The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 17, 1913, Image 2

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    Prizes Win Admiration
Candidates Still Striving for the High
Mark-Mrs. W. H. Raver Won 3rd
Weekly Prize-Set of Salad Forks.
The first prize is, of course,
the 6 passenger Mclnlyre F. P
M '2 touring car now on display
at the Ontario Furniture Com
pany. It goes absolutely free to
the man, woman or child hav
ing the most votes on December
At $1,600 for themr with reg
ular equipment or at $1660
with the top, windshield and
hn udometer, this Mrlutyre is
Undoubtedly one of the best val
ues on the market. Powerful,
nwift and speedy the Meliityro
I a car unvoiic would bt proud
to own. It is the triumph of
over forty yars' of vihiih
building aspiration on the pail
of the W. II. M. I nt vie Com
Note the big :; limit vln I
willi demoniilabie inn-. The
w lieclH are made of haul Iplil
hickory wlncli the U.S. gov.
eriiineiit telling hnreaii says is
the best material for wheels,
Heiucinber the eenlcr control,
self-starter, honevroinh ladialor,
I Head Motor, enclosed valve-,
dual ignition, with Brigga' mag
into guaranteed for life id car.
All of these are absolute l
standard and the best. 'Ibis i
the car which goes free. Taken
idl through, the Mdntyro can
not hn excelled, and if you
should be so fortunate as to win
this automobile that these linns
and the Argus are giving, vour
whole family will share the
pleasure of ownership.
Mrs. Winnie Wisdom 108,018
Mrs. W II. Kavor 340,488
I'' Winston 11,040
Thur.ic Krickson :;,l'!mi
Muhnl Blanloo II 11,606
lie, I Ituttler 8,880
II M M.i -j, 0
. (i Mi Anni.k 2,110
V W M ..i den 109, tt
Wilmotli Curry 8,760
Mr. II (1 Whilworth 88,878
BUM BroaiiM I 1,720
' V. Hi. k.x 2.0W0
Until Test 26 0
Mrs. Joe Maples 8,06(1
Mrs. A Zimmerman 1(1, 1 H
The Ontario Ice &
Cold Storage Co.
is now ready for business.
Pure Artesian Water Ice at the
Price of Natural Ice
This is a Home Industry
Phono IS
Buy your Moat at
ami get
the host the market affords
Mrs. L B. Fry
Bddit King
Mrs. John Weaver
Theo II. Moore
Kthel McNulty
Dottie Ward
l',lden Madden
O. A. Koshnick
II. W. I loop.",
P. K. Koenig
O. F. Neece
C. A. Field
Old "Clem"
Mrs Winnie Minuter
57. 1::
884 in
J I Mi
0 It Krikon
Maude Walters
Lavine Smith
('. (' Dodge
II B K ester
I) T Mansker
frank )orman
Met. hen llailey
Mrs .1 A I login i
N'.ttic 1'eterson
Mrs A Stutzner
Betty Taylor
Maggie Moody
John Hunt
Lee Kiser
Maude Kidd
I'led Binoni
M 1 1 Marry Williams
I'rank Van Pottell
Siige Brush Anna
Stella Harris
Mrs. (). (i. Olson
0, M. Sterns
Jeo. Maddo
looigia Dennis
Qortrudi rounds
Harry Qofborl
i ui.m..Ni.
A. C. Manemaii
Velva (irimos
Kmiua Johnson
Ora Nott
Krma Dei I
7, oso
2. (K)0
Marion Kobinsoti
M rs. J, p. Houston
Mrs I. Dell
Miss Anna Robertson
i. Ii K
T. K. Neilson
Mae Simon
Men Hoherts
Ahlula (iregory
Ksther KumoII
May Mvcr
M Alloa Williams
si ii MOD i ii
I'.il Mason
John B I'iidier
Senate Leaders Believe That
Five Weeks V.I Settle
Tariff Question.
Washington. Discussion of tho Underwood-Simmons
tnrlff revision bill,
with IU lengthy free Hit, greatly re
duced rates on all commodities and
Its new system of ad valorem Instead
of specific rates, actually began In the
senate this week.
Chairman Simmons, speaking for
the democrat at the finance com
mittee meeting, said he thought de
bate on the bill could be concluded In
five weeks, and Senator Smoot, of the
minority, agreed with him.
