The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 10, 1913, Image 7

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Did You fvtr Wash Cloth!
in the old fashioned way with
wooden wash tubs'
Perhaps that it still your
method and you look forward
to each washday with delight.
Well, hardlyl
A et of "Standard" laundry
trayi would mean an orderly
laundry, one of more inviting
appearance and eaiier launder
ing and your satisfaction would
not be leened by the high
rlaii workmanship which char
acterise 'he work wc do.
i pl ai HHar
U. S. Plumbing & Heating Co.
Ontario, Ore.
? Dwn foal of
Ontario Faraitar To
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
If you want printing of the better,
class you get it at the Argus office
Price is right
Always on the Jot
If you bare a job of battling you
want don, large or small, you oao
always depend ou John Landiugbam
being ready for you. Call btm at th
Moore Hotel.
Rev. Rob't J. Davlrlaou D D Pas
tor. Services at 11 :00 a m and 7 :30
pm MUM school at 10:00 a.
Mm at 8 A M on 1st and 8rd Sunday
of each month. On all other Sunday
at 10 A M.
H. A. Campo, Rector
Congregational Church Notice
Sunday Uervioes,
Hninlay School 1( a m
! Preaching Services 11am
I C E Meeting 7pm
, Hreaoblug Services 8pm
; Midweek Lectures every Wednesday
eveuiog 8 o'clook
Pblllp Koenlg. Pastor.
Every Gaturdny
Mnbbatb School -10:30 a m
Bible Study 11 PM a m
Young pecples meeting 1 :."10 p m
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of A ,.,.. lc Offw-a
Butter Wrappers to the AlgUS UHlCe
Sunday School 10 A M
Preaching 8ervioa 11 AM
Junior League 3PM
Epworlh League C :30 P M
Preaching Service 73:0 P M
Thomas Jobus. PASTOR.
i "I NTY
i;..l. i n.lell, Ontario.
II II Migh, Vale.
(' C. Morton. Old's Ferry.
John Mathews, Weiser Bridge.
J. E. Holly. Riverview
V H Skinner, Jonlun Valley.
Kre.1 Wilkinson. McDcrinitt
T. A. Barton. Nyasa
The Fruit Grower & Farmer
Regular Subscription Price
Kimball's Dairy Farmer
Regular Subscription Price
Standard & Poultry World
Regular Subscription Price
Woman's World
Regular Subscription Price
Vegetable Grower
Regular Subscription Price
Ontario Argus
All Six Publications for only $lm5Q
A Saving of $2.50
Senator Simmons Says Tariff
Bill Will Reach President
Last of August.
Washington - With the tariff bill
completed by the senate caucus, the
aenate leaders feel certain that the
measure will be in the hands of the
president by the latter pnrt of August,
riv. weeks Is the time Senator Sim
mons, who will have the bill In charge,
believes will be needed. Republican
senators, however, Insist that It will
take much more time.
Forty-seven democratic senators
stood up in the party cnucus one by
one and declared their Intention to
vote for the Underwood Simmons tar
iff revision bill as finally approved by
the caucus. Two senators, Runsdcll
and Thornton, of I.oulsitiia. anld that
they would not make Mich promise be
cause of the propoHiil to place sugar
on the free list In 1916. Senntors
Hitchcock of Nebraska and Culberson
of Texas were absent, but both are
known to be In favor of the bill. This
gives the democrats 4t votes for the
bill or a slender majority of one, with
the vote of the vice president to full
back on In an emergency.
Resolution Not Binding.
An absolutely binding resolution
was not adopteil tin- poll by Individu
als being substituted, anil that poll
was put only on the ground of person
al promise and was not made binding.
A resolution was adopted, however,
declaring the Pnderwood Simmons
bill a party measure and urging Ita
undivided support without amendment
unleas such should be submitted by
the committee.
Before final action on the Mil the
caucus gave concessions to the sen
atnrs from woolgrowlng slates by
adopting an amendment making ef
fectlve a provision for free raw wool
In December 1. l'.'i:!. ami the rates on
manufactures of wool January I, 1!M.
Mulhall'a Story of Lobbying Told.
How the National Association of
Manufacturers, through Its hired lob
bylsts at Washington, secured leglsla
Hon favorable to Its Interests, obtained
the defeat of measures beneficial to
the labor Intereats, how It controlled
congressional committees, made and
unmade senators and representatives,
and how It levied tribute on ail inn nu
facturing Intereats great and small
throughout the country, waa explained
by the sensational exposures of (' Ion
el M. M. Miilhull. for in years the lob
bylat, field worker and strlkehr"aker
of the organisation, before the senate
Investigation committee called Into
existence by President Wilson's
charges that an "Inaldlous lobby" ex
ists and haa existed at the national
capital for many years.
Witness' Confession Is Astounding.
