a NEWS OF GENERAL OREGON NEWS NOTES INTEREST IN IDAHO OF GENERAL INTEREST Important Occurrences Of The Events Occurring Throughout Past Week From Cities the State During the Pitt In Our State Week. d) 'M ' .i OF ONTARIO. ORE I. H. C. Gasoline Engines For Irrigating, Pumping, Spraying sawing, hoisting, etc. You should buy the I. H. C. for Strength, Simplicity, Economy, and Reliability. Let us demonstrate this engine to you 4 W JJ ff bu1JazZ-P McCormick Binders, Mowers, Rakes. In the McCormick line we offer the farmer the best there is both in con struction and service. Sow is the time to be looking up hay- ing tools and you want ine oesi. MalheurMercantileCo. Women on Inquest Jury Welser. Coroner McCann returned from Robnette, Or., where he held an Inquest over the body of an unidenti fied man found in flni.se river on the Idaho Hide. Nonilng was found that would lead to identify. Betide other minor articles a watch, $5 cold piece and 60 cent! in imall change were found In the pocket. The watch 1 a eeven-Jewel open-faced Waltham. the works are numbered 3734683, and the nickel case bears the number 11139. The watch will be sent to the manu facturer and an effort made to Iden tify the unfortunate owner. For the first time In the history of this county, and perhiips the state, women snt on the coroner's Jury. It was Impossible to complete the Jury of six men without going several miles out of his way, and In order to hasten matters McCann swore In two women and proceeded with his gruesome du ties. He declares the women stood the ordeal fully as well as the other members. The Jury was of the opin ion the body had been In the water fully six weeks. SENATOR BRADY MARRIED Chicago United States Benatoi James II. Hrady. of Idaho, and Mis Irene Moore, daughter of Mr. Oeorg M. Moore, of this city, were married at the home of the bride's cousin. Mr Arthur I.. Moore, Ravine drive, High land Park, a Chicago suburb After the ceremony the bridal cou ple left for Washington and will be at home after June 15 at 1700 Rhode Iiland Avenue, N. Y. Appla Men Don't Agree Hood Hirer. Although the decision or the Hood River appiegrower in mass meeting here, when representa tives were present from the nine dl Tlslons Into which the state of Idaho, Montana, Washington and Oregon had been divided by the North Pacific dis tributor, wai favorable to the cen tral distributing and selling agency or ganlzed last fall at Spokane, the en tire responsibility of affiliation with the distributor waa left to the board of director of the Appiegrower' A orlatlon. the recently-formed combin ation of local apple ales companies As to whether or not local fruit will be shipped by the distributor this year hanus on the conceaslon of the boflrd of trustee of the central agency allowing the Western Oregon dUtrlcts to have a main office at Hood River Instead of having all of the bualne of the con'-ern transscted at Spokane Indian Boy Beat Cupid Spokane -After a series of futll attempt to BftBft ;i marriage HoMN that he might claim Knther Wyn MB a Spokane Indian maid, a his bride. Alex I'lerre, age 20 years, an Indian boy of Worley, Idaho, was able to get his uncli! Spokane Enos, to the county auditor's office and obtuiii'-d the covel ed credential. I'lerre, a Nw I'erce. formerly at tended the Cushman school at Taco ma. He arrived In Spokane to make flnul prepanttlona for the marriage ceremony. When he reached the of fice of the county auditor with the In dlan maid be found that she was old enough to get married If be liked, but that he wo-ild not be able to gat the licenae until hi guardian. Spokane Knoa. consented to th ceremoay. That the bride might depart for br borne without delay abe wa permitted to leave ber lgnatur at the office. BIG PINE PLANT DESTROYED Largest of 81s Mllla Consumed When Arc Spark Files In Shavings Maker -The plant of the linker White I'lne Lumber SBaaBBBJ w"" ,0' tally destroyed by fire. The lnas Is estimated at from $200,000 to ll'&MBt, fully covered by Insurant . The fire originated presumably from a spark from an arc In the shavings room, adjoining the boiler room. Krc gn r King waa alone In the engine room. It was between shlfta. He waa b.nlv Injured. He tayed In the en gine room to sound the whistle for the alarm after the fire gained headway. The entire plant. In ludlng sawmill, a new dry kiln, the most modern In eastern Oregon, waa burned. The mill was the largest, best equipped and most tiicl-1 1 of the six large mills opii.itlng here. "OryM Win right Welter. After a lively battle during the pat month, th wet force met defeat In the local option electioa held In Waahlngton county. Twelve out of 16 preclncta gave the "dry" a major Ity of 77. Only two preclncta were carried by the weta. Th remaining preclnota are expected to slightly re duce the majority The remits were a big aurprlae, a tb majority I nearly four times greater than that of two year ago Schooner Randolph Blown Ahor Oold Beach. The gasoline schooner Hin.lolpb. loaded with supplies for the ' v . M.