The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 19, 1913, Image 5

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Ontario Pharmacy
Special this Week
Floating Castile Soap
24b. Bar 35c
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Local Items
Mji (Jladys Holland, of
Hums, was the guest of Ruth
-regt on her return from St.
Helens school, at Portland.
Hn, Under and daughter,
Miss Irene, visited Boise last
Mrs. John Bervin was vis
iting friends at Cambridge last
Charles Atherton was in
Boise Inst week with his daugh
ter. Mr. A. J. Glover was call
ing on Ontario friends a few
diivs ibia week. She is now
living with her parents in Boise.
Mis Oorothy Taylor, of Id
aho lulls, niece of Col. Taylor
was n guest at his home sever-
il dayi this week. She attend
ed school ftt Moscow and is on
her way home.
George Smith, of Caldwell,
died at the hospital Friday.
He was riding a motor cycle
md wont off the bridge at
Xyssn, the injuries proving fatal.
Judg' Stearns fined a man
I fifty dolhirs for selling liquor
to minors.
William Simon, manager of
the Alexander store at Boise
via a visitor here Friday with
his brother Fred, who is in
the Alexander store.
Prof. Hall and Nate Conklin
ImtUe a Hip vo jiirmiu uurjr
i lew days ago.
Marshall Odell was called to
Boise Saturday.
Mrs. Alliert Locket, of Jamie-
md, returned Saturday from a
trip to Baker, where she visit-
1 her sister.
On Saturday morning Ben
ll'rummett was receiving con-
natulutions. It is a boy this
Dave Lundis has moved his
muiily to Ontario and will make
lb licaduuartars here. This
about the centre of his terri
fy and the handiest point, be-
ides tin- cortt of living iacheap-
rhere than ut Boise. It is ex
pected that many others will
uk-tin.- their headquarters in
:e ueur future.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moody
re down from Vale over Sun-
lay to visit with relatives and
lee the ball game.
I. 1; Blackaby attended the
inkers . .invention at Corval-
sihis week.
W. A. Carter, of Nyssa, was
WS Thursday looking after as-
uiei.t work on desert claims.
Mrs. Ben Brown and children
of Vale visited friends in Ont
ario Saturday.
B. L. Milligan and wife re.
turned from Walla Walla Sat
urday where they have been
visiting their daughters.
H. B. Grauel returned from
Portland Saturday where he
attended the Grand Lodge
and Grand Chapter of Masons.
W. F. Homan visited friends
in Weiser Sunday.
H. H. Williams was in Wei
ser Sunday.
Mrs. Seguine returned a few
days ago from Ironside, where
she had bean visiting for sev
eral weeks. Mr. Seguine went
up after her, making the 134
miles in six ami one half hours
and using six gallons of gaso
line. There was nine miles of
new road between Vale and
Mrs. Anna Fox of Farmer
City, Iowa, is here visiting with
her brother J. K. Gregg and
their mother. Mrs. F. M. Dra
per returned with her.
E. A. Goddard, the man who
deals in wet goods, has the
agency for Ilainier beer for this
section and is serving it over
the bar. The beer is considered
the nearest to Budweiser of any
beer made and it is having
quite a run here. Mr. Goddard
is prepared to sell this in any
quantity, cases of two dozen,
large size, $8..rU, with an allow
ance of f0 cents when case and
bodies are returned, or three
bottles for half a dollar. Have
you tried it yet? (pd. adv.)
F. M. Kicker and wife, of
Union, pereuts of Mr Morgan
Carlile, are visiting relatives
and friends here.
Miss Alice Piercy, the Art
and Domestic Science teacher
at St. Margarets hall, Boise,
will organize a class in china
painting and dress making here
on Friday at the Moore hotel,
where she will be from 2 to 5
P. M.
John L. Hand, the Baker at
torney, was here this week, being
interested in the suit at Vale be
tween the Nevada Ditch Com
pany and the Pacific Live Stock
Company over the use of water.
J. W. McCulloch was in Vale on
the Bttine case.
Mrs. Mollie Johnson, Cam
bridge, Idaho, is here this week
visiting with her brother, G W.
Brown and also with Mrs. Mc
Culloch and Mrs Magill, old
DVI Baking
The oolv Beldn Powder made from
Royal Grape Oeun of Tartar
Makes delicious home-baked foods
Ol iMvtmnm gnaWy lit ifallE"1
cost Makes borne baking
plrnn I sad profitable
Local News
All bills Due and Payable
to New York Store are pay
able to Reynolds Williams and
Co. only.
The S and C club will meet
at the home of Mrs. C. A
Keefe Thursday, June 26, 1913.
Mrs. Biggs who was operat
on recently is now at home
doing nicely.
E. E. Hale and wife of Colo
rado Springs are here the
guests of Mr. Hale's sister,
Mrs, J. T. McNulty.r
Are you a candidate in the
Automobile Contest? If not,
why not?
There was a very pretty wed
ding at the Methodist parsonage
on Sunday afternoon at 1.30
when M. Bledsoe and Miss Anna
M. Stone started on their tnatri
monail course.
Mr. Bledsoe is a newspaper
man from Jackson County and
Miss Strong has been a teach
er in the public schools of
20 Jersey cows and heifers
for sale, 10 milking, othori yet
to freshen. Call at Conklin'M
ranch 3 miles southwest of
Gntario, inspect cows and out
put. E. BJja klin.
