u S 1 Ontario Argus leads in Fresuge, mrit, and Circulm tjon. Watch us grow ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon Ei9e lyOLUME XVI Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. The Produce from 15,000,000 acres is marketed from On tario each year S FOURTH TfllnRST shipments of nr. PDrT hhv dnttrnAUtiUKUAY DL UiLHI IMF ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 26. 1913. IN ONTARIO many Merchants to Have Floats February Lambs Will Start Latter Part of Week 17 Cars From Brogan Mimittees Busy and Are Determined to Show Visi tors a Good Time with a Well Arranged Program. The v .-i hI committers Id charge (tbs Fourth of July celebration bare that tbey are going to nive the pie tin- biggeat free show tbejr ba?e tr Kin. Most of the hum chant h are urraug- IK to liavc tlnata in line and the tonailti'" ii nlao preparing iiniin ho tbfrvwili ho much oflntereatlo that ml the hands will plaaae you. Welter people feel aure that they am the lieet bund In Idaho hum tbe N I'lv itli people know thoy have I baneli of good players. IT liiihM rrpurlN liny n r - tfnlii" bare sonic good singing Mi Walter Pierr will give an address thai will Us rili lining mile- to bear. auto i.ii'CN iiml tbe motor cycle are going to furnlab the thi Ilia tbe afternoon, while the ball BJMM I interest the faos. When tbay gat nd of this thy will pull ..it tbe i; ti- on the sin-el glvlug the fat d in (I the boya and girl a chance ftt some eaay mouey and amuse people. 'in- bend oonoerta will be on all time. aV fJreworka arranged for the even fin by far tbe most elaborate evr xpteil in tbla eeotlon, Including r let piece mill a c. 1. 1 loual abower rocket and candles. Tbe traloa me going to b run you can see It all and go bom In time. Ktouuilier Ontario la tbe place : the celebration ta to ba bald. Fle report are being circulated t the arrangements for the Fourth (Ontario and to aet all right we will puUinh the arrangement. An admission fee of 26 cent will be brgru for the ball game, auto and tor raitn.no charge for grand stand. other event free. No entrance fee winy nf the event. Ice water and um street and in park free. are the committees mak rrangement for the Fourth of ty i 1. In ution. the firm named of uuitulttee helms the i-hairman: berutive committee -W. F. Homan, rWmaii: H. C. Whitworth. D. M. fort, i. E. Newton.A. A. Wright. SJftker Prof. E. (i Hsilev C. E. Wyon, W p. Homan. le II B. Urauel, E. E. Goudy, W. Weia HoU- Frank RaW M R Nirnn 8-L IVuraon.Snelllngle.J. S. Ricker. L" J. D. Billing!, Wm. Mc- Wney, A. McWilhama. I kWti G. F. Bermele. E. H. Tt. C Farmer. H. A. Chapman. Ed "d, A. A. Wriirhf Decurations-fc. E. Goudy. W. T. Pkin. R. w. Gardner. H. C. Whit- ". A. Zimmerman. iriiKiiurtMiirtH n n.. a a Wrht, W . F. Homan. ' tertinmn on, li. c "am. Rework.-Dr. J. Prinxing-, Ralph -Kler. Dr. C. C. Goldbrrv. dvertisinrn u t... m v Na. J. R Gr.M 8bep ablpmenta have tarted, tbe first lot being 7.500 bead bloug0g to Kd Baker and another lot of seven teen cara from brogan on Saturday. A number of oar ba? been ordered for Brogan and Harper and man thoueand will be ablpped duriug tbe next few week' The February lamhe will com. tnence to go in a fw day and there will be several tbouiand of them Last I'limii there were some 200,000 beep shipped from thli county. Baker Ball came In a few day go from hli eheep camp and report that be started 2500 bp to tb hipping point. There will he large hlpmentafor the uextfawweek from Harper and Brogan. WOOL MARKET UNUSU ALLY ACTIVE AND PRICES GOOD NO. 26 A Number of Sales Have Been Made This Week and Shipments Averaged About Two Hundred Thousand Pounds Daily-Ten Additional Clips Will Soon Be Completed and Ready for the Market. WILL DEDICATE NEW CITY HALL ON FOURTH OF JULY The plasters) i and painter are busy at tbe nw city ball ami the oootrnc tor are trying to bar tb baUdtSf ready for tbe dedication xrcla on tbe Fourth. MALHEUR COUNTY LEADS IN THE PRODUCTION OF HONEY The Huuday Oragnniau oontalut-d a tory abuut a manablpplog In tbou and Hi u In of hi to Clackama eouoty and atutad that it wa the lrgt apiary in tbe atate. Tbot people evidently forgot that Malheur oouoty in part of Oregon and I tb baunar nmiey cnuuty of tb elate and