The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 19, 1913, Image 2

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Weet Will Not Seek Office.
Balem. Despite rumors to the ef
fect that he would be a candidate for
re-election and that preliminary ar
rangements for his campaign were be
ing made. Governor Went positively
announced here thnt he would not lie
a candidate for the office again.
"I want It distinctly understood."
declared the governor, "that anybody
who says I will be a candidate for re
election does not know what he Is
talking nbout. I think when my term
expires I will have accomplished all
I started out to accomplish and that
will eatlsfy me. There Is much hard
work connected with the office, and
the remuneration Is not such that a
man can save any money."
company, a private Irrigation concern,
which gets water from the lower Kla
math lake. It Is now proposed by the
swamp land owners to supply water
for the Van Brimmer ditch from the
main canal of the Klamath project.
The channel could then be closed
and close to 30.000 acres of marsh land
made available for grating and farm
Ing. The plan meets with the approv
al of the local official., of the recla
mation service.
Opinion of Liquor Shipments Given
Salem. An opinion rendered b t
torney Ocmral Cra- ford holds thnt
transportation companies cannot ac
cept Intoxicating liquor for shipment
to dry territory unless they have In
such territory an ngent to keep a rec
ord of the shipments as provided In
the bill pai-ned at the last essslon of
the legislature. It also Is held that
Intoxicating liquor shipped Into dry
territory must be labeled as such, and
a record must be kept by the trans
portation companies at the office
where received and the office from
which It is delivered.
Will Ask President to Aid Project.
Portland. Secretary of the Interior
Lam and tlM OftJgOfl OOgtMTVSsUM
commission are woikliig in unison for
a complete department of irrigation
and water power projeots of the state.
Secretary Lane announces that, in co
operation with the Oregon commission
he would ask President Wilson to set
aside approximately $450,000 for re
clamation service use In di-vHopIng
the lands of the Deschutes valley, If
euglne.iV reports uru favorable.
Owners Anxious to Close Channel Be
tween Lake and River.
Klamath Falls. Owners of tule land
bordering on the lower Klamath lake
huvo begun negotiations with the re
clamation service to close the channel
connecting the lake with Klnmatli rl
er. If this Is done the lands will soon
bo reclaimed by evaporation. vVhen
the railroad was built across the
marsh, concrete headgates to control
the flow of water across the channel i
were partially Installed through the
efforts of Abel Ady. who owned most
of the land across which the railway !
company had to get a right-of-way.
The closing of the gates has been pre
vented bv the Van Brimmer Ditch
County Deputies Look After Weight
Salem. Attention Is being called by
Deputy State Sealer of Weights and
Measures F. O. Buchtel to the fact
that under the Mil creating his oNlce.
It Is mandatory upon the county courts
to appoint deputies In the counties of
the state. These deputise will be un
der the supervision of the deputy atate
sealer of welghta and measures. Mr.
Buchtel has been provided with a
room at the statehous and has enter
ed actively upon his duties. L ht
Night Fishing is Target.
Astoria. With the avowed obleet of
putting a atop to night fishing for
trout In the various streams la the
county, an organisation or 200 sports
men of this city and vicinity has been
formed and each member has been
appointed a deputy game warden to
serve without pay but with authority
to arrest offenders. Some of the best
trout streams In this district have
been practically ruined by the night
fishers, who build large bonfires adja
cent to some of the deep pools and
as the fish attracted by the light rush
In, they are slaughtered by the wholesale.
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Desp Snow Affects Yield,
Moscow While the acreage of fall
eown wheat Is probably about equal
to that of last year In Latah county.
Indications are that the yield win not
be as large, owing to the damage done
by snow on the north slopes. It Is to
be seen now that the great length of
time the snow laid on the amunri
caused much of It to melt from the
bottom, which had the effect of smoth
erlng and rotting the green roots of
the fall wheat. In many fleldt of
otherwise beautiful looking wheat are
spots on the north slopes absolutely
without any grain and In other places
witn a very poor stand.
Rev. Rob't J. Davidson D D Pas
tor. Servioes at 11 :00 a m and 7:30
p in Ssblatb school at 10:00 a. m
Mass at 8 A M on 1st and rl Sunday
n an outer sunaaye
of each month.
st 10 A M
H. A. pampo, Rector
Conareoatlonal Church Notice
Sunday Servioes,
Sunday School 10 a m
Preaching Servioes 11am
O E Meeting 7pm
Presohlng Service 8pm
Midweek Lectures every Wednesday
evening 8 o'clock
1'hlllp Kosolg, Pastor.
Every Saturday
Habbath School -10:30 a m
Bible Study 11:30 a m
Young peoples meeting 1 :30 p m
Court at Wallace Adlouras.
Wallace. The Jurors who have been
In attendance at the district court
have been discharged for the term
and court tins taken an adjournment
until July 7, at whioh time the final
steps will be taken In the closing of
the sale of the assets of the defunct
state Bank of Commerce.
Mineral Resources to Bs Detailed.
Ashland. In accordance with aa
appointment from the state commis
sion of mines, Dr. Wlncholl, of the
faculty of the University of Wiscon
sin: L. K. Keber. of Madlaon. Wis.;
Sidney W. French, of Corvallla, and
0. B. Watson, of this city, will meet
In Ashland to prepare a report on the
mineral resources of the state of Ore
gon. The sppolntees have been rasa
.ng an exhaustive Investigation of the
various geological formations and mtn
Mtl belts of the stats,
"Brldgle" Webber Stabbed In Back.
New York -Ilrldgle Webber, the!
