The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 17, 1913, Image 3

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5 Miles of Cooling
I For Less Than One Cent I
Is a hot weather bargain that you
can't afford to lose, especially when
you have it right in your home or
office by simply moving a starting
switch on
An Electric Fan
Let Us Advise You On An Investment that will Keep
You Cool All Summer
Idaho-Oregon Light k Power
Excursions East
Union Pacific System
Very low round trip fares to DENVKR,
other points.
May 7, 8, 10, 17,24,31; June
3, 7, 13, 14, 21, 28; July 2, 5,
10,19,23, 31; August 1,9, 10;
11, 16, 22, 28; Sept. 10, 11
Limit October 31, 1913
for further details
Readies Omaha and Points East
Did You hit Wash CiothM
in the old fashioned way with
wooden wathtubir
Perhaps that i still your
method and you look forward
to en li mul.djy with delight.
Well, hardly I
A tet of "Standard" laundry
trayi would mean an orderly
bundry, on of mora inviting T
appearance and cuter launder- -i
trays would mean an orderly
I '
ing and your tatisfai tion would
not ! lessened by the high
claaa workmanship which char
acterize ) work we do.
U. S. Plumbing
.' Hears Ktal of
Ontario Kumiturr I'e
A. McWILUAMS, Proprietor.
ri'm 1 Ji loiH -
& Heating Co.
Ontario, Ore.
Bait Equipped Livery in
the city, Headquartan for
Horses lUniyUt und Sold.
Rev. J. V. Hawks of the Cliil
rtrens Lome Missionary Society
from Boise will spenk at the
Methodist church hoth morn
ing and evening service.
I). L. Ingard and T. & Neil
son are enloyinga trip in the
mountains. They will spend
their outing in the Meadows
and at the Puyette Lakes.
The W. C. T. U. and L. T. L
nre planning a picnic for July
24th which will he held at H.
R. Flacks. All members are
urged to he present nnd have a
good time.
Lucile Hill is visiting with
her sister Mrs. V. E. liirdsell
in Vale, Oregon.
The Woman's Home Mission
ary Society met Wednesday af
ternoon with Mrs. Powell. Mr
Cotton Mather, the National
Field Secretary was present.
Dainty refreshments were ser
William K ssler is having a
new houe erected just east of
the Baptist church.
C. K. Powell left Tuesday for
Weiser where he will work dm
ing the summer vacation.
Kev. and Mrs. Thomas Johns
from Ontario, and son ami fam
ily from Mt Pleasant, I'tah vis
ited with Kev. Deal Monday.
Mrs. M. H. Sherman spent
hist week in Ontario demonstrat
ing "Kaheree" I fruit drink
made out of dried raspherries.
Rohert Bradley of King's Hill
Ida returned last week to over
see the Santa Rosa fruit crop a---sir.
this year.
The BOSS Circle Sunday
bool class met last Wednes
day afternoon with Lola Car
penter. The thinning of the apple
crop has taken the attention o
the onhardists for several da
The crop was too heavy tt grow
the hfft fruit for market or ft"
the gootl of the tiees.
Miy 'At li Keith of l'a ttt
is visiting with her 0OM.O, Alice
Perry for a few days.
T Ruck si sod dsufhtt r, Lois
from Parma tisitsd Sitltirla
und Bundsy si ths A. ii mie's
.,. in . ..-. Barns
.i hi. FOR l ruLic i
!)! mi tOOOOl ol the Interior I
Lend tlltlcc at V.ili'. Oregon. June
J.'ith. 1 111.
Met lee it hereby given Join,
Lynch of Outerm, Oregon, who (ji.
.Idii. loth. ISIS, made lloiiiciteiid
SSllltlOS. N- SISSS, for Ki NLt
nee 1M, and K HK. NectldD 7.
