b ONTARIO ARGUS PUBL.SHED EVEKY THURSDAY Entered in the pontofflc at Ontario Oregon, for tranmitioa through the maila rm MrnrKl-clasp matter. M. E. BAIN. Editor and Proprietor Serenteen-year locusta are moving northward In Nebraska, after Invading the southern part of the state, nd nave settled In Johnson 'rue swarms. county In Reports from Winnipeg, Man., say that crops In Manitoba and Saskatche wan nr drying up under An intense beat ware, reaching at many points to 302 and 103 degrees. The Servian and Bulgarian govern snantaahave both agreed to accept Rua alan arbitration in their dispute over the territory acquired during the Bal kan war. The federal government haa filed n antitrust suit at Chicago against the Quaker Oats company. Thla com pany controla 90 per cent of the oHt meal products of the country, and Is known as the "oatmeal trust." The women suffrage bill has passed the lower house of the Illinois h Kls lature by a vote of 81 to 68. It already baa been passed by the senate. Official notice haa been Issued from Sacramento to all railroad agents In California that every shipment of po tatoes must be held for rigid Inspec tlon. The order followed the discov ery of a shipment Infected with the potato tuber moth. American troopers were killed and 12 wounded in a desperate encoun ter at Bagsag with Moros under the aultan of Jolo. according to reports from Manila. Appralaal of the eatate of the late John Jacob Aator, one of the Titanic victims, has been completed at New York. ..ml showa net aaaeta of over $86,000,000. of which nearly $70,000. 000 goea to Vincent Astor. Ordera have been Issued by James J. Hill stopping all work on the Great Northern railroad lines that la not absolutely necessary, accord ing to an announcement made .it the general orricea of the road. It waa aald the action waa taken aa a re sult of the recent aupreme court de oialen in the Minnesota rate caae O. M. Stramont of Pomona, Cal.. baa been elected commander of the California and Nevada department of the O. A. R. Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Mor ris. a resident of I.a Croase. has for mally announced his candidacy for T'nlted States senator to succeed Isaac HtepheoMon It waa announced that Theodore Roosevelt Is going to Argentina neit fall to lecture on the progress of the United States. Atteaus, co-defendant with Wood la the dynamite planting caae at Bos ton, haa been aet at liberty. The Jury returned a disagreement aa to Atteaux, the district attorney nolle pressed the oaae. Madame Schumann Melnk has gone to her nawly-purchaaed 1600-acre farm near San Diego, Cal., accom panied by her nine children, and it la aald to be the aiuger'a intention to give up her public career. Her place raises oranges, lemons and alfalfa. Jane Addams for mayor in 191$." This is the suggestion flying among Chicago club women and suffragists as the result of the action of the leg lalature In extending the franchise to women In Illinois. The house of commons committee which haa been investigating the "Marconi shares scandal'' has pre sented a report to parliament abso lutely exonerating Chancellor of the Exchequer David Lloyd-George and Solicitor General Isaacs from any wrong doing In connection with their purchase of Amerlcaa Marconi share. OREGON YOUTH ROBS j CHINESE PHEASANTS FOR BANK AND ESCAPES EASTERN OREGON SECTION Glendale Institution Loses $3000 in Bold Daylight Holdup by Lone Bandit. Glendale, Or. Headed by Sheriff George Qulne, of Roaeburg, a posse of experienced mountaineers are scour ing the densely timbered districts west of Glendale in search of Ray Diamond, the 22-year-old desperado, who held up Acting Cashier B. P. Smith, of the Glendale State bank, Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock and secured something over $3000 In cash. Trained bloodhounds In care of their master arrived here from Cottage Grove, and soon after were given a acent from a pair of socka which were found In the fugitive's lonely cabin. The hounda took the scent and started over the rough mountain trail In a westerly direction, followed by the sheriff and members of the posse. The country west of dieminin i. thickly timbered and is traversed by hundreds of mountain tralla. Many of these trails lead in the direction of Granta Pass, while others furnlah a direct route to the coast Inquiry has satisfied the officers that Diamond had made careful prep arations for the crime and that he la prepared to stay In the mountain for weeks If necessary. Only a few daya ago he purchased 10 boxes of cart ridges, and theae he carried when he entered th.e bank. It Is also-sald that he secretly haa carried food over the mountain trail leading west of town for several days, and has the same oached In some Isolated section, of the dense wilderness within a few' miles of Glendale. That he will remain In hiding for several daya before attempting to make his getaway Is the belief of the officers working on the case. TABLOID "B00ZEM APPEARS Maine Drinkers Gladdened by New Way to Circumvent Lays. Imngor, Me. -A Maine ahertff mlglit find a barrel of beer