The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 07, 1913, Image 7

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200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
$12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box128, Ontario, Oregon
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in thissection. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of ArmiG Clffira
Butter Wrappers to the AlgUS VillltC
Empire Lumber Co.
Ontario, Oregon
Rock Springs and King Coal
June and July $7.50 Delivered At yard $7.00
After Aug. 15 $8.00 And $7.50
Townsite Now Open
Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle
sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional
opportunity for making a good city. Vastareas of ara
ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley
and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches
and flourishing livestock. Considerable land in the
valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the
advent of the
Oregon-Eastern Railway
Now building toward Harney Valley, this grand new
empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking
business opportunities and professional locations.
Good opening for a newspaper, blacksmith shop, hotel drug store, hardware
and implement nouses, as well as other lines of business.
A limited number of lots are now offered for sale at remarkably low prices,
either for cash or on easy terms, which prices will advance when the railroad
is built into the Harney Valley.
REMEMBER, Harriman
Valley to have a railroad.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
S. F. Taylor, Agent, Ontario, Oregon.
will be the first important point in the great Harney
ror Trade
Two story brick building in
vrood town, to trade for irrigated
bind. Also goon stock of mer
oliHiidi-f in building, will trade
wiib building or epartely.
AddlTM Realty Exchange
bYs 1 Ii'iBbh e 11 mkii unJiM Hb
There's Something Doing
In the way of novelties all the
time at our moving picture show.
Constant changes of films and
subjects make it
The Most Attractive and
place of its kind, and always the
, most entertaining. Here is where
Jyou get your money's worth of
I fun and instruction.
I Dreamland Theatre
Burns, Oregon
Resignation of Ambassador to
Mexico is Accepted by
President Wilson.
Washington President Wilson took
the Nrt step In the policy through
which he proposes to deal with the
Mexican situation when he formally
accepted the resignation of Ambassa
dor Henry Lane Wilson, to take effect
October 14, and sent to Meilco aa his
personal representative but not ac
credited to the Huerta government
ex-Governor John Und, of Minnesota,
a life-long friend of Secretary Bryan.
The understanding la that when a ela
ble government la established In Mexl
oo Mr. Llnd will be named aa ambassa
dor. It la said the president la observing
with keen Interest the efforts of lead
ing Mexlcana to bring about peace and
will offer no suggestions until these
apparently prove futile. That Mr. Llnd
will be empowered to explain to all
Inquirers the unalterable opposition of
the American government to the rec
ognition of the Huerta admlnlatratlon
Is said to be a factor which may assist
the situation.
Protectorate for Nicaragua Dropped
Secretary Bryan's plan for an Amer
ican protectorate over Nicaragua, pro
viding for American supervision of
Nlonrugua'a finances, Independent and
foreign relatione, have been shelved
for the time being.
Apparently with the knowledge of
the administration, the senate foreign
! relations committee piimvcil a resolu
tion asking the secretary of atate to
submit a new Niraraguan treaty, omit
ting the protectorate policy. The com
pact at the request of the senate com
mltlee Is to be limited strictly to the
original negotiations with Nicaragua
by which the United States waa to
pay 18,000,000 for an exclusive canal
right aaroes the country, a naval baae
site on the May of Ronnaca, and a
leaae to the Corn Islands In the Car
Ibbean Sea.
Opponenta of the proposed protec
torate had made It clear that It would
be Impossible to secure ratification of
the Nluaraguan treaty In the present
congreaa If the ao culled protectorate
amendment were Included In It. Thla
sentiment Is understood to have In
duced Secretary Bryan to consent to
Its withdrawal.
Federal Cash to Help Move Crops
Twenty-five to fifty million dollars
of government funda will be deposited
In the national banks of the south and
west at once by Secretary McAdoo to
facilitate the movement of crops. Fed
eral, elate and municipal bonds and
prime commercial paper will be ac
cepted aa security for the money, on
which the banks will pay I per cent
The motive of Secretary McAdoo la
announolng thla policy la to antlolpate
the money atrlngeucy In the late sum
mer and fall, which Invariably accom
pen lea the marketing and movement
of crops, especially when they are un
usually large, aa the harvest dow be
ginning forecasts.