New York gunman whose testimony
aided In sending Police Lieutenant
Chsrles Becker to the death house at
Sing Sing, gave a new evidence of the
grim spirit of the east side thug Satur
day when he absolutely refused to
give the name of a man who slabbed
him In the buck nbout 1 o'clock In the
morning, .probably In revenge for his
turning Informer
Bankers Promise to Aid.
Lewlston. Enoouraged by Miss
Grace Sheppard. state superintendent
of public Instruction, who has been In
Lewlston. the Idaho Bankers' assocla
tlon will take upon Itself the raising
of $2000 to further the cause of agri
culture In this state among the boys
and girls who are members of the
potato clubs.
Nebraaka Farmers Give Pledge.
Lincoln, Neb. To do their part In
reducing the high coat of living, 200 '
Nebraska farmers have pledged them
selves to devote their time, talents
mid energies to Increasing the produc
tion of beef cattle In this state, and to
follow the Instructions of the univer
sity experiment station, which for sev
eral years has made a special study
of raising cattle for beef by the best
Twin Falls Man Takss Second Wife
During Honeymoon.
Twin Falls. -Following the chsrge
of bigamy made from Oram! Rapids.
Mich., against John Chlsliolm of this
city, Mrs. Ilvnia Pitman Chlsholm,
wife of John Chlsholm, bus filed suit
for divorce. The case Is a peculiar
one. On March "3 or this year Miss
Hyrnn Pitman and John Chlsholm
were married here. On the twelfth
day after the wedding John Chlsholm
borrowed lino thai the bride's father
had given her as a wedding present
and went to Grand Rapids "on Import
ant business.' Here he met Miss Julia
li.ii.kiio. u young lady friend with
whom he had been corresponding, and
attended to the "important business,"
which was to procure a marriage li
cense, the second within two weeks,
mid wed Miss lluskltis.
Teacher and Lawyer Wed.
Lewlston. The marriage of Miss
Anna Webster Lytle, dean of women
of the state normal school at Lewis
ton, and George W. Taniiahlll, a prom
inent Lewlston attorney, wus solem
meii here.
2VevV PerSction;
Oil Cook stove
It bakes, broile, roaats and toasts juet aaweli
as a regular coal range.
Burns oil- the cleaned fuel. No aahee.
No diity coal or wood. No odor.
Gives full heat instantly. No waiting for
fire to "start." Just the heat desired in
tense, medium or slow.
Faaaaaaaaaa Ssaaaaaaaaaaaal ' - ' QULsaaaal
Bums oil the cheapest fuel. No fuel cone
sinned when stove is not in use.
All heat is applied at the cooking point
None wasted in heating kitchen which
you want cool.
AsM " Mi aaaf eases
Sold by hading deJen everywhere. Our ruun,i
agency will gioe you further informal.
Mn nday School 10 A M
Preaching Servine 1 1 A M
Junior League 3 P M
Kpworlh League 6 :.'i0 P M
Preaching Service 73 :0 PM
Thomas Johns. PASTOR.
Vale 0108 Burns 01033
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Lnud Office at Vale, Oregon, May
10th. 1013.
Notice Is hereby given thst Melvla
8. Spauldlog. of Payette, Idaho, who
on November 27th. 1908, made Home
stead Application No. 01988, for SEi
Section 3, Towush'p 178., Range
47E., Willmette Meridian hss filed
notioe of internum in make final
llirssyear proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before the
Register end Receiver, U. 8. Laud
Office, at Vule. Oregou. on the 23rd
lay ut .lime. 1013.
Claimant namea as witnesses:
Charlsy Dsrnell. Ira Book, Levi
Crulf. J. C. Stewart, of Payette.
Bruce It. Kester, Beglster.
The Most Qualified Judges
asaW rt ' ntrMkW bbbUbbbbbbK tali ranefl
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yillsw StJ.ia Wiliktj Ms BEST
FOR SALE in quantities from
One gallon up. and many other
Good brands, ov
L. B. TETER. Wholesaler.
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any amount.
For straight term or with In
stallment privilege.
Thomas W.
Ontario -
100 acres of fine sage brush land,
deep rich sandy soil, first class water
right, ft miles from Ontario. Price
40. per acre. Terms given wiih
low rate of interest or would trade
foi stock or other property. Must
be disposed of soon, as I am engaged
in other business.
Postoffiee Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt'Attention Given
All Orders.
Put the rest in the bank. You'll
find yourself in the best of com-pany-your
troubles lighter
your purse heavier -if you buy a
Ford and join the happy throng
of those who know car comfort
plus service satisfaction.
More than 97.,000 Fords now In service-con-vincing
evidence of their wond-rful merit.
Runabout, 1600; Touring- Car. $875; Town
Car, S375 -f. o. b. Ontario with all equipment.
Get interesting "Ford Times" fromDept F
Ford Auto Company
Ontario, Ore.
New Grocery
We have opened up a stock of new
groceries in the Wilson Block awl
would be pleased to have you call
and get acquainted.
McCoy Bros,
Wilson Block
Moore Livery 4 Grain Co.
Baled Hay, Seed, Mill Stuff,
Finest Livery Turnouts in City
Come in and give us a chance.
Phone 95
W. H. Fiser A. E. Chapman
Means Not Only Time But Money
Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the ditt
.. . i tav. ty... ,i vt..i.,.li!4in and what '
iram your iiuusc w u.c i.w. .. ... -
you save by telephoning.' If your time is woun a'i.-
cannot afford to be without a Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephoned
Buy your Meat at
and get
the best the market affords