The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 17, 1913, Image 1

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    ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
l."i,OIH),000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 29
McBratney-McNulty Hard
ware Company Are
the Losers.
Robbers entered and robbed the Mc-Brstney-McNnlty
Hardware Co. store
sometime during Wednesday night and
secured about 2m worth of goods and
something like 15.00 in money The
goods taken consisted of a number of
pistols, pocket knives, razors, etc.
Entrance to the building was gained
by enlarging h hole in the roof of a
shed in the rear and then cutting a hole
through the door, near the lock, of the
door leading to the store room.
Tuesday night the building occupied
by the U. 8. Plumbing Co. was entered
and some of the tools taken. Although
they have not been identified it is
thought these tools were used to break
into the McBratney-McNulty building
the following night. The old Ford
Oarage was also entered Tuesday night
and some of the tools were stolen.
E. I,. Emery a noted good roads man,
who claims the distinction of laying
out and planning the state highway in
Wyoming slopped over in thia city
during the week. Mr. Emery was also
instrumental in planning and building
Yellowstone park roads, which are
doubtleaa the finest mountain roada in
Loudon. The Balkan Btuiea appear
to bo again in the inciting pot. There
is no sign of peace ui present. Greece
and Servla have declined so fur to
agree to an armlsiice. The Turklah
army Is udvaiicing by forced marches
from Tchutalju and liuluir. apparently
vlih the coinent of Greece and 8r
viu, to ait '-in tt tin- ni.ii'iure of Ad
rutin. pi.- mi I i
UuuinanUi is I ui to lie proceeding
I cupy a much larger 'extent of
tt-iritory than (.lie previous
ly claimed, ami Greece Is burning to
avenge the lluU.u i:m rfinr utch, con
(ring which horrify ing details con
tinually appr ll o'.nelal reports Is
sued from A. liens and Salonikl. Ac
curding to these reports, ears and fin
gent of Greek women Mill wearing eur
ruiga and rings were found In the
pockets of Bulgarian prisoners.
Claim Put in For Stratton Million
I'ulo -Suit to recover MM
half of the llO.OOO.ouo estate left by
ii. Held riiutt titration, the famous
Colorado mining man, waa filed in the
district court her In the nam of
Mrs. Sophia Gertrude titration, who
claims to be the multi-millionaire's
The woman's petition allegea that
she man-led St rat ton on Henrys
ranch, uear St. Augustine. Tolas, Jan
uary 1, 174 years before St ration
made hia money and that some time
after their marriage Stratton deserted
her after she had given him 110.000
with which to purchaaa a ranch. In
stead of buying the ranch, ah avant,
h disappeared and later cam to Colo
rado, whar h mad hia coloaaai for
tecrotary Saya Hi la Compelled to
Lecture to Augment Income.
Hendersonvllle, N. C. While her
Secretary Bryan declared he waa com
pelled to deliver Chautauqua ad-1
dresses to supplement hta government
alary, which be declared waa not suf
ficient to meet his expenses.
"As this is my first Chautauqua lec
ture since becoming a member of the
cabinet," said Secretary Bryan. "It
may not be out of place to aay that
I find It necessary to lecture In order
to supplement the salary which 1 re
ceive from the government. A 1 have
lectured for 13 years this method of
adding to my Income is the most Sfct
ural one to which to turn and 1 regard
It as eitremeij te."
Tv'-fjaaaw' 1 B
eas Be He V
Dsvld Lamar, New York stock bro
ker, who astonished the senate lobby
committee by confessing to Imperson
ation of public men In attempts to
Influent Wall street.
By a 2 to 1 Score The Onta
rio Hull Team Defeats
I .rutins
The filial game of the Oregon Idaho
league was played here last Sunday
between tbe Vale and Ontario teams,
wniob resulted In Him defeat of Vale
by a score of 2 to 1. Vale waa hold
ing first plaoe In lb per oentage col
umn but her defeut by the Ontario
uggtegatioo leave Weiser and Vsle
t led for first pine.
It was a liercely fougiit game. It
waa iu the main a battle between the
best battery and the heaviest batting
team of the lilaho-Oregon League.
