CA ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon $uivi fte Ontario Arjus tod-in Preatlfe, merit, and Circula tion. Watch m grow The Produce from 15,000,000 acres i marketed from On tario each year Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. VOLUME XVI ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1913. NO. 25 V-' She mm. IN. HANLEY IN ONTARIO Enthusiastic Over Interior Country ESPECIALLY TOWN OF JUNTURA Mr. Hanley While Here Spoke of Many Matters Pertaining: to Eastern Oregon Development. Willi ..'ii Hanley, the ange of Ore- goo, dropped In'" Ontario Sunday itlfrnni.n rrnra the Harney country ,1th Col. C Jfl 8. Wood mid Attorney MeTiillnoh. We triad to lln.l nut hit Mr. Hanley came for, but did tot Masai, He was iulto eloquent whan naked itoot Juncture, tbe town he and Hilly bones sre building out on tho now nilrm.l and stated It was going ahead Mil. Hinrx Hi. taking orer of thi Oregon land KlttiTH by the Oregon ami Wash union from lhi Hhort Line people It ti attnmliv expected tlmt all tbe U oilriirii.'ii work will tin In- .lone from ttu wait and under the super tuldii nf the Portland crowd, ai It la Mil knnAii that nuirli jealouay exltta itlinn thi, two otllcss. It la tten nlly mi ti-l that tbe ralle will be kid and the bridges built to Hirer- llf lit once, utter tbe annual meet log hv call"! met ion from the weet eud i.,i to eUrt about tbe itme Use. Inafew yeura railroad competition ill be done away wltb and all com pa o i will be able to operate tin ma siider joint trackage agreement, doing issy with double lines ooverlog terrl lury thai rau be aupplled by one. Tbi-, to be tbe logical way to Hi the i a 1 1 road rale waia. Tbe itock rauges of oeutral Oregou ut h.-tt.i today than tbay bate been linn- tin. early ecveutlee and there ir leas rattle on the range than at Ibattlin... Manv eettlera are oomiug i. the Callow le tllllug up faat d other valieya are doing nearly I Mil, Mr Hill waa very well pleaeed itb wbit Iihmiw on but trip aoroaa a tnt l- and at Ontario and will Mo be back to go over it more thoroughly. Mr. Hill ie going to be nod friend to Oregon. Mr. Hanley bellevee that tbe bill Md by the laat legislature whiob lroii., . (or demonatratlon work In t wv. ml ft-ouutlei of tbe state aa aaoia.t important piece of legiaia Hon -a. i , i, noted in the atate looking the development nod settlement of Mttrn Oregou. He takea the position '.Ut 1 it I- on I v bv development that Ml roa.U are Doealble. and tbe home wsier i- only attracted by tbe euo wsof o i intra. Tbtic are nearly alx million acrea a K ineiit land in Malheur 'ooiitl iid when it la found thut leaa tbio tlu i cent of that amount la essnt in cultivation It will be aso ia a wide Held for work. Tbe li ia very aimple and can be !, i- I to ault conditions. The u;.tv .- iiirt ,.n aet aside money froj tbe general fund to oover tbe ioe of thewcrkuud tbe a tale will "riJe hi euual amount and under "a coalitions the a-overonient will 'U kaalal in tho miKiue. This . f lnfM In ,tf tuvnaver It oieaua tbe cultivation ot more 'reave Had tbe dividing of tbe ex- woter, i : keeping up tbe county among or uaore. Ther Hie thouaauds of aorea bere Poblu of urodnciuff aood Olops. lruj.erii mathnda of cultivation 'bat are nnm nun tn location and '') ot the farma that are now in ltirn u are capable of produciug ulle the revenue for their ownera Idaho Stdte Clwutaikjud " . Idaho. Jane 18-28. He- ia 1 IhI.m vu, nuuim Hhort Lioe. Mats on aale :rom Idaho and Oregon Wou lune 17tb to 'Jlat, loolueive d 2 1 1 .to atb inclusive. Limit. Qot I' tti. Se. ageuta for ratee and lto' tartlculure. WOOL STILL COMING IN FROM INTERIOR POINTS Tbe wool irnp ia atlll ooming in to the warehouses here and Mr. Johnson estimates that about one bafl of the clip baa been sold to date. Frank Ambrose, better known as Huffalo Frank, bas been here looking after his wool and that belonging to some of tbe other sbeepmen. He la the largest individual sheepman In this