The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 03, 1913, Image 1

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ay Ontario Argus
Ipfcin rremir,
ptrit, ana uiTiiia
t(on Watch us grow
A. McWilliams and John
Wood To Handle this Im
portant Feature of the
Malheur County Fair.
i M,-.'i 1 1 iHiiiH and John Wood have
uktn east! ' tbe horum for the
Kilticm i .unity fair thla vear. These
va m.v that they are going to hare
ttt l "t borai show lift ever seen in
Tbrv '"' '",,h rimtli-m nod know
,wr MS in till" Part of the country
tbo bin good horses and they are
. t have them brought to the
Tbo'lemaod for horses baa caused
ortittfntliui to be paid to the rata-
-fc- - - - ---
im of i; )U ruoca mil tun iirinn iiiauu
btn l being improved each year by
Ike intrii(itlou of good airea. There
i barn (a big cleaning out of the
oll riu(i ktnik and the rancher are
(oIdk Ft.r t he top priced stock. They
Inn tin- buyer will give hundred
fclltn mors for the heavy borae than
k will fur the lighter onee. and they
vt iki inure to raise. Then the aloe
ioppr ilrivera and thi home aiiltad for
rali'THiil artillery can be anld. hut
(feouKP the prloa la not ao SjOOii
Tbri men are reviaiuii the premium
IkttD'l will aoon have it in the hauda
W'.in- H inter, ami lu Hie meantime
tatyour colla baiter broke atid trained
t !! in I hey will tniv.-l up and ap
M tO a good ndrautugc.
Ery department of the fair la
jiok lo he placed iti charge of man
tbo a ill -. that it la the bwet poaal
Mttn l.i- had ami a credit lo blmaelt
ltd the i uiirity.
Forty ar loada of February lamba
w thinned from brngau on fcietur-
4j by tha Aadereon and Owyuii
swpaoy. They were aold to Ulck '
Wll .iii.l went to Omaha and Chicago.
Tie tliiimient repreaantad about
150.00k aud will figure quite promi
Mally in tbe ahipmeota for Iba ytar.
Bad Weather and Damaged
Produet Causes Slump
in Market.
Tbe hut wool sale day of the sen
a0 ait mi Tueaday. It was announced
be Field Monday, but the weather
' KMiut It. There were tew
DJtra on hand, but moat of the wool
0"rt vttM aold, aoma refusing to
I't the pricea offered, which were
vouud It oeota. There la atill uuite
t uf wool to arrive from tbe
lUri, i. TheAlbarsoo dipt are in,
tai there are several from tha Wild
Burn) ieotion atill on tha road.
aome cirriTfd tbla week that had beeu
Ufa lu. ntb ou tha road and there ia
Mil inure that baa bean out aiuce tbe
"' pari of May. Much of tbe
uol otfi-red thla week waa damp and
'ot ciPi,idarad deairable ou that
1. W i.i i. - . . ..
... iiiiiHii, uiaimuei iui i.uw
lw iud Creamery oompauy, waa a
lltul In ll..t..l.. . om ilau man
aaglag for the establishment of au
Sn-. here for thalr products with
fc USW r.r.1.4 ...,... nl.n) Mr
iaogb uiada athnrnnuh insnectiou of
plant aud prououDed it tbe beat
i t
.... IVk ill nu this
t mi. ifiC) Will imbu
m l'ipping point for their butter
i-T ruducta. the faoilitiea here
tbe best for the handling
atBBBBBBBB. ieBBBBBBW jf BB. """"" afc.
tS bbbbbbbbbb-bbV bbbW BanB9SaB-.
Meet On Historic
Veterans of Memorable Bat
tle Celebrate Event at
Oettyaburg. Klfty yeora ago Gettya
burg aVai a camp of war, this werk It
la a cau.ji of peace. In a tented city
aprt'ad over the hlatorlc battlefield.
thounainlH of veternna who mot In
deadly conflict half a century ago
gathered from all parte of the country
to celebrate the aeml-centennlal of the
greatest battle of the civil war, and
clasped hands across the chasm of
years. Aged men, aome garbed In
blue and othera iu gray renewed their
youth and fraternlied. Time hud dealt
heavily with most of them, ct their
enthusiasm whs unltouuded despite tha
lapae of time, and they shook off tbe
weight of years and fouaht over again
the brittle that mrked tbe "high tide
of the confederacy."