Alexander pitched with something like
college spirit, tightening up several
limes tn -i .! his opponents to tin- Held
without ring. He sent the visitors
home wall only two hits and an un
earned ui ti their credit and with ten
strike out to figure in then bwtthli
averages A great deal of credit is due
W.-Sli alio fat iu" head work and his
aliility to In. Id tin runner-- tn their
bates. Vale tried tn steal second sev
eral times, finally deciding it waa un
Yule eaoaaaj their run in the second
inaing HwmIn irovsj a aMgsjMts
lift Held t'nr which Ktttltf was .
an ermr, and II tooppd OP third.
U lii ei, l lilev. nut. tilick grounded tn
I scoiing Houston ui Wobb'i
Harrett pitched a good game to the
ill inning when he was iclicvedby
WooUard tiie Art-works si
A pas, i: two-hugger by Lackey and a
lieldt r's choice tilled the lm.-.e.s What
followed is claimed tn haw .Inw:
of the most loyal fans from the grand
stand The next two men fanned and
tiie third man hit an easy groui U r.
The boys came back stronger in the
eighth. Snookums walked. Jones
bunted, sending Snookums to second
Webb hit for two bases, but Snookums
waa held at third. Snookums was
caught at home on Brunning grounder.
Webb started home in an attempt to
catch Bruning at second and scored on
the catcher's error. Bruning also came
home during the mixup, but the um
pire claimed their were too many joy
ous boys in blue near home plate, so
Bruning was sent back to third. Lack-i
ey touched the ball for two bases acor- j
ing Bruning The next man gronded
It first making the third out. Vale
waa unable to score in the ninth.
Ontario is quite proud to have been
able to win from the champions of the
league after playing a losing game so
long. There is not likely to be any i
baseball poetry in the Malheur Enter
prise this week.
Lackey's batting was a feature. He
waa credited with two iwo-baae hits, a
single and a walk.
Weiser and Vale will play the cham
pionship game at the fair grounds in
Ontario next Sunday. It will be a
game wosth seeing. Admission, 26
cents. Grand stand, 13 cents.
Tbe standing of tbe teams:
Won Lost Pet.
Weiser I 4 JM
Vale 4
Payette i 6 .600
Ontario 2 lo .170
Malheur County Fair
Dates Announced.
Earlier this Year-The Last Week in
September Between Boise Fair and
Pendleton Round -lip.
Tbe dates fur the Mnlhsur County
Fair hna bpeu fixed on tbe third
meek in September. This will bring
It between the I'etidletou Round -ip
and the Bnlse fair. Tbe rhiiuaiie
meiit is now busy working nut plans
and getting up new feature tu muki
it bigger than any show yet pulled
off. Many novel fentnres are under
consideration that will annum and
entertain the people. Particular at
tcntlon is beiug given to several ad
urntionnl features along agricultural
and stock breeding linos. The direc
tors hope to make th Pair u week
of iigiiciiltural demonstration; a con
n nieiit place for th farmers ta ex
change tilr-ns; u farm school for u
week: s stock btMdtfl wetting to
gether; i place for the mini i hut raises
lull blooilcii stock to hrltig his animals
to tbe attention of those who are
biilldlug up better herds and flocks
A Isrge number of the Agricultural
College faculty will be invited tn be
present during the entire week and a
plan is under conslderstlnn to bare
the prizes given out In front of the
grandstand during ths forenoon and
tbe Judges will tbsn explain why
tbe premiums go to certain animals
and exblbtlous If feature of this
kind can be worked out It will lie
wonderfully educational. It will be
worth as much to every farmer who
attends as a short course Iu the Agrl
cultusl O liege
The motto of the tuaueganient Is
"souiebiug doing all tbe Hum,"
from mini o'clock iu the uiuruiug
until live o'clock at night." Tbe
forenoon tu he strictly educational
in all it program, while Iu the af
ternnou the amusement lover in
the graiidsta id cau ace something ilu
lug every minute fruw one t five
The local lioiaetueu Hum the Idaho
side of tlia'rivcr are aliesdy naming
their colts I' i (he net track.
le, hi i ill I li-utui . uill he here
with ii lirsjt filing ol colts. Un-
Ids am! tin. oin. I'uy
ette can put ou some Of the best
rs in Hie Notthettti especially
am. ii 'he i nit el. .
Bt)tOM ol the lute I I. I licalncs
are arranglug community elnhu.