or even a Jug of whlaky, but he cannot find a beer lozenge or a cocktail tablet, and over that glad fact the thirsty of this atate are rejoicing now. For a tabloid boose drummer hns come to Maine and Is doing a rushing business In condensed drinks of all kinds, from plain whisky to cocktails, and from beer to gin flsxes. The drum mer carriea a considerable atnek of tablets with him for Immediate de mands and arruugea for further and unlimited .supplies by mall. Nobody here knows anything about the constituent elements of the tab lets, but nobody cares, eo ksstg aa they produce something that looks and tastes like liquor. The tablets come In little paper boxes or glass bottles of a doxen each. VALE NAN CLAIMS HE WAS HELD UP AND ROBBED Aocordlng to a staement by State (lame Warden Flo ley. about. 3,000 Chinese pheatauts will te liberated tbm season in the various counties of the state, about 1500 of them going to eastern Oregon. Id addition to this Increase, of the game resources of Oregon, about 12.000,000. young trout will be liberated by the state fish hatoheriea. PAYETTE WOMAN HAS LIMB AMPUTATED AT HOSPITAL Mrs. Dudley H. Burke, of Fayette, was taken to the hospital a few days ago. suffering from a gun shot wouud, which necessitated the amputation of the leg above the knee. The accident happened on the 10th of this month, on upper Crane, where they had stopped for noon. They were going to Bear. Mr. Burke took the gun Savage 30.'l. out of the wagon to shoot n coyote and banded it to his wife. In some manner It was dls chared the bullet striking the leg near the knee completely shattering the bones and severing the arteries. When the isdy reached the hospital gangrene had started and tba leg waa amputated. Proptsal for Sealed Bids Sealed bids will be received, ad dressed to Mrs. E. M. Oreig, Ontario, Oregon, up to the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m. June 30, 1913, snd then opened, fur the furnishing of all materials for the construction of a library building in Ontario, Oregon. Separate rids are required for the general contract and for tbe heating and plumbing of said building. Eaoh bid mua be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of tbe bid and payable to E. M. Orelg. All bids to be in accordance with plans and specifications on file with and obtainable of H. B Orauel, Ontario, Oregon. mmwl rtNTADin a mm mm T"- J-aCD. &g gmmi uniAKiu i mmtmw mmti u,T(Dl. ik ml Oregon I W mm I 0NTAR, mM m M sssY wFB IV BSsV. BSSsV-BfttfsSSSSl SSSBsL . B L W.C.T.U. TO HP MEETING A meeting ol the W. C. T. U., of Ontario, will beheld In the Methodist church ou Friday, June 20tb at 8:30. Subjects for dlsonssion are: "What Does Home Rule Mean for Oregon?" and "What Does Equal Suffrage Mean In Oregon?" Th meeting la not only for member of tbe Union, but for all women of Ontario who are Interested In the uplifting of humanity nod In the protection of tbelr children. HARNEY COUNTY SHERIFF A VISITOR IN ONTARIO A. K. Hlcbardson. tbe Burns sbsrlff, was her last week with hla mother and stepfather, who ware going east. I .on also made a visit to Koine with Marshal Odell to call on old friends andl ook after some criminal matters. W. W. HINTON STOCK INSPECTOR OF MALHEUR COUNTY DEPUTIES- Rob't O'dell, Ontario. H H High, Vale. C. C. Morton, Old's Ferry. John Mathews, Weitter Bridge. J. E.. Holly. Rlverview W S Skinner, Jordan Valley. Fred Wilkinson, McDermitt T. A. Barton, Nysaa rB av Chicago Women to Study Politics. Chicago Special classes In politics for women are to be opened In some of tbe churches as soon aa Governor Dunne signs the woman's suffrage bill passed by the legislature last weak. PBEPAY WeJHtToN FRUIT Railroads Take No Chance an Care That Cannot bald. Seattle Fruitgrowers throughout tbe northwest are being notified by transportation companies that here after no fruit shipments will be for warded Unless tbe freight Is paid In advance or guaranteed by soma re- apoaaible person or ek Th action of the railroad companies Is brought about. It Is aald, by tbe fact that during the paat season large mounts of frulta did aot bring enough n tba market to pay tbe expenae of transportation. Tba grower did not feel like digging down Into his pockets for the amount of the freight blll.Jo view of the fact that he had received nothing for his fruit, and the commission men felt no obligation toward tbe railroad compan lea. eo th roads lost out all around. They will take no chance the coming season. Prof. C. 8. DcLong, of Vale, re ported to the oolio here Wednesday evening that be had been held up and relieved of a gold watoh and a lot of money, Tbe report Is that he was coming from Nyssa in his auto, his chauffeur at the wheel, and when near the K. is. D. ranch they saw a big ray auto slide across tbe road in front of them and thinking they were In trouble, stopped. Two men jumped out of tbe oar and coming up demanded that tbelr band be elevated at onoe and their valuable handed over forth with The Kin looked dangerous and they complied with tbe requeet. Tbe professor only had about $106 and hi gold