The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 12, 1913, Image 1

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ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
fte niwci0
f Ontario Argus
The Produce from
15,000,000 acre is
marketed from On
tario each year
uadfi in fresn,
nt, and Circtila
m Watch us irrow
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 24
Biggcr and Better
Than Ever.
Heretofore the Malheur
County Fair is to Keep
Pace with the Progress of
the Times and Eclipse all
Past Performances.
Jamae Weetfnll, aged 72 years, died
at Weatfall, on tha 31st of May. lie
worked all that day nud died a short
time after finishing a bearty supper,
from apoplexy.
Mr. VVenlfull liaa been an active
agent in the development of this
county, having been here thirty yeara
and ralaed a family here. The child
ren are Mn. Ada Wlleoo ami Jamea
Westfall. of Weatfall. Oscar Weatfall.
of Salem, aod Mm. Ida Hlllman at
Bolaa. Mlaa Nettie Hlllman. of tola
city la a granddaughter and attended
the funeral at. Weatfall.
BlRger and batter than aver" haa
rtUu to he a toek pbraae wheu
jpMHnu "f whol ids maoaacra iu
u,bur aooatf lr era going to ust
for the people ana peculiar pari
g It ii that they have slwsys made
LaJ, hi eaob succeeding fair baa
too better tbao tha prevlooa one.
Tbrf are aeveral uew featurea to be
aJdod tblt year. Wa ooted the ax-
UMt which the acboola of the county
M preparing aod tbla will ha of In-
tor! t nil end of aapeciai oneui
bthe men and women of tomorrow.
Dnriair the rust year tbla county
Mi l leotion haa made great big atrldee
.. ri,. .L.i, v bualneaa and the fair
sonsasrs are juat as much interested .lairv man In promotlug the
laduitry ad placing it on a atrietly
auioess basis. Aa In other lluea, It
atti. Individual that makee good,
loot ! admired by the public and
Uht are going to offer prizea to tlud
saabe hss the beat milk oowi. The
cot will he tented during the fair.
vhdsy. and the results summed up.
toeing tbe amount of milk given
forth time ami tbe per rootage of
tatter (at that it contained.
Since I he dairy men nave been test
a sow they bare been saving tboua
wio of dollars by getting rid of tbe
ooor cows and keepiug only those that
m money makers. In eome aeotious
hot employ testers to go over the
Ustriot sud test all the rows In s
tax st Kautaa one llolsteln gave 1881
rssndi of milk that toated 4.9 psr
wot butter fat. making 92. 17 pounds
ot butter in thirty dsya. That is a
lost stride from the average oow of
0 low years ago.
The managers are also galug to
(or special prizea for tha egg laysra
m gire them an opportunity or
toeing that tboy are making monsy
for tbir owners. It is the hen that
!oj. tlm eima thst is being' sought by
Ml poultry men. A breeder st Kent.
Weibiugtou. hss s White Leghorn bu
ttot commenosd Isylng wheu live
uoth. sad il days old and laid 295
aw iu one vaar. Just tbiuk of what
tt uieu'is, what tboaeegga are worth
J bos uiuoh money tbst hen made
w her i wner. even If tbe eggn had
Wen ii.l I at atore urioee. but of
wise thuv warn worth much more
setting. It Is only few years
tin breeders were striving for a
Wa that .vould lay 150 eggs a year
M than sat the mark at 200 eggs a
J0i u a t!. murk la about 300 egk's
s'ltbi-'. Hiu going to oootinue in the
provsiu. nt uutit the hen will be
laying Got' fcgge u two years.
uW jou uuy idea bow many eggs
Wur 1,1-1., are Uyiug for you? Do
u know the onea that are not worth
fcttfaed? Vou should know these
btof t , be successful. Test your
00 si.d trim, tha luuit ones to the
l sud win one of tbe prizes tbey
"teiog to hang up for the beet egg
Sure, Ontario lost anotbsr game to
Feyette Sunday. Alexander was In
poor form, allowing nine hita, walk
ing aeven men and striking out ten.
Slate for Payette, struck nut seven
men. allowed four hits and made threo
out of tbs oloe bits for bis team.
Five errors wers recorded against
such team. The score was lltoi,
Vale is tha victim for next Sunday.
The work on the big tunoal west of
bare waa completed last week, but
there has been nothing done toward
extending tbe road through Is. There
seems to be s Iced o( funds to go abeuii
with tbs work and It may drag until
tbe annual meeting of tha railroad
officials this month, when they will
make another spproprlstion snd com
plete the line.