Itepresentatlve bankers of 19 large
cities In the agricultural reglous of
the south, middle weet and Pacific
coast were Invited by Secretary Mc
Adoo to coma to Washington to con-
J fer with the treasury department re
' gardlog the distribution of govern
ment funda to be deposited In the
national banka to facilitate the mar
keting and movement of the crops
Among the 6 cltlea Invited to be
represented are Loa Augelea, San
Francisco, Portland, Or., Seattle, and
Spokane, Waah.
National Capital Brevities
The house resolution nulling for an
Investigation of the attorney general's
action In postponing the Dlggs- 'einl
uetil white slave case was tabled by
a vote of 3 to 67.
Chairman Flood, of the house for
elgn affairs committee, admitted tlmt
It was by direct request of the presi
dent that Ambassador Wllsou did not
uppear before hla committee.
The democratic members of the
house banking and currency commit
tee have planueU to settle all difficul
ties over the currency measure at a
party caucus to be held Auxust II.
Senator La Kollelte has Informed
the senate that only 6 replies bar
been received to the 2600 sets of ,u-
tlons mailed to manufacturers through
'out the country, In which they were
asked to furnish Information aa to
the probable effect upon their Indus
tries of democratic tariff revision.
The lobby committee completed the
i examination of Martin M. Muihall, ex
Aibbylst for the Nstloual Association
'of Manufacturer, and the grilling of
that Individual will be transferred
early to the house.
Seductions in express rales which
will coat the companies fully I26.O0U,
000 a jmu.r. approximately 14 per cent
of their groes revenue, were ordered
by the Interstate n uirsarca commis
sion to become ffe ve on October
It, 1911. Notable reforms In practices
also were ordered.
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Jail Insanitary, Prisoner la Wrmt
Moscow. Oeorge Oudger who plead
ed guilty to gambling at Hovlll recent
aa the result of a raid made by the
county officials and who was sen
tenced to Jail by Probate Judge Mor
greldge to aerve a 1200 fine waa grant
ed his freedom on a writ of habeas
corpus by Dlatrtot Judge 8teele. The
principal reasons for freeing Oudger
were that he Is declared to be suffer
ing from tuberculosis and the Latah
county Jail has been condemned as In
sanitary. When Oudger waa taken to the
county Jail at Lewlaton the officials
of Nex Perce county refuaed hint ad
mission because of his disease. These
facts were presented to Judge Steele.
Form Rifle Club In nsndpolnt.
Snndpolnt Captain C. B. Lenta,
formerly of the New York state mllltla
and a Spanish war veteran, 8. W. Fos
ter and several others of this city are
much Interested In the project of form
ing a ririe club to affiliate with the
National Rifle club. 8lgnera have been
ecured to the number of nearly forty
to an application for membership. Ar
rangements have been made for the
use of the nntlounl gunrd range The
ly, aa the result of a rnld made by the
munition at cost ami encourages such
nlubs In every way possl eTb
Bullet Just Mlssss Man
Coeur d'Alene. While City Clerk
O. W. Edmonds was at work ut his
typewriter In his office a 22 caliber
bullet en-shed through a plate glaaa
window, paaslng within a foot of Mr.
Edmonds' head. Where the shot came
from la unknown. Mr. Kdmonds Is
ilso police Judge. The flattened bul
let landed on the floor a short distance
rum where Mr. Kdmonds sat.
Collects Tasss on ths Spot
Moscow. Under the provisions of
the new revenue law for Idaho, which
la In effect for the first time this year,
I'ounty AaeesMor Theodore K Martin
ton hua started assessing property In
I .ui.ih county and collecting the taxes
u same aa faat aa he makea an as
Oregon and Idaho Should Improve
Snake River. Lewis Suggests.
Holae State Engineer J. 11 Lewis,
if Oregon, haa made a proposal to the
itate of Idaho, through Oovernor John
M. Halnea, for Idaho and Oregon, with
I be ssslstance of the federal govern
ment, to work cooperatively to secure
information on which to base legisla
tion that will reault In the develop
ment of power to lift water to high
lands along the Snake River for Irrt
gallon purposes, and at the same time
form locks to moke the river naviga
ble both east and weet from Hunting
ton. In hla proposal to Oovernor
Halnea Engineer Lewis aays In part
"la Snake river between Hunting
too and lewlaton there la a tall of
about 1100 feet. With the construe
tlon of dame to ulllllse this fall ap
proximately 100,000 horsepower can
be developed. By conatrucUug bal
uuoed piston typo, or Incllue cable
locks, this portion of the stream could
perhaps be made uavlgable. If tbla
project could be Intelligently promot
il by the two atatea moat Interested
nd co-operation of the United Hlates
.secured, the whole scheme might be
succeaafully carried to completion.'
