The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 10, 1913, Image 3

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    The Ontario National Bank
United States Depository
State of Oregon Depository
FS Our Bank Your Bank ? If not, we cordially
- invite you to make our bank your bank. We
have the usual Safeguards of Fire Proof Vault,
Burglar Proof Safe, Bonded f-mployees, and do
business in a conservative manner. -:- -:- -:- -:-
Capital and Surplus. $80,000
Don't forget to v ote for a
friend or yourself in the Auto
Transfer. Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Will Practice in all Courts
NoUrv Public. OH'uenver Postnttlce
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Dr. IIatihirt Shahs
I it. I'm link Skaiis
Graduate American School of Os
teopathy, Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone. 154.111k.
A Complete Line of
JUrMtutg $tattmtrrt
At the Argus Office
Office in I. O. O. F. Bldg.,
Ontario. - . - Oregon
Ontario. OMOJBV.
Office in New Wilson Block.
U'Ren Hat New Tax Idea.
Snlem. W. 8. t'Ren. of Oregon
City, evidently Intend to have sub
mltted to the people at the next gen
eral election an amendment to the
constitution providing for the exemp
tion of property to the value
of llRoo from tnxntlon. Mr. t'Ren
called Secretary of State Olcott over
the telephone and asked him to ap
prove a form of petition which will he
circulated for the Initiation of the law.
It Is planned to make It mandatory
upon the secretary of state to resub
mit the measure to the people for
repeal nt the KMfi and 1!MR elections
While the object of this plan has not
been revealed, It is bellied that It la
Intended to win votes for the amend
These tbree go along together
for any adequate success at
'arming. Growing grain for
marketing In Its raw state means
Impoverishment of the soil, as
all experience shows. Growing
live stock of course means grain
to feed them, and a wise rota
tion means growing of clover or
vetch or cowpeas. alfalfa or
some other legume to secure the
soil nitrogen, and with this com
bination of legumes and barn
yard manure that greatest or
ganic soil element, humus. Is sc
cured, which also aids in holding
moisture In plant growth Kami
m . IU
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS, Proprietor.
(!ns with Extractions
Phone. No. i:W It
in Wilson Block
J W Mn ill I, R W Eckhardt
Mcculloch & eckhardt
Rooms 1-2-3 First Natl Bank llif
Ontario, Oregon
Dr. W. (.. Ht)v
Telephone No. 732
First National Hank M.Ik.
Townsite Now Open
Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle
sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional
opportunity for making a good city. Vastareas of ara
ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley
and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches
and flourishing livestock. Considerable kind in the
valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the
advent of the
Oregon-Eastern Railway
Now building toward Harney Valley, this grand new
empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking
business opportunities and professional locations.
Good opening for a newspaper, blacksmith shop, hotel drag store, hardware
and implement nouses, as well as other lines of business.
A limited number of lots are now offered for sale at remarkably low pric
either for cash or on easy terms, which prices will advance when the railioad
is built into the Harnev Vallev.
REMEMBER, Uarriman will be the first important point in the grail Harney
Valley to have a railroad.
('. if. MOREHOUSE, Pres.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Hums, Oregon
S. F. Taylor, Agent, Ontario, Oregon.
County Superintendents Approve and
Urge State Board to Adopt It.
Salem. Freedom In exercising the
cbctlon Of studies constitutes the
chief feature of the revised high nchool
course of study Just completed by a
committee appointed b State Super
Inttident of Public Instrm lion I'iu.i
chill, and which, ttigcihr with the
n commendation of the committee,
will he submitted to the state hoard
of education at Its net meeting for
adoption. Both the course of slud
and recommendations wire submitted
to the country school superintendents
In session here, and both received
their approval and Indorsement
Additional features are that a upll
may graduate from the high school
without mathematics, the placing of
American history In the third Instead
of the fourth ear. and half a years
eonise in etoll government The con
sent of the principal. however. I
essury for the student to do hi mer
I. ,ui history Is made a study of the
third Instead of the fourth year The
rev I id course of sludv provides for
five courses and It Is Intended that
all oi them shall he taught only In the
larger high si -bonis I'rohnblv not more
than one of them will he taught III i
the smaller high schools
Watson Starts Crusade.
