YOUR LAST CHANCE TO EN TER AUTOMOBILE CONEST Next Thursday is the Last Time Get into the Band Wagon Buy Your Suit at about Half Price Easy to figure Easier to see the value in every suit at the price quoted. Every Spring and Summer Suit in the Store as new as the season produced. Regulars, Nor folks, Slims and Extra Sizes are all included. Nomination Ballots Will Appear D. T. Mansker Made the Largest Main Again This Week, But Hating Won a Prize Last Week, This Week's Prize Was Awarded to Mrs. Winnie Minster, Who Made the Next Highest (Jinn. While ths pMt wicL baa uoeii IntorOft iti the OUtOfiBO. bilt 1 1 1 -t vory kfen it ha nut brought about soy itortling ohSDgl l in tin: position of tin.' (II 1 1 1 1 1 : ' li li tras tlmt I). T. lion- nicer lin taken lirt pline over Mrs. Rovor o li" bold it nt loot i unlit This margin in bo stiuill Imwi v r tlml il niii well I ir.Miini' in it singls doy ".i ii All ilie Ar son - koop on bui ti JnK. I v'i in h i vali tm i I I lly tin- w:iv, liuve tin: public iii got) or si, nod I bs oontostsnts iil-.. evi r though! about tin ono uliHolulely --.ii .(Unl it y to win in tin' i ' i ' I I'l it on i oi surrsd to j on tlmt this quality iiiuxt In ilii- pro (loiniiiuiit . Iiiiiarlii i -li.' nt tin' In win. Boiled down and briefly atal etl, this one qualitj ia snthusi 1111 Enthusiasm la limply Bpellin auocaaa in another aroy It moons aggreaeiva totivity, ilxity of purpoee and do perm i. mi i'. Hni ' on ia noth in more oi than oppor tmnty plua . i.i ' . . in. The AriiM noil ' triii-. tarnish the i"i tuei . the loth r id up to tin i miti - nii'l their friondi I he twoi oppor tuuity mi. I tilth I., in, form an ii ii lniit a il . ooiiiliinution, and ii.. lottos will hr found to he oik of the chiel charai tei of iii" arinnera in thia groot Ciilni i:l Ml M The linn toi entering ii ;i do iny lo. ii The prl tea nra sxtrsu ''.if .mil a! lt. nut lot tin in yo In IO0BS one else fni want ol trying I . the nomination ballot pi mi-1 .i uen a nitti aiao ina poll good l"i 1"" vole.-, in iM I . 1 1 i . M Ml - iuuie U iadom Mra w H. Raver l' ii. -t.-ii Thu i l I'.t i ' -"ii M.,t.l Blautou 1'it.l Uul Hi M- MOtl i. uiek V. w. Maredon Wilmutb 'm i j lira M 0. Whitw..ith Rlla Rroenan V. link. .X Kuih Tool Mia. Joe Staple Mi- A iiunu'ini.tu m. L. II : Eddie fcLiug M i - John V .t ii I'ln .i 1 1 Moore Rtbel M. Nulty Ltottis Ward Klden Ma.hhti A K.'l.iai'L II II.,.; r. k K uig IN V A. I'nl.l Old "Clem" Mra Wiii nie Miiit. i C K Briokaon Miiinlc Walters Lavine Smith ' Dodge II E K ester I T Mn linker Prank lorinau - J rt't hen Hailey Mi l A fiogtn Settle Petoraon Mra A Btutinoi Botey Taylor Maggie Moodj John limit Lee Piaor Minnie Kiihl Pred Bimona Mra Harry Williomi Prank Van Potion Sega llrush A nun Stollo Harris Mrs ().;. OUoij '. M. tkoarns Il 0 Minhlox ia I lennia ' i'lli inh' roiunls 1 1. ii ry looborl I III II I Ni. I 0 Manoman Vi'lVH Ullili's I. -i. III. i .li' Ore N'i'tt liniii Deal Marion Bobinoon M.K Mt I. I'. Houston Mi- I. Doll iiw iii- i M i-s Anna Kilort8on BJTTI T. R Neils,. i, Mae Simon Bee Roberta Ahlula irogon ll-thei Riiaaall May Myei m Aim Williams si t ii Mm in i.u Mason John H Pishsr 20-10 102196 2,120 98,990 8,000i , I .Li 8,200 222,7 81 8,570 57,108 2,200 ::!',:7I 10,500 l ... li 1 0 I l,t7l 2900 8000 84860 2 1 :.i 28,500 1987 2000 2110 2000 2100 2000 14,80 0,055 8,000 50,500 01,420 1,880 99,409 ::,.".7" 2,700 8,160 j nun 7, i imi :!,7.'2 8,000 J,7ti0 2,050 8,030 5,825 2,000 2,000 8.000 I". Ms I I ;;,m;o J.lio 2,110 100,021 2,100 -'l.V-"J 1 1 ran 2.0U0 20,410 8,050 1 1,890 8,875 2,000 i I 12H1 ' 29780 99905 9050 -i i;lo 2790 1090 9980 BALKAN WAR LOSSES ARE OVER 30,000 I. on. Inn Wl.-r in ,if (ikIiUiik. iiiuri- .. i.i.. .in. I .1. 'lull) in I'liur.irl.'i' ih. in .ui llilnn in llio I., hi I. ilk. in it int..- iikiu aasjaas iii t'l.'