Sandpoint Needs O. N. Aid
Saudpoiul. The state demonstra
lion farm near here seems an assured
fact. lr W. I. t srlyle. acting piesl
deut of the University of Idaho, is ad
vertising for bMs for ths rough c tear
ing of land donated by I J I In in bird
There la Just one hitch In the proceed
ings, and that Is the fact that tin
Oreal Mertbern has not -! announc
ed whether It will donate, the $10on
asked for. This sum M absolutely ee
aentlal to the fstahllah'i.g of tie. farm
and If not obtained from " "isat
Northern must bo secured elsewhere
Shoshone Wlfs Sseks Frssdem
Wallace Seized by the arm and
violently thrown agulnut the walls of
the housu and the china closet la the
dining rooiv. called vile names, and
compelled to stand by end see her
huaband severely whip and strike her
children, are some of the ludlgmn. .
suffered st the hands of her hubanl
by Lola Hcott. arcotdlug to alligation
in her suit in the district court against
liar husband, John Uurnls Scott, lor
an absolute divorce.
Offers Business Course
Caldwell. -'J he board of directors
of the College of Idaho haa recently
dded to the advantages of that bagel
tutluu by BfT&agiM 'or the establish
meat of the practical buslMM ,-oure
to be kuowu ss the school at torn
morce t tie Catlgvfg of Idaho
Last Seashore Excursion August 21.
Low rates to Nabcotta. Washing
ton. nod return via Oregon Short Lion.
Tickets on aale from all points In
Idaho nnd Oregon, limited to .-September
0th. See agents regarding rate
and further particulars.
Department of the Interior, U. H.
Lnd Ottoe at Vale, Oregoo. July
23, 1013.
Notice li hereby given that Haoon
B .Daniels, of Ontario. Oregon, who
on May 16, 1011, made Homestead
Entry No. 01861. for Jai NEt. Eg
NW1. Section II, Towlagttr, 17 ft.
Range 46 K.. Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to mako
final three year proof, to establish
claim to tbo I -nd above described,
before the Register and Rooalvar, of
tba United state. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on tbe 4th day of
September, 1013.
Ointment names aa witnesses:
Uuy P. Morgan, Joseph Little.
Prod W. Morton and Oeorge K. Clark,
all of Ontario, Oregon.
liruoe iv. Kestcr, Register.
Sealed proposals will be received by
tba City Recorder of the City of
Ontario, Oregon, up to toe bour of 8
o'clock p. m. on the 28tb day of
August, 1013, for tbe construction of
about 0000 feet of sewer In said City
accord lag to the plana and tpecltloa
tiona Ibsrefor on file with said City
Recorder All proposals must bo
settled, marked "Proposals for Sewer
Construction.'' and addressed to
Harry B. (Iranel. City Recorder. On
tario. Oregon. The bids will be
opened by the Council at tbe above
named bour ami the contract awarded.
The Council reeervea tbe right tit
reject nuy and all hide.
All bids must he accompanied by
a ceit lib .1 check for i"i cent of
such bid.
By order of tbe City Counoll.
Harry B. (irauel.
City Recorder.
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any amount
For straight term or with In
stallment privilege.
Thomas W. Clagett
Ontario - - Oregon
THE great numbsr of dsdgni of
"Standard" plumbing fiiturei wilt
enable you to i humr s isliffsi lory opup
iiMtit for your bstiirooin.
Ws iliall be plrair.l lo thow you the
varum, driigni slid guaranlre honrtt, rrfi
ticnl worluitSJuhip when iiulallmg them.
oSSSS riratairi On OnldTlO 0ft.
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Striitjit fillON Sloii wmsktd tbi BEST
FOR SALE in iuantitit-a fr m
line gallon up, and many other
(iood brands, by
.1 II
9aaaiv ' asm" ask
anjje iVbgWiaJvvgggwi
I. B. II UK. Wholesaler.