The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 17, 1913, Image 6

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Special this Week
Floating Castile Soap
24b. Bar 35c
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
1 LOCAL NEWS" logal news li
Paul Jones was in Vale od
business Tuesday.
Thomas Arnold purchased a
new Ford car the latter part of
last week.
Mrs. Bert Snyder of Hunting
ion is visiting friends in Onta
in this week.
Mrs. A. M. Lackey was in
Payette Thursday.
Jack Kicker made a business
trip to Vale Thursday.
rO s.w.k: Team of large
young mares, wagon and har
ness, $500. Also single driver,
harness and light wagon, $100
Adam Murray of Heulah is
here looking after hi wool and
other interests.
Willie BttUtf and wife went
to Koine Friday.
Mrs. Oiailev Barton and
daughter, Claudia left for Boise
on a visit Friday.
Miss Amy Odtll left Friday
evening for 1'rineville where
she will join her mother in the
visit to her mother.
A. F. TonningHon returmd
from Omaha the fore part of the
week where he went with his
beep. lie reports a fair price
for them.
A. L. Sproul returned from
Starkey Hot Springs Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. II B. Cockrum
left Tuesday evening for the
Payette Lakes where they will
upend the summer.
Mrs. J. W. s.-h. ih - and hod,
Irwin, left for Naiupa ou a visit
to the Millers on Wednesday.
William Jones of Westfnll
was here this week looking after
his iuteresta in this section.
Oriu Boyer returned to his
business in Pocatello, Wednes
day. Theo Moore returned from a
trip to Boise Wednesday.
Kohert Arnold made a trip to
Weiser Tuesday.
Mrs. Cotton Mather, a repre
- i of the Woman, h BMM
Missionary society, will deliver
an address at the Methodist
church next Sunday morning
at 11 0 'clock. Mrs. Wm. Mi
Bratney will sing at this service.
The pastor will have charge of
the evening service.
The annual Methodist Sunday
school picnic will be held Wed
nesday, July 'J.'!, on the church
lawn. All the members and
friends of the church and theii
families are cordially invited to
i and spend the dav.
Jacob tiregg, editor of the
Pemocrat, was in Boise and
Caldwell on Saturday.
MifS Currau, head nurse at
the Ontario Hospital, left Tues
day for her home in Portland
where ih( will spend her vaca
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Johlk! 0J Ml. Pleasant, I'tah.
ar- visiting with Mr. Johns'
parent-. lit v. and Mrs. Thomas
Johns. Atter visiting with his
parent.- for a few days he will
i turn t Mt PloOOftat t. over
- tiie building of a rew dormi
tory for girls in connection with
Wasat. h A -ad. in uf which he
i- principal.
Mi-. Riogni and children of
i r turned home tins
Mr. and Mrs. I). P. Kabe are
here from Caldwell looking for
a good location for a restaurant.
All districts voting a special
tax must notify the County Clerk
instead of County Superintend
ent. A. B. Macpherson.
For Sai.k O. K. restaurant,
anyone wishing to purchase
call and see the same.
Charles Hyde of Baker and
A ttorney Davis of Vale were in
town the first of the week work
ing on the Ljckett brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moody
of Vale who has been visiting
relatives here left for their home
Miss Crystal West of West
fall returned to her home, on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank KiMer of
Nampa were here the first of
the week renewing old acquaint
ante. Mr. KiMer was former
ly in business here.
A letter was recently received
by B. L. Milligan from IVtcr
Fredrickson, one of the oldest
of the living pioneer settlers of
the Juntura country, who now
lives at Ortig, Wash. Peter
had a fine place ou the North
Fork of the Malheur, now own
ed by A. F. Masterman. Al
though he has been several
years away from his old home,
he has never forgotten it, and
plans to make his old friends a
visit, and renew his acquaint
ance with the bent county in
Oregon. We are sure that old
Peter's old friends will be glad
to know of his welfare, and to
receive assurance of In- kindly
Don't forget to v ote for a
friend or yourself in the Auto
Harold Fields made a vicit to
Payette Thursday.