A atory of misrepresentation, Imper
munition of public men and organised
effort to Influence Wall street fluan
ciara probably without parallel In the
history of congressional Investigations
was unfolded before the senate lobby
committee by a prosperous looking,
self possessed Individual, calling him
elf David Lamar, of New York, aelf
described as an "operator In stocks"
and admittedly the bearer of several
assumed names. With entire abandon,
arousing the committee to laughter at
times by his naive admissions, he told
of bis impersonations, lila part nip.
lion In attempts to Influence U 11
street He telephoned to financial
men and lawyers in the mm,
Representative I'almer und Kcpreseu
tatlve Rlordan He assumed the guise
of Chairman McCombs, of (he liunu
cratlc national committee, to telephone
to chairman Hlllee, of the Republican
national committee
National Capital Brevities
Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska
withdrew from the democratic caucus
when bis proposed tariff bill amend
msni for a graduated tax on tobacco
production was defeated. A aptrlted
scene followed.
Attorney General McReynolds baa
dismissed Judge (lay ion Herriugtun
from tbe department of Justice at Han
Francisco. Harrington bad crltictaed
tb. federal authorltiea In couuectloo
with tbs Dlggs Ceiuiueitl case
Tbs Intsrstats commerce cominl
sion will have to get along in Ita great
task of making a physical valuation
6f railroads without the uaslstancs of
c.e army eagloeera unless congress
can be Induced to pass special legis
lation. Government officials are greatly In
teres led In tbe reported achievement
of Dr Ooldscboildi. a German Inventor
of wireless apparatus. In sending mes
sages between Neuatsdt, near Man
over, tier wan, and Tuckerton, N. J.,
3100 mile.
The American people drank more
wklskey and bear, smoked tuore cigars
and cigarettes and hewed more tobac
co during the fiscal ear t thai, la
any other yearly pa 4 of ths nation
history, according to eiiuiales based
on the record breaking internal rev
For the first time In their hlstorv
the Sons and Daughters of the Oregon
Pioneers, an organisation eight years
old. will have an active part In the
next annual reunion. In June, 1011, of
the pioneers.
W. H. Parker, alias Morton, was ar
rested at Salem. He has a long crim
inal record as a forger, has served
prison terms In three states, and waa
wanted at Portland for forgeries re
cently committed
William Haney, 60 years old. wu
struck by at, automobile at Sutherlln
nrnl Instantly killed, his head almost
severed front his body. The automo
bile, which la said to have been going
at high speed, contained four youug
men returning from a celebration at
Oakland and was In charge of Charles
Parks of Rosehurg.
11. It. Hiumigardt, of l.os Angeles,
nn astronomer and lecturer, who haa
traveled In most of the scenic places
of the world and who was at Hood
River the first of the week to view
Mount Hood from the north side, de
clared that Hood River scenery is un
surpassed In any part of the world.
Oregon City business men and 4in
Clackamas county farmers, lis prln
c I pn I stockholders, are behind the
Clackamas Southern railway, which
will soon make formal application to
the con. mission council for a franchise
to bring electric interurban cars Into
port land
In the federal court at Portland
Judge Wolverton ordered In a fiual
decree that 2,;tm),tiim acres of Oregon
land, valued at $."n,oilO,IMIll, be forfeited
by the Southern Pacific and that tit lo
theft to revert lo the government. The
defendant company will carry tho case
to the circuit court of np4cals at San
Don ild lliliiis, aged '.'o, driver of a
racing cur going at a Bundle an hour
clip, was Insl.intly killed and Newton
II Mark, tnecliaulclun. was serlousl)
Injured when the an horsepower Ainer
lean car Helms waa driving turned
over twice at a l urn in the Pour in of
July automobile races at the Mallord
What Is believed to be the skeleton
of an Indian princess has been nn
eutlird hy workmen grading In front
of property at Salem The bones were
In i. n upright position, and around
tin m were tiuuuttllca of beads and
other rare Indian ornaments. Near
i he bones was a stone loot which Is
believed to have been the totem of
the last of Ihe tribe.
As an aid to tourists and those visit
ing to gain Information regarding the
many places of Interest throughout
tlie country, Ihe department of the
Interior has Issued circulars giving
general Information regarding the na
tional parka of the Dulled States. Of
especial Interest to Oregon Is the pam
phlct regarding the Crater Lake ua purk
Teuchera of Hood River county have
ach received a topographical map of
tbe district west of Mount Hood It Is
one of the latest publications of Ihe
United Stgles topographical survey
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our Stats
Livestock Sals Provss a Success.
Caldwell. Despite Inclement weath
er during the last two weeks which
greatly retarded the arrival of horses
and cattle consigned, the first llve
atock sale of magnitude held In Idaho
was an unqualified auccess. Approxi
mately 116.000 worth of stuff" waa
disposed of In the ring and In private
sales during the day. The prices with
but few exceptions were good and
both buyers and sellers are enthuslae
tic In their praise of the stability and
future prospects of the new Institu
tion and are n nirtl In declaring that
Idaho will In the future be ranked
with Montana In affording a market
for livestock where buyers from the
nation can he assured of having Ihetr
wants filled.
Marriage Fraud Alleged.
I.ewlston. Relieving that he was
defrauded and that the woman lie mar
rlecl was misrepresented lo him. Mich
ael IJulglcy, a Hell known farmer ro
sldlng south of I.ewlston. through his
attorneys, filed an action to annul the
marriage between himself and Klela
C. ijulgley. formerly Miss Klein Kel-ley.
Decree, Where Personal Servlcs
Not Made, May Be Set Aside.
