The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 17, 1913, Image 4

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    Kabo Corsets Topsy Hosiery American Calicoes E&W Shirts Thoroughbred & Statesman Hats Dresses, Kimonas, etc.
Store will be
closed Friday,
July 18th to
make arrange
ments, mark
down and dis
play stock for
fast 15 days
Hal k I E B Jfej .v m I m fll m I
Extra sale peo
ole i be e; i
ployed to cave
for the trade
during 15 d
sale starting
July 19,9 a.m.
W. T. Lampkin's Entire $15,000 Stock of High Grade Dry Goods,
Dresses, Shoes, Furnishings, etc. to be placed at the disposal of
the people for 15 days.
The object of this sale is to convert all surplus stock into cash, and a final clean sweep of all summer
merchandise will be made. The reputation of this store for selling the very best of everything will
make this sale worthy of immediate attention of every man or woman who reads this advertisement.
A cordial invitation is extended to all the people to partiicpate in the distribution of this mammoth
stock at prices never before equalled. .
This sale should stir every soul into a wild enthusiasm and quick
buying desire for this event represents the most radical cut and
slash of prices ever before witnessed in this or any other store.
Our sole aim is to make a clean sweep of all surplus stock, there
fore we place these bargains before you.
Boys Suits
We have a complete
line of boy's nobby
knee pants suits and
and to make thi
worthy of your con
sideration will sell
them for
$1.00 up
Dressing Sacques
Shirt Waists
Kimonas (Long)
Ladies & Children's
Rnys, Mipq, ChiL lmji i
For Men, Women,
dfen and Infants,
all summer weights
go on the bargain
Men's Pants
Over 200 pairs of Men's High
Grade Pants to be closed out
regardless of cost.
Last Year
Our sale was the
biggest in the his
tory of this busi
ness, and the para
mount aim of all
concerned is to
make this event
greater than all
previous sales
therefore we have
spared no efforts,
nor have we hesi
tated to slaughter
the price.
That should attract
everyone's attention
Seven years experience of buying for the public in
this vicinity enables us to buy the kind of mer
chandise they demand, consequently every dollar's
worth we offer is desirable and a value at the
price offered.
25c Ribbon (Special) 10c
Embroidery Insertion
3c yard
Ladies' Summer Vests 5c
BAlra-Lung Coiaeta
Children's Straw Hats, New and Dressy 15c
Oceans of Notions in Special Bins
Sateen and Heatherbloom Petticoats
Black and White Allover Lace
Hand Bags
Coats & Suits
1-2 Price
of every description,
every size and al
most every price will
be on sale during
these fifteen days of
rapid selling-.
Men's Hats
Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Switches,
lans. Bed Spreads , Laces, Veilings
Men's Shirts, Sox, Ties,
Collars, Dress Shoes,!
Straw Hats, Gloves, etc. I
Baby Bonnets
Boy's Wash Suits
Boy's Waists 25c
High Class Undermus'ins
Mercilessly slaughtered. Night
Gowns, Princess Slips, Corset
Covers, Combinations, Drawers,
Summer Dresses
Ladies' Lingerie, Linens, Piques
and Tissues and all Children's
Wash Dressess, Sizes 4 to 14.
To be closed out.
Not quitting business noi are we offering apologies for this sale
We have been here a long time and expect to stay right here and continue to sell mer
chandise at the right prices. Trade has been good and we are not short of money, but
we want to sell all summer lines and keep in front with new crisp merchandise all the
time. That's why we want this sale and why we strive to please.
You Can Do Better at
for the big canvas
signs in front and
the big bargains
inside the store.
We want this sale
to win the good will
and hearty approv
al of all the people,
and with this in
view have combin
ed all lines into a
grand carnival t
the most wonder
ful importance ei er
displayed on coun
ters of any store in
this entire country.
The Opportun
ity is yours, the
sde starts Sat
urday, July 19
at 9 a- m. and
continues to
August 2.