section and says be is well pleaeed wltb tlie prices p eld. when tbe un settled condition Is considered. Tbe warehouse men hare been busy earring tbe wool since the sales days, but tbe bousea and sheds seem to be aa full as ever, clips arriving about aa fast aasent nut. There are a number of lota out yet, hnt It la thought that II will be In before the next aales day. DRY LAND ALFALFA MAKES AN EXCEPTIONAL GROWTH A. B. Mnophernou was on tbe Dead Ox Flat a few days ago and plobed np some alfalfa and flax grown with out Irrigation. The alfalfu was planted live weeks ago ami la over a foot long with a root about the antue leogtb. The flax la very sturdy and healthy lu appearance, indicating tbat good flax and alfalfa Is being raised In tbst action without Irrigation. KILLED BY ACCIDENTAL . DISCHARGE OF RIFLE Villa Lee Butler of Arcadia is Shot in Attempt to Unload Gun. Villa Lee Duller, tbe 19 leer aid daughter of Mr. and Mis. E. B. Hut It-1 . Sr.. and member of tbe last radiiutlini claaa of tbe Ontario high aobool. wee accident ly shot Tuesday afteruomi. while trying to extract me oartrldges from a heavy rifle, and died u few mlmitea later at her home near Arcadia, about eight mileaeoutb of town. For some days the fact of tbe rifle being in tbe bouse and loaded had bothered tbe girl, and she bud made tbe statement tbat if some one did not ahaaaawa II... cartrldaes ahe would do It beraelf. On tbe morulog of tbe fatal accident abe went with her father lu then auto up Into the orchard after oberriee. On her return, flndlug her mother tired and not well, she insisted tlmt she should He down, while she finished tbe work. Con seutlog to do tbls, her motner went iuto tbe front room, while Villa busied herself about the kitoben and n little later she waa beard to go into the bathroom. She tidied up tbe bath room and, evldeutly, seeing the rifle, determined to remove the cartridges, for an axploslou wns beard. Her mother, thinking tbe gaaoHne Uuk bad exploded, rushed out of doors, but her father and brother. Cody, beiugmore tamiliar with tbe sound of Hrearma. hurried loto the bouee. and after short search, fouud her lying with the rifle in a Jpool of blood and barely coiiacloiis, elng even then so weak tbat she could uot speak oohereutly. Tbe distracted parent bravely went to work to apply first aid while Oody eeut in i.u emergency oall for pbyaloiaus and summoned aid trom tbe oelghbois. Three physicians re apoude.1. Ore. Payne and Prlnziog. from Ontario and Or. Saraxan from Nysia. It u quickly aeen tbat nothing oould be done for the injured girl. Apparently lo Uklog out tbe cart ridge, abe had leaned over the rifle ud Instead of Inserting ber baud in tbe hand hole bad placed ber linger i .......H .ml not having suttJcleut 111 iut u- ... J ! leverage to pull easily, had braced tbe muzzle against her snouioer au la pushing the gward back ber fingers bad touched the tr'.gger, sending the heavy bullet through her body. tb luteals enuring ber left preaat. barely missing the heart ami came out at the back. So great the foroe tbat it went through tbe cell lug and out of tbe roof of the bouse. Villa waa tbe idol of ber pa.euU .. n...i fuvnrlte among ber frieud. Hi Mucral waa held Tbursd.y 'from tbe Methodiet church. All Ready for the Big Celebration Fourth of July Committee Prepares An Excellent Program Which Insures Good Attendance. The several oommittees in obarge of the proper oelebratlon of the Fourth of July hern met on Tuesday evening and made their reports. The speaker of tbe day will be Walter Pierce, of Pendleton, who It recognized aa among the atrongeat speakers of tbe state. His talka arc for tbe meases and no matter what tbe eubject choaen, he has tbe bappy faculty of enlivening it and making It Intensely Interesting. The baseball game and motor races will be pulled off at tbe fair grounds. where an mini lesion fee of - cents will be charged anil It Is also under stood that the Ontario ball team will be m