Ouch Mill ll, Ilolll J Indications,
iliiinl.ile Mini liuile MlllMCtlve
Kveiett Staples was quite severely
tiirmwl about the fsi-M Weiim-sday
morning while he anil Kail Landing
ham were iuvestigatiug some i. lasting
IMiwder. The toys had found the
powder at tbe V P. Staples plu -e
just north of towu, where Everett baa
been workiug. It having been lell
then-I, v a former tenant. At first it
was tbougltt that bis eye sight waa
Injured hut it bas since been de
tsrmined that tbe eyes wr not per
uiaucutiy Impaired.
Ksttcnback and K aster Pardonrd by
Washington President Wilson has
granted unconditional pardon to Wll
Ham P. Kettenbach and George H.
Kester, Kcwistou, Idaho, bauson, con
victed ou Hie ( i.arge of having falsi
fled records of tbe Pirat National
Bank of Lew lai on. Hi ho The pardon
waa granted after the president had
conferred wi'h Sep i..ra ltorab, of Ida
bo; Lane, of in ,.,n, od Kern, of
Indiana, ami after tbey bad strongly
appealed to the resident to do Justice
to un u. who, th showed, were mar
tyrs to abuse ol privilege by govern
ment prosecutors formerly employed
by tbe department of Justice.
Hut for tl. pardm. Kettenbach and
Kester would each have been required
lo sane five years la the neulleatlary
than baa been put up heretofore.
Every section In Malheur co inty
will be Invited to put up a commun
ity exhibit. Every stock breeder
will be Invited to bring ln best ani
mals to the show and special Induce
un will be offered In tbe way of
premiums and accommodations for
taking care of bis stock while here
and an Invitatiou will be issued to
''iv stockman In Eastern Oregon
and Hcutbcrn Idaho, the object be lug
to iiinke this the time of getting to
yi tlii of those who have full blood
ed stock to sell aud those who s:e
It the market for the purchase of
si eh Stock.
The amusement committee Is tie
gctistlug wltb several high class at
ructions, which tiny hope to close
with, and make an announcement of,
at a n early date.
Home of the members of the Pair
hoard have cousmitud to give at least
mi' half of their Mine from now ou
to make the Pair a rousing success
and It goes without saylug that th.
will be auccesful In pulling off a
show (bat, for entertainment and
substantial teueflt to the agrlctil
t nil development of Eastern Oregou.
will be second to Done.
Men Well Known In This
Section Charged With
Cuttle Stealing
I ilietments were returned luat
Thursday by the gruml jury at linker,
against Hick and Marshall I -
charged with cattle tciiliiig, bail
tu.lXXl for 11 -
Marshall, lloth plead not guilty, but
it is claimed by Sherill' Kerfool anil
Marshall Ddcll, of Ikit tHjr, nlm
been working on the case jointly that
i ne i Mil. nee against both 1st
Abn .1 of the Cl.lll.
were recovered by the tAttlta OJM
bunch of cattle is Haul lo lau
-old to a Xyssa butcher by M..
lockett miller the nana nf J. p. Hruce
while making the transaction.
The accused men are well known in
most sections nf Malheur county.
Hick, who has a ranch ami resides on
Willow creek, near Jamiesoii, has been
under suspicion for some tune, but it
was only recently that Marshall, who
lives near Kmmi-tt was suspected of
having any connection with the affair.
Washington Representatives of
tbe 10,00V conductors and trainmen
of eaatern railways who hav voted to
strike for higher wages and managing
officers of the railroads agreed at the
While House to submit their differ
ence lo arbitration under tbe provis
ions of the (lay Newlauds act. which
1'resldent Wilson and congressional rs promised to make law In the
in. aniline no sirike will be declai.'l.
officials of the employes' brotherhoods
agreeing to an armistice.
This victory for .irbltratlon over th
strike was th result of a twohout
conference at the White House be
tween President Wilson and congres
sional leaders, both republicans sod
democrats, the presidents and manag
ers of Hie railros and representa
tives of the Brotherhoods of t'ouduc
tors Slid TraluoaoeV
ISwsW i
L P tf
Lai afleaVaafe se
aT M aaaaW
Colonel M. M. Mulhall. former lob
byist for National Association of Man.
ufscturers, star witness In ths Senate
lobby Inquiry.
Player (Jet Kqual Diviriion
of $475.05 at I '.ml of
The n mn'ii .-ui of th VN.os.1
baseball team divided the money ou
hand at the end of the skshoii last
weak, which waa unite a tidy sum.