Miss Maurine Jones of Vale
returned to her home Tuesday.
The Ladies Aid of the Con
gregational church will hold a
social on the parsonage lawn
Wednesday eveniug, July ."rd
from 7 to 10 p. ni. F.veryone
cordially iuvited.
Miss Neva Lindsay, of Boise
who has been visiting at the
II. ul. y home the past week re
turned to her home Wednesday.
The S. and C. club will meet
at the home of Mrs. 1. J. Dick
son Thursday, July Mtfe.
Clarence Hager left for North
Beach on the excursion Thurs
day .
Kay Wilson and family went
to Long Beach today.
I'ncle Dick Rutherford, a res
dent of this section for about
30 years, has returned from a
10 months visit to California.
Fred Simon who has been
working in Alexander's store
here has gone to Vale to take
charge of the store there while
Kd. Hamilton is taking his va
cation. tor frdJt
Two story brick building in
good town, to trade for irri;
land. Also good stock of met
handi-e in building, will trade
with building oi -. irololj.
Address RooilJ Kxehange
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
30,000 for "Border Days."
Orangevllle. For the Border Days
celebration to be held at Orangevtlla
September 17-20, Inclusive, a aunt of
130.000. or 120 per capita for every
Inhabitant of the village, haa been
offered to handle the aecond annual
pioneer celebration. The literature
for the event has been Issued and will
be sent throughout the northwest. The
Hordsr Days association advertises
that It will show the longeat cow
boy parade In the world.
Net Percet Increasing.
Lewlaton. For the first time In the
recorded history of the Net I'erc In
dian tribe, the government's census
this year will show an Increase In
their numbers, according to O. II.
l.lpps, who has supervision of all the
Indian reservations In Iduho, Oregon,
WiisIiIiikIdu ami .Montana.
Spokane Man Assassinated in Dead of
OHM d'Alena. An assassin In tin
dea.l of night brokS Into the
luini" of K. H. Krwlt. station agent at
(it., ml .lulu ttiiti. on Hie Spokane ,v In
ternational Itailroad. Just across the
Idaho line from Spokane ami shot
his man dead.
Krwtu, who was fK years of age.
was telegraph operator, baggage mas
ter, express agent and performed nth
er duties. So close a the assailant,
who had broken Into he station, that
the fire from the powder set fire to
Kdwlu's garments. The body was
found by tntlnmen. who stopped at
i ; rami Junction at 1:40 In tho worn
Robbery aeema to have been the mo
tive, but at least 1200 In cash was left
behind, including money belonging to
the railroad.
Charles M. Anderson was arrested
at Roaalla, Wash., by Sheriff Hulley
of Whitman county. He Is suspected
of the murder of Erwln.
He gave the officers no trouble en
route, and came to this state without
extradition, and told the authorities
that he was in readiness any duy to go
to trial, notwithstanding the strong
evidence that stood ugalnst him. lie
declares he la confident be can prove
his Innocence.
1,000.000 Road Planned.
I.ewlstou -A good road plan to In
v.ilw i .iiiiii.iiiiii la now plauned for
Net Perce county, In which the coun
ty, state and federal government will
cooperate. The government aid will
oome In the construction of a uia
caiiain nm. I through what Is known
aa the Lapwal valley, on the Indian
reservation, upon which It will expend
S20U.0U0, with county aid. Thla Is In
the bauds of Theodore Shurp. Lapwul
Indian agent.
Idaho Yield Estimated at 7,000,000
Bushels This Year.
Boise. The dry farm wheat crop
of Idaho this year will be the largest
in the history of the stat. mid is est)
mat. i at 7.UUU.00U bushels, by State
l.ami Commissioned Hay, after u per
sonul Investigation of the dry farming
"This will be the greatest year In
the history of Iduho for dry farm
wheat," said OMMaMsaOM lay Tin
crop is now assured and uo additional
rain is needed. As a matter of fact
the dry farm crops this year are bet
ler tlmu the irrigate. l I . .miiii.-iitl
expect the crop to run 7.000, uoo bush
els." Alfalfa growers suffered as a result
of the rains. (July the mo-it careful
grower in Southern Maiio saved tlw
first cutting They will be able, ho
ever, to save their two remaining cut
pears, apples, prunes and
kru.- will dear abundantly und fruit
grower .! pM-pailiig for a but,
l. . r . MafcO bis joined the Nurlli
and grow
confident that i hey will get good
in the east aa a result.