Township lit S , Range Hi I. . Wil
Inoietta Met hilar. Iih. tiled until' t
iutent iu to make Dual three year
proof, to atabliab claim to the land
above de. i lie. I, before flati v H.
(iruuel, U. S. Cotuuiiaeoiouer, at
Ontario, Oregou, " tli 4th day of
Auiiuat. tats.
l i i urn. ant nauieeat witueeaee:
Krauk Welch, ('hurley (Miter, of
Ontario, Oregon; M. U Kutuiey.
I i Mnk 1 i.i ta f Waiaar, Idaho.
Hruce K. Keater, Itemeter.
The Most ()ualifiti Jml.j. s
Prononncg Tayior It WfJ s
Straight Yellow Sto.i WM.i mi BEST
l. B. TltlR. Wholesaler.
(W JbsbRbV '"aTfaB
Ordinance Nd. 237
An i ti.linaiii'i. ilri'liiritiK the hiteu-
tlon of the City Council to oante to
be ennatructed, a iaer along the
followltiK ileacribed route towlt:
BealnniDK at a point In the alley In
block 270 In the City of Ontario.
Malheur county, Oregon, where the
aaid alley Interaeota the North line
of the Southeaat Quarter of Section
Knur, Townahip Eighteen South,
Hnnge Forty Seven Kaat of the Wll
Inmette Meridian, runuitig tbence
South in the alley through blocks 370
and 271, to Mlnneaota avenue: tbence
weat on .Minn Ih av,. inie tn Orttot
atreet, a dlatnnce of one half 11 block;
thence South on Grant street to Kim
ans a ven tie : thence Kaat on Kanaaa
avenue to Mm lit t. atreet: theneeaotith
ou Mortltt atreet to the point where
anln Morrltt atreet Interaecta the Smith
line of the Northeaat Quarter of Sec
tton Nine, "a i.l Townvlilp and Hange;
alto, beginning at the Intei-aectlnn of
Clement atreet with Kanaaa avenue
and running thence smith on anid
Clement atreet to the intcrarctlon of
-ill I street with the antith line of the
Nmtheatt (Quarter of eelJ section line,
niM Township and ltnnge: anid route
lying within the City of Ontario,
Malheur Cminty, Oregon; and for
levying n special aaseanmcut upon the
property benefited thereby; providing
an opportunity for property nwnerp
to protest against such proposed int
provctnent: providing for the miitiuer
of making propoaHla to construct km. I
OSSsri itolding for the manner ot
iiniliiiis: and collecting the Haartatiienf
therefor hiii! declining mi eieergcnev.
I'lie people of the City ot Ontario do
Ordain na Kollowa:
Heel Ion I. that it local Improve
a cut ahall be made nltliln the City
of Ontario, County of Miilheur, Klnte
of Oregon, by the onut.ructioii of
sewers In and upon lite tnllnwlug ilea
crllied ntreeta; llegiunlng at a point
In the alley In Hlnck 270 In the City
of Ontario. Miilheur County, Oregon,
where the aaid alley luteraecta the
North line of the Noiitlienat Quarter ol
Section Knur, Townahlp Klghteen
-Smith. Mange Korty seven Kaat of the
Willamette Meridian; running thence
smith In the alley tln.niili blocka
270 aod 271, to Mlnneaota avenue;
I hence west on Mlnneaota avenue to
(irant atrset. a illatauee of one half
block; tbence anuth on Giant alreet
in Kunaaa avenue theeee eat nn
lv.ii s.ii iv to Mm till atreet , thence
south on Mi.itltt atreet to the pidli'
ivhera aaid M ut IH I street Intersect,
the anuth Hue ot the Northeast 1,1 mr
i of Section Nlue, aaid I n-ln-and
IJangM. alao baginnliig ut the In
'iisntloo of Clement atlect ill
KHiiana aveuue aud inutility thence
ih on sal. I Cleuiet t street to the
linn intersection of aaid atieat III.
the -nutti line ol the N.nllieii-I t.l utr
ter of mm id Section Nine. mmoI liosti
hip mid Itauge, miiIiI route lying
Oil within tin- City of Ontario.
