard of the atock brokerage firm ot
Fuller St Gray and Buyer Grlawoid,
alleged transaction with which figur
ed largely In the testimony before the
Frawley legislative committee until
these names were brought out before
the committee. ,
The governor admlta'he did apply
oertatn campaign contHbutiona to hie
personal use, but adda that he made
tbe amount good. He alao admits
having transacted with the atock firm
Of Mams B Fuller, but insist that hla
account with this firm wa nut specu
lative and eousisted of a loan ou atock
and collateral. He denies that he ever
speculated In Wall street.
The report of the Frawley legisla
tive committee, charging Governor
Sul. r with having diverted campaign
com nt i. tuns to Ills own private use,
was adopted bji the legislature aud a
.n to Impeach him for "wilful
I ni i . i -it t-i'iiiluct In office and for
high crliui j and inlsdemeanora" waa
oiler. ,1 In the assembly by Majority
Leader Levy.
The conclusion of the Frawley com
mittee, em boil ho hi Its report to tbe
legislature arc that Governor SuUer
falsified under oath his campaign con
tributions account, diverted aome of
theae contributions to the purchase
of atock, speculated in stock at UM
time that as governor be wa earnest
ly pressing legislation against the
New York Stock Exchange.
MEXICAN CAPITAL City. John l.linl, President
Wilson a personal representative, wbo
arrived here safely late Sunday night
aud after spending the night at tbe
Hotel Lascuraln moved to the Atneii
can embaaay. of Interest in
Llnd' coming, and consequent al.
sence of dlaturbance, waa due largely
to the fact that a great demonstration
In favor of Hyerta waa In progress
when l.ind reached the city
Nelson O'Shaughnessy, the Amen
can charge d'affaires, acting under in
struction of Secretary of State liryati,
delivered a note to the foreign office
expreaalng the appreciation of tbe
United States for the courtesies thus
far ahown to Mr l.ind These cour
teale consisted of a call on President
Wilson' pergonal reprueentative by
the commander of tbe garrison at
Vera Cruz aud a lar,e display of po
lice about the station when he arrived
in tbe capital.
Stevtn' firm Ia Pressed.
New York. The John F. Steven'
Const ru. PBBfi whose presi
dent Join F. He.. -ns, was appointed
by Theo. re Roosevelt, chief engineer
of the Panama ('anal and reaigned
under tli Taf . .(ministration, filed a
voluntary patltioa in bankruptcy.
of 79 to 45
Kanaaa City, Mo. The great grain
growing atatea of the central weat
Kanaaa, Missouri and Oklahoma
have been facing the greateat com
bined drouth and heat wave alnce
Crops are withering under the burn
ing raya of the aun, whole herda of
tlveatock are reported to be In dan
ger of dying because of lack of water,
citizen are sending out appeals for
water to replenish empty walla and
cisterns, ami fire departments In near
ly every city of the three statea have
Issued warnings of the grave reaulta
that may follow even a email fire.
The heat wave la amailng. For five
eonaecutlve days the government ther
mometer In l-'ori itlley ahowed mad
mum temperalurea of 100 degrees.
For five daya aud four nlgbta the
mercury did not drop below the 70
mark In Topeka, and the heat baa
reached the 100 mark every day. 1'rac
tlcally the entire region within the
three states has been engulfed In tern
peralurea In eiceak of 100.
Heavy rain, which were general
from Nebraska to weatern New York
Sunday finally broke tbe heat In por
tlona, at leaat, ot the eaat central and
weat central statea and will be of
great benefit to what remalna of the
coru crop.
The anuual meeting of the aluck
boldera of tbe Owyhee Ditch company
will be beld in Ontario on tbe 'J nil
day ot Heptember aud It ia probable
that important matter will be
brought up ut thi time.
Tbi year water wa takeo out for
(M00 aorea. two year ago there was
water taken out for NoOO acrea.
The revenue I derived at present
from a per ceut asaesauieut on all
tock and a chaige for users of water
takeu out aud the result I a great
uncertainly for th iliieclots If con
tend with each year Iu regard to the
t inula mailable the revenuea fall
ing balow the) requirement for up
keep and the meeting of the payment
of bonds. Many of the stockholders
are alao wondarlug what will happen
when the adjudication of the waters
of tbe Owyhee river ia made, whare
will the rights of those wbo have not
used water come in, tbe law requiring
tbe oeuetiulel use of water to be valid
Suggestion have been made tbst
the assessments lie levied on all stuck
equally, believing that It would tend
to Increase the acreage in cultivation,
place tbe company ou a stable liaai
o they will tie iu position to care for
the bonds slim they become due and
meet current expenses. Auothei sug
geetlou ia to charge for all laud In
cultivation whether watered or t.
Tbi would divide the aaseaamenl
up in such a way that it would not
be birdeiiaome ou anyone aud would
relieve tbe man wbo ia increasing tbe
value of tbe ditch by improving aud
cultlvatiug tbe letide under It and
placing it ually on all tlia stock
holders. It requires tno thud of tbe atock
boldera to bold s u ntiug aud two
third of tbe stock ie presented to
ameud tbe by law.
M. D. Hall Preparing to
Keep One Thousand
Brood Sows.