that there are ba man bar with mora tbau a thouMudaUnd. Tbe situation In the wool market is vary did. rent from what waa an ticipatd. a uaually after tb Drat Ml- e daya tbe market la vary qoiat for ome two or three week, bat for tbe lent ten daya matters have teen very active and a good many clipa ol wool bate bean sold t exceptionally good prices compared with other point In tbe vicinity. There ba hen an average of four cr ablpped every day for the last week loaded from 30 000 to 50.000 ponnda. Prices have run from l'JJo to some thing over 14c for all of the wool which have all been heavy shrinkage wool There la now in tbe warehouses about ten ollpa uncompleted, which will be completed and ready for the sal on the tlrat of naxt week. Th. wool ere arriving on freight Uam every ly and being prepared for sal. Amo.ig the sales this week we n. I ice. i : II. ..km. a Smith. 1 lc. I. Baronic. into; Poll Laurlaoa, 13o; .lames Paul, l.'lrc: Hugh Brother, 1:1 lc; A. f Keardoo, 13 'Ho; J. H. Sea weaid Uic; John Cairo. UeiMinriy Brother, 12rc; Juau Kodiaxa, IJ',c and a nuuilier nf other lot tbat w ure uuubl to get tb price on. One carload of wool baa arrived at the Ontario warehouse from tbe Jor dan Valley grower, having been bippad to Caldwell on freight wagona and there loaded on car and ablpped to Ontario. Aa hi. mi aa tritfto is established at tbe llouiedele branch, it la predicted tbat (intuit. i will gat all the Jordan Valley wool, a the grower ther real!. tbat Ontario la an exception ally good market and It la mucb to tie lr advantage to bip to tbi hisrket. COLD STORAGE PLANT NOW IN OPERATION Ontario Should Now Have Canning Factory and Use Surplus Fruit. FEDERAL ATTORNEY SENDS RESIGNATION Charges United States Attorney General With Interfering in Important Cases. JAMES E. MARTINE I I 5kA w 9 m X 'tan W jSa. . Photo by Amrtc Vnsm AmontmtUm RAILROADS OE INTER EST TO THIS SECTION Pin Roud Being Remodeled and General Status of Other Lines. Tbe New Meadow x.-opc tiava tarted to rebuild th Pin road aud connect It up with tbe Hill !.m. The grade la beiug wldeued aud corves atralgbtened out. It la now about rad for heavy ateel. Over In BuUe they Iit organl.d a company to build a line from Butte to Wiuneuiueca, of court It run through Bois and over the Hawtootb range, tha people of that city baiug determined to be on a main line, even If they tutre to I mid it. They are alao arranging to extend the eon th side Hoe from Buhl to il.e weatward to a point about oppoeite (ilenna Ferry. To tbe weat of u tbty ar at . ataudatill and apparautlv tb ugi neere are at a lose to kuow when IbS will receive order to go iiln-.id. 'II Han Francisco. Cal. In sensational telenraiiiH to I'reelilent Wilson and United States Attorney General James ('. Mclteynolds. In which he charm.. the latter with having Interfered with his administration of Justice In two Important oases. John U McNah line resigned a United State attorney for the northern dlatrict of California. I'i-l.iy ordered by the attorney gen eral In the prosecution of Drew "a mlnettl and Maury Dlggs, under the Maun white slave act. and of director of th Western Fuel company on charges of conspiracy In defrauding th government In coal weighing frauda were given by McNab a th cause of his resignation, which waa telegraphed to Waablngton. Drew Cumlnettl I a son of former State Senator A. Camlnettl of Ama dor, recently appointed United Htates commlaaloner general of immigration by President Wllaon. McNab waa first ordered to dlay uutll autumn th prosecution of Ca- ininettl and Dlggs On this account he had Intended to resign after the oonclualoo of the Western Kuel cases, but when be received a telegram from Mclteynolds, ordering him to postpone Indefinitely tbe trial of Robert llruue and Sidney V. Smith, indicted with all other Western Kuel director, h decided to wait no longer. The cold storage plant wa atarted up M. .1. lay and they are now doing Luius. There are three roome specially Insulated for oold ato.