strengthened as to make It a vary olose and exoitlng match and the prize offered is sufficient to make all the players get lu aud drill froui this on to be in flrst olase oondltion aud practice up on team playing. Those motor races are going to be exciting, one of the wheels Is ospalile of sixty to asvsuty miles an hour Then comes the races on ths street at i .:iU p. m. and the fat man and other sports will he glveu an op THE FIRST TRAIN RUN ONTARIO TO Another Big Section of Country is Opened Up and Made Directly Tributary To this City by the New Railway Line The flrst train over tbe Ontario Homedale ruu waa started last Thurs day. the drat ticket was purchased. note tbat. purchased, by tbe Ontario Argue and tbe eeoond by L. Adam. At Nyssn . picked up one passeuger aud some freight. G. II. Oram was In obarge of tbe train aud orew and equipment waa tbe regular train run to Vale. The heavy tails and tlret claaa road had enabled them to make good time. Tbe flrst stop was made at Kingman, where a freight car was dropped on the siding. Thereat,' no buildings theie but the people of the Klngmuu Koluuy section will get tbelr freight there. At present tbeie are only a few hun dred ore of the Kolony In cultlva tion aeen fiom tbe train, but there are several thousand tbat will lie pro duclug In few years. At Adrian. Kube McCreary's towu, located near the Miller ferry and crose the rlvar from Hivervlew. uo top was made, but this Is expected to make quite uu important station a it will be tbe ruilroad point for the Big Bend section on the vast side of tbe river, being several nillea nearer tbau Parma. For tbe country In tbe Big Heud on the weet aid of tbe river the v have provided aiding on to Naptou place, near tbe big draw. Mr. Nptoa la the only resident of this section t present, but tbe lands are rich and will attract tbe attention of actual settlers. Tbe depot at Homedl la located nearly mile from the Mueeel ferry and bait mile from tbe preaeut towu site, tbe V is located farther east and the track ia laid for about tLre miles Lhe new town ia aprlngiufl up over a large area, a two i y brick school bouse is completed - i brick store, two atones aud another i started aud tbers ar also a small betel and frame .i re butldioge with a few dwellings, wm of the neople living in tents until they ! can hate houses erected. Five cat I loads of lumber were buuled up i for the yard there, run by Qj 11. Va a Wji.gerdeu aud aou. wbo are al. contractors aud busy wltb sevsral buildiugs- Ths lower pumping station of the Gem district is located near tu ...ti.i.l Uiwi,r rMk and la furni-h- I IIU.IV. -' ...MWw. .. w 1 log water for lands around Homedale, portunity of showing what they can do. The fireworks committee has order ed a large collection of stuff from Cbioago and they will keep tbe air full of tire for several boura. Ice water and acuta are to he pro vided on Main street and real roome will be open for the visitors. Two bands of music will keep things lively all day and there will be some good singing before and after tbe epeaklng. Special train service will be provld -e.l for tbe visitors to get borne In the evening. A train will go to Vale. alao to Weiser and Parma, so tbat the visitors cao aee tbe entire list of at tractions and then go home In tbe coo) evening. Them la plenty of shade in the park for yoor plcnlu party and seata will be provided. It being tbe objeot of tbe committee to give the people II latitude to enjoy themselves. Ontario Is In better shape to enter tain visitors tbsn ever before ami we extent to have u record crowd here on the Fourth. HOMED ALE but as yet few of the set tlere are taking advantage of It. Tbia la tbe trading point for a large territory, moat of which has been going to Caldwell and Boiae. tint will now come to Ontario In part, especially tbe wool, and the lumber for tbt ection will be supplied by tbe Km plra Lumbar company, of this place, lu time many of our merchauta will be jobbing