.ik i'h tin. l.lllllll,. .ill.. Ill,' ,,l. l.lllOlll. 'I'll,- Bjt lutvt) lout liioro linn lliun in Ititt iini. in. . i. hi.-, osaapali i UllU.llUtN'KY a''. .im 1,1 he 1,1 h.. i.i tin. Oreaka In atoafe. praaablj muIi rompurutUflv sin. ill fun ,, ululo -ti.. teala "t aawts Thin ssssaaa- Uoii. if fni I,1, i. vtnnlJ explalu ih. Mt ... ii, I,. uno of lh Urrk uriuy. S.lKllllkl JIl'4ll'lliH I'UIltlllUl 10 I,' ,iort tin'ik vU'lorlo. Th Ureoki urn n.tiil to Imvti i'upturtil It guuti tit l'oir an. K I.I.Mii'o of J.'i.rmtu ftnUiinA I t,.iin,l lu i lut rrlvl uf 1000 wouu,l-.l ui Sitloutkl. Uklug tb tuwu'a ,,oui m,. .Ijii, nia ttuit ruituurcM to tb utter in, m I asaaasvatlve iniiut of th killed miti vosaOeS " tt wk ftcbttun futi Hi nniuliiT nt from SO. 000 to SSV On.) I I1.1U-..111.U of ,latltu( lt)fUttt) it ..111 ilia oeua of tb flfhUu ttr c.1111 'iK tin,) S.tlonlkl. 1 li.. tiin'kr. esaUaOS to make whole ... .I.iki'. Kilimt the HulgitrtitUK of burning MS pilltltllas " Ote UUg,-.-. th,.y .1 nun. Ion ami of counulltlUK uiur .Ui. uiutiUuou itud other htwrore. $7.50 For Suits Values to $15 $9.75 For Suits Values to $16 $11.50 For Suits Values to $20 $18.50 For Suits Values to $30 $1.00 STRA W HA TS $1.00 100 Mens Rough and Smooth Sailors Latest shapes and dimensions. One Dollar for choice and in most instances this figures less than HALF PRICE. Underwear, Shirts and Sox the kind that will keep you cool. ALEXANDER OD ONE PRICE CLOTHIER ONTARIO, ORE. The Ontario Ice & Cold Storage Co. is now ready for business. Pure Artesian Water Ice at the Price of Natural Ice This is a Home Industry riioiu- 18 jvo.ia i 7 v BLANK .oik1 forJ-(KH) oU't ithi'ii uned in Nominate a new I'aiHiidaU- 2000 Votes fur ANNUAL MEETING OF DITCH COMPANY HELD THIS WEEK At tli. BSSMBOl uieetiutr ot tli. u..t rio NyMtt DltPS aaSBOOSl linn "tk. a. sT, Trow wtt .if.-te.i assaisaaati I'fi.i ToiiMU, Tli. irttidttit ; l". K. Kfuyun. trt'twuri'i K. M tiiciiiMOM lary mi.l W. T. OSSfSM. if. J. IMno.T. S. t Pmaiati anil tint other ortlorr. a- lll.l'tol.. 'i'heit osss so aksaoaa ( .uy iu- lortuo .lti'ii)txl on. ENUVRCES HIS LAW OFFICE. Attorney M. i .onttgill hit. found it SSOSSSSai SS eul.igt) i.i. ottlio. aud ha uiMe.l .not tier rooai to In tu to h.iudl. hi pine lie. to tlir .t.t .1: OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS " forty -Sfth .choal ye.i SlfllMII it i. i.i. DCGRCC COURSES in .nphMot .h . ltjhi CNaiNimiNa. homi CCONOMlC. MlNINQ fomim COM ML. t PM.NMACV. TWO-YEAR COURSES Is AamcuL- TUMI HOMI ICONOMIC. MECHANIC AMT. FOMC.TMT COMMIIMCS. PMAMMACY TEACHER S COURSES tr.iuiug. .gtiou'tur., .louiratic cicno. ml art MUSIC, inclu.ting ptauo, Mring, bJ mti i.ineuti .n.l oicc cu'.'.uic A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled I'nu Knrichmknt or Rural I.ii" n.l CATALOOUa "i" uiAitcd lice Oil (.'.U'tlOU Ad.lre.. 11 M Tknmant, KccUtrir, aaHIHtSSI Cor-7Allu.Ofeu.Mi. Voting Contest Until July 6 the ARGUS will issue 1000 Votes Free with every dollar paid on subscription-new or old GET BUSY NOW Ir.ilr lUArtt. .1 ."1 . rtrf.U jLtaUMd wr i... l.r tmtd DMaWl. auMrtMi at ptMH. .Ad d. nt- r raea .aabom -jt rn..n va iwiuhilitjr A.AA nhnwt PATAMTA BUILO FOM TUNII lw J. Our rm WuA Mid .. yvNt tea t. il Id . vhti W t.vl Ton i i it. j D. SWIFT k CO. FtltMT LtWTItl, 303 Sevf nlh St WahiatM, D. C The t.e.t of uioviou BSaOSOSS tt the Mac. AdailMioo lOceota. Old at the Aryoa otflo.- 15 cut p.r huudred. Juat what you uee.l to line your i-abiaa and plaav. oad.r tb. carpet. Fruit and Dairy Ranch for Sale. 20 acres in young orchard with alfalfa between the rows. Balance of 40 in alfalfa and blue grass. Good house and other buildings, all in good con dition. Price ?325 an acre, including stock and all machinery and imple ments. One and a naif miles Southwest of On tario. Terms reasonable. W. H. CECIL, Ontario, Oregon