Mn'lianr Couuiy. Irojesfll in ac
-onlatice a lib the plxn. nn.l ii.cillea
tlona that lira hereby adiipted aud
Ouch are on Hie with the lt
lliccrder of the C'ty of Oulnrln.
Sliite ol i ii SjSJM
Sscll.'ii 2 I'lntl Ml OOtlOJfato of I In
coat of aaid lniir.n "iiifiit Iim- OOM
I' I I Mil. I ill 1 1 I III I IM- I llV I III
i . i. in i h . i. t rsN .ii i
I' IM. Mm. a. ami doll lis. ".' 000 001
Inch i KtluiMfi- Of tlm Clt
.1. I . nil i ks UIij I-- i 'ii i
, .1 Hi I. I, ci ! ami
nld 1 iii I't mi unlit atinll l ramed
Hint pMi'l for by siM'lal SjaVNtMNaa
In lie I .- v leit Upon Mini eijiillMlly Mp
l, all a,. I In I. mi ii the Hiljaiint inn
port! Iiemllteil llieitliy. according us
aaid iiiititini iiii'ii -it oroportj
should lie tern lll'i il
Sect i. in i I'IimI in order to ulfcrd
Ibts l liferent property nvsiiere bTSOM
I i . . rty la to tie iiaaeaaed, an uppor
tuulty to Hie any prnteat uny ancli
property owner may dealre to Hie
Mgaluxt the construction of aaid aew
ajfj provided foi in thia onlluance.
the City Kecmder ahull at once pio
eead to publieh notice in the "llntarle
Argue" anil "IiiiImiIo Demoentt,"
weekly newapapers puldiahed In the
City of Ontario once ee h week tm
two 2 conaoeutive weeka, a ropy of
this onlluance indicating that the
City Council will, on the ISISSoyof
July. A 1 tails M a regular ail
jmnneil meeting thereof, hear and
dcti-niilnc any written i. i.-.L against
the . a..! : ueti n of aaid iinpl n elm lit
tliut may lie Hied before the day
lived for such healing
e-lioo s. 'I'but If f itr the In al
0 provide) f "r In I he fnrei'dng SOf
t Ion ahall have lieeti bad, end It lill
have OOM di lertnli id liy te t I (
e 01 islrni tinti ot aaid
seven sh i ids I wltl
en v CuiK iii aboil M m iImi. i lees
mil tlug ol I
is da id
orb iod ' i
DUdliOl ItlBl'iiHl Sill be Mvtat'li I.
nbtiee of
I Ml leas'
published In I
I I lllit I e
aaardei at mo SOiouut in es.-ees of
the eelmnte of the City Kttglneer
filed with the City Recorder. After
tne contract to construct the said
Improvement ahall have been awarded,
the sai.l City Council shall there
upon appoint some enmpetent person
as a commissioner, whnae duty, after
tssing the necessary oath to fnlthfully
perform his duties, shall be to care
fully nnd equitably apportion the
entite costs of huoIi Improvement
not to exceed the amount of the
contract awarded between the ditTer
ent pieces of property adjacent to
and benetltted by said Improvement,
and thereupon aaid commissioner shall
piepare an assessment roll, giving the
names of tbe owners, the deacrlp
Ion of tbe different piecea of property
asaeaaed. and the amount of bene
fit assessed to each of aaid differ
ent pieces of properly, which neeeaa
meat roll as soon after the nppnlut
ment of such commiealoner as It shall
be practicable to do so, shall be re
turned and tiled by atiob commiealoner
In the office of the City Recorder
and thereupon atiy Interetted person
or property owner who ahall be dla
aiitlafled with the apportionment of
the cost of aaid improvement ahull
bavs the opportunity and be required
within ten lit1, days ntfer tbe fllni:
of such aaeeaement roll by eald emu
mlaainner tn Hie with the City II If
der, In writing, specifically and clear
ly any object Inn that auch person or
property owner may dealre tn ure
agalnat audi apportionment
Section . At tbe nevt regular
meeting of the City ('mimil, or at any
'I i rial or adjoin ned meeting, after the
expiration of eald ten (10'deya. or at
any time to which the hearing of the
olijcc tlona of aN apeclal faMaMMStl
may he adintu ucd, the City Council
-iIimII act as a board of equalisation
and ehall give each objector all op
I'ortunity to be heard na to the
aiijcctlone that have Iwen tiled and
shall hear and determine all auch ob
icotlnna that have lieeu SJoJ to the
i.irt Iminieut of auch epvelal aa
-anient and ahall alter auch Inai
log, either conllrtu the aaaeeanieut.