Senator Smoot has In preparation a
new wool schedule, which he Intends
to submit as an amendment. Senator
Simmons will have general charge of
the debate for the democrats, and
Senator Penrose for the republicans.
Lobby Inquiry Into Labor War
All the "wars" that have been
Fought between lalmr and capital, all
Oi" efforts that both have made to
secure legislation which would profit
them, niul the tangled skein woven
iitmut their relations In the last ten
years are to be Investigated by con
grimh. The ttenuto lobby committee
III executive session decided that the
"warn" must be Inquired Into.
Hnni'tel f!iiiin rs, PfWldMl of tho
Viiii in ;m I ".-:.. t i n of l,;,lmr, Will
;i.m :.i liilme the OOMK IM N 'uly
:'.". mill ,i Milipena wis IsjMtjd lor .Inhn
Mltihell, riot pTMldMl "f 'he MWaV
tlun anil runner head of the I'nlted
Mine Workers.
At the same time the Ciiniiiltlee
nil n -niieil (leorge I'npe mill .1 I'
lllnl, genernl nianiiKer of the National
. m 1;i I (if Mninil.ii 1 11 r. i
Senate and House Fight fc Wltneat
With Martin M Mtilhall, one tune
hM I j t 1 1 I h t for the National Asso
i liitlini of Maiiiifai-tiirers um the prise,
the senate ami house lobby InvestlKii
tors contested lor first testimony from
tin star witness. The senate won.
The house Investigators will contin
ue to watch for an opportunity to
catch Mulhall when he Is not engaged
before the Overman committee.
Mulhnll continued his story before
the senate committee, reciting detnlls
of the fight he alleges the manufac
turer financed to beat kepresenta
tlve Hughes, of New Jersey, now a
senator, to re-elect Nelson W. Aldrlcb
as senator from Hhode Island and re
elect former Representative Little
field, of Maine.
Mulhall talked or "Inside" and "out
side" work, of a bookkeeper for the
merlcan Kederatloii of Labor, whom
in- i barged with later becoming a paid
spy for the manufacturers' asaocla
Two More Money Probes Proposed
Currency difficulties broke out
along two different Hue In the house
with the Introduction of resolutions
directing Investigations
The first, by Representative Henry,
proponed a renewal of the Investiga
tion of the money trust, as an adjunct
.mil aid to the banking committee In
Its consideration of the administration
i in niny bill The cet olid, t) Repro
tentative Lindbergh, of Minnesota,
progressive member of the committee,
proposes an Investigation to determine
whether the Class bill would not ere
ate a monstrous monopoly controlled
and opi'i.i(c; li private Interests.
National Capital Brevitiea
The democratic majority of the
gOUM committee on banking and cur-
i to be making fair prog
i. .-, with the administration curroucy
a Investigation of the financial op
erations or S.w York Central lines by
the lutcrtaie commerce commission j
w .i proposed in a resolution passed
by the sen
IfMskW ChMal Clark appeared In
the senate lot l commute,' to place '
on recoid an t iiiph.ttic denial of every
statement voiced b) Dartd i.ainar, a
toot bfolMf and MwaN i.auterbaoh.
i . York attorney, connecting him
llh J I'l. i i'oi t Morgan tt Co
t on i i Ostium, of the In-
teriKil Revenue iurc;iu. begun an
igatlon to determine ht ther
tin iv Is due to the tr.-isurv '
i iMM la oieOBaXgaftM taxes from
mauufai tur. i-. lu I'nlCafO and
llr I M M led by till' !
I Wllhon of the department j
of I., (of il ii'icivlow '
Moi.dai ai the While House between
he pr . thi i -leseul.itives trainmen's
Vrotherhoods. to urge Ins aid in pre
vei t aj t .'to tliie.iteneil itrike of Ittv
Wll I ohJjOCUosV, the
senati K-rah's bill
amending the three year homestead
ii stwaders
,d of .uUii.iiing :'i acres of land.
. r mske lin
prow slue ei f l M for eac!.
red and thus their
The president hns set aside 1440
acres In Klamath county for entry un
der the enlnrged homestead act.
Senator Chamberlain has accepted
an imitation to deliver the principal
address before the United Irish soci
eties In Chicago August 18.
Fifteen permits for the construction
of reservoirs In the state at an esti
mated cost of $1,492,600, were Issued
by the state engineer during the quar
ter ending June 30.