Also Two Big Warehouses
and Storage Plant Are
Going Up.
Since the viait of Mr. Hill bare
last weak with bis engineers aod
friends the papers of tbe section
visited by them aod of tbe sections
that tried to get them, bare bean full
of storlsa sbout wbst tbe visit
Tbe people of Ontario ware wall
pleased with tbs visit as tbey realise
that a personal eaxml nation of tbla
section will con v nine any person that
It la equal to tbe best In tbe world
sod Mr. Hill was specially interested
hare in two irrigation projsets that
havs msde good and he spent several
hours In examining them thoroughly
and then expressed himself as wall
pleessdwttb the work and tbe results.
Mr. Illl wss so well pleased with
tbe outlook id snd sround Ontario
that he haa planned to make us another
visit next month. He Is looked oo
primarily as a railroad man and when
he goes any place It la assumed hs la
going to build s railroad into that
section at onae, but like all big men.
Mr. Hill has many loteresta and
one In tbla sectioo ta hla boldlnga lo
tha road great leads nun that la what
prompted his visit at tbla time.
Beiog a railroad Lull. lei he laulways
ou tbe lookout tor desirable territory
that can be easily reached by bis line.
At Burns the home side of the man
was displayed wben he spent the day
with a little girl, celebrating ber
birthday with ber little friends, ba
having a little daughter with a birth
day falling ou tbe same data, and he
declared It ons of the bspplest dsya of
bia life.
Mr. Hill has made a study of irrlgs
tloo sod flods thst tbe ousts of tbe
government propositions are almost
prohibitive, because of the red tape
methods aod incompetency of tbe
engloesrs. who hold their plsces
through political pull rather then
Mr. Htll'said: ""Tbs govsroiusut
ceusus shows tbst tbs svsrags Irriga
tion project installed by s prlvste
l"T la I I II if I l ' ' lllllfll Naltlllll
ULI UUUl lSJ11m0m1iQ TVinje nf Maannfw
to This Section Very
census ahowa tbe average coat of water
to have been 1140 per acre."
In regard to the Hill rsllrosd
Interests building new lines about
tbe only thing be said waa at Hums
as follows: "We are goiog to build
through Harney county and we are
likely to be In sa soon as anybody.
It la not neresssrlly the fellow tbst
Stsrta first that reaches the journey's
and first aod ws ore not going to be
the isst In ths r "
Which would indicate they are only
waiting for tbe Harrlman people to
decide on their routs and then the Hill
people will get busy snd bent them to
te bosinssa.
William Henley was along sa pilot
and he got off ssvsrsl of his bon mots
la bis spesobss. One of them wss very
apt: "If yon ars going to howl, do
like tbe coyote, go wsy back Id tbs
bills, raise your face to tbe stars snd
bowl. Ho was optimistic, an ususl,
snd ran forsee great things for this
stats sod sectioo.
J. II Yoong, presldeut of tho Hill
lines Id Uregoo. wss fsmillsr with the
Snake river valley, having been con
neoted with the cohort Line, aod he
atated that thaSoake river valley will
produce more frelgbt in tbe next fifty
years then sny other seotion of like
extent thst be knowa of. That Is the
loadstone that brings rallroada.
Mr. Leedy. another member of the
party, la recognized aa the greateet
eoloDlaer in the United Htates. havlug
taken thousands of people to Montana
and satisfied them all. beoause he told
tbern exactly wbat to expect. Hs
would do wonders tor this section If
hie elf or ta were directed to the nettling
up of tbs millions of acres of Idle
L. P. Howe, of tbe Washburn
Oosby Milling oompaoy. atated at
Burns that the wheat raised in that
seotion was equal to the beet Miunssola
wbest and tbs lands produaed more
bushels to the aore.
It la not often that any oommuolty
has an opportunity of entertaining
Tbe train servios to Homedsle from
Ontario was inaugurated today, leav
ing here on the return of the train
from Vale. The achedule liaa not
been issued, but It is expected that
there will be a train run 00 Wednes
day's only for tbe preeeot aod that it
it will mn 110 aod back tbe eeme
evening. A larger engiae Ima been
suppled for tbe service and tbia will
nlao Improve the aarrice to Vale.
The Interior Department haa lasued
an ordar throwing open for entry some
Tn. nun. aoree of laod aouth of Vale,
that wan withdrawn a few yeara ngo
for no oil reserve. The lands ars In
township" 17, 18, 19 snd 20, s. rsogs
43, 44 snd 45 ssst.