The program wua divided Into four
aectlons, one for each day. Tueaday,
July 1, was known as "Veterane' Day."
and all urlvlng veterans were parti
cipants in a great camp fire, presided
over by the commanders-in-chief of the
Grand Army of the Republic and tha
United Confederate Veterans
Wednesday wus designated "Mili
tary Daf and the exercise were un
der the chief of-staff of the United
States army
The exercises on Thursday wera
known as "Civic Hay" and were under
the personal aupervialon of the gover
nor of reuiiblvanla and the partici
pants were the governora of the var
ious states, their staffs and the gen
eral public
Friday, July 4. was appropriately
dealgnated as "National Day." The
chief justice of the aupreme court pre
aldes and President Wilson and mem
bera of the cabinet, tbe vice president,
apeaker of tbe bouse of rwpreaenta
Uvea. Justices of tha suprwme court
and tbe congreeeional commlttaw will
be tha guests of honor.
A carload of steel I baame waa
Uken waat a few days ag for Junc
ture to be uaed in the new atone build
ding being erected tbara. It la not
many nww towns that start out with
aton and steel conatruoted buildioga
.,u J indicates tbe fonndera of thla
new city arw building for parmauaooy.
Where oitiaa axe not provided with
Ure protectlou it is eoonomy to oou
atruct as near fireproof buildinge aa
Pivotal Point of the
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
' ssesea---s----
It Is a Settled Fact There Will Be No
Dust and With a Few Hours of Sun
shine Ideal Conditions Will Prevail
for the Big Celebration.
There is only one thinjr that can prevent Ontario having the
bijwst crowds on the Fourth evor jratheivil here and that is
tin Muther. If the rains will permit them to be out they will
be here.
The several committee) hava their arrangements all completed
and everything will move along right on time. Preparations
have been made to eare for all the visitors so that they will
realize this is Ontario's treat and that they are welcome to our
city. Most of the merchants have their windows and buildings
decorated and the streets will present a holiday appearance.
The stores will all close during the afternoon with the excep
tion of a half hour between 5:30 and 6 p. m.
Here is the program tor the day.
Salute at Sunrise
Parade at 10 a. m. Will form at corner of Wyoming and
Oregon streets A. McWilliams. Marshal.
11 a. m. Oration at park, music by the bands, a quartet and
solo. Oration by Hon. Walter Pierce.
Ball Game and Auto Races:
l::i( Ball Game at Fair Grounds between Weiser and Ontario
Teams for Purse of $150, followt-il by Auto and Motor
Cycle Races.
Admission to Fair Grounds, Including Grant! Stand 25 Cents.
I4Q p. m. Foot Races on Main Street. No Fntraiuv 1
Men's Foot Race, KM) yard dsah, First Prize $5: Second Prize. $3.
M -it's race. 50-yard dash; First prize, $5: Second prize, $3.
BO Yard Race for Boys under 16 years First Prize, $2; Second
Prize, $1.
50-yard Race for Boys under If years First Prize, $2. Second
prize, $1.
50-Yard race for Girls under 1 First prize $2; Second prize $1.
50-Yard Ran- for Girls under 12 First prize $2; Second prize $1.
Relay Race, four men four blocks First prize, $10; Second
prize, $5.
Fat Man's Race. 50 yards First prize. $5; Second prize, $3.
Three-legged Race First prize.$4; Second prize, $2.
Potato Race First prize. $1; Second prize. $2.
Sack Race First prize. $4: Second prize. $2.
Bicycle Race, six blocks, for Boys under 16 First prize, $2;
Second prize, $1.
Tug-of-War, Five men on aside First prize, $l0;Second prize, $5
Fireworks at 9 p. m.
Special trains will leave Ontario for Payette and Weiser at '.i.'Mi
p. m.; for Nyssaand Parma 10:30 p. m. .Special Excursion
Ball Games at Fair Gounds Saturday, July 5.
l;30p. m. Ball game between Fruitland and Ontario teams.
4:30 p. m. Ball game between Payette and Weiser teams.
Admission to both games, including grand stand. 25 cents.
Mrs. Albert Kay. aged 14 years,
died Tueaday eveulug after a abort
llluets. Mis. Kay was tha mother of
Ian cbildreo, Sva of them aurvtving
bar. Tbe huaband and tbiwe children
live here, together wltb a brother,
Walter burgess.
Great Interior of
Ralph W. Swagler. who has beau
tha dominating spirit lo tbe manage
tueut of the Outariw baseball team
thla year, latf fur H, Peter. Minn.
Wednesday morunu to sign up some
playera for next eeasoo. Mr. bwugler
la under coutract to hava a team that
will win aa many games as the ( kej
rio club did this year.
Eastern Oregon
Overshadows Real
Caucus Ignores Borah-Currency
Bill Changes-Aid
for Schools.