-age pnrposea, connected with tbe machinery by pipe and so arranged that tbey can be maintained at auy desired tern perature best suited to th content. The wall of ths room constat of an outer covering of abto aod alx thlcgne of flooring wltb an air apace filled wltb shavings and building paper between th layer of (Inur ing and apeclally couatrucUd doors tht are air tlgbt. ''in tbe present they will US Ice from tbe Caldwell plant where they have a tin artesian well of pure oft water, making Ice that will laat unoiit one half longer than natural lc. besides belug pure. Later an Ice machine will be Installed here. Mr. Dutton. Jr.. will have churue of tbe plant. It certainly apaaka well for Ontario to have a cold atoruge plant and a creamery eatahllnhad here luonan sou aud thi should pave the way for a fa. inn to handle all th aur plus fruit and vcgtuhl that oan I growu here. MALHEUR CO. FAIR TO BE IM PROVED Will Cover Every Part of County Big Variety of Amuse ments Also Being Planned By Fair Managers-Some Novel Features. LANDS IN HARPER BASIN ARE RESTORED TO ENTRY Notice ba been received at the Vale laud ..nice of ait order from tbe In terior I lei in I in. nl , i eatiiMiig th lands in liaiper buslu to entry. Tby war wltbdruwn for reservoir purpose, but Will lie siilijei I to filing OU the 'J 1 si of July. Tb land oovtr ubout fifty SSCtioUS. HANNAH SILVERMAN J Washington. It developed that the trial of Drew Cmluettl and Maury I. Dlgg were poetponed by Attorney Uenerml Mclteynolds at the request of Secretary of Labor Wilson, who ha taken upon himself the responsibility for the postponement of the trials be cause he wanted young Cainluettl'a father to come here and familiarize ti. rails, bridges aud grade I already , himself with his new duties aa com Ray Wilson, W. H. Buyer, E. C. Van Patten, W GATES PLACED IN IEE IRRIGATION DITCH Jam E. Martin, United Stat senator from New Jersey, who took promnlent part In th West Virginia coal strike Invsstigatlon. CORNELIUS PUNK BUYS A EARM NEAR THIS CITY Cornelio Plauk purchased a farm tbrougn Ben Orummitt this week. Tbia 1 the seoond tiuie that Mr. Plank ha becu her. A u umber of year ago he became dissatisfied mil weot south, farming in Cubs snd Florida as wall a othar section. The ""il.ee ditch an thai ustur n.11 vnuetatluu sets an enormous growth w .. ... v , - ... feit. J to cnvii- nil LnH. 0...1 . I tksM iii a short time, but there are etlni.lll iMmm ...I...- ii.1. l " Kill U IUII "Kl 111 "'tilly .nit ,., .... ..,. ,.i...a . .- uu. K., , ... vu aud tbe only expense necessary tn complete tbe liu to Riverside I the: of labor. Y lieu tb road reaches Juoclurs or Rivsreldelt is about sure they will inaugural regular trsui schedule, from Ontario to th frout and tbla will be a great conveuieu. e to tbe people of those seotioos, u abllug them to get to market at small expense .nil in a abort time. The trains will probaoly start from Ontario in tbe morning aud ret in i. In tbs sfteinoon. mski . it oonvauient for the people to oome .n, do their shopping and return i. next morn lug. Tbe train orws woo. 1 also be at bona over night and the 'train could lie oare.l for by the asm watchman who looks after tbs trsin that will make tbe run to Uomedsle. It is geiieially believed tl.sl ths msuagers of the road will make an announcement ty the diet of His month, ulieu they usually get tin us-h with tbalr plans for the year. tu missloner general of Immigration, caused the presideut to take an Inter est in the controversy. President Wilson announced thtt he Intends persouully to Investigate tbe circumstances of the resignation of John L. McNab, United Htates district attorney for tb northern district of Callforala. He said he had called for all paper In the case. Rapreaatuatlve Kahn of California introduced In the house two resolu tion demanding that the attorney general produce all the documents and order referring to the postponement of the Dlgg and Camlnettl and the Western Fuel trust trial, which re sulted In tbe resignation of United States District Attorney J. L. McNab of Han Francisco. The resolutions are broad enough to cover every paper in th department of Justice referring to the case. . Bne ja JsTrv j ' Bb BSW BrJ B -af JCt tJ Ssrssw I UsirTSrSwr ' B r "''atafif''' : ' -avfaw-ae F 2 BaTsgsw Phutu by Aiii.ik.sd I'rsea eeixilalloe Hannah Silverman, Isader of th W. W. Pateraon. N. J., striksrs, who Tbe mangers of the Malhatit county fair are determined that all depart ment shall h better than ever thi ysr. Th i.il.li'.n all ovr th cotiuty r busy. At Hlvcrsld Many Stafford. 