Salem Ualpli Wat-on. iiupoi.iHon
POHIsHlwIOIHr. ha- started a i ru .idc
against corporations which fall to pay
tht'lr lli-oiii-s when due. The law re
quires that nil fees are dm- Jul 1 and
Mfli-r .llllv l.'i the) boinl Ii'l I lllUeilt
and II not paid b; ngn-i l the cor
poratlon iii.iv bi- fined ?l"" 'I In-
eiiinml-rl T will request the v -rlou-
dbtrn i .it'- in i-vs In start Hon win i
It Is i nii-t l-Ted necessary . and should
they default, he will ask the governor
-join i.isiud ii.i.ns ii iiioddii u
Big Oregon Lumber Mill to Be Rebuilt
Mood liner Tin- large mill '' Ikt
ii i nut i 1 1 . i m i inv i ootrolled
hv i tit- Kceleo Interests, whli
lv inii'M-d ii Heed River, will be re
built Ht o'ii e III !lic r.illle In., Hi HI at
li.i- t.. iii lion ol tlM i -i Hid
west forks or Hood river It is Ian
tn-d In hirld a mill nf t'.i- s 1 1 1 1 - . ip.i
city as ilo u'li- Inn in d. .iliniii 1
feet pi I In . ii'l driven b electricity
Codling Species One of the Most De
structive In American Orchards.
The i oiiinig moth Is perhaps the
worst enemy with which the apple
grower must contend It lays an enor
mous tax upon the apple growers of
this country, not only In the destruc
tlnn of fruit, but In the cost of sprays,
for this pernicious pest has made
spraying n msessary part of orchard
lug It has boon estimated that the
codling moth destroys fruit annually
In the lulled States to the vnluo of
11 2400400
Ttees must Im sprayed for this pest
.Then the petals of the Mowers close
nnil before Hie calyx lobes close and
Enterprise Knights of Pythias Initiate
in Clouds.
Enterprise Knights r I'wluae of
Kntiil'i M are pn-parlng Tor a novel
ui lit in. nr r , ii on
the sumiii II of Recta 'n. a tall peak
in the In .nt nf thf v " v nioiiii
'i i plea has hi ii under con
D ih and
lug nut th ! ' ilid lodg
. prejex i iheli
t) a 1 1 .
la rap. i "j feel high, u M
miles solllll ol Kilt- , 'I he
Kalghta p Ml '" ' '
the pe.ii. '!.- ! i I d.i. .. in I.lliK II l
for the night The eecnud day will
b p.i- .'i in preparations foi
"cere noa) la tba '.k ' From iht
i-iiinpii g -1' ind in the Mteistil -
limb, up w ii i
i of all kind
,id BBtl I
hi on tin
j'o III '
. K 111
rj ru)
riiulugrapti In I'liio sgrlcultursl eiperl
n . nl tsllnii
i iioi.imi sjejffj,
the apple turns down Mm h de
Deeds apee doing It at the right time
Hal In the light milliner The Is-I way
Is to begin llisl us sihiii as (he bins
sums lull ami get over the orchard as
hraaonte nf lemi or parts pi i la
tin- pobmu iisi-iI Ibis may Is- oni.i
blued with Isiiileauv UT lime sulpliui
for summer ipiiv to di-ino fuut'l
Mimit three pounds of iil-cmito of
In llflv gallons nf Wllti'l nr fuugh hie
nr alsiul one tliltil of a pound of porta
i.ii'i'll should give satlsla, oi v results
!t may Is- iii-ii sary to spray two ,,i
lloi-e time" In v hi- b i use the -econd
iipiaylng ahOMM follow the lu -I in
aheel tcudiiyn I'mm ami llnm-h
.temeihes That Restore Health to Ail
ing Fowls Homemade Hopper.
I'ondiuieiitai ii-iii-. should alwajn ha
avoided asvopf la teea el astheaaa,
arhee thej ahoeM be aaad as a nn-.ii
. On- and tin- supply slopped as soon as
tin- inn! reoeveM leeaeasl nt paying
three prtcea fet iin-t- cnmhiuutinn.
niipply the flock with a hopper or char
coal and in as .mi. illy ileiili out tin h
paatlTa nut bj putiiug aeeeei salts in
the in lah llnif a is imi iiui hi aaeh
I -Ii .1 i hi Is- Liven Wllmiil d.ingei
III tiedlll. II -Ii -Ii Spin :
a suppiv of ureter shall grit, i halt ml
and pu mi Iii-Ioii- tin- liinls at all till I -
a i . i i f oi ti-ediu.- derlee ul aouta
sol II-.- I ippl) Hlls VV Hit
II v in . i llln lit ol del Ii M Ii i .