Washington. Further aenaatlona lu
the senate's lobby investigation were
foreshadowed when It became known
that a aubpena had been served on
Martin M. Mulhall of llaltlmore, re
ported to have been for many years
the active "field ugent" and lobbyist
of the National Association ot Manu
The subpena was ordered by Chair
man Overman, of the lobby commit
tew, after representations had been
made to htm that Mr. Mulhall was
willing aud able lo give ihe committee
important facts regarding attempts to
Influence legislation.
Tha nature and exteut ot the dis
closures that are expected were out
lined in an article published, unl r
tbe aworn signature of Mr. Mulhall, In
tha New York World and tbe Chicago
The Mulhall article named many for
mer and present members of congress
who were alleged to have been active
agenta In support of legislation de
sired by the National Association of
Mauufacturera. It apecifled employee
of congress who had beeu retained to
aecure Information, and alleged that
even the page boys of the house of
representatives were used to pick up
Information about proposed legisla
tion. Caucus la Deaf to Westerner's Plea
Notwithstanding tha efforts of aev
eral western democrats to Induce the
caucus to place on tha free list all
woolen cloths, clothing, blankuts, and
otto r manufactures of wool, an over
whelming majority stood out against
this amendment and defeated It.
The western senators urged that. In
asmuch as raw wool la placed ou the
fre Hat, It would be ouly fair to the
woolgrowers and the public generally
to place on tbe free liat tha manufac
tures of wool, which would really ben
aflt the consumer much more than
free raw wool.
The committee insisted that if man
ufactures of wool were placed on the
free list there would be a large deficit
in the treasury, aud for this reason
tbe committee and tbe caucus would
not accept tbe proposed amendment
everal Changea In Currency Bill
Several changea were made In tbe
currency bll aa the result of the nu
merous conferences In which Presi
dent Wilson, democrats of the bouse
and senate committees, Treasury de
uartiuent (.facials and a committee
Continued on page i
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
NO. 27
To Be So Arranged as to
Afford Commodious Quar
ters for the Ontaria Na
tional Bank.
Architects have been In the city thla
week looking over the Carter hoiiao
with a view to remodeling It.
Tbe I.- .s.- on the building will ex
pire In October and the Ontario Na
tional bank it planning to burn the
corner completely changed and ar
ranged especially for the bank
Mr. Hlackuby atatei that their plana
call for the bnudnomeit and most,
elaborate hank quarter In Kaitcrn
Oregou. Wbeu the complete plana
are decided tipou tho furniture will
be ordered. Tbe other part of the
building "ill also he remodeled and
made up to date, with modern coo
renleucea. Tbe location ia au Ideal
one for a hotel building ami it will
alwaya command a fair snare of the
public tiatronagc.
Wlien tbe Carter was built It waa
considered ahead of the city and
illustrates tbe rapid development hern
when It ia aerit bow the city baa
grown Hway from il, ueuesiltating re
(ieorge Htahl bad a bearing before
Juiige King a taw daya ago and was
bound over to tha grand jury on a
charge of joy riding wltb anolber
tuau'e auto. The evidence showed
that be had frequently used the
machine with the full knowledge of
tha owner, but mi this occasion ha took
tha cur wihout apeclal permlsaloa
and waut to visit some relatives living
near Nampa. When reluming they
mn into a large timber mi the road,
upaetting the machine ami doing some
gainagH. The law ia very drastic on
thla line, having lieun made to cover
the numerous raaes thst come up In
the cities.
Interior Railroad Construc
tion Resumed in Karnest
The Past Week-
There Is an iudicatiou around the
railroad yards that work Is going
abend ou tbe crosn state liue. A few
bridge meu srrued Wedm ill .y. alao
au extra engine and caboose, and
were taken to the front.
The tails through tbe tunnel were
laid by baud and about the tlrsl
tbiug after they get through will
lie to build a bridge ao that little
headway can be made fm some time.
the bridges usually taking about
two weeks to build. It is estimated
that it will ri-.iune nearly au months
to complete the liue to (Overside,
ou .i-c mn of the many bridges to
be built. I'rom thst polut west few
difficulties will be enoouuterad.
Morton Barrows, wife and daughter,
of St. luul, are here looking over
Mr. Harrows orchard aud ramii weat
ot the city. The but wave war. on
wbeu Mr. burrows left Ht. 1'aul aud
ha la muob pleased itb tbe cool
weather we are baviug. The busi
ness conditions st .S' PaaJ an . x-
ieelleut aud a good season la looked
Mr. burro s will leave lu a
I jew duys lor the coast cities fur u
holiday ami later return home by tha
Northern route.