7 yearn old, la raising turnips an. I bst. she Uvea on a dry farm, hut cart lea water to Irrlgsts with. Nelson. Ila.el. Kstbcr, Vitiin and Alva Htaf ford. ages from tl to 12, living on tb cmiuty line near Kiverside have dug a ditch, and are taking water from a prlng to Un-lr Burden, wher tbey are raising all klti.ls of stuff, ,1am, Leah and Ktt Artnstrnng, living in th same neighborhood. re also rais ing stuff for the fair. Mis Amv Odell tsuglit school (here lust winter and got them Interested. Similar conditions are ranorteri from ther section of the county. But tbe children will hav to divide the honors as many of tbe grown ups ar osylug epcolal attention to their fruit, grulna und vegetahl. Tbe owuar of bird, pigs, sbep, oowa and boraee ar also going to have their chuiot spsoimsus tliere lu abow 'ondltion. Horn excellent cows are now owned in tbe county aud tby will show tb difference between rails lug tltst-cluss stock and tbe oulls. The mauager are a No busy on the amusement end of the fair and are picking up a number of novsltle. On waa snsnged for this wssk and It will sure attract attention. Tbey will have a real roplug uoutoat from ant. .mobile. Now a sontsat fnun horse l.rlim. out i he .kill and dsring of th rider, hut just Imagine a roper after a steer in an auto and I In v will gst them too. But tbla Is just one of the teat u res, there i goug to bo something lining every minute from the hour of opening until closing. no wait between act. CHERRY CROP IS EXCELLENT IHROUCHOUT THIS SECTION 'I he cherry crop this yeur is prov iug tlui heal this seel luu baa bid in severul years, ail the trees bslag l.ieded with chuioe fruit. The rshp beiries will tie the next lu market ami others will follow until snow tiles. With the stalling ,,f the sti aw berry Mason we have live months of fresh fruit and berries t.i draw .hi, inud- II t Ion to all kiude of vegetable. I called "Firabrand." ktej ,, Plnp tu.. .---.- ... ., . --w. ... i lJt- uieaniua o u ' short tim ago. Th by-laws ''''M this und ths suit I to open 'I '- have it dOO. ottesr thing to b coutldered and when it I all lzd up tbe Sunk river vsllsy beat tbem all for s place to live. fourth of July Rates VI Oreguu Short Line. Very low special rate between local O. S. L. points snd to certain polot oo con necting lines, with oartain limita tions Ticket oo sale July 3rd and 1th; limited to July 7th. Sm sgnU for rain sod further psrticolsrs. WORK OH SEWER OUTLET LOBE RESUMED AT OHCE Tbe pipe ba arrived from Salt Lake for th completiou of the sewer outlet and tbe work will lie resumed if tbe ruins stop. It will it.juiie less so etruugly JUDGE WOOD OF CANYON CITY TO LOCATE IH ONTARIO Judge W. W. Wood, lorwerlv of Canyon City, where be resided sows twenty three years, has iuovi to Ou tarlo and cnUrea th lw offl.es win, tdcCulloob Kekbsfdt. Tbs uttluee liars ben extended to take lu two moie rooms and tbe library bus beeu added to with soma '.no volumes, mskiug it ths lsigest between Bsker aud Boise. Judge Wood bM been a visitor to Ontario ou svrl occmIous snd tbe town sud people here appealed to him thsl he decided iu casi ........ i. ...!.. .- ,W- Jt . l. Ll . " "I'lUlUK Ul IU ,-.-.. u. v, Wuip.e lu une in. ioiiuuenr witn tuem snd they but , ,ilt: y,lf, tu to the city Uuudary. 'will accord blm s hearty welcome. gelling ecuce.. ERUITLAND MAN CATCHES A MONSTER STURCEON The Hshiug season opned soma time ago, but tbe only catcbM wa hes. I of was trout und a lew baa, but t'harles tiosuel juiupad luto the lime! light last sunk with a sturgeon to hi credit which no . none. I teu feet aod three inches lu leugth and he had u photograph tu show of th in ouster. The li.li was taught near the bridge where Mr. Uosnei had u liu- set. i'bu bead of the Hub weighed liluty pound sud they did not have a cle to weigh the eutire Ush, but it is elimsted Hint it weighed betweeu 10U aud It), Last vear a II. I. wa caught near lb same place that measured blue feet aud weighed Iff pounds. Mr. (losuel lives aoiiin ii rioitl.iud a few miles. A few year g tnese lish wore .uite pieutitul aud fieqitentlv ware tiuo pouuds, seeui to be