Aute to Escort Lane.
plans are car
., south-
M all usi or
.lari of the Interior Lan anu
i Miller througt.
YelloHntoi iiurk thi. MOBMft M
..;i U senators
aua ea.
Transfer, Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Will Practice in all Courts
Notarv Public. Office over Postorllce
Pu II ahiukt Hkahs
I ii. Paclink Skars
Graduates American School of Os
teopathy. Kirksville. Mo.
Wilson Hloek
Telephone. IM.Hlk
Office in I. O. O. F. Bldg.,
Ontario, - . Oregon
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilson Block.
(ias with Extractions
Phone. No. 138 IC in Wilson :...-K
J W MrCulloch K W Eckhardt
Mcculloch & eckhardt
Booms 1-2-3 First Natl Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon
Dr. W. G. Howe
Telephone No. 732
First National Bank Hldg.
Kob't Odell, Ontario.
H II High, Vale.
C. C. Morton, old's Ferry.
John Mathews, Weiser Hridge.
J E. Holly, Rivarviaw
W H Skinner, Jordan Valley.
Krtsl Wilkinson, Mi -Delimit
T. A Barton. Nyssa
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any umouiit.
For straight term or with In
stallment privilege.
Thomas W. Clajrett
Ontario - - Oregon
The Way People Hurry
to Ret to our Moving Pleuroo,
you'd surely think tli-y we-n go
inK to a fire. Any way a lire lut
do norooxdting nor lut-li ontor-
taiiiiiiK features as
Our Moving Pit lures
Mi don't ."li bring th- childn n
in to Mi o.i ui'. i linn- ' Many
of tl.'in arc not r ' tsj well M
. nvr- You'll all onjO) them.
Dreumldnd Itwtre
d i Ss.
df-HR O
A Good
Confining our business strictly to LEGITIMATE
banking, and with ample resources for the needs of
our customers, we invite the banking business of
ranchers, fruitgrowers, stockmen ana individuals,
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
A. L. COCKRUM, President;
T. TURNBULL, Vice President
L. B.
Ford fellowship is a new democ
racy. It is founded upon a last
ing appreciation for the truly
wonderful performances of the
car itself and for the world-wide
and efficient repair service which
keeps it in continuous operation
at low cost.
More than ,.,71.Hi0 Fords now in service con
vincing evidence of their wonderful merit.
KunslHiut, f "si. Touring Car, W7o; Town
Car, $H7r f. o. b. Ontaiiu with all equipment,
(et interesting "Ford Times" fromUept F,
Ford Auto Company
Ontario, Ore.
Jensma's Velvet
Ice Cream
Is sold with a guarantee to
be pure, nutritious and whole
some. Made in a sanitary
factory from sterilized cream
only. It is healthful and
pleasing to the palate.
Sold Kxclusively in Your City by
The Ontario National Bank
United States Depository
State oi Oregon Depository
YSOoafBnnk tfgtfrBank? li not, m oofdlally
1 Invito you to mnko our bank your bank. W
liavt- tin- usunl Safeguards 'i Kilt Proof Vault,
Burglftf 1'roof Bgft, Boudod omployeeo, ond do
bu ii" - - i!' -i i som i .aiiv'i- hiiiiiiK-r. -:- -:- -: -:-
Cdpitdl dnd Surplus, $80,000
5 Pot (cut Not on Tmir ( KKIIIK I KS OI DKIH)H1T
i r n 1 ' 1 u 1 1 'I 1 11 'am
Bank in a Good Country
C W.I'LATT Ass't. Cashier
Montie It. Owinn.