to tbe Homedale merchants beoeuae ratee are lower from bere than from Boise. Many ot tbe Homedale residents ara are looking forward to tbe time when It will be a junction point with a rail road north and south. The regular train servioe started Wednesday on the arrival of tbe train from Vale, making Nyssa about 6 p. m. and returning reach Ontario al out 0 p. m. RAGGED PLAYING LOSES GAME FOR ONTARIO Home Team Bids Fair to Be Champion "Never Was" of League. Witb good support Alexander would have won bia game from Vale last Sun day. Ue struck out tan men. walked wo and allowed aeven eoatteriog bile. . Farrel waa unable to throw basea and tbe vlaltora bad no trouble to take. them. Ontario oould not bit Barrat, but ha showed weakneaa lu the Ixtb laniug and waa replaced by Woodward in the seventh. Woodward allowed three bita in tbe eighth inning Alexander, the second man np. started the flrsworks with a aingls to left field. K. Smith went to flrst and Alexander to second on the tbird baeeman's errors. Both men scored on J. Meueiueu's two bagger. (Jold- smith singled, aeialiug Maoeman to I third. waa called out on a ' very questionable decialou at home , on a steal una .1 throw by the 1 catcher to shoit. ai.d Jones fanin I out J. Mauemao played a good game at short. The score waa 9 to 2. Outurio plays at Vale next Sunday. DREAMLAND INSTALLS BIC ELECTRIC SUCTION TAN Aa the warm weather approaches the people are thinking of their pleas ure and planning for tbelr untloga. Tboee who are onmpelled to stay at noma are aleo figuring and they have discovered tbat tbe Dreamland Is the only well ventl Hated room In the olty. Manager Dorman bas In stalled thirty Inch suction fan over the stage and this keeps a current of fresb. cool air passing through the house at all times. The palrona ap preciate this attention to detail, In looking after tbelr comfort and tbe house Is well rilled each evening. The how oo Saturday and Bunday even ings packed the house with well pleased patrons. WM. LANCHOUT RECEIVES BROKEN LEG IN AUTO ACCIDENT William Langbotit received a broken leg and his wife wns tMdly bruised on Tuesday night. They were returning from Nampa, where they had been vlaitlng trlsuds, wbsu near Notus tbe oar In w'.h-li they were rid tng hit rniuetlilng and skiddsd Into bridge, upsetting and suiashingup the oar. SEWER DISTRICT TO BE ORGANIZED AND Arrangements Will be Made to Complete Work to South End of Town The work on tbe sewer nutlet baa been held up a few daya tbia week waiting for the sewer pips. If the ground continues aa at preaeut it will require aiaiut ten daya to oom plete the work to the corporate line and It la aleo far enough adtanced to determine tbat tbe coct of the work la going to be well within tbe eatlmate eet by tbe engineer. When tbe character of the grouud la coualdered tbls waa a very dlffioult piece ot work to estimate on. Now tbat tba sewer l.aa about reached tbe limit to ba dug by tbe money ralaed from the anle of bonds the people are getting buey at ranging for the completion of tbe work to tba big sloughs at tbe south eod of tbe city. The plan about decldtd upou for tbls work is to organize a aawer dlstriot and use the Dan. i oft act aa a basis. With this It Is not necessary to bold uo election, tbe council can declare certain lauds in the ills trlnt and the cost of the eyeteui will In- assessed against all ti,e lots equally. This sewer then belougs to the of the district and it will be practlo ally Iniposeible to enlarge the district or lake In any iota after tbe district Is onoe organized. It la eetlmeted that the cost per lot will run about ib.UO mid that a lateral ruu up Waabulgtouor Califor ai.. avenue to Oregou street will be over two feet below tbe aawer wblcb Is at preaeut serving tbat sectluu. To have a luisemeut drained Is worth aa much aa the lot. aa In time It will be about impossible to rent a store room tbat bas not a good dry base ment. Ontario bas been fortunate in the past