There la one man in tbla county
who t going to do hi (bare In the
hog i n-iiiu bualnesa. M. t). Hall,
who bought the .lake Hoskion place I
preparing to keep 1000 brood sow.
Ha haa an ideal place f or bogs, plenty
of laud, abeda and running water
He raises all tbe feed be needa and
baa experienced men in charge who
are with the hoga all tbe time and
give them the best of car and at
tention. One thnuand nrood aowa
should produce 2000 litter of pigs
a year and theae will average alx each,
making l'i.000 pigs lo market each
year when tbey get Hot
you bnv all read "Pig la Piga."
The two month of red hot weather
In the Middle West ha caused many
In that aectlon to turn their attention
to the west, whare they do nut have
the extremes Iu temperature The
Argua is In receipt of liniulrle for
ample coplea ami literature ft nm
many who atate tbey will oome weat
tbla fall Tie hlg crop aud prices
of the Snake I'v.r valley with the
cool nights during the heated verm
will draw thousand when thev get to
know what w have to olfer (hem.
Fsllx Olai, the noted Mexican gen
eral, whose visit to Japan haa aroused
much Interest.
i re wa a hall game at the fair
grounds last HuihImv between a team
composed of players from Fauna. Vale,
Kruitlaud ami Outsi lo, under the
manageuiet of Kwagler. apd a '1 i
light league (. ,im tn in Nanus. The
result was a score of 7 lo :i Iu favor
if Hwaglei'a tism. The nt I ' lidaii' e
was so email that the maiiagi r Myi
be will not pi iy any more games here
as the people do not apprtiflitg his
etfnrte, and he will play at Caliwell
and Nampa.
J. 1. smith leeelvad word this
week that three car loads of tattle
tbat he and his partner. Moulin'
chipped t I' itlaud, brought the top
price ot MlU on Monday TaaaM
steels eeigbcd about 1'JuOrach, which
Indicate that Ihey brought 10o per
bead, lta- lioualde .eel Ion has man.
Lunches t good Seattle and the lalus
thi aeesou baa given them au excel
le nt range.
Mr. Moultou has poichaeed lota
and t-xpeete to build a house and move
ii family here this fall.
tA k, w f
bF ' ' ' v W
P v VaM .afl
ri :wM W
C m at r ' V vB L
Of Payette Valley
Pacific Fruit Express Com
pany Makes Conservative
Estimate of 1087 Care
As the Total Output.
After thoroughly inveatigatlng orop
conditlona In the northwest, tha
Faolllc Fruit I , press company haa
i-sued the following regardlug tha
pro .pacta for fruita of all kinda In
the Payette valley. the estimate la
tbat the following amounts will bo
hii ped from tbe varlnna atatlooa:
New Plymouth 100 car of applee,
10 of crimes
Fayette 'JOO cars of npplea, 'Jo of
I'm It land '.'.' cars of apples, 25
of priiuee.
Wood Spur 300 cats of npplea,
160 of prune, 6 of melon.
Crystal 30 oara of npplea, g of
prunes. 10 of melon.
Miller IU cei of apples.
I i tile 1 .'. car of apnlea, 7 of pruuc.
Kuckliigliam 7 cara of npplea.
Kmmett 10 cara of applee, fi of
primes., 100 of ticacbea.
Washoe 10 cara ot applee, 10 cara
of pear.
Tbe graiiil total of fruit ahlpmeiita
for MI art eatlmntad by the Fruit
(Irowera Kxpreea irntu tbla valley aa
applea 0117 oara, pruuea 300 cars,
peaohea (1 U0 car, tnalona 10 cara,
peare 10 cara, glvlug a total uf 1087
oara of fruit for thia aeaaoii
In tbe st. dement it I listed
that the prune crop ia l.'iO enra lighter
lhau laat year owing lo early f roata of
Inst spring. Tbe peach crop la con
aiderably below that of oilier yeara,
due ulau tu float The apple crop la
reporteil lighter thau laat year, but
of a much Isitter quality aud aUe.
The amount that will tie atorad for
Mprlug hlUieutl estimated at .'100
In .ling up the nop mid Its move
in ii'. the est mi ite le made that tbe
Fruit Kxpreeewlll need to handle 100
car Iu August. 650 In Keplemlter.
000 in October, i50 In Novemlair, .r0
in lieceii her, the balauoe of the ablp
in. nta to move iii April. May and
Th prime harveet started at Nyssu
this week, many pickets going from
here. The ciop is of good quality
and Is estimated at 7fi cur h ads.
The Barbel la in good shape.
(i. K Rutherford, uf Ironsnl. . waa
Hi the city this .k looaing for a
market fo aome heavy horaes. He
I lis evety thing Inuking lin lu hi.
n the range ia good an i all the
crops aie above tbe average. 'I he
cattle are going In cnin oil .1 V
langc In line shape and th' le is g. in.
to le ., .uk'e tinuibei to market
S' n t tin in ale going to get OBl
of the horse i using and get int..
cattle, leli.viug the future demand
for eattle Mill be better thiill for
lbs teachers lualilulu will he held
, at Vale ou the l. 11 an I k of
SpU-miar. U M t lid- ot Maepbei
sou statee that the sch ail le regard
iug . srtilli-iitca it going to he rlgi My
tnfuie. I