After all expanses hint I men paid It
was found that u haluuca of 947 u '
waa on hand, which was promptly
divided between the player, making a
check of if In each Praclloallv every
game during the srasou tiinre than
I ."I expenses
III the beui'iiiiug ii subscription
wss taken up iiinoiiu the fans in Wei,-.
ami money necessary to start the sea
son was spent In lilting the umiinils.
ii ll I III I list a iliaii'l Mem! ami Hie pur
chase of suits, lalU, bats, masks and
"tlnr necessary expenses of that
km. I.
It is that W.i-.r will make
the I . l II mi in ii. I showing of any
olhrr team iu the IttgM
Wool Market llfre Fairly
Active and Some Hig
loU Arrivr.
Wool still collies iu troin the out
lying Interior sections. The u.a
jority of tbe wool aim inn now la
from the Wild Horse section some
nuM hugdred aud ninety miles 'fnuii
I'oliliell) this wool went to Wllllie
uiucca. bul tbe last few years the
growers in that part of the country
have begun to recognize Ontario as
a better market for their wool aud
thai tbey are able to hoy their sup
pile to better advautage h.-i.. tbau
at WiniiHUiucca. This year practical
ly all of their wool has tith-i i onie
to Ontario or will before the aiasuu
is over.
Iast Monday Mr. J. Voaknm came
In with UaTM pounds belonging to
J. K. ( arlson There Is considcia
hie wool yet come irom the Wkt in
Mouutaiii coiin'i .
Tbe last of the ( oiuiolly wool has
arrived and is beiug shipped this
A number of buyers have been lo
towu several limes cloeiug up settle
rue nts for wool already bought aud
ligoi nig ou purchasing Ibe uew wools
that are just beiug unloaded.
A Short Seenie Trip Along
New Line of the Upper
Payette River.
The first excursion up the Payette
Valley railroad to P.mmctt, thence
over the Idaho Northern to Smith's
Perry will lie run from Ontario, July 27.
The train will leave Ontario at fftW in
the morning and arrive at Smith's Per
ry at noon, leaving there at ." o'clock
in the afternoon and reaching Ontario
at ! oclock in the evening.
A fare of $:i.(Xi, only, is to la- charg
sal for the round trip which totals up
1n) miles and takes one into the heart
of the mountains over mm of the nuwt
scenic short line in the iiiter-nioutitain
country. The section surrounding
Smith's Perry alTords splendid oppor
tunities for a daya outing as there are
many shady nooks which furnish ideal
locatioqa for picnic parties and the
llshiiig is good along the river in that
Hen lliown, deputy sheriff, arrived
Wc.lncai ay morning with Jack Stout,
who was arrested at Starbuck, Wash.,
charged with wife desertion. He had
Ih'cii married less than a week to
Miss Lola Allen, whose parents oicr
ate the White Cafe in this city. Stout
claims to be from Delaware, Penn.,
and seems to lie much older than hia
wife who Is ipiite young.
Tin. prisoner was given a preliminary
hearing before Judge (irauel and plat
ed under a .ihi bond p.". hoc action by
the grand jury Which meet in August.
Not Im ing able to give the required
bond he was lodged in the county jail
at Vale.
ll.. M. III. iliu y M. Null Ilu. hum
Co. are olferiiig Bo.iie m i utiia.tivc
I I t h.. in t I on wicks. 1 be)
art uivlug in to 'JO per ii-tii iiisconiit
ou Iheii iiiIiiii stock to ii'iiucw It.
in tale la strictlj ( h I bt h
nbjsill belttg t" Hill Iwgg
stock 1.1 haniwuie, ..tills, en.ckerr.
gnus and i. i. I h. least
.iiscoiuit Mm l'i i mi a'ly purcliaae is
I I I cent and floin HlMt Up I
l'i. i paid lelveii ii. in. nt i
por the information of contributors
and the public, the committee in
charge of the I-our th of July celebra
tion, in rewith submit leport of re.-, ipts
aul expenditures:
Subscriptions . $ 7f3. .''.
Psir ground 4IH.2&
I ii. works
$ i;ii.7.-.
. u
l'l (si
Auiusi n.ents
lalions .
To Pair association
Total .11128 i
lialance on hand lie ki
There are unpaid bills of some amount
but there is likely to bo a small balance
when all accounts are paid.
W. P. Human,
Chairman Q mini1
ibe KulgbU of Pytblaa held their
animal picuio at the Molirsgor grove
last Huiiday. It wa a .pi. i ill day,
aud all eujofed theioselvu. Many
of tbt m cum back foi the ball game