The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 31, 1913, Image 1

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ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
dtafaorto Ikxm.
fl,e Ontario Argus
leads in Prestijre,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
l.r,000,0(M) acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 31
Immigration Inspector is Seriously
Injured By Federal Soldiers
Charles B. Dixon, of San
Diejfo. While on Official
Business just Across the
Line from El Paso is Shot
By Mexican Soldiers.
D Pkko, Tex. CtaarlM H. Dixon, of
jjnlin,.. I'nltril Siiiics Immigration
tupvctiii', was shot lii tlu buck by
ItilcHti federal soldiers at Juarez.
Dlion wiih In Juarez on official IhihI-
Mm, iDYi'stlgntlng H white alllie CIISC,
dien In' whh arrested by a bund of
(tdrl Milliters, who Htiirteii to march
im IWa) from the city In the . i r . -Hon
of tin' foothlllH, where many exe
ntlonii luxe taken ploce. Dixon Mart
ri to run. and after getting a block
ity, wiik fired on.
Dtion made a statement to A merl
es official! thnt he win satisfied the
ItilcniiH were marching him out to
itoot him when he ran. lie kiiIiI the
Kir;in soldiers were drunk.
"I told the soldiers when they ar-
rMifd me thnt 1 would go to tho com
lindaiu'n office," said Dixon. "Hut
luteail of taking me there they atart-
to the foothill south of the rlty.
tu attired In the Immigration mil
term of kahkl and I thought perhaps
Uty hnd taken me for an American
r and Intended executing me. I
ttouiht the only chance I had wu to
run for the border, ho 1 broke loose
torn the two drunken troopem who
Ui me."
The Idaho-Oregon Fruit (irowetV
association report a tucoeNaiful Unsee
ing for the enami.
The hankers of the entire diatrlct
covered by the association, Including
eleven district association, have
agreed to finance the movement for
all their needa. Thia ia very far
reaching and la evidence ol the high
regard the new movement haa in the
eyes of the hankers.
Contracts have been o.oaed for
.100,000 apple boxea and proper
proportion of peach, prune utidcsnte
loupe 'orate. Tbla does not rcpre
Hint the total needa of the association,
but la simply the flratt order. Con
tracts have hIso been made fur paper
nod in. 1 1 - "mi I In a faw days oar loads
of all these will be rolling to their
District associations will receive
tbelr material direct from the mills
without tranilei and will dlatrihute
to tbe growers. Tbe fruit meu are
all In good f i .mm of mind sod ara now
mora than ever convinced of the ad
ventagca of cooperation.
Waahlngton. Strong represents-
tloni, the moat draatlc In phraaeology
Hal have been made alnce the preaeut
American udmlnlatratlon came into
KT. were made to lha Husrta gov-
tmii'iii In Mexico.
Ths United States government de-
undtMl not only the prompt arreat.
tourtninrtlal and punlahment of tba
mIchu federal soldiers who shot
Cbmrlen 11 Dixon, Jr.. an American lm
aliratlon official at Juares, Max., but
tie Immediate releaae of Charles Bla-
lil and Bernard McDonald, mining
ainagcre. imprisoned by federal sol-
tier ut chihuahua City and aald to
threatened with execution.
To Hay and Grain Crops
Ontario-Nyssa and Ow
yhee Ditches Break.
' ' t M Law
Eastern Oregon and western Idaho
vuitcd by a series of storms lost
k that did some damage. The
rajftt, and tributary valleys had
Meral , iuudbursts and the railroad
put out of commisslnn in several
Place., . c.-esitatiug tbe postponing
ff MM ixconlM to Smith's Ferry, us
U track oould not be repuiredfin
I aeavi rlu in the hill baak of
&" m i t tbe Hoods over tbe gardens-
ad Ihwiis, lining much damage.
Tla- Malheur river wua up several j
I mi i tilled with drift, from tbe
y rtini above Vale, some of the
."'Is la that pluos being nearly
Hii i
Where the work is being iOM ou
Ml creek a tractor engine was oar
r'ei shortl a thousand feet aud tossed
UC'Uihi likestov. tbe water coming
to' in a solid wall four feet high!
M ISC feet wide. Some of the Vale
ntri ri ,tem was washed out. Much
"'the grata aud hay in tbat section
Tue railroad bridge 'ver Bully
nk went out and several smaller
si fauher west and muoh piliug was
n tl'itiug down.
The uly damage around Ontario
t the Ontario Nvaaa and Owrbee
"ti'hea Secretary tireig eat l mates it
"'" ' st about 1300 to repuir tbe
lo-N'sau .lit..). This was built
'to the grround. so thrs were no
'"ki tu wash away. There was soma
iks in the Owyhee and much saod
'be 'i in. hot h faw liuu in-J dollars
f) lll. by aiiwi ican frees Association.