Due bardwnrs tlrm reports the
sols of ssvsn cream aeparutora In the
last few weeks sod hsvs ordsra for
mors. Tbst ladlostsa rather a rapid
tin mug to the cow by our people and
wbeu they buve their empa and build
logs arranged to cure for them there
are, no doubt, many others, wbo will
get the most out t then aoll by tbe
ouw, bog and chicken route
I vei v dairy seotion la a prosperous
and wealthy one and before mauy years
tha Huake river valley will be noted
as the best of them all. It Is the
home of the alfalfa, tha beat dulry
plaut that grows.
Million and Quar
ter Lbs. Sold.
Prices Range Higher Than
At Any Other Eastern
Oregon or Southern Idaho
Points Reported So Far
This Season. cost under 6 per aoro for .0 many men who have made national
... 1.. iMMtlfi uroiacta till I roDutatlona iu tbe business world and
per acre,
per acre.
Iu Carey act projects $40
In government projects tbe
their coming
in tbe future.
will meao much for us
Tbe warehouse district is pretty
bunv these daya.
Arouod the Fraser wsrebousss tbe
wool buyers have kept things humming
all week, but Mr. Browu is caning
ths wool aod will be able to see day
light iu the course of a week or so.
It la some task to haodle two mil
lion pounds of wool and It requires
some space to store it.
The Canfiald aud Butler wareuouee
is being rushed and there Is some
graiu already stored there. Wheu
completed this warehouse will have a
floor apace of 4000 feet aud will be
occupied iu part by tbe Caullel.i aud
Butlsr slfslfa olesuiug plant, itaaer
Bros, aud the Ootailo Commlaslou
The Weiohard Brewing company
is erecting a cold storge warehouse iu
the same district to haudle their goods
in this sectioo. This is one of those
portable aifalrs. built iu sections.
The walla are litted with air spaces,
packed with mineral wool sod will be
used iu place of tbe wsrebousu burned
down some tew months ago.
Iu the south eud of the dlsrict ths
oold storage aud ice plant being
erected by Dr. Duttou is iiearlngcom
i.n Thin is tbe tlrnt building
of the kind erected here and tbe walls
. .ia at laaat three times ths
""- -- .. ,
ti . ... ...... . .. f lumber geuertny us-u.
e L'arpeuters will tloiso tneir pan , "77 - . ,,..
IU cuntrct ou lb. C. 8. Johnson ! There are .1. tb.cknes.en
".thi. week. Tbia is goiog tu I and have SW tJg5
e of the aho. hnmaa of the city. ! of bulldiog paper bat.eeu them and
''i. .11 H .io.n. !,w.tin and! shavings iu tbe dead air space, man-
! . aafcanaBeam.
High Water and Difficult
Formation Has Somewhat
Impeded Work.
William M. Wood, prssldent of the
American Woolen company, who wss
acquitted of the charge of placing dy
namite to injure strikers.
' most sightly location
mUi-rii throughout with toilst,
I "Sill, fill! .
aiement and wide porches
are high and the eutlre
foo.... .; ,Me a rnost oomolete borne.
sua reicutly moved hsre
Vac iu Haruey couoty. He la
tu.y with a barn 50x32 feel.
.1 III ...! uii aarfrTI
log s wall tual am iwowsw
temperature. Thin building baa the
roof on aud tbe machine, v for the kM
plsut is being installed. This will
be of great beui tit to tbis section,
affording the people s place to ssll
ttalr produoe tor cash.
Tbs Weissr Daily Signal ia taking
a re.t until th merchants ot that
little city spi-reciata s dully sutbcl
eutly to support It. Tbs ruuoiug of
a daily paper in a semi-weekly or
weekly towu la a losing proposition
for tbs putlisber.
aal - kw
A -
Bet wl3
i w
It has again been proven thst On
tario la tho best wool market lo eeatero
begun or southern Idaho.
Ths aslss opened last Monday morn
lug and continued until Wednesday
with the exception of tbe time that
some buyers were at Vsls on Tuesday.
There was lo attendance at tbe sals
here about twenty two buyers wbo
wore all very moch Interested la bur
ta whet tbey could.
lo all there wss something llkeoos
and one fourtb million pounds of
wool sold in tbs three daya. Prices
wers running higher thso at soy othsr
point lo Oregon or Idaho.