"a indicated by the iiaaeaatnent roll,
nr If ucoeaeiiry tn do an, ahall tlral
no ii. I the aauie ImvIoim auch con
llimat Ion. ao that the apport lonmenl
that ahull las made and cnnflrt I In
the City Council ahall he equitable
and jual between the different pieces
if property benelltted Itr aaid Imprnve
"en t and an that ml. aaaesi uenl
'barged agalnat any aid all pmp'ili
.1 ahall Hot 'a. than the
letiellta that ahall hae been
liy aaid improvement,
lection 6. After the confirmation of
he apportinnment of aaid aaaeaamen'
'lyth'clty council, the city recordei
ball forthwith publiah at least once in
he Ontario Argus and in the Ontiiti.
Democrat, weekly news apcrn publish
I in aunl city of Ontario, a notice ii
la- ,ri.n rt ownera and Kraoua inter
stid, ing the apportionment of
mi ni between the dilfi-rent
.I irnierly. aa conilrmod bv tin
It V council, giving the date of suci
-ailirmatiuii, the name of the owner
of the property aaaeaaed, so far as tin
name of auch ownera ahall Im' known I.,
i he Recorder, the dcHcriptiona of lie
different pieces of property aaa
mil tl i ilill. lent in., mfa of Hie
Dis eborajod v i h of tbe dlff
nt pfjoooi of proea rty
.i shall ha tl
i II tn amen, I Haul lisseni. Ill i
.n.l ut MM expiral;
inya, incept as i utberwlse pi.
in I Iiim urdinaiice, tin aaVOOMO))
. ntitirii it IimII In-
lion ! . No auii ahall le mom)
iinnlifv any auch n
no i i or to eiijiiin the ily, or utr, p i
aon employed by the illy, from making
auch improvement, of levying or colli ii
ing any auch aaaeaament, or from kjOM
ing In, i, its, or contenting the validity
thereof, unleaa such ault ahall have
i omim med within thirty ( '') day "I
the paaaage of the ordinance ronflrm
ing aaid aaaeaatni'iit I'rovuleil, that in
tho event any apccial aaaeaament shal
be found lo be invalid or insufficient it
whole or in part fur any reason what
ever, the city council may at any time
in the manner provided for the levying
of an original aaaeaament, cauec a new
aaaeaainent to be made and levied whli i.
hall have like form and effect aa an
original assessment.