Is-ell line'ilisl The llnrll- of Millie
VV . .11 Nl i.l 1 lliiil ui II tin- .i i
in- ...I i the fai - i '
ts'i.k. but that Is Just when- the dlffl-
oulfy He-. Kvery time the farmer pays
s big price for sometime he can easily
in i ii ii i ii nue at home he is robbing
' himself of Just thai much clear profit.
A hopper that can be built any length
i desired and have as mnny compart-
' incuts ns the feeder has need for Is
Ave feet long, eight Inches wide and
i twelve Inches high to the square. The
' Imnnl which forum the front of the
1 trough Is five Inches wide. The i 1 1 tin
! are placed two Inches apnrt. luslda
moiiMirement The top strip o whlctt
the laths are nailed. Is two and a halt
Inches wide. The top may be given
j any slant desired. When raised from
the Moor n platform must be provided.
i With these simple directions and some
odd pieces of lumber a cheap, elhiuut
hopper may easily be made In a few
i hours.
Summer Pruning.
In theory summer pruulm- has a
strong tendency to check the super
abundant growth of the tr . lo en
couiage the foi mnlloii of I lilt buds
and to make the tree gene illy more
fiiillfui When the work I- 'mie enre
fully It doubtless has this i aeult It
Is quite possible, however, by summer
pruning to force a weak growth from
side buds w hli-h might otherwise de
velop Into fruit beds and such a course
naturally tends to diminish the frult
fnlliess of the tree It often happens
that trees are damaged by storms or
biok.-n down under heavy loads of
frnli Sin h Inlnrles linve to lie reme
died is far is possible by pruning. -
t'liUMl'V Ce'itlell' III
F - H ''In Pollers.
Sti.'.h i . ngll rone acrnss the stslt
nehlnd i I" e r t N lm lined to pull
nt Hie halter Innv bid sfJM of
halter palling haa hN Bfaal la this
experienced Hog Reiser Believes Qdta
Raise Best Littere.
The contrast between gilts and agist
son . has olteii been dwelt Ulsui,
willes i) p Williams In the uhbi
laimer The man who has a hunch
of gilts Is too oflen MM the Isiy In
glhiilug grammar ids suspicions ami
pnludl. es are thoroughly aiousisl, uml
he does not expect much link Willi
the young sows. We have tried Isilli
young and old and all ages between
Our Ideas Uave changed from time to
time There are reasons for contend
lllg III fainl nf bOih ynuug and old
sow s.
When miing sows are to be winter
ed with (he old ones then gel ready
for the realisation of your fears. Hills
will he driven from the trough, from
the coin and fioui the host by old
Sows 'I'hey will le thn onghly CBWei
So as to be pioil-h mid III nourished.
Hills should be fed differently from
old sows They oniiiml stand heavy
f Minf and tin vvell Tlu-v m-is
growth Instead i i .it Thoj n.-isi et
Thev do not iv -nil a ."Mil pound
son clluiblu; Oil top nr 1 1 it-Ill III llio
' - nl alghl
i in- i . 1 1 . .. . 'oi spring llttara
(i glltS nllv V nteieil tngether
W lib ho V . hud Istler
i es at farm WlBa lime than ever
This strlng are hue nil gilts.
Wllilel, I I. .1' i i- I .rote, fed wirh
lliish-ralhui ami a fis d doatgHad fur
growth, t' (hi store qjelH and care
fill than tJsf hOOCh ! sihl g Ihf In
Inst spi ll I hive as hire ami
i lot nf pi me would I'll i i
i iio runts, no
half du In ' e ' 'lu upon
and i - ind ll'idi
ii ' null
r fnr
hnd ii one
v. hell
,.' h,4
i Um
I I '"it old
, ii
i I
I opir
"Ig Dinner
v9 :
"ll'e all iM'ly. Jo'.n Bit right d.wn. Oniner di.e.u't
Uka jitty now llisl I hava tin
Oil Cook-stove
Th'ie'e niiuilm woed to fuas with; no wailing for tha) firo to "gel
I. It's OO io.u ,.i,d i iiiivriut-iil, , . an
i u.l on it juat as
on a i ",il r,o
1 1 -w . with-
Fer g.i fl.iaite We le
U Is
far -So. Mr tHUit 'onuliii