The Baker aud llarriann clip aold
forlUSo: K- ! Ltakee for 10c;
Kldwell and Caaswell for 1 to; T. L.
Woodward for i:i, ; W. W. Minimi
for 114; K Ii Vernon fur 14-.; Mc-
t'ouoell Bros.. 13 ; R. Arrleo. 15. ;
J. F. MaboD, LIU I 1. P. llartt. 14;
II. Waltere, 131; A. Voostor. i:t
and a good many other clips along
sbout tbe ssms price.
It Is e-d minted Hint Ontario price.
arc from ods to two cents higher than
any other poiot tributary bare.
Ou Wednesday morning betweeu
9:30 aud 13 o'clock, there were 14
lots put up sod sold, which ia s re
cord bresksr for eel I log wool fast.
Tha growers sre more thnu aetisded
with the aslss and ws presume that
more wool will be brought here next
year tbao ever before.
Iu tbe sale at Vsls Tuesday there
wss H clips put up for ssle snd only
one offer acceptsd. Tbe prioea there
ranged from one to two oeute lower
thnu st Ontario.
Ths buysrs wsnt to l'systte Wed
nesday afternoon but did nothing.
The trunk sewer outlet to the rvsr
Is sbout one half completed ua far aa
distance is concerned aud about twu
tbirds iuregHid to tbe time required
aud the work lo be done.
For over ISO feet the ditch had to
be dug through oetueut gravel and
when this passed there was a very
heavy flow of water lo bother. Tbe
high wster iu the river has also
bothered some. For the balance of
ll distance the treucu win uui ";.,., . ,,... ..... ,.,,, ...
I II 1 I ' IUIU oe-'vess ss-- assas . nus.os
much more than half as deep and the
will he.' uw.w--.w- "ssi ass
that tie was oil tbe road, but it waa
so dark, the lights being olf, that he
could nut determine where he was, so
I got out auJ tied the horae and com
" t.e Moore met with s very serious
accident ou Sunday night biesklug a
leg and receiving other iujuries.
lie had been to Fayette to notify
some people of frleuds who are sick
and when he reached the approach
lo the Suake river bridge the horse
Joseph E. Ransdell, ssnator from
Loulalana, Isadsr In the fight to kssp
the tariff en sugsr.
in llculloi s .ire the
It is Impossible lo estimate tbe
benetit tins drain will be to the en
tire city. It will te possible to have
dry cellars when tbe draiu is oom
eted aud all the unsightly, disease
aud niosiuitu breeding poods will
disappear. For the completon of the
sawar the work will he doue under ,
what is known aa tbe Bancroft bond
lug act which enables the lot owner
kg puy for the work in teu yeais aud I
the cost will be assessed equally I
against ssb lot iu the district.
raff lot drained will be beue- i
litted many times more asaws 'he cost.
If you want printing of the better
class you get it at the Argus office t he
price is r.ght
no ined lo hunt for something to lo
csle whuie be wsa aud in walk lug
around he came to the In ink of tliu
cut aud fell over, a ot some
twenty live feet, where he lay fur
several hours.
Marshal Odell heard of theaccnieut
aud fouud Mr. Moore about 4 o'clock
iu the uiuruiug, chilled through aud
sutferlug iuteuaely. The mau waa
taksii home, tbe bone set and he
is reported aa doiug wall. Being
well along In yeara It is unite a seri
ous sculdsnt
Oo Thursday eieuiug of last week
the Masoua held the largixt meeting
in tbetr hletory. some 120 members
being present from Weiaer, N vase, tbe
Bench and other sections. Tbe Wei
ner team roofer red the 1 lilr I on can
didate end sil were entertained al a
spread iu tbe letreebuieot room. Some
excellent talks wer those
Mrs. Mary Mend, of Ontario, died
t Cutieraoo of Marrisy couuty
mi i Mis. Isabella McClelland, ot Ou
"- "
t.irio. wore uian lei Tuesday ufteriionu at the hospital OS 1 hursday evening
at the Methodist parsonage, by Bev. following SB oi"-i itlou fas gallstones
Tiros. Johns, in the pitsence ot the and the funeral MM held from the
immediate family. Their many frieuda Methodist church Saturday looming
In Ontario and vicinity wish them a at 0 I'aloab. The imople ot Ontai lo
preaeut report a very pleasant eveumg. i very happy uud prosperous ae.lded deei !.v n.ithis with the members
even tbe candidate. ife. ot th. Uiuawd taiully.