Section I That the aggregate
amount of aaid enc -emi-nt fur aaid nn
proveinetit, and each individual, aaaeaa
n,i 1. 1, riafel be pavahle within thirty
(S0J days after the ronlirmution of said
assessment by llie i H r.,un il, a- I
inaf ter provided ft. r tin- expire tion
of said thirty (SO J days said assessment
-nail liar interest a of Igh'
i p. r 01
I payable an OOforeab
i ty s
roty waive oo . '
and all irregularities or defensea, juris
dictional or otherwise in the proceed
ing to construct the sewers for which
aaid assessments if levied, sntl in the
apportionment of the costs thereof said
spplication shsll contain a provision
that the said applicant and property
owners agrees to pay said asessment in
ten (10) annual installments, with
interest at the same rate on all of
said aasesaments which hsvp not
been paid as that expressed in the
bonds issued to pay for such improve
ments. Said application shall al-o con
tain a statement, by lot or blocks, or
other convenient description, of the
property of the applicant assessed for
the construction of aaid sewer. No
such application shall be received and
filed by the City Recorder If the tOMSBI
of auch aaacssment with any previous
aaaessments for street improvements,
or sewers, assessed against tbo same
property and remaining unpaid, shall
equal or exceed the valuation of aaid
property, as shown by tho Isat tax roll
ol the county in which it is situated,
the majority of the owners of the
property so assessed shall selec'. a com
Mtent person to inspect such improve
ments under the direction of the city
engineer of auch city; provided, that
application for such bonding shall be
received by the City Recorder in cases
where tho amount of the assessment,
together with previous assessments for
street improvements or aewers against
the property (antl remaining unpaid),
shall exceed the valuation of said prop
erty, as shown by the last tax of the
county, if the owner ahall before mak
ing such application pay in caah into
the treasury of said city or county,
such excess of unpaid aaaessmenta over
the valuation as shown by the last tax
Section a. That thclsausnce of bonds
to anticipate, and payable out of tbe
collections of the different installment
of eeid assessments by governed by,
and in all respects be in accordance
with tint provisions of an Act of the
l.rgtelaturo known aa the "Hanrroft
Act" and entitled: An Act to provide
for the isauance of bond for tho im
provement of streets and the laving of
sewers in incorporated cities, and for
the payment of the cost of such im
provements, and tho laying of sewers
by installments The same lietng Chap
ter V of Title XXVI. Lord's Oregon
lot Hon III. All of aaid work ahall I
lone iii accordance with the plana nnd
ipeclflratlooa for aaid propnacd Im
i.'Minenta, and which plans and epcci
icationa are now on Hie in the office of
the City Recorder of the City of Onta
rio, and which are hereby made a part
if this Ordinance aa fully aa though set
forth at length therein.
Section II. That all ordinance and
parte of nrdinamea in conllicl herewith
tie and the aame are hereby exprvaaly
Section 12 Inasmuch as the Clt) of
iiitim.i has lung iiir,'ied by reason nf
inadi quad1 drainage and sewerage, be-
OMM of which the health and safety
I tin- people of said city las been
ind is constantly reduced and en
langerrd. and inaamuc has the season of
innini r ii low upon us nnd the Ink of sewerage forma an llnimdl
i ill.. . ' . of tl
' olth and
: ,
It I i
M ".n .11, day
A W. TROW, MaM.r
Ml. -I llAKIO II (JSAI II. I'll
cordi i
Alids Summons
lu tbo Circuit '.mi of tin-state
III Olegllll. fnl tin- County III Mai
I lie Kini lie I.nnil.ei Ciunpauv, Ltd.
a pilvale cm pur. it Ion dulv OTgOO
li, and aviating under aud liy
rirtos oi the i. a .ii of tin
of Olegoii, I'laintlll.
c. i; Hob toy. Mssslfest
To C K. Illakli . In-fi lolanl
Iii the uullie of the .Slate of Oregon
Y ,o me hereby lequlied lo ap
i at ,1 uusaer the couiplalni Hied
agMllial ynu III the alaiM BOtltled
action bf Friday . the lt da l f
iigu-d, I'.M.'I. or for wain Iboreof,
ilsinlllf. will lake indgmeut. against
yon tit the si on of 98 lh. eltb lu
ll. ni frutii the lli iImv of
October, 1011, at the late uf ill per
BJ aiiliuin ( less a eiedil la i be
I u Id 1 1 I ,
This s II
i v publleol i
1 1 e wet ks, I
Irous, n ii iper publl