in not having any fever or other epidemics here, but tbia good luob will uot continue always, unlaea the proper measures are takeo to care for the sewerage and drainage of the city Tbe time has gone by when open closets and cess pools should be permitted within tbe city, aa they cost too many livee no! too much siokueae. CONDUCTOR MILLER IS GIVEN DIIM rDAM UAaaDn TH PMUFTT Klin fnUri HAmA IU LrlrlLl I Conductor Miller, wbo has lieeu uu the Vale ruu for several years, has been truuaferred to tbe Nampa aud Kmmett run, making the chauge Moo day. (Jeorge Oram is the new uiuu on tbe Vale and Urogau trelu aud he will aleo tueku the run from Outario I versed. Mel Kckbutdt p Homedale. pered for L. M. (irelg, tbe trustee. EXHIBITS TO BE MORE VARIED At Fair this Year Than Ever EXHIBITORS MUCH INTERESTED Agriculture and Horticul ture Will Be Features Also Livestock, Poultry and Dairying. Tba menagera of the Malheur County fair have not beer aaylng rnuoh about what tbey were doing to make tbe fair tbls yenr better thau any of the previous ones, hut occa slonally we bear where they are busy along certain lltiet. The cows, hogs and chickens ara going to be given stiecinl attention because so many of the people In thla section are interested In them, but there are others. The fruit aud farm exhibits In charge of James Lackey and he aeeuia special lr lilted for the position as he Is county fruit inspec tor and knows the people who are in tire.i.l lu perfect fruit and good farm products of sll kinds aud he hae been wntklug with them to have larger and belter stulf to show at the fair this year than ever before. The farmers and fruit men started In at the commencement of the season to get tbelr exhibit ready. Tney plauted the seed wltb especial care and have been cultivating aud nursing It all season. The fruit nnu aaw that their trees were all thoroughly sprayed aud pi mini aud tbey are us careful to see tbat tbe fruit la tblnued dowu so that large spsclmens of perfect fruit will lie produced. Tbls Is the kind of farming and fruit ralslug that paya and It la here that tbe fair la educating the men to raise only the beat at no more exponae tbau what Infeilor etuff will cost. No lines are being neglect ed and no portlou of tbe oounty la being overlooked. Miss Amy Odell taught school out In the western part of tbe county end abe started ber pupils out ilgbf. with tbe result tbat tbey are golug to have aomethlng worth while to exhibit from their sect loo. Dorua Meyer aud Herscbel Brown are prewiring au interesting exhibit for the fair. They are going to make a demonstration in wireless telegraphy ud show some of tbe wuudeifol thinga that this unknown power cuu accomplish. Kcieutlats now claim that It Is possible to do anything with wirelssa that it la posalhle to do with wire ai.d that the world la on the verge of wonderful chaugea aa the re ault of the sclent lata bi-iug able to use tbe ether wuvae. tOducalion la going to be the key note for the county fair this year, but do uot think that other hues ot amuse uieut are to be neglected THE SUPREME COURT HANDS DOWN IMPORTANT DECISIONS The supreme court banded down three deoiaious lust week on oases of from Ibis county, which are uf general Interest. The Hart will caaa was de cided lu favor of the belie under tba (list will, the other two wills being tbrowu out. The 'aetata la valued at about 'JO. OdU. baa been in litlga tion for over two yeara aud to the supreme court twice. McCullocb A K. -kbardt appeared for the helra and Hand for the coiiteatauts. In the cuae or tbe United HI National bank at Vale vs. ("has. Th. baud, lower court contlrni.- I in M,tl,D" kid deed given by 'Ihtlaud to bis wife and gave the bank judg menl for the am. unit claimed. Mc Culloch A Kcbhardt appeared for the bank. Another cuae was tbat luvolviug the Ontario garage and a uiurlgago given hy A. N. l-'oid to the hi rat Na tloiuil bank at Vale, the mortgage was declaied void aud the lower court ra-