The cltliens of Madras have organ
ized a fair association, and will hold
the first annual fair and livestock es In Madras on October 16, 17, and
While playing with a small target
rifle at Baker, Qerald Moody, the 9
year-old son of Orson Moody, a weal
thy sheepman, was accidentally shot
through the head and Instantly killed.
The first conference ever held for
church ministers of all denominations
in Oregon will take place at the Uni
versity of Oregon during the week of
Julf 21 to 27.
Professor C. J. Rushnell haa resign
ed as head of the sociological depart
metit of Lawrence college at Apple
ton, Wis., an old Methodist Institution,
to become president of Pacific univer
sity of Forest drove.
To prevent the necessity of having
to ri'tnove a number of old soldiers
from the Soldiers' home at Roseburg,
the slate board of control mlaed the
pension limit over which veterans will
not be admitted from J." a month to
A' ' onliiig to nn announcement
made by Assistant State Superintend
ent of I'uMIc Instruction Carlton, 1S00
rs took the recent examination.
This Is the Inrger.t, number to take an
examination lu the history of the
It does not matter what the amount
of a widow's salary or wages Is, If she
hns children depending upon her for
ruppi.rt mid has no other Income aside
from her wages, she Is eligible to the
benefits of the widow's pension law,
according to an opinion given by the
attorney general.
Senator Chamberlain will tnke up
with the secretary of the Interior a
petition from the residents and cltl
iens of the (Srand Rondo Indian res
ervation and vicinity to replace pres
ent police system with one compel ent
man to do police duty and look after
old and iiillrm Indians.
A mortgage of IdOO.OOO has been
filed at Kugene which covers nearly
32. 000 acres of timber along the Na
tron extension It was given by the
Penn Timber company of Warren, Pa.,
to the Detroit Trust company, and la
itfken to Indicate the early construc
tion of a large sawmill.
Marshall and Hick l.ock.-tt were In
dicted at a apeclal session of the
grand Jury at Buker, and their ball Is
fixed at $8600. They are accused of
stealing thousands of dollars worth of
cattle from eastern Oregon ranges,
and If tliey ure convicted. Sheriff Ker
foot will receive a reward of 82000.
ordlng to a statement made
at Salem by Uovernor West, 16 cents
a day for three meals, or a little over
five cents a meal. Is the average dally
cost to the state of Oregon for feeding
Its employes and prisoners at the peni
tentiary. At thla small cosL be says,
an abundance of food of a good qual
ity Is provided.
It. L. Harrison of the state engln
eers' force, has started a survey of
tbe Clackamas river to determine the
fall and to o t.i pliy of the banks as a
means of ascertaining the value of
the stream for water power purposes
During this season he will take up a
similar survey of the Sandy, Hood,
Sautlam and McKetule rivers.
The senate pu.-sed Senator Cham
berlalns' bill authorising tbe state of
Oregon to exchange 4U.000 acroe of
school sections in forest reserves for
u compact body of land In tbe San
tlam reserve, not exceeding 40.000
I sajg lu area, winch land shall be held
b the state for u permaueut state re
serve. A dozen men will be sent to Tilla
mook couuty to spread poisoned grain
over aa area of I'OOO acres and kill
fit Id mice, gophers aud other rodent
pi -Us that might destroy the seeds of
Douglas fir to be planted there this
p ; miner This arrangement has been
nude at Kugene by A. E. Cahoon, su
I . n Isor of the Siuslaw national for-
r I
Empire Lumber Co.
Ontario, Oregon
Rock Springs and King Coal
Their Points of View Couldn't Agres;
Hence tbe Clssh.
When the tall girl found the mlstres
of the six room Hut WHshlng dishes sli
asked whst hud happened to Mary.
"Mary baa left." said the housekeep
er. "I insulted her yesterday morning
at 10 o'clock, and at 11 she packed her
trunk and skipped.
"We had a row over toothbrushes
Msry exhibited an unparalleled Interest
In toothbrushes. Every brusb she
came to was taken up and turned over
and over and commented on admiring
ly or the reverse.
"Finally she came to mine. 1 could
see at once that she liked It
Whose Is this?' she asked.
'Mine.' I said.
she poured out a glass of water and
dipped tbe brush tn.
" 'Oh. well.' sbe Mid. 'I won't be
a.'rtiiil to use It, then.'