Henry Lane Wilson, Ambasaador to
Mexico, who was called to Washington
to confer with the President and Sec
rstary of State over the Mexican sit
And Affords Ample Room for All City
Officials, Commercial Club and Fire
Station With a Specially Fitted Up
Exhibit Room on Second Floor.
Administration Supporters to Force
Vote On Currency Bill.
Tbia Is moving week for the officials
of the city. Commercial club and
Crutity fair, to the new city hall.
The first floor of tbe new building
will be occupied by the city officials,
Including the council, recorder nod
marshal and t be lire department.
The second floor by tbe Commercial
club and County fair.
The building was especially de
signed for this purpose and now that
It Is completed there Is nothing to be
desired, everything having been made
to order.
I be outside of tbe building la
very attractive, being of red brick
witb concrete flnlsbings. an artlatio
entrance and large windows. I be
building stands In tbe center of the
lots, witb cement walks on all sidsa
and tbe windows will always afford
good light aa the owners of adjoining
Iota cannot build up olose etiuugb to
be of any detriment
Tbe Inside of tbe building Is finish
ed In a cream tint on tbe walls aod
cherry woodwork, all entrances are
large and tbe ceilings high. To tbe
aouth of the malu entrance the Uar-
tera for tbe firemen are located, witb
a large loom in front for tbelr ap
paratus and ample facilities for dry
ing the hose aud cleaning the carta.
To tbe rear of tbia la their meeting
At tbe end of the main oorridor Is
tbe room for the olty marahal. ample
in alze for holding court and giving
desk room for the olty engineer.
Opening on the north of the corri
dor Is tbe council chamber and from
tbla tbe room of tbe olty recorder,
from which .loom lead to a large
tire proof vault and thaoity marshal's
mom. These quarter will be ample
for many yeara.
At the top of the atalra leading to
the second atory Is a room especially
fitted for the exhibit of the Cummer
oial olub and off from this with glaaa
walla, is the office of the secretary.
The rear half of the second story is
a large room to be used aa a olub
room aud meeting room for the Com
mercial olub and Fair aseooletlon.
which is large enough to seal any otdi
nary audience, another room joining
thia is fitted for a kitchen. To the
north anil east of thia floor is u room
designed for cousultutions and another
for a reading loom. There are alao
two lavatories ou thia floor.
The baaement contains the heating
plant aud room for atoring.
Thia building la a credit to the city
and will be ample for ita uae for many
Contractor Mullory Is receiving
much praise for the design end finish
of the strnoture. The U. 8. Plumb
ing Jk Heating company dealagned aud
installed the heat ing and water plant.
While the building la now one
blook from the business center of the
olty, a few more yeara and It will be
surrounded by modern structures.
Plana for a house warming arc uudor
Washington. Ambassador Henry
I.ane WIIhoii. summoned from Mexico
City to Inform the Washington admin
iHtrntlon of conilltlotiH In the rebellion
torn republic, conferred with Presi
dent Wilson and Secretary llrynn, sub
mitting chiefly a recommendation that
the I'nlti'il States use Its Influence to
establish the lluertn regime
It became known that the presi
dent's Ideas and those of Ambassador
Wilson tu to the course to bo pursued
are so radically different that the ad
ministration officials Interpreted tho
developments as forecasting the accep
tance of Ambasaador Wilson's resigna
tion. President Wilson and the ambassa
dor looked on the future Mexican sit
nation. It wns learned, from opposite
viewpoints The president Is concern
ed over the morality of any policy
adopted by the United States and the
effect on other l.atln American coun
trlea and la disinclined to strengthen
a government that came Into power
through the nuentlouablw events Inci
dent to Madero'a assassination.
Progressives Support Many
Democratic Tariff Reduc
tions Kcmil.u Republi
cans Weakening in Long
Drawn Out Fight
New City Hall is Accepted
Objections to New Sewer
District Presented.
repair the damage.
K. L. Weatgaid, vice presideut of
the Natioual Highways eauoctution.
will soou peas through here ou his
17.00U mile trip by motor car. Mr.
Weatgard is patntinder for the Nation
al Highway movemeut aud ha already
traversed many seotiotis of tbe United
States, and still h great route
marred out to travel. While pass
iug through Utah the pathfinder was
Mc.oinpauied byji. ifernof Spry "' ,tmt
state and while in Nevada he wu
joined by Governor Oddle. He is
receiving hearty encouragement on
the good work he is accomplishing
wherever he goes.