-rburn cannery. I faat aground on the outh spit of Rogue river. The rutin refused to work Just aa th vea- , el wa In the entrance of the river. A sail was hoisted In an attempt to mnks It through Ihe breakers, but a heavy wind blew her upon the beach. The cargo la eat. Acquitted Ufn Charge of Libel Portland -Evidently not satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that the Portland Dally Newa waa asallclou and untruthful when It called County Judge Cleeton and County Comml sloner I.lgbtner "plain robbara" laet January, tb Jury In tha libel caae against tb New, with Cleeton and Mgbtner aa prosecuting wltneaaaa. re turned a verdict of "not guilty." Tb Jury was out about all boura. INFATUATED MAN KILLS SAVING TIME hv TELEPHONE) f lJII 7 1 J Z. wsm Hs'..: Wf3jSmrrK 'iM St. T lm - r Mrs. glhr. 22. Untimely End; Husband Unable t Reocue Her. Portland.- A bullet fired through bar temple by an Infatuated lover and ed the life of Mrs Neo Fisher, pretty ...i n.lMH fha linns lliii.i Of The "drya" carried Welaer by 17 ma, I an "ittmlT" with tb man. aTBB then lorlty. - - ehot himself and fell dead acroaa ner Body The man. E. W. Allen, a plumber, working for the Portland Heating company, had become erased over her, a married woman He rushed Into the house at Sua Montgomery street, where she lived with her husband. dashed up the stalra and Into ber room For 10 minutes with th door barti caded. he kept her there holding otf with threats of death any who should iuterferts with him He fired three shuts at her husband. Jeas Flatter, who la working on the construction of a uew fire station at Fourth and Mont gomery streets, two blocks away, and had been summoned to save his wife. Means Not Only Time But Money. Do vou r m.insr hnw ton it take to travel the distance .. a .1 U.. jliwt u iut Uoyou ever consider how long it take to 1V . T from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time you save by telephoning? It your lime " - Bjanot afford to be without a Telephone. Malheur Home TelephoneCo. FLOOD WATERS RECEDING ' Bt. Jo Vsiiey I Lake, Burke le Cut Off and Business Mouses Damaged Boise Flood waters cauaed by tb I beavy ralna. have receded consider ! ably, following a drop lu the tempr iature. At Burke, where the principal dam age waa done, owing to the overflow lng of lta banks by Cauyon Creek, IM waters have receded Into the banks. It will require a great deal of work to repair the damage don to busmen? bouse and residences lu th waters path, aa they flowed down the mala treet. At Yellow Dog. uear Mace, nearly 100 feet of railroad track la washed out and all the oaayou towua abov Mace are isolated, su far a railroad traffic I concerned Both railroad are damaged to auch an eitent that no trains can reach Burke Tha Harcules mine waa compelled to close With three swollen rlvr pouring their torrent into Ik Cour d Alene from which It takea It aouroe. tb Spokane rlvr ha reached a nalght greater than has been recorded eince the historic floods of 1S, and is still rising. Damage At Nei Pare Havy Lawiaton.-L.aiar advices received from the vicinity of Ne Perce, which wa visited by a cloudburst and hall storm, place the damage at more than (100.000. The path of tb hail norm is about fivo mile ioug ;.nd a oiiie lu width Some of th grr n In th pfttb of the s'onn whb h latfal lots and i!l fee plowed uucer at once. Timber Held Heal Estate Mili.bi.ru Th Injunction suit of Charles J Cowanlab, an Indian, to slop th operation of th R mill. 10 mile north of Hlllsboro. was won by Cowanlab. Tb mill stands ou lead sold by Cowauiah. and ou whim he hold a mortgage for 94200 HI com plaint In the caae alleges that defend ants will abandon the laud after cut ting th timber and that bia security la Impaired Interest attache t tb caae from the Insanity charg brought against plaintiff by one of the opera torn of the mill. At the hearing he waa declared aaue and di barged Ida Kennedy did tbe talking fee the trie. Sb aad Lucy Queleite and Christina Pablo admitted filtering mone) ord-rs which their pareul in Montana h .d sent them. "W .. '! '. -J3tr money." abV told' tlio Ji.dge. "vVc ki w U . 't . . -..J. It wa ao very wiong." GROWTH OF DEPOSITS April 4, 1909 $226,078.74 ApriU, 1910 350,636.16 April 4, 1911 320.505.S1 April 4, 1912 341,620.99 April 4, 1913 374,293.54 A Rtrong, progrrtwive, growing institution, conducted nlong absolutely safe line, by men of move than ten year Western banking experience. New RtisincH Invited A. L. COCKRUM, President; T. TURNHUI.L. Vice President; C. E. KENYON, Cashier, H. B COCKRUM, Asst. Caahier; t. W. PLATT. Ass't. Cashier Excursions East VIA Union Pacific System Very low round trip faros to' DENVER, KANSAS CITY. ST. LOUIS, OMAHA. CHICAGO, MINNEAPOLIS and many other pointH. DATES OF SALE: May 7, 8, 10, 17, 24, 31; June 3, 7, 13, 14, 21, 28; July 2, 5, 10, 19, 23, 31; August 1,9, 10; 11, 16, 22, 28; Sept. 10, 11 Limit: October 31, 1913 Set any OBB0OM SHORT UMI ARent for further details THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Reaches Omaha and Points East THE DIRECT WA Y Cook with Electricity Our 3 1-2 and 3 cent rates make elec tricity the cheapest fuel on the market. No Smoke No Soot No Odor Perfect regulation of heat; Utensils are more easily cleaned; Kitchen is cool in summer; No danger of ex plosion or fire. The user of an Electric Kitchen Range may use an Electric Iron, Toaster, Percolator, ( hating Dish or Washing Machine on the range circuit at low cooking rate. Idaho-Oregon Light 4 Power COMPANY Ontario. Oregon THE ARGUS AND 5 OTHER PUBLICATIONS $1.50