"For a moment 1 stood there literally
stupefied, but soon I saw that prompt
action was necessary, and I caught
Mary's arm In a painful grasp.
"'Put It down thla Instant,' I com
manded. 'Put It down.'
"Mary drew back and withered me
out of tbe corner of her eye.
" 'Dear me.' sbe said, 'how touchy
some folks are! I never work for
touchy folks.'
"And so we parted. She seemed un
nMe to get my point of view on tooth
brush etiquette, and I seemed unable
to get hers, so we thought It best to
sever our relations." New York Times
Wren's Bomb For St. Paul'a.
8L Paul's old St. Paul's once knew
the effect of a bomb that actually ex
ploibsl. After the grent flro It was at
llrst thought that the ruins might be
repaired, but too much damage having
been done It was decided to pull tbe
fabric dovvn-n task In which many
lives were lost. To put an end to the
tedious work Wren hit upon the Idea
of IncloMlng eighteen pounds of gun
ponder in a wooden box ntnl explod
ing It under Hi ntral tower. The re
sult was to lift the arches some nine j
Inches, so that the ruins 'suddenly
lumping down made a great heap of
ruin In the place without scattering"
The architect proudly boastisl that bis
powder box hinl lifted 3.01k) tons and
saved the lalior of 1.000 men-London
-Celestial" ss Applied to China.
Every one knows tbe epithet "Celes
tial" applied to China, but few know
Its origin. According to a very old
legend. Tibet Is a fragment of a
planet, once copled by a yellow race,
which lu some way became detached
and fell on the earth Tbs dased In
habitants of the fragment were unin
jured and. cold and hungry, they made
their way toward China, which they
peopled This origin of the Chlnass
ra.-e led to their calling themselves
"Celestials." and It la for this reason
that the emperor calls himself Son of
Heaven Such, nt least. Is the legend.
Toronto (2 lobe.
Her Strong Hint.
"Miss Pinkie, how do you like my
new hat'"
"I like It ever so much better. Mr.
Sinvklns. when you are holding It In
your band." Chicago Tribune.
Put Down Trouble.
WlllleMy father put down a dis
turbance last night
Blllls-ls that right?
"Yes He ate a Welsh rabbit"
Yotikcrs Statesman
Tbe best of moving pictures at tbe
Maze. Admission 10 cents.
Olil iuitiiM at th Ariftis officii Qv
cents per hundred. Just what you
neeu 10 nut- your esuios iin-i place
under tbe carpet.
Always on Ihe Job
If you bars s job of bauliug you
want done, large or small, you oan
always depend on John Laud inglism
belug ready for you. Cell him at the
Moore Hotel.
lrM-i innrit ait-i't n4jrUWirwl .
i, , -.i.i .i..-l. i -hi i. in ,r n'(. i '.
mrtitfioi. f,.r FftEI SIAROH "! r-t- 1 1
uti salt nuUlil; IWuk it-l rvut-vL
)vi Kit frv. Is.. LI toll how. wlisU to Imt-ul
sUkl isv ) u tuottv jr. Wi itv lotl.
303 Seventh St Washington. D. C
Psld Advertisements
Money to loan Improved irri
gated farms. W. H. Doolittle Co.
Drayage orders taken at Moor
Hotel John Landingham, residence
pbone 424
Three lots for sale 2 blocks west
of postofflre at a bargsio. Inquire at
Argus office.
Tbe ice cream served at tbe tula
rin Bakery is always just right.
If yon appreciate a dish of riob,
smooth ioa cream try tbs Ontario
entire change of program every
night at the Maze.
Fruit and Dairy
Ranch for Sale.
20 acres in young orchard
with alfalfa between the
rows. Balance of 40 in
alfalfa and blue grass.
Good house and other
buildings, all in good con
dition. Price .325 an
acre, including stock and
all machinery and imple
ments. One and a naif
mifcs Southwest of On
tario. Terms reasonable.
Ontario, Oregon
Wir AliimJ r.riiMiin)
For Sealing
Jellies and
Just melt and
pour over the
cooled preserves.
Easy to use.
Absolutely pure.
Guaranteed under
the Pure I'ood and
Drugs Act.
Dealers Everywhere
Standard Oil Company
. Al.l K,
Seals vli fflsP
At yard $7.00
'sUi au.J tJlv '-'
June and July $7.50 Delivered