Mr. Westgurd urgauized the Touring
club of America and was Us flr.t
The city recorder aud city marshal
have moved their offices to tbe new
city hall. Tbe office of tbe .ecretary
o, the County fair, and secretary oi
tbe Commercial club are both at the
new city nail alao.
It is Expected That Last
Year's Record of 200,000
Will be Exceeded.
Tbe sheep meu are getting their
stuff to market this mouth and the
abipoieuU for the aeaaou are well over
tbe 100.000 mark. Lust seaaou the
shipuieutb amounted to over 200,000
and it looks uow like this season will
aee still heavier shipments.
Tbe prices are fair aud in a few
caaea tbe market was caught right
aud the lesulta were more thau aati
Iiiiring the past week shipments
bave becu made by It. K. Baker of
eight car. Hot St. .i. Held, 11 cars,
Lee brothers, 4 cars, Baker Uall
1 1 oars.
j Mines Bureiu to Be Aids.
Albany The Albany eomraercUl
Jab win coop rate with ibe Oregon
bureau of ml: MJ and geology towarw
tbe deelojov r.i of tbe ml stag ute
trte gi Lhl .action e the atte At
lit re iea of the kareaa the eloh
t as !.tad a special eowimlHee on
mining, wh ck will wort wiU the Ww
aa i toward that euu.
A special meeting of tbe olty uoun
ell w held on last Friday evening
at which time Hupt. Jaquleb made u
report regarding tbe city hall and ou
motion the new building wu formally
accepted and tbe bills for ooustrun
tloo oald In full.
A special mi etnig was alao held
Monday evening to bear objeotou or
remonatrancee against tbe ooustruc-
tlon and si - for tbe bulldlug
of a drain and and trunk aewar system.
A remonstrance waa preaentsd by
W. K. Less, but en the ownership of
tbe property mentioned was not shown
tbe petition waa laid on the table.
The ordloanoa ordering tbe oon
tructlon of the sewer was then passed.
Mrs. Farley, representing tbe On
tario Cemetery association, addreaaed
the oounoll In regard to tbe couditiou
few iucbea of securing ths honors.
Ths racs for boys uuder I'i ysnra was
won ny Francis Oouuelly with Dean
a olose ssooud. Klsie rit.garuld was
first iu tbe rscs for girls under 12
with Dorothy Dean sscoud. Nlok
Kesseler aud Bernard Kader got first
aud second mi, e in tbe race for boya
over I'i The mart led men's race
fell t Audrsw Castles beating L. O.
McCoy. Father Campo won the
bachelor 'a raoo, leaving a number of
would be II. i edict's iu the shade.
It Is safe to say tbat neat year's
plcnio will oe attended by a orugwj at
leaat twice the si.e.
of tbelr Improvement t it ml and ealjg
for belp. The association w.t v.. ted
Tbe recorder wss instructed (o se
curs the ourtaiua and other Imuiedi
ate reiiiirsiiu-i,t of the city hall.
Au oidiuauce was passed making It
a misdemeanor to suiploy au auto and
not pay for same.
The city recorder's salary was
placed at $100 a month, commencing
August 1 and hs was appointed cuto
diau ot tbe city hall.
There will be a change iu lailmad
trams from Portland startiug next
liunday, but up to date tb.-i- has
been no schedule received here. The
east bound mail train will be cut out
and a train to do ths i al buaiuesa
from Fortlaud to Salt Lake aud con
nsot witb ths D. .v. K. Q. will be put
ou. leaving Portland at ISiSO a. m
Train No. 6 will be ruu on a fealer
kobtdulc and leave Fortlaud at 0 :tO
p. in., instead of 8 p. m. as at present,
which will briog it to Outer iu several
hours savrlier.
assssP"' '" eW
sfl ' am
sssssaaV, sllssM. ' LaV
aKaaC ' '' " T
WJ Uf f W M
M isSswar
Howard aiuett. Presldsnt of the
Northern Pacific, who waa selected to
succeed Chsrles 8. Mtllen ss Presi
dent of the New Haven Rsllroad.
I'arty Was (ireatly I'leased
With Crop Conditions
In This Section.
The ). W. R. I N. uttlclals who
were out ou an liispectlou trip Irniii
lieml fl tlntnri" arrived here Munday
evening in then Npecial cars. Th
purty as composed of J. I). Farroll,
pi.. Id. ut of the U. V. I!. .tN. ;.).
1'. O'lliico, vice president aud general
msuagei and It. B. Miller, traltlc
manager id the ame couipan) . I hey
were accidliptllied bv Col. ieo S
doling, of the regular army; Diake
D. u'Ceilly, capuahsl, W. II. Ilul
hurt, formerly general pabseng-r
ageut of the (). W. K. N ; 1'. A.