Rev. Jones will hold Epis
copal sorvices at the Ad veil t-
ist church at H p m.
Manager Markus of the Idaho-Oregon
Light and Pow
er 'mn puny was hero. It is
suppoHed the application of the
Beaver River Power Co. for
a franchise was the motive.
Joseph A. (lanongand a party
of Hurveyors Isft here u few days
ago for the Sumimr lake section
to do some work for tin govern
ment and later will return and
look over some surveys in this
Miss Clark, of Weiser, was
the guest of Miss Hauson on
A marriage liceuse was issued
to Norman A. Howard aud A.
Burr at Oregon City on the 14th.
They gave. Ontario as their place
of residence.
Mrs. 1. 11. Holland was here
Monday with her daughter, who
has just returned from school.
Charles H. Sommer has been
given thirty days in jail for mis
branding butter. It has been
decided to give jail sentence in
future for violations of the but
ter wrapper law.
Charley Anderson was in
town on business Monday.
On Monday, John Draper re
turned from Vale.
Mrs. R. 8. Rutherford return
ed from Calif orn: , Monday.
Inez Weaver has returned
from Pullman, Wash, where she
attended college.
Amy Odeil has gone to Mon
mouth where see will attend the
summer normal course.
Be sure to read the announce
ment, in the Argus of next week,
of the Special Prize giveu iu tin
Automobile. Contest.
The Misses Pansy and Isabel
Mallett arrived here from the
Rose Carnival where they met
on their way home. Isabel
came from Odell, Pansy from
Edmonton and returned togeth
er. J.J. Bur bridge left on a visit
to Boise Monday.
Local News.
On Sunday morning the east
bound pony had a breakdown
near Weiser and the Vale eng
ine was called upon to bring it
from there here.
C. McGongaill left for Vale
G. L. King was in Vale on
business Monday.
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock
at the Methodist church, F. Von
Eschenel of (Willamette Univer
sity, will deliver an address on
"Education. Morning subject:
"The Universal Spread of the
Gtspel." Special music t both
services in charge of Mrs. Byrd
Scholtz Cotter.
We wish to call the atten
tion of our friends and ol d
customers that we are still do
ing business at the corner
north of the Post Office.
Reynolds, Williams and Co.
Miss Mable Orcutt of Wash
oe was operated on at the
hospital Monday. Mrs! Orcutt
has just roturuod homo from
the Boise hospital where she
was operated on. Newell Or
cutt and wife of Focatello
are visiting at the home of
his father H. B. Orcutt.
Miss Betsy Taylor has re
turned from Juntura, where she
was the guest of Berr Woods'
Louis Hurtle received a
very fine mountain lion skin
this week, which his father se
cured in tho Southern moun
Mrs. Elizabeth Neal of Boise,
tt visiting her aunt Mrs. Ton
ningson. Donald McLean left this
week for Stoneway, Island of
Louis near Scotland, for a vis
it with his people.
Born to the wife, of J J.
Beaty a baby girl on the 10th.
Mr. all. I Mrs. Nicholas Stink
er and daughter, of Elliuwood
Kant-as, are guests at the Rader
home. Mrs. Rader is a sist
er of Mr. Stinker.
P..) Ad
Money to loan Improved Irri
itaied farina. W. 11. Ho.. little Co.
Ursysse orders takeo at Moors
Hotel Joha Landlnghaui, rasldauoa
phoue ..
Three iota (or aala . blocks wast
of pootofbVe at u bargaio. Inquire at
Argue offioe.
Two furnlebed roome for rsot.
Private family. K. Cope, tailor.
The loa t-reuni served at tba Oota
rio Bakery la always juat rigul.
Barley for sale, ai.15 par buodred
by C. K Reese. Ostaris.
If you appreciate a dlab of rleb.
eotoolli ioe cream try tba Ontario
of muring pictures at tbe
Admiaaion lOoente.
Kntm- obange of
ulgbtat tbe Maze.
program every
For Halt, Corn poppsr, chesp for
asb or will trade. J. N. MoMania.
New Plymontb, Idsbo.
Old papers at tbe Argua ottos M
esnts psr bondrsd. Joel wbst you
essd to Use your csbloa aod plsss
uuder tbe carpet.
tloo reward will be paid for tba
recovery of s sorrsl geMlog. elx years
old, brsnded MP 8 ou left eboulder
K M on left hip. tao white Mud feet,
white frost fool, stripe io forehead
Maea M. Lsunsu. Bbaniko. Ore.
4th ! July
! Necessities
Are You
Ready for the
If not now is the time
to get ready.
Don't wait
All Kinds of Ready-to-Wear
Ladies' one-piece Dresses, Shirt
waists and Skirts, Children's Dresses,
Boys' Wash Suits, Boys' Blouses,
Boys' Suits, Hats.
Shoes for the Whole Family
' aP 4
VftoXWkXri a
I '
a I
N '! i to
jk I fii1
: MiiaM0
Voting Contest
Until July G the ARGUS will issue
1000 Votes Free
with every dollar paid on subscription-new
or old
uNo one thing will give so much
pleasure, to so many people, for
so long a time at so little cost."
Bermele 's Drug Store
roii i