watch, while th driver. Fiank Boss, contributed only $17. The nrofaaaor cam on to Ontario, bunted up the marshal and told his story. Th telapon were started and It was found a oar unswering tbe description passed through Nyssa and erosaed th brldga there, but wae out of eight after that. If any of the mauy telephone near tbe aeu of tbe robbery had been uaed tbe oar and occupant oould have been topped very easily. NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE IS ANNOUNCED FOR NO. 5 There waa a change io the train schedule on tbe 15th. No. 5 now ar rives at 8 :50 p m. formerly 7 .: p. m. Tbe Boise pony arrive at 0 :20 a m. which will give them a little ougar to work the uangsgeand express for the Vale train. A new train will ruu to Homedale on Wednesday's, leaving Mere on th arrival of the Vale train, and Nye at 6 p. m. , returning soon a poulhle, arriving at Nyasa at 8 :30 and Ontario about 8p.m. The House Comes Down in raptures of genuine applause at every performance of our moving picture enteatainment We are putting on a constant change of Most Attractive Pictures that are amusing, instructive and highly interesting, and young and old derive delight from them. Dreamland Theatre Special showing of Lawns from 10c the yard up that will make the prettiest little summer frocks in the newest styles. Special Showing of Millinery Just received for the Fourth of July trade at special prices. Special Showing of the New Ratines Just the thing for right now, as low as 25c the yard. Special Showing of Inexpensive white dresses for the Fourth from $3.50 up. These are exceptional values. The new Balkan blouses and dresses are being received e very few days and just the thing for sum mer wear. A new lot of Lisle and Silk ho siery just in from 25c up. Boyer'8 Department Store j Always on Me Job If you have a Job of hauling you want don, large or small, you oao si wars dapeud on John Land Ingham being ready for you. Call him at th Moore Hotel. SCHOOL LECTION IS HELD. The annual so boo I mealing waa held Monday In the school bouse. About the only business transacted was tbe eleotloo of a clerk and a director. J. W. MoOullooh being elected director and C. W. Piatt, clerk without opposition. Alias Summons trad niarka aim! rpy rttfhu obtain! or n f f Wm4 m.-l I ab t-t heai or photum mhI dr. rriixi.Mi fur PUIS SIAftOH rturt OA palvnUhtlltjr. IUiik ivtvrrnr. PATINTS BUILD COdTUNII m you. rttr froai tamtkUe Irll Imiw. lml l In, nt ml you mommy Writ udy D. SWIFT & CO. PATSNT LAWVIM. SOS Seventh St.. Wublaotoa, D. C. Don't forget to vote for a friend or yourself in the Auto Contest. tor Trade Two story brick building in ood town, to trade for irrigated laud. Also good stock of mer chandise in building, will trade with building or separately. j ,i,ir.. Kualtv Exchauce. I Iu tb Circuit Court of the State of Oiegon, for the County of Mal heur, a. Th Empire Lumber Company, Ltd. a private corporation duly organ ized and existing under and by virtue of tb Law of the State of Oregon, Plalntitt. va. C. H. Blakley, Defeodaut. To C. R. Biaklcy, Defeodant In tbe uaine of tbe Stste of Oregon: You are hereby raqulied to ap- . .-- ........I.. I.. i Hl.il prear ami auawer iu .-uuiy.aiu u.w ttgaluat you lu th acove eniiueo action by Friday, tbe 1st day or August. 1113, or for want thereof, plaintiff, will take judgment against you for th tun of I 3. is. mnn in. Uieat thereon from tb 7 th day of October, 1011. at tbe rat of ix par cant par annum (leeaaoredit In the urn of 15.00 paid Deoember 3rd. 1912). Thl lummoDi I ervd upon you by publication thereof for ix coueoutve weeks, iu the Ontario Argua, a weekly nwpapr published lu Ontario. Oregon, beginning on tbe 19th day of June. 1913. and ndiug on th 31at day of July. 1913. by order of UW Hon. Daltou Bigg, judge ot the above eotitled Court i .td the 7th day of May. C. McUouagiU. Attorney for Plaintiff 1 1 I If I I i I I ' Ji ilaV ' i (-pJ' 'J A Vtsaaaa Mo4ru Bubraoa University of Oregon-Summer School Jane 23, August 1, 1913 Twenty-five Instructors Fifty (ourwi Distinguished Eastern Educators Added to Regular Faculty. UniversitySDormitories Open. Board and Room 3.50 per wetk. Reduced Railroad Rates For Complete Illustrated Catalog, Address THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Eugene, Oregon A DAINTY BATHROOM Add. Io your comfort Add lo your convenieace EahsBcei ihe telling vslue of your home Oct IB fullest value out of your investment by our cipcriencc in planning by our modem methods ia eua ming the lea sad UM uf 69tadarda plumbing nature! U. S. PLUMBING & HEATING CO. oK Rett, c. Ontario, Ore. Tirir ir r 200 Acres for Sale OR TRADE gpjBaBJBBBaBasBsHslBBasaaUBB Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa. Some buildings. All under fence. Railroad line through tract. On Snake river. Well drained bench land. Elec tric pumping plant can be installed for $12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer. Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon 1913. Empire Lumber Co. Ontario, Oregon Rock Springs and King Coal June and July $7.50 Delivered At yard $7.00