O'Farrell. a newspaper writ.-r of u
tional n . utation, Kred H. Htanley, ,
CSbitallst, of Portland and Addinon
l:. nn.ti. repi.eutliig the OregOUlao.
Mr. i. ,u. II viusseeu while ibe train
whs here, but bad no inful matluu for
the public.
IU wa au Muus to learn the OOOdl
tlon of crop an 1 bulnes Iu this
,. el i n and seemed well pleased at
the luiglil prupect tor the orchard
While iu llurua Mr. Fsrrell stated
be would Vigil tbls sei-tlon again in
thirty days aud bopsd to have mure
time to devote to the work of luspeu
U n
Nothing could be learned regard! g
their plans for bulldlug.
WiihIiIukUui Confronted with ap
parent l Irreconcilable dlaugreomont
anion,; l lie ilcmocrntH of the house
hanking and currency committee on
the pending currency bill, the admin
Istratlon again changed Iih plans for
gelling the ineiiHiire through the i om
nit tee and tho house. The scheme of
Chairman (llasa to take tho uii.dilahed
bill out of the hiiuda of tho commutes
democrats nutl eetid It to the demo
cratlc house cnuctm which failed, was
abandoned, after Chairman Ulusa had
conferred with President Wilson.
The bill will be kept In the confer
ence of the committee democrats this
week, according to the new plan, and
they will be forced to vote on the ea
itcnt lain of the measure. The adminis
tration aupporters believe they will be
able to outvote the so-called luaurg
snta by 10 to 4 or perhaps 11 to S.
The administration forces apparent
ly were encouraged and advanced thn
belief that ths President, despite the
unhappy outlook, would be able to get
his bill through both ends or ths capi
tol practically uuchauged.
Party Vote Kills All Amsndmsnts
While republican senators contin
ued to offer aniiuidinenta to nearly
every paragraph of the Underwood
Simmon tariff bill during Its reading
In the aenate. the democrats In solid
phalanx voted them down.
The first test vote came when Hen
ator Hmout moved tu retain the Payne
rate of two cants a pound on oialld
acid, reduced by the administration
meaaure to one and one half centa.
The motion waa loat, 60 to 2t, eight
progmealve republicans supporting
ths democrats Tbls Is taken o In
dicate that the progressive republi
cans will aid the democrats In a num
ber of tariff reduction..
The prospect for the coming week
waa that practically all of the repub
lican lender will make their laat for
nutl arguments ou the hill.
The democrats are confident that
the stubborn fight made thus far by
Senator llrtstow and Rmoot on al
moat every Hem will be relaxed later
on They are so encouraged by ths
scarcity of long speeches from the op
position that they count on getting to
the final vote by August 10 to Id, and
to adopt Ion of the conference report
two week later.
Wall Street Plot Is M'Adoo's Charge
Hicrctai) Me doo IhsuciI li rilats
inent flatly charging that the decline
of government 2 per cent bonds to
ii new low record wa due "ul
moHl wholly In what happened to b
a i.iuipalgu with every Indication of
urn' . it. d action on the part gf a i urn
her of influential New York City
baiikn to caiihe appreln iiMon and un-
SMlnsss about ii bond In order
to help Hit-in In Heir ejfoffj to defeat
tile lull. !.' bill "
In his at. i'. no ut Secretary M. V.loo
psf i .-lite VSM worth
,ar, liotwl'l -tllllilllll' Ih'lr deelo III
li, Si a York market, and aai.f limed:
"The id. a i ia .. '. h. I loU Uie coun
try haukh. which hold about two third
of the I per i.'ii hood and see thein
eg the htiMl for tbelr circulating iiotua,
in.iv baj induced to ti ill I - with the N'-w
York t'ity hanks In opponltlnn to thg
hill If they i iti he n,ad to h
he proposed currency measure la go
I h.jin those bondw aud ai ae
lO till b'lllks "
Two Killed In Train Wreck
White Klhh. Meat OfwsM Northern
tgsl in. M No J. westbound, wa w r. ck
h1 Jind . t f Rink Mill shortly be
fore noon Monday. Idolioer Pfjgg I.
Korciuii and 111. man Carl Smith, both
of White risk, 're killed i'hd Kx
IfsswHtBfsr l.uu'1' via Injured,
but will reco. . i
Legislator Found Guilty
Webkter Hpring". W. Va. 8 U. O.
KolssM ut the lower brajioh
of the West VirgtiiU lsgialature. ae
ouaed of ac eptlug g brine U connec
tion with t'.y i. sjgj i ei. Hon for Iks
.torship. was found