Ilolse.- -Idaho's divorce law fame la
growl",; v. Illi ill- passing of Reno and
Nevada as Hie mecca for those on
whom Ihe innti iinoniiil ilea have be
conn burdensome, but a in -cut decla
im! of Judge Charles P. McCarthy, of
the district court for Ada county, of
which Ilolse Is tho county sent, may
give a bad complexion to divorcee
that are granted In the future.
Judge McCarthy made his ruling In
a land case, lie held that where per
sonal service Is not secured, a de
fendant within a year may ask lo have
the Judgment set aside and have the
Issue tried anew, after answer has
been filed Therefore, every divorce
cas" In this slate, where a decree haa
been granted, but In which personal
Service has mil been made, can he
reopened, causing more litigation and
marital Iroublea.
Hy the ruling, every divorce that
may be granted In Ihls slate, where
personal aervlce la not made, will not
be free from being reopened until a
year after the dat. of Ihe Issuance of
the decree
It has been and la Ihe history of
these divorce caaes that many of Ihe
parties lo matrimonial bonds are non
residents of Idaho
Frightened and May DIs.
Hi Maries Miss l.uclle Morris,
and Is called one of the Allu els nlK'" "l-'"'r M Hie Interstate T.lev
of Ihe Mount llyod quadrangle It
shows In detail the topographical fea
lures of the region around l.oal Lake
and over which Ihe dispute ua to the
Hull Run road haa arisen between
Hood River clilseua and the Portland
water board.
Korly thousand copies of Ihe stale
game and fish laws have been receiv
ed at the office of State Game warden
riuley, and will be distributed lo off!
dale throughout the slate. They pre
sunt several radical departures from
the law of last year, and It la expect
ed thai it will be some time belora
they are generally understood. The
alien gun law" makea It neceasary
for an alien to secure a gun license
before he can procure a hunter's per
mil Several chunges In the opeu and
closed seasons have been made In
some of the more remote sections of
the .lute
St-uator Chamberlain haa been noti
fied by the department of Justice that
a parole baa been granted David West
mati, and his releaae from ths peni
tentiary at McNeil's Island baa been
ordered West man waa Ihe first man
convlcisd In Oregon under the white
slave act, bis offense being the pur
chase of tickets from Portland to
Stevenson. Wash , for three womeu
alleged lo have been Immoral In his
liehull, It was shown the department,
that an account of a severe accident
when Hi years old, he waa not men
tally responsible, and a parole waa
granted so that he might be cared for
by his parents
That the Day bill, providing for a
special election In November for tbe
reference of bills, will be tasted as to
its i oustltutioiiaiily was aaaured when
lir Marie Kijui and Mrs J R Oatiuau,
it Portland, asked Secretary of Stale
Olcolt to file petitions for the nulla
iiw of an eight hour law for woman.
Mr Olcoit refused lo file tbe petitions,
Ai'omey General Crawford having ad
vised III in that measufee (anion he
initiated a UM ie. ial election, and
the women immediately announced
that they would institute maudauius
plo npaiiy was so badly frighten
ed thai she Is In a serious condition
and not expected to live Two men
attempted lo enter the telephone clflrs
about 1 o clock In the morning The
police were notified, but the Intruders
hud disappeared. Mlaa Morris was so
frightened she haa been confined In
the hoapltal.
Punishment Is Left to Jury, No Osath
Trsp Nssdsd.
Ilolse Although this stale baa not
done away with capital punishment,
ths gallows at the slate penitentiary
In this city have been semoved and
may never be rebuilt. Thla change la
due to u law placing in ibe hands of
Juries the right to find a defendant
guilty of murder and dealgnaie bis
The gallows at the penitentiary bad
atood fur years within the prison walla
and mauy men had walked Its steps lo
be "buug by the neck until dead ' The
laat haiiglug waa five years ago, when
a man named Sewell paid tbe death
penalty for the murder of a woman In
northern Idaho Detaila of thla
llig were published broadcast uni i.
suited In the recent law taklug Ihe
,o. i lo puss the deuth sentence vlr
tually out of the hands of tbe Judge
and renting It in the Jury
Sim, i be adoption of this law no
inali hu- been given ibe death penalty
in I it a ho.
'I lore are a number of life term
prisoners in tbe peulteutlary here, In
eluding Hurry Orchard, who placed a
fatal bomb on the gate of ex Governor
-Hli M nberg
!.,. .-din, i to (umbel him to d au
nue receipts of ,b. federal govern , T, ,..,,.,.,. .. ,,. lh jm
Oynamitsrs Blow Up Flume.
Kellogg Ibe hunker Hill and Sul
llvau flurue. eupplylug water to Ihe
company's mill, was dynamited early
In tbe morning under the cover of the
; celebration of the fourth, a great hole
Mi wars in th- flume, riming iv
' down of the biggest lead silver
null i i t ooiniry
,r. i. ,i Ui.o a ii
'he mills In
liuta SkS rs ugj
ment for tbe 11 months ended June tv.